Every Death Eater in Harry Potter Ranked by POWER (All 30)

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[Music] hey everyone welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory today we're going to be discussing the Death Eaters delving into the ranks of Voldemort's most powerful followers and uncovering which of these dark witches and wizards are most dangerous as a young boy Tom Riddle lacked a normal range of human emotions however that certainly didn't mean he was unable to control people his cunning manipulative nature eventually meant that he would form a gang of sorts a group consisting of his fellow Slytherin students The Gang That riddle formed was once described by Dumbledore as a mixture of the weak seeking protection the ambitious seeking glory and the thuggish seeking a leader who could show them more refined to Cruelty this group were at that time known as the Knights of walpurgis but if we fast forward to the year 1970 32 years after Tom Riddle had started attending Hogwarts in the beginning of Voldemort's rise to power these Knights of all pagers were known by a different name Death Eaters as far as dark witches and wizards went the Death Eaters were the worst this group was comprised of evil witches and wizards of all hell-bent on pursuing their dark Ambitions they were the followers of Lord Voldemort and they obeyed his every bidding in an effort to cleanse The Wizarding World the ultimate goal being to restore pure blood Authority and unfortunately Voldemort managed to amass quite a lot of them today we'll be taking a look at each and every one of these followers uncovering who they were and just how valuable their contributions may have been to Voldemort I'd also like to mention that I'll be sticking to official Death Eaters only and not just Wizards who followed Voldemort whether imperious or not there were many followers of Voldemort that were not granted deathly to status or given the dark mark but were allowed to wear deathy to garments in order to command the respect they engendered this group was comprised of individuals at Voldemort found useful but did not want to directly associate himself with a good example of someone in this category would be fenrir greybank with all of that established let's get into it but before we go any further I'd like to thank today's sponsor surfshark the award-winning VPN service that ensures your privacy and security with surfshark experience safe and anonymous browsing while protecting yourself from online trackers and data collectors but safe browsing isn't all surfshark offers ever search for a show on Netflix and been unable to find it Well Netflix actually has most shows and movies they just vary depending on where you are so even though you're paying for a full subscription you only get access to a part of their Library enter surfshark where magic beckons with their services you can change your virtual location and unlock a multitude of movies and shows that were once beyond your reach with an astounding 3200 servers spanning across 100 countries you'll be indulging in 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Rich pure blood Roots crab senior's capacity is a Death Eater was centered around his talents in dark magic similar to Goyle crab senior was highly Prejudiced and quite unintelligent which didn't give his son Vincent Crabb much of a chance however it was cunning enough to avoid imprisonment following Voldemort's first downfall he notably tries to use the killing curse on Hermione Granger during the battle of the Department of mysteries Mal Saba senior father Junior was a dark Wizard and one of the earliest Death Eaters of Lord Voldemort unfortunately we don't know much about him including his whereabouts however he didn't appear to be present during the second Wizarding War this tells me that he was either dead or imprisoned in Azkaban Wilkes was a Death Eater whose Origins and blood status are unknown he entered into Voldemort's service during the first Wizarding war and was reasonably scaled in both the dark arts as well as martial magic Wilkes was said to have been killed by auras prior to Voldemort's first defeat Avery Jr was a pure blood wizard that followed in his Father's Footsteps to become a Death Eater his father every senior was one of the members of Voldemort's original gang during his time at school during every Junior's own time at school he was a close friend of Severus Snape at Voldemort's rebirth Avery groveled before the Dark Lord he confess that he thought Voldemort was finished and didn't bother seeking him out Avery weekly begged for forgiveness on behalf of the Death Eaters but instead of Mercy Voldemort sadistically tortured him with the cruciatus curse Avery was involved in the battle of the Department of mysteries paired with fellow Death Eater Walton McNair in their quest to retrieve the prophecy his weak character lack of loyalty tells me that he was probably not a powerful Death Eater not senior was one of the earliest Death Eaters joining Voldemort's cause in 1965. Nott was involved in a number of battles during the second Wizarding War including the battle of the Department of mysteries where he was stunned by Hermione Granger after attempting to grab a hold of Harry Potter and his friends after being stunned not lay on the floor motionless as shelves of prophecies collapsed on top of him he was later sent to Azkaban Rozier senior father of Evan Rozier was one of the earliest Death Eaters and to quickly flocked to the dark side under Lord Voldemort's Reign aside from participating in the first Wizarding War not much is known about