Hogwarts Legacy - Angry Review

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Hogwarts Legacy it's done I hope you guys enjoy uh this one this game was longer than I thought uh but I've got uh it all done now so hopefully you guys uh like it uh if you want to support us directly if you like seeing these videos uh we got a brand new shirt in the store all three of us the whole crew had Rogues apparel click the links below and of course thank you to our sponsors at G fuel check it out guys I got our flavor right here I've been testing it it is delicious uh so yes stay tuned I don't have exact dates yet for the production cycle uh but as soon as I do you guys will be uh the first to know take pre-orders and everything I'll let you know um until then you can still support us by using our code it credits us and they know that you purchased it with us at 20 off guys for G fuel to help you get through some gaming sessions and I am just so happy and excited uh so it's time for the review enjoy [Music] oh I know right I hardly have time for myself anymore free time to do things God oh for the love of God help me he's been torturing me for hours shut up I know the worst one for me oh gosh what Professor Sharps obsession with taxes test this test that it's annoying yeah well I got a good setting but I'll see in the dining one later tonight oh yeah for sure for sure okay would you embarrass me in front of my friends you know what how about a little original momentum let's see how your pain threshold handles that huh snow burn Joe yeah why isn't anyone helping me oh hi Poppy what's up same old same old yeah it hurts so bad foreign guys quite simply there has never been a better Recreation of The Wizarding World or Harry Potter to date in video games before Hogwarts Legacy [Music] [Applause] thank you there she is beautiful I didn't know there was something in the water what is that is that a boat house it brings the movies to life and puts you as the central character in this open world RPG what is that worth to you if it's done right to me it's worth a lot as a fan of the franchise all right time for the championship yeah I got a bone to pick with you OJ the crosswalk Champion as if Hufflepuff slithering rules all right ready set dual crucial holy [ __ ] dude [Music] [Music] oh yeah oh what was that did I did I win [Music] it's absolutely amazing how detailed they made this like it's good that I already want to do some exploring and I don't want to miss anything and I want to look at every nook and cranny that to me is is a good start you're gonna spend 45 hours before you leave Hogwarts there's so much questions puzzles and hidden stuff and thievery you can literally explore all of Hogwarts Castle and the surrounding area and some towns too it is a Fan's dream come true and after all these years of average to [ __ ] Harry Potter games that I've had to play and endure Hey Joe oh man are you ready I'm not playing no stupid movie games you're not hell no I see well in that case expel Aromas [ __ ] again what the hell that's not even from Harry Potter [Music] what's a little spell of my own Joe only use it in time of emergencies and this is quite an emergency [Laughter] this is by far and away the best Harry Potter game ever lovingly created and crafted you can tell that Avalanche went above and beyond the Call of Duty here I'm afraid I can't tell you Lenora it's okay the expressions are pretty good you should have worked it out on your own you you nerve a I can be a bully bully [Music] there has been some controversy over the author's personal opinions but to me I think the Wizarding World has outgrown its creator this is one of the most diverse video games I have ever played far more so than the movies and JK has nothing to do at all with this game's development I rate games by their own merits how effective is a game and doing what it sets out to do and Hogwarts Legacy is a master class in exactly that Beatrice hello hello what's going on putting more than four to a tree by the way as a fifth year student of your own Custom Creation though sadly with no facial hair options I want to face your hair otherwise it doesn't look like me why is everybody going to be clean cut when they go to the [ __ ] because that's real life no now that I recall I don't think I remember seeing any goddamn kid in Hogwarts having a facial hair maybe they make them shave it there's that one kid with like the creepy mustache that everyone's like you should shave it but he won't you start your school year late like really late [Applause] you go here yeah in the new uh fifth year you're bigger than my dad so mom Hey kid you got a light I'm 12. can you at least be useful and you know that cute herbology teacher to go find out where she sauntered off to okay I don't know go now learning from the various professors in classes with over 27 different spells straight from the lore yes including the three unforgivable curses of the dark arts are you saying some spells aren't told to Hogwarts is it possible to learn this power not from a Jedi ate [Music] not only are these spells used for the excellent combat system which we will get there but they're also cleverly used for puzzles story progression and a variety of mini games and side quests of which there are a ton to do look I would have been happy with just a straight up Hogwarts experience right a vanilla story but Avalanche has gone much further and added so much extra value with the secret room of requirement foreign [Music] you've done it but what is it Deek isn't sure only one way to find out [Music] an area of the school that opens up to you as you progress that serves as your command center for your adventures you brew