History of the Slug Club (+All 27 Members) - Harry Potter Explained

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hey everyone welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory today we're going to be discussing Professor Horace Slughorn and his famed slug Club a club which can best be described through the wise words of Albus Dumbledore Horace said Dumbledore believing Harry with the responsibility to say any of this likes his comfort he also likes the company of the famous the successful and the powerful he enjoys the feeling that he influences these people he has never wanted to occupy the throne himself he prefers the back seat more room to spread out you see he used to hand-pick favorites at Hogwarts sometimes for their ambition or their brains sometimes for their charm or their talent and he had an uncanny knack for choosing those who would go on to become outstanding in their various Fields Horus formed a kind of Club of his favorites with himself at the center making introductions forging useful contacts between members and always reaping some kind of benefit in return whether a free box of his favorite crystallized pineapple or the chance to recommend the next junior member of the goblin liaison office but before we dive into the club any further I think we should first examine the man behind its creation Horus Slughorn Professor Horace eugenius flacus Slughorn was a pure blood wizard born sometime in the late 1800s in his youth Slughorn attended Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin house during his time at the school he was said to be particularly skilled in the art of potion making years later in 1931 the Slughorn returned to Hogwarts to serve as potions master and head of Southern house he remained in this position for nearly five decades as far as physical appearance is concerned Slughorn was certainly hard to miss when we first encounter him in the Half-Blood Prince we met with a delightfully Larger than Life Persona an enormously fat bald man with a belly so meant that the buttons on his waistcoat were threatening to burst off in addition to his rotund physique Slughorn was described as having a shiny Pate prominent Gooseberry colored eyes and an enormous silver walrus-like mustache he was also known to be particularly fond of lavish old-fashioned clothes sporting waistcoats with gold buttons during the day and luxurious velvet smoking jackets one at home but somehow slughorn's personality still seemed to outshine his over the top physical appearance first and foremost Slughorn possessed a unique ability to Captivate those around him with his natural Charisma his Larger than Life personality would draw people in like moths to a mesmerizing flame through his affable demeanor and infectious enthusiasm he created an aura of warmth that would make you feel instantly at ease in his presence though there was also a bit of an inexplicable undertone of vanity Harry wasn't sure whether he liked Slughorn or not he supposed he had been Pleasant in his way but he had also seemed vain but there was also a lot more to slow corn than meets the eye you see beneath his jovial exterior lay an exceedingly cunning mind with a sharp intellect but perhaps like Hall's most well-known trade was his talent for identifying extraordinary potential in his students interestingly it was the same trait that led to slughorn's undoing forcing him into retirement in the year 1981. we see one student that caught slakonzai went by the name of Tom Riddle a boy that we later learned would grow up to become none other than Lord Voldemort during Riddle's time at school Slughorn spent a lot of time mentoring middle and on one fateful day riddle was able to manipulate Slughorn into giving him information about horcruxes fearing that people would find out slakon retired from his post at the school however slackhorn made a reappearance in 1996 when Dumbledore dangled the prospect of teaching Harry Potter in front of him the slug Club Horace slughorn's slug Club was an out of hours dining and Social Club made up of his most well-liked and famous students the club provided its members with unique opportunities mentorship and access to influential contacts opening doors for their future successors its Origins date backed when he first began teaching at the school in 1931. you see Slughorn had a Keen Eye to identify if someone would go on to achieve greatness in some capacity and would take great pride in their accomplishments while we are given some indication as to who is actually in this club in the books and films we aren't provided with a complete list names are mentioned and in the film adaptation slughorn's wall is shown where he proudly displays the members of his Club but we want to know more in the beginning of the Half Blood Prince Dumbledore instructs Harry to try and become chosen by Slughorn I tell you all this Dumbledore continued not to turn you against Taurus or as we must now call him Professor Slughorn but to put you on your guard he will undoubtedly try to collect to you Harry you would be the jewel of his collection the boy who lived or as they call you these days the chosen one when Harry first meets Slughorn Slughorn immediately mentions the similarities between Harry and his parents Slughorn then discusses Harry's mother Lily and expresses that she was one of his absolute favorites unable to contain himself any longer Slughorn directs Harry towards the shelf featuring all of his favorites all mine each and every one ex-students I mean you recognize Barnabas cuff editor of the daily Prophet always takes my owl should I wish to register an opinion on the news of the day gwenic Jones captain of the holyhead harpies free tickets whenever I want them of course I haven't been to a match in some time ah yes regulus black no doubt there is his older brother Sirius died a few weeks ago I taught the whole black family except Sirius it's a shame a talented boy I caught regulus when he came along of course but I'd have liked the set the way that slycorn discusses his students makes