rozier's senior to this day it's unclear whether he's dead or alive however we do know a little bit about his son Evan Rozier because Evan Rozier grew up to become such a promising dark wizard I'd be blamed to bet that Rozier senior was powerful in his own right Gibbon was a Death Eater known for his Proficiency in the dark arts particularly the unforgivable curses Gibbon notably fought in the battle of the astronomy tower for which he cast the dark mark into the sky interestingly Gibbon lost his life in this battle as a result of friendly fire when fellow Death Eater Thor Finn Rowell fired killing curse at Remus Lupine he missed hitting Gibbon instead rabbistan Lestrange was a Death Eater Infamous for his participation in the torture of Frank and Alice Longbottom he committed this atrocity with his brother rodolfus sister-in-law Bellatrix and fellow Death Eater Barty Crouch Jr as a Death Eater rabbistan Lestrange had significant magical strength and was well versed in the dark arts his proficiency with the cruciatus curse is said to be especially noteworthy rabbistan participated in many battles over the course of the first and second Wizarding Wars including the battle of the Department of mysteries and battle of Hogwarts of the Lestrange Brothers he was said to be the more nervous one jugson was a dark wizard the Death Eater who served in the Lord Voldemort during the second Wizarding War he participated in several battles including the battle of the Department of mysteries and battle of Hogwarts during the former Jackson was hit with a full-body bind curse while pursuing Harry Potter Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom however before this happened him and his partner on the mission entered in indolahov were able to successfully hit all three of them with an impediment Jinx it's also worth noting that jugson was quite an impatient man who had little regard for his comrades it's unclear what happened to jugson after the war zelwyn was a dark wizard that served Voldemort's cause during the second Wizarding war and participated in a multitude of battles at one point he was grouped with fellow Death Eater Travers and sent on a mission to Ambush Harry Ron and Hermione at the Lovegood house under a tip from xenophilius Lovegood zelwyn was a particularly cruel individual known for beating up and torturing xenophilius as well as threatening to mutilate his daughter Luna Travis on the other hand participated in both the first and second Wizarding wars during the first war he was responsible for murdering the family of Order of the Phoenix member Marlene McKinnon tragically the mckinnons were one of the only Wizarding families at Voldemort and his followers were able to completely wipe out in terms of magical ability Travis was quite gifted able to cast a diverse array of dark curses as well as a multitude of useful charms notably the human presence revealing spell in general demeanor Travis was quite a calm wizard however there was certainly a lot Brewing beneath the surface he was absolutely obsessed with blood Purity and was even somewhat of a xenophobe electo and Amicus Caro were a brother sister deathy to Duo that were installed at Hogwarts as professors following Voldemort's takeover of the school in place of defense against the dark arts Amicus was appointed as the new dark arts Professor electo on the other hand was in charge of muggle studies teaching the subject in an entirely New Way both siblings were present for most of the battles that took place over the course of the second Wizarding war and was said to be quite magically talented particularly in the realm of the Dark Arts with that said however both electo and Amicus were basted in a duel by the powerful Minerva McGonagall who forced them to run off with their arms covering their heads Walden McNair was a dark Wizard and one of Lord Voldemort's earliest Death Eaters he served as a ruthless servant of the dark lord through his participation in both the first and second Wizarding Wars after Voldemort's first downfall he worked as an executioner for the committee for the disposal of dangerous creatures in the ministry of magic McNair's personality was cruel evil bloodthirsty and malicious he was ruthless and often took pleasure in his job as an executioner during the battle of the Department of mysteries he even attempted to brutally strangle Harry Potter but was stopped by Neville Longbottom who poked him in the eye with Hermione Granger's wand Draco Malfoy son of Lucius Malfoy was a conflicted young wizard that acted as Harry's rival and one of the main antagonists throughout the story characterized by arrogant snobbishness and a sense of entitlement Draco chose to embrace the beliefs of his family and joined the Death Eaters at a relatively young age while not directly involved in any significant battles Draco plays a notable role as a Death Eater when he's assigned the task of assassinating Albus Dumbledore something which she ultimately fails to do in terms of magical ability however Draco was quite gifted at a young age he was given a wand made of Hawthorne a material which is only ever placed in the hands of a talented young witch or wizard he also received additional training from his powerful Aunt Bellatrix after joining the ranks of the Death Eaters rodolf is the strange husband of Bellatrix Lestrange played a significant role as a Death Eater and fought in both the first and second Wizarding Wars in terms of personality rodolfus is depicted as very loyal to Voldemort and fully committed to the cause of pure blood Supremacy he was also known to have a particularly cruel