potions you cultivate plants and herbs all of these are little mini bits and you even engage in a pokemon-like game of collecting Fantastical beasts of which you can pan and you can feed and you can breed eat it yeah I'm gonna drink beer oh [ __ ] okay cute little animations for every single Beast just a wonderful wonderful experience go a little fly fly your flight it's cute though each giving you some unique crafting resources that help you with various power-ups in the game leveling your stats and Equipment everything has purpose potions and and throwing mandrakes that scream and and cabbages at people just throw cabbages for new ways to play together [Music] it's all really genius and more fun than I expected these side activities like Grand Theft Auto bowling it's it's here hurry up now God damn woman slam your ball into her ball [ __ ] oh yeah curling yeah we'll get like line it up and then just rip your ball in there oh [Music] all right all right a little gentle a little gentle with the balls as the game progresses The Story begins to unfold in these four trials which relate to an ancient magic that makes you special much in the same way that Harry was special many years after you must stop two or three villains Rockwood Harlow and bran rock all of which have plots of their own related to this ancient magic and oh while you attend classes meet new friends and help them resolve their own personal Journeys says there always been dark Wizards like Voldemort I can't imagine anyone as evil as he is Voldemort truly is evil but there's been far far worse here even at Hogwarts when my great great grandfather was Headmaster there was a fifth year not much older than you who did terrible and great things they possessed an ancient magic and they terrorized the area what kind of powers they would lift people up in the air and slam them into rocks until their bones were broken and their organs ruptured they would disintegrate the Flesh and the muscle and the bones right where people stood they would irreversibly turn people into chickens so they would die in the forest and even burn people alive they used the unforgivable curses every single day by the time they use the killing curse it could be considered a mercy they were pretty evil and these were students what happened to them well they got away with it I mean the grown-ups at Hogwarts don't really care what the students do on a day-to-day basis or really ever They Don't Care About Us no why do you think the mortality rate at Hogwarts is so high you've died almost died every single year you've been here some are certainly better than others some coats pride and joy he would never have let that happen I particularly like Sebastian's for obvious dark wizard reasons hahaha [Laughter] you are all dead now you are on my [ __ ] but they were all fun for me to one degree or another and there's plenty of side quests from other students in the school like little bits here and there yes you were so [ __ ] first try baby anybody says anything otherwise anybody says otherwise Joe's Banning you I think it was 17th try but if you subtract the seven from the second integer first try yeah that one time Indian there are enemy camps littered throughout the landscape they Grant you even more special abilities there are creepy caves with [ __ ] spiders [ __ ] that nope yeah that's scary crazy pissed it off oh no thank you Expelliarmus spiders are not cute there's nothing cute about spiders and various puzzles littered all throughout Hogwarts Castle that unlock doors and Grant you even more loot and even some old ancient Merlin ruins that expand your inventory capacity that you're gonna need though I am disappointed that there's not a more cool reward if you do them all like I don't know Merlin's wand or some Merlin threads that would have been cool dream to some a nightmare to others I think though what surprised me the most about Hogwarts Legacy was how fun the gameplay of the combat is with spell slinging they certainly have come a long way I remember when they were doing field tests at malls I heard this news story they let people play and they would give them their feedback on the game well they certainly used it to great effect because somehow the combat has gone from this ah to this [Music] stop right now [Applause] [Music] very cool and engaging combinations that allow you to do wild things like warping and turn someone into an explosive Barrel pick up that explosive barrel and slam it into another guy and they both explode and die Transfiguration ball [Laughter] turning somebody into a barrel and then slamming them against somebody else is so [ __ ] cool and then you hit someone with a few curses and then you light another guy on fire and then you slow time on that guy while he's on fire so he burns to death in the most painful way oh while you take out other enemies with standard wob blasts and stupefy he said stupefy he said it he said the thing Stupify stupid fight stupid fight does that seem normal to you does that seem Harry Potter to you Superfly Superfly stupefy Stupify you can also cast spells silently Stupify with with block and Perry Bubbles and shields it's a cool mechanic it makes for just about the best video game implementation of spell slinging that I've ever seen [Music] [Laughter] draws me nothing to me you thought the power of God Joe is infinite Unlimited I am also absolutely floored with how fun it is to fly I actually didn't even expect the freedom like this with the flying brooms oh my God Joe as if you didn't like Harry Potter enough already now there's [ __ ] Krakens [Music] we're a pirate wizard ah that wasn't too bad and it's so damn well implemented and fun you can even ride some