it sound as though they are his possessions however one thing is undeniable all of them went to achieve some sort of fame or success without further Ado here is the full list of slughorns favorites in alphabetical order from slalcorn's first and second tenure as potions Master Adrian Adrian was a student in slycon's class in the year 1978. during his first tenure as potions Master Adrian was born in the year 1960 and maintained a good relationship with Cyclone after he graduated from Hogwarts though Adrian went on to become a successful photographer for the daily Prophet zlughorn always had higher expectations for him Abraxas Malfoy Abraxas Malfoy was a pure blood wizard a father to Lucius Malfoy and grandfather to Draco Malfoy Abraxas ended up becoming a good friend of slughorns a fact that Draco Malfoy later tried to leverage when he would name drop his grandfather in an attempt to join the slug Club it's unconfirmed whether abraxist was actually in the slug club or if he was just friends with Slughorn I imagine that they were probably around the same age Ambrosius Flume Ambrosius Flume was a British Wizard and business owner Flume was the proprietor of the popular honeydukes sweet shop located in hogsmeade though Flume ran the shop he was not the original owner as the shop was first opened in 1641. honeydukes is famous for its Bertie Bots every flavor beans among other things Avery Avery was a pure blood wizard who attended Hogwarts at the same time as Tom Riddle he was part of Tom Riddle's gang that would eventually go on to become the first Death Eaters they were known as the Knights of walpurgis Avery was a student of Slytherin house and it's actually pictured in the film adaptation Barnabas cuff Barnabas cuff was a pure blood wizard that became editor-in-chief for the daily Prophet cough was presumably the employer of fellow slug Club member Adrian in order to join the club it's likely that kaf was either a an exceptional student or B and came from a famous magical background as like horn points carf out to Harry first when Harry begins to observe his wall of favorites you recognize Barnabas cuff editor of the daily Prophet always takes my owl should I wish to register an opinion on the news of the day Blaise zabini Blazer Beanie was a pure blood wizard that attended Hogwarts around the same time as Harry Potter he was a member of Southern house and was on good terms with Draco Malfoy and his gang Blaze was a quiet boy that mostly kept to himself although on various occasions he expressed his extreme prejudice towards Muggles mugglebones and blood traitors BC we see the initials BC scribbled onto a photograph that is on slughorn's wall of favorites BC appears to be some sort of mountain climber and is depicted on some sort of a snowy mountain top it's possible that BC may be Barty Crouch Jr or Barty Crouch senior though it's unlikely that it would have been the former as slugcorn completely disassociates himself from Death Eaters Cormac mclagan McCormick mclagan is Hermione's favorite not serious McCormick mclagan is a British pure blood Wizard and a member of the mclagan family which Slughorn knew well in the slug Club Slughorn and mclagan had the following exchange now you cormic I happen to know you see a lot of your uncle Tiberius because he has a rather Splendid picture of the two of you hunting nogtails in I think Norfolk oh yeah that was fun that was we went with Bertie Higgs and Rufus grimga this was before he became Minister obviously Dalia F Dahlia f is pictured on slughorn's wall in the film adaptation of the Half-Blood Prince it's likely that she was not pressing her as she has shown wearing a full Viking Maiden costume in the picture on his shelf it has been speculated that her full name is Dahlia Fleur Perry though that is not confirmed Dirk Cresswell Dirk Creswell is a mugglethorn wizard that became head of the goblin liaison office in the ministry of magic during the ministry takeover by Lord Voldemort Creswell attempted to hide his Heritage by forging a family tree however he was later found out and Creswell was eventually murdered by snatchers while on the Run Eldred warpel Eldred warpel was a pure blood Wizard and slug Club member that would go on to become a successful writer Walpole is shown in the film adaptation of the Half Blood Prince at the Christmas dinner Walpole was friends with a Vampire named sanguini and wrote a book entitled Blood Brothers my life amongst the vampires floracaro floricaro was a British witch and member of Slytherin house though it is not explicitly stated I would imagine that she is somehow related to Death Eaters Electro and Amicus Caro it's likely that flora and her sister Hestia were members of the slug Club due to their pureblood Heritage Jenny Weasley Jenny Weasley was a pure blood witch and member of the Weasley family the sister to Bill Charlie Percy Fred Georgian Ron Jenny would go on to achieve great things eventually becoming a professional quidditch player for the holyhead harpies she also married Harry Potter and the pair had three children James Albus and Lily gwenig Jones guanig Jones of the Welsh witch who began attending Hogwarts in the year 1979. gwenig is pictured on Silicon shelf in the film adaptation of the Half-Blood Prince after graduating from Hogwarts gwenic would go on to become the captain and beta of the Welsh all-female Quidditch team the holyhead harpies Harry Potter okay you might just know this character I'll skip the introduction but Harry easily became a member of Cyclone's Club after allowing himself to become collected he did this by doing exceedingly well in slughorn's potions class with the help of the Half-Blood Prince's potion book however with Harry's reputation it's likely that Slughorn would have eventually collected him regardless of how well he performed in the class Hermione Granger Hermione was a muckleborn witch and member of the famous Trio she was an exceptionally gifted witch and by far the best student of her year and for this reason it was inevitable that she would be picked up by Horace for