Hogwarts Legacy | ITS ACTUALLY REAL!

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it's real random Wizards in Hogwarts Legacy do actually have an evil side to them that you can actually see for yourself but almost no one has seen this until the past 24 hours because it is that rare to add to that there is something in Hogwarts Legacy that will actually take you by complete surprise and the community manager has shared something rather interesting on his Twitter page that has surprised most fans and lastly there is a huge hidden Easter Egg Slash I guess feature you could say that has just been discovered basically 48 days later that's how long the game's been out so turns to get through a like helps me out a ton but turn that into a dislike if you get to the end and you did not enjoy the video so first up the community manager for Avalanche who goes by the name of Chandler wood tweeted the following teased this stat in Friday's live stream but here's a very rough breakdown of ravelio in the first month of hog his legacy through March 10th more than 100 billion revelios cast Over 37 000 revelio cast every single second and more than 2.25 million revelios per minute now that is insane but I think it's safe to say that as crazy as this is and how bizarre I guess you could say on mind-boggling for the most part we all know that if you don't do revelio you kind of just I guess have that fomo right you have that fear of missing out on something so I personally always do it almost like every other second for the most part just in case because you can never be too sure but game rent has actually posted an article saying the following Hogwarts Legacy stats reveal surprising habits of max level players now it goes on to say the following Hogwarts Legacy achievements statistics have revealed that there are players who do not play long enough to actually hit max level in the game but actually Don don't bother spending any of their talent points the article then continues to say that it's been pointed out there are more Hogwarts Legacy players that have the achievement for reaching the max level of 40 then there are actually people who have spent all of their talent points in the game now I'm curious to know how you feel about Talon points in this game and if you've actually used all of yours let me know in the comments section below now random Wizards in this game do actually have an evil side but you can see for yourself but almost no one has seen it until the past 24 hours where it has basically hit the internet and has just been running from basically hitting the ground for the most part now one thing I do want to mention here is if we do quickly just sort of backtrack we know that previous release for this game we did actually intend for there to be you know a good and evil mode because it was pretty much portrayed there that was actually going to be the case but one thing I didn't genuinely expect is to see Random Encounters where I guess other students are genuinely just being incredibly evil so in the scene that you see in the background which I will play in for in a moment a slivering student is bullying a fellow student for being a Half-Blood now the former steals a book from the letter holds it out of his reach and then just burns it now the crazy part of that point is Professor black comes over and instead of repairing the book he actually just puts out the flames and his reaction is definitely not something that you expect or at least that you would think of anyway so check out the clip because it is very crazy can't see this being much good to a half blood what about you what do you think please just give it back why are you doing this it's cruel please Headmaster glaciers well they took my books I wasn't talking to you sir I connect I'm very sorry Headmaster my reputation at risk with your infantile antics Half Blood sir the wise Rabbit doesn't seek to outrun the tortoise because it's not necessary on your way and you their way so there you had it we kind of knew I guess Professor black isn't the kindest of people but again just seeing a random encounter like this is just awesome now as I mentioned it is completely random so there is no actual way to trigger it which means unless you are spending a lot of time exploring Hogwarts and constantly stopping to have a student speaking and interacting with each other you probably will never ever see this scene and there's so many other things in the castle that you can definitely walk around and if you just spend enough time you will see some pretty wild things now there is also something else in this game that has only just been found that shows you the level of detail that the devs have actually gone to basically to hide things in the game for you to randomly discover but before we get into that I want to share something really cool for all of your Harry Potter fans from one of our sponsors it is super super cool so let's roll the ad and then we'll continue so today's video is sponsored by private into internet access a VPN which 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Harry and his friends get 150 points taken away for sneaking around the castle yet I only get 100 for literally saving all of Hogwarts and it did make me laugh as let's be honest house points are for the most part pretty pointless to an extent but I wish they actually had more of a use case to where you are able to get a bit more creative and I guess have