Hogwarts Legacy | Spells Tier List w/Exact Stats

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hello everyone Plato here and today we will be taking a look at our spells tier list and all the juicy numbers behind the scenes remember that these tier lists are highly personal as we all have different play Styles once again all the credit for these in-depth numbers goes to user blabel on Reddit links in the video description below for the Reddit post as well as the full spreadsheet with all the data for all the Spells we'll be ranking we'll be taking into account their upgrades with the available talents and only the Spells we can apply on our spell wheels for use during combat prior to getting into the tier list we first need to discuss enemy crowd control States in Hogwarts Legacy we deal bonus damage when an enemy is crowd controlled the game adds two flat base damage to your attack and then multiplies to damage by 1.2 this results in a much larger relative damage increase for low damage spells like your basic cast than high damage spells this plus 2 damage and 1.2 x multiplier is applied to an enemy anytime they're crowd controlled from any source which includes being Airborne stun special vulnerability state for example lifting dug bugs by their tongue knock down freeze crucio Etc anything that takes away the enemy's ability to move and act normally count as a crowd control State this bonus does not stack from multiple sources of crowd control here's a quick example our basic cast as three base damage per hit if you are hitting a crowd control enemy the damage is first increased by two and then multiplied by 1.2 3 plus 2 is 5. multiply that by 1.2 we get 6 our damage is doubled if we take a look at a spell with a higher base damage like Defender which has a 45 base damage against a crowd control enemy 45 plus 2 is 47 we multiply that by 1.2 we get 56.4 as you can see the damage increase is only 25 percent as opposed to doubled with our basic cast this is due to the much larger relative damage scaling increase for low damage spells keep this in mind as we will be referencing the crowd control States during the Spells recover thanks again to blubble for testing which spells do apply the CC status or not I also wanted to quickly note that enemies take additional increases and damage in their special vulnerability State and this does stack with crowd control States if you want to know more about the vulnerability State damage multipliers check out the video description for all the links to get things started we'll go right off the rip with our damaging spells starting with incendio incendio has a base damage of 50 making it the second highest normal damage spell in the game the effective range for the spell is 500 and its cooldown is 8 seconds incendio also Burns enemies for 3 base damage per 3 seconds for 3 ticks and is great to deal with spiders and in fairies when we upgrade the Talon for the spell with incendio Mastery casting incendio now unleashes a ring of flame around you making it an AOE Powerhouse and also places enemies in a crowd control state while the range of incendio might be its biggest weakness supplementing it with accio to pull enemies towards you is a nice little combo as well as Dodge rolling into enemies with the Swift upgrade to get into range this is a solid a on our tier list as at the end of the day its range is lacking even if it is less of an issue with accio as you can't accio all enemy types to you next up is defendo quite possibly my favorite damaging spell in the game it has the third highest normal base damage with 45 a range of 3000 and a 15 second cooldown you'll also find that most spells have a range of 3000 as we continue this tier list when we upgrade the Talon for Defender with Defender Mastery it will now slice through impacted enemies to strike additional Targets this upgraded Mastery can be hit or miss at times sometimes I'll see enemies in line of sight and it works extremely well and sometimes it just whips regardless Defender with this amazing range and when combined with glaciers for that juicy damage multiplier and Frozen enemies makes it really satisfying to use Defender also places enemies into a crowd control State one of my favorite single Target damage combos in this game is opening up with a flopendo for a curse or any other spell that applies occurs then launch a glacious then defendo then a bombardo you can also one shot dugbox when you lift them into the air with Leviosa and follow up with the defendo slice I really did want to place this into Esther since it's my favorite spell but realistically due to the upgraded talent for the spell being so finicky I'll be slotting it into the a tier moving along to bombarda this spell has the fourth highest normal base damage with 35 a range of 3000 and a 15 second cooldown with the bombarded Mastery Talent it also causes an explosive blast with a massive AOE bombardo also places enemies in a crash control State Pro tip if you hit a burning in fairy with bombarda you will deal additional damage to them you can't