his slug club though it is particularly impressive as Horus was a bit prejudiced towards mugglebones Hermione would eventually go on to become Minister for magic Hestia Caro the sister of Flora Caro and another member of the Cairo family like Flora it's likely that she is somehow related to Death Eaters Amicus and electrocaro at the beginning of the battle of Hogwarts Hestia and her sister were seen departing to the dungeons Lestrange Lestrange is another name that we hear quite a bit the strange like Avery is one of the original members of Tom Riddle's gang the same gang that would go on to become Death Eaters Lestrange is shown in a flashback in the film adaptation of the Half-Blood Prince it's likely that Lestrange was the father of rodolfus Lestrange who would later marry Bellatrix Lily Evans Lily Evans was a muggle-born witch and Harry Potter's mother she was an impressive witch with a particular talent in potions making her one of slughorn's favorite favorites when Voldemort attempted to murder her in a family she went on to cast the famous sacrificial protection which saved Harry's life and ended Voldemort for a period of time Lucius Malfoy a bit of a sleaze Bank Lucius Malfoy was a pure blood wizard that came from the famous Malfoy family he was the father of Draco Malfoy and Son of Abraxas Malfoy who was a friend of slughorns it is stated that during lucius's time at school he was exceptionally gifted at potions earning the attention of Horus Slughorn though Lucius was a loyal Death Eater for many years him and his family eventually defected from the Death Eaters Melinda bobbin Melinda bobbin was a British witch who attended Hogwarts at the same time as the trio bobin's family owned a large chain of apothecaries and for this reason alone she was invited into the slug Club not not was a pure blood Wizard and one of the earliest Death Eaters the knot family were part of the Sacred 28 the 28 pureblood British families that was still truly pure blood by the time the 1930s rolled around Knott was likely a member of Tom Riddle's gang and was a friend of Slughorn for many years Slughorn would later cut ties with knot as not would go on to do Unthinkable things in the name of the Death Eaters regulus black regular Spike was a pure blood Wizard and member of the famous black family he was the son of Orion until Burger black and the younger brother of Sirius Black regulus was a member of Slytherin house and would go on to become Seeker for their Quidditch team in the film adaptation of Half-Blood Prince sligon points out a photo of him in regulus to Harry ah yes regulus plaque no doubt there is his older brother Sirius done a few weeks ago I taught the whole black family except Sirius it's a shame a talented boy I got wrecked when he came along of course but but I'd have liked the set Severus Snape zebra Snape is a half blood wizard potions Master defense against a dark arts Professor hogwart's Headmaster and to deathy to defect her Snape was invited to join the slug Club because of his obvious talent and the Art of potion making while a student at Hogwarts Snape assumed to the Alias the Half-Blood Prince and wrote all sorts of tips and tricks into his copy of advanced potion making Harry would later find Snape's copy of the book Tom Riddle and Tom Riddle is also known as the Dark Lord Voldemort riddle ones like Harry One of slughorn's absolute favorites while a student at Hogwarts riddle was a very impressive student who expressed an unparalleled ability to learn there is one particular branch of magic however that riddle may have learned a little too much about it has been expressed that Slughorn was responsible for providing riddle with information on horcrux's which were instrumental in Voldemort's rise to power unknown name slughorn's class of 67. though we don't know the name of this slug Club member we know that someone in slagon's class of 67 would go on to become the minister of magical Transportation Wendy slink hard the last member of horace's slug Club is Wendy slinkhard who was a British witch and author in the film adaptation of the Half Blood Prince the sling card is shown in a photograph on slughorn's wall it's likely that slinkhard is related to Wilbert sling God who is the author of defensive magical Theory a book that teaches defensive magic in a secure risk-free way and there you have it the slug Club from its exclusive membership to the invaluable opportunities it provides this group is a highlight of the Hogwarts experience but Beyond The Prestige and networking possibilities the slug Club ultimately holds a deeper lesson as we see in slicorn's own Journey the connection to be fostered with those around us can shape our paths and transform our perspectives the power of mentorship guidance and genuine connection cannot be overstated and it is these elements that make the slight Club not just a fascinating facet of the magical world but also a reflection of the importance of community in our own lives and that's it for this video If you enjoyed the content please like the video and subscribe to the channel also be sure to check out the content on Spotify as well as my second Channel Harry Potter Theory X until next time remember there can be no light without the dark and so it is with magic myself I always strive to live within the light
Channel: Harry Potter Theory
Views: 52,089
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Keywords: harry potter, ron weasley, fantastic beasts, hermione granger, avada kedavra, wizarding world, harry potter theory, harry potter explained, j.k. rowling, slytherin, gryffindor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, hogwarts, chamber of secrets, basilisk, voldemort, death eaters, history, hidden details, theory, behind the scenes, dumbledore, snape, spells, magic schools, subjects, legacy, deathly hallows, grindelwald, marauders, slug club, tom riddle, half-blood prince, horace slughorn, regulus, sirius, black
Id: 6HebAJrN60w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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