those more rewarding aspects to them too I guess whatever the challenge was for the most part and there's so many different elements on how that could have been integrated so again I'm very eager to see what they will do in either follow-up DLCs regarding that or potentially just the next installment in this series because again quick recap we know that WB Games see this game as an actual franchise which basically means this isn't the last Harry Potter game where guessing from them it just means how long will we have to wait until the next Harry Potter game basically or we should actually be using the actual phrase which is the next Hogwarts Legacy game now on the flip side we have another Reddit user who's basically venting on how after reaching level 40 it's basically just stale now the post says the following Debs please give me something to do with my level 40 character I've just finished my second playthrough of the game getting my character to level 40 and my second to level 39. don't feel like doing many of the Merlin trials in ancient magic hot spots again and while I obviously loved the game to have played it that much one thing I haven't actually seen discussed is the leveling system experience is tied directly to Field Guide challenges and Quest completion once you have completed a challenge you will get no further experience for doing more in that category so once you've finished your dueling Feats and killed enough of each enemy type you can no longer get experience from combat collect enough Field Guide pages to complete the challenge for Hogwarts and hogsmead and further Pages do not benefit you outside after completion that means that the amount of experience you actually gain is finite for example it's designed so that everything you do in this game actually gives you just about exactly enough experience to only reach level 40. so one that means if you don't want to complete certain parts of the game your character will never hit maximum level not finish in Merlin trials not only means you won't have Max inventory it also means you'll never get your last ever Talent Point vegetables are necessary number two when you get to level 40 you have nothing to do with your max power character the final boss is defeated side quests are all completed battle arenas are finished or Bandit camps are taken down you have nothing left if you did you wouldn't be at level 4 40. for me half of the fun of RPGs is building your character to whatever perfect build you want and the other half is getting to play the game and challenge yourself with that build in Hogwarts Legacy building the character up is a bit less fun when I have to grind Collectibles every game instead of grinding in the combat I enjoy and playing the game with your high-powered build that you've worked so hard for that just isn't satisfying when there's no game left to play anymore so I guess here is what I'm hoping in Hogwarts Legacy too number one maybe switch up the experience system so I can hit maximum level before the game is already over and I don't have to grind the parts of the game that I genuinely don't enjoy doing every time number two is DLC that adds level 40 end game content even just infinite battle arena would actually be satisfying to run through with my dark wizard build that got to play around with awesome Avada Kedavra curse combos for a whole two missions before the game was over and there was nothing left to do but fight the respawned band that camps now I do 100 agree with this and one thing that I know we are pretty much all on the edge of our seats for is for end game content where is that how soon will we get it because that for me especially is gonna be that game changing aspect too where whoever's actually reached level 40 can now go ahead and enjoy the further benefits of the game by simply being at that level but at the same time even if you exclude new content and things to do I do just think bringing back existing things that were already in the game that you actually got to play through but on the flip side now you actually just get to do it time over and time over so maybe you know sharpen up your skills Etc would be absolutely something I would want over brand new content if it was only going to be a handful of it for example so to give you some context I would rather all of the things that vanish in the game to just come back and you can play over and over again and then the new end game content I'd rather just say for like a sequel that's my opinion I'm curious to know yours let me know in the comments section below but what is crazy is there is a new area on the map that has been revealed but you can actually go to and there's a lot of questionable things going on because there are actually things happening at that location so go ahead and check out that video that you see on screen right now
Channel: SuperRebel
Views: 65,816
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Keywords: SuperRebel, just cause 3, Spider man ps4, just cause 4, just cause 3 multiplayer, saints row 5, red dead redemption 2, far cry 4, just cause 3 gameplay, just cause 3 cargo plane, mafia 3, just cause 3 easter eggs, gta 5, watch dogs, superrebel secrets, superrebel mods, just cause 3 funny moments, just cause 3 fastest car, watch dogs 2, bully 2, just cause 3 mods, assassin’s creed unity
Id: FYpzS8rdgzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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