The HK P7-Family of Pistols

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welcome alarm solutions today we're looking at the hkp 7-series pistol 1976's pistol hit the market is the police self-loading pistol or PSP this was a very very unique pistol in several aspects first off this pistol is not recoil operated this is which referred to is gas operated blowback we also have what's referred to as the squeeze Cocker now when you squeeze the clip when you squeeze you can see on the back here you can see the firing pin protrude from the rear so when the trigger is pulled you see that it fires anytime you squeeze the cocking handle you're able to see that the firing pin previously you know what condition that you're in new release pistol is now decock so you're not carrying a pistol in a cocked position it's not cocked until you squeeze and you're ready to go this is a 9 by 19 caliber 9 millimeter NATO caliber it's about 27 points 7 ounces it's relatively heavy you have a steel frame and you have a steel slide about 6.5 inches the barrels 4.1 inches and with a width of one point one inches and you have a eight round magazine now this particular one is the p7 yes a lot of miles we're gonna discuss a little bit they're a little bit different higher magazine capacity and whatsoever but you have a very very interesting pistol here a little bit of a personal note on this pistol during my training is a French confirm examiner I had my training period that I was in and what part of my final exam was to have my boss take this pistol apart and then for me to put it back together with no instructions now to my understanding still to this date this pistol has more person and the pistol in the face of the earth so I had to put this back together not knowing anything about it and that had many diagrams it took me about a day and a half to get this sucker back together so this is a very complex pistol in the way that's manufactured especially with those numerous number of pieces a 1979 this was adopted by gsg-9 German Special Forces again Germany has a history of utilizing their own weapons manufactured in their own plants they tend not to buy a lot from foreign companies which why should they they've heckler & koch right there so you have one of the world premiere manufacturers right in your own back door the system is referred to as gas delayed blowback basically you're gonna see if you see the diagram you have here you have a gas cylinder it's made up between this area here in this area here and as you'll see from the photograph you'll see that there is an operating rod that's attached to the front of the slide then you have a piston that's it makes up the gas cylinder between the back of the piston and the back of the frame so when the pistol fires you have a gas port the gas goes down into the gas port and it fills up that chamber and what that does is that holds the slide closed until the bullet exits the barrel Susan both exits into the atmosphere the gas pressure drops a lot of this slide to come back extract inject and to recall spring to love the slide to go forward a fee another round another interesting aspect about this is the barrel the barrel is also a polygon type barrel I am a horse sight barrel for extraction there is a system has been used that many machine guns for years there's a system which referred to it was a fluted chamber basically as you can see from the photograph we have no more saloons to go all the way around the chamber what happens is when the bullet fires gas goes back into those flutes and it impinges on the brass to push the brass out of the chamber in which basically extractors not doing a lot of the work most of the works being done by the chamber pressure in the flutes making it such so reliable the ancient case that made demonstrations with this pestle where they remove the extractor altogether and the pistol will still function due to the flutes now is your merit bill to see from this cartridge case notice these lines that you see on the cartridge case these are the flutes and where you see the burn marks is where the gas impedes under the cartridge case to push the cartridge case out of the chamber so those 18 flutes make a very big difference in reliability the fact that a pistol will still function without an extractor is absolutely extraordinary now there's others that one major benefit to this system and there's one sort of a setback now due to the fact that the barrel is in a fixed position it's not moving the pistol is extremely accurate the barrel that does not have any any movement whatsoever so which keeps it true the bad part is the way this gas system works you're going into a metal frame that causes the frame to heat up very very quickly so does not take that many rounds for this sucker to be able to heat up and you'll be able to see from the shooting video that we're doing the differences in the heat what the actual temperatures are from you slide into the frame the grip Cocker itself basically has two pounds - but you pull it inward and as you can see the striker is in the rear position now this can be fired in a couple different ways one all the way to the rear and then you can push the trigger the next way is to is you can hold the trigger down and then pull the striker back and it will fire as well so you have a couple different ways that they can fire your magazine release on the p7 is on the bottom push inward and we have an eight round magazine now there's no manual safety on this pistol all everything is done with the grip safety so that makes this pistol very mu dexterous the fact that you have your magazine releases on the bottom either hand and you have grip Kocher and you have no manual safety so completely ambidextrous we're going to show this assembly this pistol which is very very simple then we're gonna remove the magazine check again for safety no brass no ammo we have a button as you can see this position right here we're gonna push it inward on that button push back and we're gonna lift out so here we have the recoil spring and we have the pistol as you can see the barrel is in a fixed position now looking at the