really find a fault for the spell great damage great range great AOE decent cooldown and a part of that juicy single Target damage combo bombard in my opinion is the most well-rounded damage spell that we have S tier next we have confringo this spell has the fifth highest normal base damage with 25 a range of 3000 and a 10 second cooldown just like incendio confringo Burns enemies for three base damage for 3 seconds for three ticks and is great to deal with spiders and even more so in fairies with its upgraded confringo Mastery when upgraded confringo impacts produce fiery bolts that seek enemy Targets this means that most of the time you'll be able to at least put two to three in fairies on fire to be able to kill them with your other spells confringo also places enemies into a very brief crowd control state with its knockback and stagger while confringo may have a lower base damage versus its cousin in incendio the range and the upgraded Talent giving those additional bolts which do about half the damage of the initial hit makes this an a tier worthy spell for our last damage spell we have Expelliarmus this spell has the lowest base damage with 20 a range of 3000 and a 10 second cooldown Expelliarmus is one of those spells in the game that benefits from two talents the first one being ancient magic through expertise which allows us to throw disarmed enemies weapons and the second being disarming curse which lets us apply a curse to enemies that we hit with Expelliarmus Expelliarmus also places enemies into a crowd control State we can also use Expelliarmus on certain enemies like the ash Winder executions when they are charging their lightning attack this causes them to lose control of the lightning bringing down their own attack on them although Expelliarmus has a decent amount of utility it can be overwhelming to use effectively when things get hectic with it also being the lowest damaging spell in the game I'll be ranking this one into B tier we'll now be taking a look at our control spell starting with aresta momentum the spell has zero base damage with a range of 3000 and a 15 second cooldown a rest of momentum allows us to slow enemies by lifting them up into the air and with the slow curse Mastery we'll also apply a curse to the effective targets and put them in into a crowd control State you can pair a Resto momentum with other spells like depulso and descendo so that the floating enemies will take massive damage when slammed to the ground or to the wall even more so when they are cursed you can also use a rest of momentum on the last remaining enemy if they can be floated to finish them off with a petificest of Talus with all that said however I'll have to rank the spell into seat here due to levioso as levioso in my opinion is just a better version of Aristo momentum that said let's talk about levioso this spell has no base damage with a range of 3000 and a cooldown of 8 seconds when combined with the levioso Mastery enemies near a Target levitated by levioso are also levitated and this spell also puts enemy into a crowd control state ladioso is my go-to combo when it comes to using it with a spell like descendo levioso enemies and slam them to the ground while rest of momentum has the added benefit of cursing an enemy any enemy that we slam to the ground that is in the air will instantly die when you are a bit higher level into the game being able to float multiple enemies into the air is The Edge that this spell has over a rest of momentum a solid B on the tier list moving along we have glaciers this spell has no base damage with a range of 3000 and a cooldown of 10 seconds when combined with its Mastery striking an enemy Frozen by glaciers since blasts damaging shards outwards from the target I have to say that this Mastery for glacious is skippable and doesn't really impact the hotness of the spell the glacious Spell applies a frozen debuff on enemies causing them to take two times the damage while also putting them into a crowd control state do keep in mind that the two times damaged the enemies receive is only for your next attack glaces just like a rest of momentum will allow you to cast bertificates totalus on the last remaining enemy glaciers is one of the two best control spouts into the game and easily slots into the S tier 4's insane damage boost it provides for other attacks for our last control spell we have transformation this spell has no base damage with a range of 3000 and a 20 second cooldown with the transformation Mastery enemy struck with the transformation spell transforms into explosive objects this is a must take Mastery for the skill and this alone makes this an S tear spell but wait there's more transformation with its Mastery when combined with crucial and its Mastery as well as the blood curse Talent makes this your second Avada Kedavra with a 20 second cooldown the interaction is simple apply crucio to a high HP enemy spread the curse to as many enemies as you can you can even add curses from additional spells like arrester momentum then transform a cursed mob enemy into an exploding