mounts your beasts in the very same way but only far more magically all right she's like why are you thinking about that order people could see us from the castles like enjoy the [ __ ] right look at this view who the [ __ ] cares just like it's his castle who cares this is amazing I've always wanted to fly in Harry Potter games I've said it almost every single time we play a shitty one and here it is implemented at a 10 out of 10. oh [ __ ] he saw me a [ __ ] living he saw me a living there we go now this is POD racing I honestly thought the loot would be [ __ ] in this game but I'm how happy to report that surprisingly there's plenty of cool hats scarves robes clothing glasses that you can equip and smartly there's even a transmog system that lets you change whatever is the highest gear level to look exactly like your favorite pieces that you've acquired so far even if you destroy these older pieces later it's still there to be worn in the transmog system more games need to do this and understand why it's needed 36 one up I'm looking like an idiot I got tired of transmogging so I was like whatever whatever have on I have on what I would never get tired of transmogging because I don't want to look like an idiot my guy's pretty powerful call me what you want please make sense Joe Joe [ __ ] it thank you so much for that donation thank God this game was no microtransactions all right all this would be ruined about the only Annoying limitation here is how damn quickly you will feel your limited inventory slots leading to you to miss some loot if you aren't careful about going to shops and doing some selling before going on longer adventures and battles your gear slots are full how can this happen to me well you only get us 20 gear spots and they give us no goddamn storage all right I'm gonna trust in you I'm gonna [ __ ] delete one of these gloves I'm gonna delete the this glove there's a fast travel through flute Flames from the films don't forget to speak very very clearly diagonally one thing that I absolutely must give credit to is the 10 out of 10 music every [ __ ] track is so magical and beautiful that it fully elevates the gameplay in anything you're doing be it flying with its own beautiful track oh find it oh [ __ ] oh I gotta go I got a speed boost exploring the Hogwarts grounds lady being burned alive she's thrilled oh no why is she doing that and why is this the roof is on fire or fighting in intense combat good afternoon incinerate them with ancient magics this lady would be like what dog pleasure hey oh my God turn him into a chicken now eat it it cannot be understated how damn good the music is and it will likely be one of the better more appropriate video game soundtracks of the Year time just [ __ ] flies man the quests they're interesting you show me your private room telling me look what am I supposed to do I think this is a [ __ ] trap this is a trap gonna get expelled there's a ton of attention to detail there's a reason to reveal things all around you these are the Hallmarks of a good game you really do feel like a student learning stuff and going on adventures and there's plenty of secrets that you're let in on and shown and and told to keep secret and it has cow tipping there it is [Laughter] oh my god oh no and of course dancing [Music] just showed send a [ __ ] up like a kite living but seriously next game I want to be a house elf and I want to start the house elf Revolution okay how's else does deserve more respect and then like like dick dick deserves respect league has some exciting get your dick away from me what is it dude hello Deke Professor Weasley said you had an idea indeed dick does grab your dick and wave it around you need to shave your dick with manscape manscape grab your uh 20 off code with Angry Joe show now experience and a stuff that only a video game can do this well for the Wizarding World like how the castle literally transforms before your eyes in various places just like in the films hell it even looks better than it did in the films with the Aging CGI to diagonally [Music] all of this praise and positivity does that mean the game is perfect [ __ ] no it's it's not but there's something always that you're going to want to wish for that the game had right but for me the biggest missing bit is Quidditch oh and one more thing due to the unfortunate injury on the pitch in last Spring's final this year's quidditch season has been canceled [Music] it's not as though I've been in game explanation for y'all not wanting to develop the Quidditch game video game reviewers can see right through that [ __ ] it's like they talk about quitters all the time and there's tons of side books and and papers on it but unfortunately you don't actually get to play the famous sport man that would have put this game absolutely over the top I can only hope that perhaps it'll be in an expansion or a sequel I've always found field trip goes hand in hand with Mastery as I'm sure the Quidditch players amongst us would agree uh there are no quidditch players Among Us there are also other bits like only a single voice to choose from at the start of a game like and the pitch ship off option that's there to help alleviate that is really really bad I am indeed a student but I could very it was wonderful I believe I'm really going to enjoy this class it sounds well it sounds pitch shifted yeah a few cobwebs and some dust nothing that was quite something I'm eager to get dogs meeting the girl's voice doesn't sound as bad but nothing to be concerned about guys yeah that was quite something it's also a huge huge shame and loss to the immersion when the other students they don't exactly react to any of the Spells you throw it would