slide you can see your operating rod then there's a channel that goes into right in the frame again the gas impedes pushing forward on this operating rod and again once the ball reaches the atmosphere and the pressure is drop that allows the gas to escape and the slidin to do a very order and what you would expect from agent K you have just extreme quality you have no machining marks very very well made this has a loop finish on it did you see by looking close in here you can see the precision machining you can see we don't have a lot of external parts but once you take these grips off you have tons of parts so for reassembly we're gonna take the recoil spring we're gonna slide that back onto the barrel just give me a little bit tricky here because you got to get that ring to lie at the piston as well and there you have it all there is to it once the piece up and hit the US market there were some immediate changes that need to be made for the American market which introduced between 1982 and 83 mile p7 m8 basically what we did was I took the magazine to release from the bottom to the side and it was also a heavy dexterous and a larger trigger guard and also the trigger had to have a synthetic heat pad put in here as well as I told you that with a sink he's up you can get awfully uncomfortable so there's that a keypad that was placed up here to protect the shooters hand from the heat the next model that came into the market was the p7 m13 which basically was the p7 m8 with a 13 shot magazine that was something that was necessary to for the higher capacity now for as far as the feel of the guns concerned it definitely did widen the grip up but for somebody who had my size hands it was comfortable the next model was the p7 m13 SD which made for use for the sound suppressor pistol we got noticed during the movie die hard the hans gruber had one of these stainless steel versions of the p7 m8 which was which certainly was iconic for as far as a movie and also was iconic first far as the interest in the pistol and then in 1991 came the p7 m10 which was a double stack 40 S&W they gave you a 10 round magazine of the powerful 40 S&W ammunition this pistol has been in very limited use and the reason being was cost this was always an expensive pistol regards to why it was manufactured I can remember probably around 1991 or 92 to 83 aerial / gunshot these were well over $1000 well these unfortunately were on a production right now you're looking at probably around $4,000 to start with for any one of these HK type models so the price has definitely gone up there were adapted very limited by police departments like a lot of H&K weapons just due to the fact of the cost you know H&K is always made absolutely incredible weapons but their cost is up there you know when you look at it you can see you can see that the quality's there you can see the German engineering is definitely superior to a lot of countries in the world but the pistol right now remains a kurz item I I don't see this pistol ever coming back I just just due to the cost the cost of this today probably would be well over $2000 is there any what it was back in you know back in the 70s 80s and 90s we're getting knows where take this thing out to the range never to see how it shoes now the a mission I used with using what this was the Black Hills 115 grain Full Metal Jacket and at a time I was up there with his pistol I also had my lab radar it's going to see the velocities out of this small barrel and we have hundred fifteen grain bullet with them without average velocity of one thousand six three feet a second so let's see how it shoots slides a hundred in twenty three frame 104 degrees so which means because you have the expansion chamber down here where the gasses this frame is extremely hot to be able to hold especially with rapid fire shot excellence really shot better than I did yeah these pistols I've I've used them for quite a bit of time I have never owned one it was for me I had a hard time with it just with being I having to grip that and being able to shoot well with it it just didn't fit me very well I certainly always enjoyed shooting him by the crime laboratory I worked for in Wisconsin we have one of the largest reference collections in the country we had all the different models of the p7 series so I had an opportunity to play with pretty much all of them you know recoil is very moderate on these do the fact that this barrel is in a fixed position the recoil comes back at you it doesn't snap up at you like one of the mr. browning type of the browning type locking mechanisms do so the rig code does hits you in a different way but the accuracy is incredible you don't want to use lednice this does have the polygon type barrel and them so you do not want to shoot light of them now currently Walter has a model CCP which utilizes the same operating mechanism so the piss of this system is still in use today very very limited but it's still in use today however that pistol uses a conventional barrel so you can utilize light ammunition in it you know first are just being gas operated the way the location of the gas part is such that it would not be affected by a line bullet but due the fact yet a kind of rifling you have you definitely need to stay away from the lid ammunition with it I do want to thank Henry over at 9 hole review for loaning me this pistol these are very rare to come across when you come across it was very rare to find somebody who will actually let you shoot one so definitely thankful for having the opportunity to take a look at one of these and I do hope at some point to go find one of the 40 calibers because that's that's the whole interesting animal on itself do the fact you have the heavier caliber you compare the recoil impulse to that versus a Glock R versus a beretta or versus anything else is in 40 caliber it's a very unique feel to it I hope you all enjoyed this video if you do please click like and subscribe and even better share thank you you
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Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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