Barrel pick up the exploding barrel and watch as everything dies you can also use transformation on poacher animaguses to get them out of Beast form use it on your Phoenix or turn it into a pumpkin squash or a sack of gold and sheeps into a ball of wool S2 for our next section we will be focusing on our four spells starting with accio the spell has no base damage with a range of 3000 and an 8 second cooldown with its Mastery enemies near a Target summoned by Akio are also pulled to you Akio also places enemies into a crowd control State this spell is my go-to when comboing it with close range spells like incendio for example Akio is the best Force spell in the game a tier moving to our next four spell we have the pulso the spell has 40 base damage when pushing enemies into a wall and 80 base damage when pushing enemies into another enemy fun fact an additional 30 AOE damage will be added to the above base damages on impact when pushing a burning enemy into something the pulso has a range of 3000 and a 10 second cooldown the upgraded Mastery to the pulsal releases an additional blast directly around you the spell also places enemies into a crowd control State personally I am not a high octane deposit user during combat it's my least useful spell of the bunch mainly because I find its use in combat less consistent than the other four spells that said though I do see the appeal to the pulsing enemies into their own spells walls and off Clips when the situation calls for it but those situations are a dime a dozen by the time you try to set up the pulse so you could have already killed the enemy and moved on the pulso is the worst Force spell in the game in my opinion and I'll be slotting this into deter next we have descendo descendo has a base damage 11 when used on a ground level enemy and a 40 base damage when used to slam an Airborne enemy descendo has a range of 3000 and a 10 second cooldown with the descendo Mastery a descendo slam creates a damaging shock wave around your target the spell also places enemies into a crowd control state descendo is my go-to spell when comboing with spells that lifts enemies into the air like Leviosa lopendo and arrested momentum if you do happen to use descendo without lifting enemies into the air it still does some damage and still creates the damaging Shockwave if enemies are near B tier lastly for four spells we have flopendo this Bell has no base damage with a range of 3000 and one of the shortest cooldowns in the games with 5 Seconds with the upgraded Mastery and knockback curse fluffender will apply a curse to the targeted enemy lupendo also places enemies into a crack cradle State I feel like flopendo is a spell that gets overlooked quite a lot with its low cooldown it's super spammable to apply curses and CC enemies left and right it's also great versus dugbox and trolls you can flip dugbox and the club of trolls putting them into a vulnerability state for increased damage it's also my go-to curse application spell for my favorite one shot combo that I mentioned earlier info pendo glacias defendo and bombarda you can also use lupendo on cows if you haven't tried that yet go do it this one is another solid B on the tier list for me heading to our unforgivable spells we're going to start with crucial crucial is the highest normal damage dealing spell in the game with a base damage of 88 3000 range and a 20 second cooldown crucial also places all enemies into a crowd control State even if they are crowd control immune that's right for its 20 second duration every enemy in the game will not only take increased damage due to the curse effect but also the crowd control effect and don't forget the tick damage during this time as well with its Mastery striking an enemy cursed by crucial releases a projectile that curses nearby enemies Pro tip you can also go into an invulnerable State when casting the spell thanks to its animation this is one of the best talents in the game for any spell the spell easily slots into the S tier for our next curse we have Imperial this spell has no base damage with a range of 3000 and a 30 second cooldown with the Imperial Mastery any enemy under your control with imperio curses other targets with each successful strike the spell is another Banger Imperial an enemy you don't want to deal with right away for example a troll and watch as it just clears the battlefield for you I also like to Imperial ranged enemies for example the goblin archers so that he can apply curse to multiple enemies with ease Imperial will also allow you to use patificus totalis on any enemy if they are the last or only enemy left in battle just like crucio this spell will also place you into an adorable State when casted thanks to its animation s tier last but definitely not least we have Avada Kedavra this is the highest special damage dealing spell in the game with a base damage of 10 million 3000 range and a whopping 90 second cooldown with its Mastery killing an enemy with Avada Kedavra kills all cursed enemies yeah that's pretty busted but that's the killing curse for you