Hogwarts Legacy - Mods Are Getting Out Of Hand...

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hey guys cookie here since we did our last mod video there have been loads of new mods that were added to Hogwarts Legacy some practical game changes or patches to improve the game's performance While others are just there to be bizarre and strange or maybe just hilarious anyways in this video I will be going over some of my favorites that have popped up since our last mods video so let's start out with one of the weirdest mods which is called year level change your height so there are two ways you can take this mod you can do it in the normal lore friendly way which just gives you the options between being a one-year student's height all the way up to a six-year student's height but the more fun option is to make yourself an ant-sized person or a giant person or have a giant head on an ant-sized person all of these options are pretty hilarious and work pretty well without screwing up your game's performance the only issue is that the clothing you wear won't change with you so you have to unequip the clothing find your preferred height and then put the clothing back gone and that seems to fix the problem my favorite has to be the big-headed little guy because you just look utterly ridiculous and yet I feel like you can come up with some sort of weird spell that you're under that made you look this way you could write a whole story about how you turned yourself into a mini Modoc if you get my Marvel reference anyway this is a really fun mod to mess with and might just be my favorite one that I found so far let's take a short break from the weird mods and talk about a couple more practical ones first off is the free fly mod this mod allows you to fly in places you weren't able to before mostly this mod is just good for allowing you to fly around hogsmeade which is pretty nice it is annoying in the normal game how you can't just jump on your broom and fly away after finishing your business in hogsmeade so this mod is a welcome change in that regard there are some other places I believe you can fly that are added because of this mod but you still can't fly indoors like throughout the Hogwarts Castle because I know I've tried but it's still a nice little quality of life change that adds a part to the game that really was missing also another other practical mod is the room of requirement of Grado mod in our last mod video we talked about the vivarium of Grado mod and its author is the same so this mod is very similar but for the entirety of the room of requirement instead this allows potions and herbs to grow much faster so that you can Harvest them almost instantly and unlocks all the different parts of the room of requirements so you can go to town on how you would like to customize the space this is great for all the Home Design aficionados who want nothing more than to let their design and personal artistic touches out into the game it's also a very long process to unlock everything by actually playing the game legitly so this is an understandable unlock even if you just want to have it so you can know what you want to focus on unlocking in the normal game this mod is a great tool there have been a bunch of new wand mods that have been added to Hogwarts Legacy and I picked out about nine of the ones that look the most interesting summer mods made famous by other fantasy franchises like the star wand from Disney which is about the right size for a normal one which makes it kind of fun to use and doesn't look too wonky although there is something strange about casting an unforgivable curse with a pretty looking star wand but if that's your thing it works just fine there's also the Loki scepter from The Avengers which looks pretty dumb because it's obviously too big to be a wand however there are a few animations that fit it perfectly unlike the star wand the unforgivable curses work perfectly with the scepter especially imperio since that was what the scepter was used for primarily in The Avengers film also some of the finishers look really cool with the scepter so if you're looking for a more dark story for your character receptor could actually be a very good choice being the Star Wars fan I am though you had to know that the lightsaber would be my favorite I'm a little disappointed that there was no lightsaber audio added to go along with it but some of the swoosh sounds of the one kinda go with it just like the scepter the lightsaber is far too big to look like a wand but it's still a freaking lightsaber so how much can you really complain where it looks the coolest in my opinion is in its use of protego which makes it look like you're deflect acting attacks with the lightsaber itself which looks awesome this version is Luke Skywalker's blue lightsaber but the author of The Mod did say they were looking into doing more lightsaber types in the future let's hope for that also in keeping with the Harry Potter franchise itself is the Sword of Gryffindor the sword honestly functions the same as the lightsaber it also looks cool when using protego but also looks extra cool in finishers especially the lightning from the sky so if you want to keep yourself somewhat lore friendly the sort of Gryffindor might just be for you other ones I found that were more bizarre than cool included the asparagus mod yeah this is this is pretty dumb it's a piece of asparagus I guess although it doesn't really look that green so it doesn't really stand out but you know if that's your thing I guess there's also a wand mod that turns it into a pencil if you want to write your opponents out of existence zing and another mod which turns your wand into the Wii mode from the Nintendo Wii this was my favorite of the odd one mods because it actually looks like your character is playing the Wii in an odd way with all those swooshes and stuff I don't know it kind of fits and being it is a video game