have been so fun as hell to mess with the other students like a bully or a menace foreign I wish they would react though that's weird I wonder why they made that choice even if it's just one or two generic canned animations or or lines where they say hey cut it out or or you know [ __ ] it if you want to go hard like have a cop or an auror I think they're called us and have them show up like and then spell fight you if you like get too far with it and then throw your ass and Azkaban and then you could expel from school yes it may end the game but it's a fun thing that should be there for immersion and World building's sake [Music] and by that token there doesn't seem to be a real morality system other than you choosing not to use the curse spells which would be dumb as [ __ ] right it would have been awesome to see a deeper morality system more branching choices in the story and consequences you know for stealing [ __ ] as I literally stole anything not nailed down hell right in front of the Daft [ __ ] thank you CEO Ryan and that's another thing is that nobody reacts to anything which I could like when you're when you're doing your spells the kids will react you can levitate them and you can do all this other stuff that'll be cool and you bully him yeah that's for ripping me off [ __ ] surprise what your parents kind of believe it what yeah be right it's also quite sad being the pack rat that I am and the huge lewd [ __ ] that there doesn't seem to be an inventory box at the room of requirement sure there's a lot of [ __ ] decorations but you're telling me not a single [ __ ] box that I can store [ __ ] in and stuff that I don't want to sell boo because that's mine that's my stuff it's all mine uh what the [ __ ] this is my [ __ ] room dick you spilling all over my carpet I should ask you about changing the rooms my dick's a little messy finally the big Sorting Hat opening that every student at Hogwarts has to go through is mostly just a cosmetic thing sure there are unique common rooms to Marvel at and I loaded a save for each of these just to see them but other than a few lines of dialogue here and there and a single house specific quest of which Ravenclaw and hufflepuffs are the best there's one where you get to see Dementors and and Azkaban well all I got to do is go to some shitty stingy cave [ __ ] yes that's a pretty sweet part about being Hufflepuff you're gonna go to Azkaban yeah what yeah that mission with the Headless guy like yours is different I went to uh yeah all of the houses have different starting quests so you went to like this weird cave you got you were fighting a bunch of frogs and there's like this little cave one yeah so you all I always end up in the spider cave after the fact but the intro is different so for Slytherin you go to the cave for Ravenclaw you talk to you nearly headless Nick for Gryffindor and then he went to Azkaban yeah I went to go talk to Ann or something she was crazy what I wish there were just a few more house specific quests and maybe a house real point system right that the teachers can delve out and can be used next time to I don't know help each faction feel a bit more unique I'm in first place with 472 points Slytherin house [Applause] guns Slytherin well done Slytherin however [Music] Gryffindor wins a house cup [Music] s [Applause] [Music] hey yo what the [ __ ] however on the whole with so much done right these don't really take away from the experience I mean after all I do want a [ __ ] game at some point and not being developed for 10 [ __ ] years and never coming out with all the demands and [ __ ] that I can think of to pack into a Harry Potter game but holy [ __ ] this is the most solid foundation for the future I've seen in a long time a masterful recreation of the World by fans for fans with the big budget and features to back it up I can already tell you to go out and get this game the amount of love and effort that went into it is nothing short of amazing Simply the Best Harry Potter game ever made and that is why the final verdict for Hogwarts Legacy is a 10 out of 10. that's right badass seal of approval and that doesn't mean it's a perfect game it is a Legendary game on my scale which is what I compare other games within its genre too does things better than the movies it makes you the star of your own movie it authentically recreates the bull the the world in the best way possible honestly it comes out with the heaviest hit it could right at the beginning and I don't even know how they could do a sequel this thing sold like 12 million copies in two weeks 850 million dollars I think they might get a sequel right but honestly when you recreate the castle so well and we've already explored it and we've already learned all 27 of the Spells what are we just gonna relearn the spells in a sequel and re-walk around the city and in Castle it's really hard to do almost they they put everything out there the first time maybe they could go and I don't know do the school in America explore areas of the lore that has not yet been explored that would be [ __ ] amazing even though that school name kind of sucks it's what is it called I don't know you you tell me okay until then I'll see you guys on the next Angry Joe show now if you'll excuse me I have a certain duel to complete with another wizard oh Jay oh Jacob mayor I just learned a new spell it goes something like oh [Music] so something like that okay oh Jay where are you okay come here [Music] did I did I win [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 1,350,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GB07XyVMZc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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