open with the crucial on a high HP enemy spread the curse note that you can also use all of your other spells that will apply a curse here and fire your Avada cadaver and watch as nothing is left standing Pro tip you don't need to apply a curse on the enemy you target with Avada Kedavra to benefit from its Mastery this is sometimes helpful if you have enemies on opposite sides of the field and you can apply a curse on the last remaining Target you can also use a focus potion to reduce the cooldown from 90 seconds to 20 seconds for the spell easily asked here lastly we're going to mention our utility spells here as three of them can be used in combat we'll first start with disillusionment the solution mint has no base damage no range and a cooldown of 0.5 seconds this is the go-to spell when using a stealth build and with its low cooldown you can easily spam this during stealth combat pretty effectively if you apply the Ambush trade even though enemies can spot you as long as you're not fully revealed you will benefit from the damage increase and can easily one shot trolls with pratificus totalus when paired with the Ambush trait solid B on the tier list next we have lumos lumos has no base damage no range and a 0.5 second cooldown you may be wondering how is lumos used in combat ah well you see it's mainly for quite the cheesy interaction lumos is used for the cheese when paired with the focus potion Mastery this Mastery extends the duration of the focus potion when any spell from the spell set is cast during its use for example this means we can apply all three of our unforgivable curses and lumos into one spell wheel pop a focus potion spam all our curses then spam lumos to extend the focus potion duration and rinse and repeat a solid C on our cheese list for the last utility spell we have wingardium levioso the spell has the second highest special damage in the game with a base damage of 250 but only when dropping an item on an enemy the drop height does not matter this spell also does 15 base damage when you drag an item into an enemy and goes through Shields and breaks them as well this one is super funded cheese and can be quite entertaining to do when you're in stealth just like lumos imma slot this into C on our cheese tier list here's a look at our full spell tier list feel free to pause the video here to take a look or you can find the full link to this image in the video description down below before we end the video I wanted to discuss combos in Hogwarts Legacy more specifically late game 3-4 spell combos on Mob enemy types as I don't see this being mentioned a whole lot I took a poll recently regarding how useful you all thought three to four spell combos on Mob enemies were in the later half of the game compared to those same combos in the early to mid game the results were a favorable not as useful since most mob enemies die in one spell for example a really fun early to mid game combo on mod enemies can start with an accio into a descendo into a glacious into a defendo if you do the same combo in the late game they'll die instantly on the descendo cast the underlying cause for this is our insane player scaling we discussed in our talents tier list video while three to four spell combos are still great on higher HP Elite enemies like Doug Boggs ashwinder executioners and trolls we won't be able to utilize most of our force and control spells since these enemy types are too heavy to be affected by them unless they are placed into a vulnerability state for example lifting dug bugs by their tongue this is the main reason my go-to four spell combo for these enemy types are flopendo or any other spell to apply a curse into a glacious defendo bombarda or you can just ancient magic and veggie attack them off the face of the Earth two spell combos however are still great into the late game for example Akio into incendio so to everyone who is curious as to what combos look like in the end game my simple advice is to just not stress out about it and cycle through your spell wheels and use what's comfortable to you it's a real shame that we do lose that satisfying ability to chain combos later into the game simply because we get too strong that's it for this one guys thanks for coming to my second Ted Talk remember to check out that amazing spreadsheet by blabel for the full deep dive on all of the numbers links again are in the description down below feel free to check out any of my other Hardware Legacy content that should be popping up anytime now don't forget to like comment subscribe hit that notification Bell for the next Deep dive chairless video we'll be doing on talents I'd also love it if you could follow me on my twitch at twitch.tv Plato bear thanks again for all the support till the next one peace
Channel: PlayDohBear
Views: 196,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hogwarts, Legacy, Spells, Tier, List, Hogwarts Legacy, Spells Tier List, Exact Stats, With Exact Stats
Id: _aH3gNh25pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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