is a kind of weird meta moment I don't know it looks funny anyway speaking of Wands in the last mods video we showed you the gun wand but it was missing sound well not anymore of your eyes that's right folks if Hogwarts Legacy seems too medieval and you're looking for something more Grand Theft Auto look no further not gonna lie this is pretty funny to use it works pretty well and does kind of feel like shooting a gun in a video game if the bullets were a lot slower and left ribbon Trails the wand motions also don't really match shooting a gun since you're just swinging it around and also oddly enough fits the game since when you're fighting enemies you are killing them so it kind of fits also if you're looking for something more Red Dead Redemption than Grand Theft Auto there's also a cult pistol gun mod that you can use and yes there's sound for that too this sound isn't as good in my opinion as the regular gun sound but it's a change of pace if you're looking for that now have you ever been casting Avada Kedavra and thought man my character doesn't say it with enough enthusiasm while this next mod will fix that for you that's right you get to hear Voldemort's famous Avada karavra from the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows film The enthusiasm of the moment and not to mention the meme of it all it truly is glorious Voldemort really knows how to put that whole umph into it I love this mod truly glorious there's nothing more to this mod and nothing more that needs to be said Voldemort would you say it one more time in the first mods vid we showed Shrek and Thomas the Train Engine as broom designs but in this video I give you the Ford Anglia broom mod I'm sure Ron's family won't mind if we take his car for a spin around Hogwarts just like the scene from Chamber of Secrets you too can ride a floating car around the entire map however it's not a seamless mod much like the Thomas the tank engine mod the car doesn't fit perfectly around your body as your legs will come out the bottom a little the one nice name of the mod is that your head actually fits almost perfectly in the driver's seat and from a certain angle you can actually look like you're driving the car the Ridiculousness would be about the same as the Thomas mod but this did happen in Harry Potter so yeah it's kind of lore friendly sort of if that matters to you this mod does have some lighting issues at certain angles but it's still pretty fun to break out and I think we can expect some patches on it in the future as well it also shows up in the background of the start screen so that's a fun touch from the unusual to the just downright wrong we have the body pillow mod yes you can ride your anime body pillow broom all over Hogwarts now yeah it looks just as wrong as you might imagine I hate this and love this at the same time it's hilarious looking from every angle I like to think that you could craft a story around this if you really wanted to someone has put a spell on their broom and created an anime body pillow to keep them company it would probably be very distracting while flying so I don't recommend and would bring a lot of attention to you and as we all know flying is a pretty public activity and anything done with a body pillow should probably be kept behind closed doors there is also a multitude of portrait mods there are lore friendly ish mods for this for Harry Potter Hermione and the one you're seeing which is Dumbledore some of them look better than others but they are a fun little addition they're also non-lore friendly ones like Nicholas Cage portraits either way these are a fun addition however most the ones I tried to get to work didn't and I deleted the Dumbledore ones and yet he kept coming back so yeah it's kind of creepy at this point now so not sure how I feel about this because it hardly ever worked right but if you can get the portrait mods to work they're a cool little addition but beware they tend to have a mind of their own the last mod we will look at today is Spider-Man yes this Mod's far from perfect there's texture issues on the hands and around the neck and of course it's missing the mask however you do get to play as Peter Parker I guess more than Spider-Man or should I say Peter Potter that's the name of the mod anyway this Mod's pretty fun seeing Spider-Man riding a broom feels like something straight out of Ready Player one but it's still pretty cool also the fighting reminded me of the Marvel Spider-Man video game since the combat controls are similar so if you want to reinvent that game in some way you kind of can but the funniest thing about it is seeing Spider-Man interacting in cut scenes with students in another life Peter Parker could have gone to Hogwarts and here's your chance to make that happen all right so what did you guys think of the mods I presented today did you think they were cool maybe useful maybe just dumb let me know in the comments down below also let us know if you want to see more videos like this about new trending Hogwarts Legacy mods and remember to smash the like button subscribe and hit the bell for notifications if you haven't already and we will see you in the next video [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: SwanyPlaysGames
Views: 494,666
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Keywords: hogwarts legacy, harry potter legacy review, hogwarts legacy mods, hogwarts, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy pc, hogwarts legacy pc mods, hogwarts legacy nexus mods, hogwarts legacy nexus, new harry potter game, harry potter, harry potter game trailer, hogwarts legacy drama, hogwarts legacy tips and tricks, hogwarts legacy things i wish i knew, hogwarts legacy trailer, hogwarts legacy news, hogwarts legacy update, swanyplaysgames, ps5, hogwarts legacy ps5, jorraptor
Id: k0fevsO6e88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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