How Good is Hogwarts Legacy 100 HOURS LATER?

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I've got a hundred dollars to play time in Hogwarts Legacy I've completed 100 of the collection in the field guide that all Main and side quests explored every nook and cranny of this game and I'm on my second run of it so I'd like to think that makes me qualified to give an honest review of the game so is the game good yes JK rolling I shot at the game as a Ravenclaw character wanted to be true to my Pottermore account so that's what I went with before finding out that it turns out that's the worst house to be in honestly I don't really care I enjoyed it nonetheless so if you haven't played the game yet don't listen to these worthless articles focus on your own experience that's what I did and I had a blast the Character Creator is quite good nothing too exceptional though the customization is what you'd expect from today's standards customize hair complexion skin color eyes and all that jazz however something that I've realized is that I think it's quite weird that the male characters possessed would seem like almost model life features while the female characters are made to look a lot more childlike in comparison I don't mean to say that there's something wrong with this I just found that there was a bit of a disparity in the customization options the world is incredibly alive it's immensely rich and there's always something going on around you from conversations between characters students either playing around practicing quidditch ghosts going around the castle and even overly aggressive statues that beat each other up no that's the next level of frustration right there if you take the time to fully appreciate the world and pause for a moment wherever you might be in it it allows you to Value the detail put into this game especially when you realize the scale of it it's by no means a groundbreaking overly huge world but for its size it's done right and that's what matters I don't mind the game being ambitious but I do want it to be good and fun luckily this game had its priorities straight fun first and ambitious second as everyone knows this franchise was already massively successful and with that comes expectations for example hogsmeade Hawks meet besides the castle is one of the most recognizable and perhaps one of the locations that most people were excitedly anticipating to visit and what a treat it was to actually get to visit it was really well made the decision to be able to walk into almost every house and Shop was a great one because we don't get to see much of hawksmeade in the actual movies also you have plenty of places that will be locked until your alhamur spell level is high enough for you to be able to explore it further thus emphasizing replayability and keeping those is relevant until the end of the game the one thing that bothers me about hawks me though as well as a few other areas is the fact that there's a flight restriction for some reason I get it with the edges of the map but other than that I tried hard to find a reason as to why that might be the case but I couldn't see any there are even mods that have been released that have removed this restriction but I I guess we'll never find out why I've got plenty of good things to say about the game but since I've touched on a negative point I'll keep going in that direction for a bit I've played the game on PC and I've had some performance issues notably in both Hawks meet and the Hogwarts Castle seeing that other platforms are seeing none of these problems I don't understand why that could be the case for PC however it's nothing to rage about as much as some of the exaggerations the Reddit basement dwellers are coming up with other than that there's some cloth mechanics that are kind of messed up and a broom bug that I experienced that made my character into a blow up doll and lastly the lighting was very messed up at times if you came out of a dungeon or an indoor space and the outdoors were bright during daytime your screen would flash because of the contrast of the environments in it at times if you character's hair is too bright like bleached blonde you'll just look very out of place the only other point that I'm negative about is the main story spoiler alert if you do not wish to know about the story and be spoiled pause the video now and skip to the time on the screen the story is not bad however it's not great enough for me to actually care about the end result first I know jack [ __ ] about how my character came to Hogwarts and why he came so late I'm guessing the reason as to why we start as a fifth year is because they're supposed to be more knowledgeable and have access to a wider array of spells but there's a huge plot hole in regards to who you actually are putting that aside yeah it's interesting how is Adora came up with the magic that would remove pain and not realizing the side effects that this dangerous magic might have and even Sebastian's sister scare storyline was probably the point of the story that I was the most drawn into but this is because you are made to care about the characters and then throughout the development of the story you see them walk a darker path which leaves you at a point where on one hand you understand their pain and frustration and what their lives to improve or to go back to how good their were before but on the other not all ends just to find the means however when brought to the present ranrock and Victor ruko admit for very weak antagonists especially when we've been introduced to ones like Voldemort before I just don't think they were intriguing enough I think it would have made for a far better story if we could have somehow fought Isadora in the present or some form of her ghostly specter because with her story there's at least some level of empathy which makes her more relatable while Rookwood is just a [ __ ] and Round Rock is a grudge-holding set boy now that combat is incredible before the game released I could see that this was what was worrying people the most but at that stage we have never actually seen someone good at the game playing it like that sad video that IGN released of the dragon fighting ring mission who the [ __ ] hired that guy at first it took a while to get used to the combat it was somewhat of an RPG combat system hybrid with Souls like game mechanics like dodging rolling and parrying which made it quite challenging at first I got used to all the mechanics and the best part for me was actually being able to switch sets of spells on the go made from my spell combinations to be much more satisfying in finding out the interactions between certain spells and the types of enemies you fight that much more rewarding at first with my Ravenclaw character I was a good little boy I made all the right dialogue decisions didn't use any of the unforgivable curses except on the dark Hearts Arena but on my second run on my Slytherin character meet big dickers the biggest Slytherin douchebag that has ever enrolled at Hogwarts the sky is an absolute prick constantly being a dick to all NPCs for jokes demanding compensation or keeping whatever it is he was collecting every time he did a favor for someone and when he stepped onto the arena [Music] yep combat stop flying is probably going to be your main method of transportation you'll have in this game safe to say that's what I used all the time I love the races but it's a bit lacking since there's only three challenges besides the one flying related side quest in the game I expected to have more content relating to Flying since we already knew that we were not getting quidditch I would have even been happy with something like the Rings in the PlayStation 1 Harry Potter game but hey it is what it is I ended up not using my mounts as much as I thought I would I can't really Point as to why I just like room riding more I guess there's just something about having a big thick stick in between your legs that makes it much more of an adventure there are plenty of activities to do besides the main quest storylines you get to meet a few of your classmates doing these and you actually gain access to more spells through side quests and you get to know more about the lore of the land you have activities like Merlin trials ancient magic hot spots treasure vaults Landing platforms astronomy tables Bandit camps breeding and capturing animals customizing a room of requirement and a few others that are related to your side quests something that's fun for a while but gets old quick are the Merlin trials especially because it requires a consumable mellow sweet leaves that you can grow through your herbology table at your room of requirement if you are completing these and you happen to run out of leaves you got to go back to your room of requirement wait 10 minutes for the plant to grow and then you can resume them I don't actually get this especially on a single player game if you're playing an online game like an MMO I completely understand why something like this would have time limits since you don't want players to go through all of the content so quickly and you want to make the experience more of a journey nevertheless this is a single player game so why would I have to wait for my plans and potions to be made since there's no competition it just feels like a barrier for the sake of having a barrier the rest of the content is actually pretty fun it encourages exploration and since there's so much that you can do many of the times you end up getting sidetracked from the thing you were actually trying to get done in the first place another Big W for Hogwarts Legacy was the implementation of transmogs being able to change your look to whatever it is that you liked was a really good choice I've always had the stance that the least amount of barriers you have in a game and the more agency you give to players the better as long as it doesn't break the flow of the game and it still keeps the theme of it going personally I wanted my characters to look like normal students so much of the outfits that I have even though I have all of them I never use them at all with the exception of The Relic house rope you get by completing one of the hardest side quests in the game look at this Ravenclaw rope it looks insane however some of the other customization options look really cool I personally love that you can even customize the type of one handle you have I most likely spent more time on that than I did on any other type of customization for my character I just wanted to be a regular ass student at school so I could blend in everyone else is wearing the normal uniform so so shall I at most I'm wearing regular boring black gloves I just add the fact that you can also upgrade your equipment to add more offense value and include some extra perks to each piece of gear as another layer of customization that pushes you just a tiny bit more in the direction of feeling like a really powerful wizard if Avalanche makes more games in the Wizarding World in the future or adds more content to Hogwarts Legacy these are the improvements I'd like to see first the comment Arenas need more challenges per Comet Arena you only get one layer of challenge which I thought was very underwhelming I expected it to get much harder and for the enemies to at least scale with your level number two is the map although it is quite good when doing my completionism chores I got very confusing at times I think it would have been better to just have an option where you could sort out what you want to display it on the map third more flying content there's not enough to do when it comes to Flying I love the races and the balloon popping thing was I was odd but there's just not enough to keep you going besides moving from point A to point B four no flying restrictions and they don't make any sense and are just absolutely unnecessary number five I'd love to see a multiplayer mode where dueling is possible like what we witnessed in the dark cards classroom and lastly broom racing multiplayer mode where you could customize your own courses kind of like Mario maker I would love to queue up and race other people around the world and to explore different and much harder courses I hope you guys enjoyed the video first time doing this animation type of video so let me know if you like it I I think I might stick with it [Music]
Channel: Soullus
Views: 742,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy, harry potter, Hogwarts
Id: e67rWjVqOPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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