and ruthless nature this is well showcased by his torture of Frank and Alice Longbottom in the first Wizarding war rodolfus was considered to be one of Voldemort's top Death Eaters taking part in a multitude of different battles over the course of both Wars he was skilled in the dark arts as well as martial magic however he was notably bastard by his niece nymphadora Tonks during the battle of the seven Potters Mal's Super Junior santu malsabi Senior one of the original Death Eaters was a dark wizard that joined Voldemort's cause in the second Wizarding War as a boy he attended Hogwarts at the same time as Severus Snape Lily Potter and the Marauders with Lily once remarking that he was creepy and had an evil sense of humor he was notably paired with Lucius Malfoy during the battle of the Department of mysteries according to Igor kakarov what set mulsabi Jr apart from others was his extreme Proficiency in performing the imperious curse the unforgivable curse allows you to control others apparently this curse which allowed him to force people to do horrific things was his specialty Augustus Rookwood was one of Voldemort's most formidable allies and by the time of the second Wizarding War one of his oldest Rookwood served a unique role within the rank of the Death Eaters it was a mole within the ministry of magic of course for Voldemort to succeed in his campaigns against his fellow Wizards he needed to lure many influential Ministry workers to his cause but Augustus was special because he worked in the department of mysteries the very place that held the secrets of thought love time and death Rookwood notably took on Kingsley shacklebolt one on one during the battle of the Department of mysteries though Rook would last his ability to hold his own for any amount of time with the wizard as powerful as Kingsley is a testament to his power he was also able to take on a massive group of students all by himself during the Battle of Hogwarts Lucius Malfoy father of Draco and husband to Narcissa black was one of Voldemort's most trusted supporters fulfilling his role as a Death Eater in but the first and second Wizarding Wars during the first visiting War Lucius bravely battled against the Dark Lord's foes as his top Lieutenant guiding portions of the dark Forces the combat he fearlessly faced trained auras and members of the Order of the Phoenix proving his strength and skill in the face of battle he is known for his manipulation cunning and his desire to maintain the social and political standing of his family Lucius is often seen as a cold and calculating individual using his wealth and influence to further his own interests in terms of power I would say that Lucius is one of the most underrated something which I feel can be partially attributed to his sometimes cowardly Behavior Peter Pettigrew was a former order and Order of the Phoenix member that defected during the first Wizarding War instead joining Voldemort's cause and becoming a Death Eater batter crew was known for his weak and cowardly personality a wizard that was easily influenced and gravitated towards those he perceived as powerful and capable of protecting him because patoku was untalented as a boy and because he had such a cowardly personality many people mislabel him as a weak wizard however this is just not the case Pettigrew could easily wield the killing curse produce powerful blasting curses strong enough to destroy hundreds of feet of sewer system create highly Advanced potions transfigure himself conjure objects out of thin air and more was he a bit of a sniveling coward yes but was he a powerful sibling coward certainly regulus black was a pure blood Wizard and member of the famous black family he was the son of Orion and woolberger black and the younger brother of Sirius Black in his youth regulus idolized Voldemort which led to his eventual transformation into a Death Eater however regulus later defected when he found out what Lord Voldemort was capable of doing in order to achieve his goals regulus was an extremely intelligent Wizard and had he not sacrificed his life would have perhaps been one of the good guys most valuable weapons against evil he was also a very talented young wizard with a very promising future Corbin yaxley was known for his dedication to serving Lord Voldemort and his commitment to the ideals of the Death Eaters he served Voldemort during birth the first and second Wizarding Wars his personality exhibited ruthlessness tenacity tea and a deep loyalty to the Dark Lord's cause as head of the Department of magical law enforcement under Voldemort takeover he used his position to persecute muckleborns and enforce the oppressive regime during the second Wizarding war yaksley was tasked with a variety of missions including the collection of horror Slughorn who Voldemort need to be extremely powerful as well as the capturing of Hermione Granger's parents based on the difficulty of the tasks that he was given I think we can reasonably assume that yaxley was quite a powerful dark wizard yaxley was notably gifted at the imperius curse something which he used to control Pie's thickness for the duration of the war thorfin Ralph's dark Wizard and Death Eater he had a large frame with blonde hair and was known for his role as one of Voldemort's henchmen participating in several key battles during the second Wizarding War Rao's personality was mainly defined by his cruelty and sadism which he exhibited on numerous occasions but where Raul really shined was in his dueling ability during the battle of the astronomy Tower Raul proved his skill as a duelist holding his ground against nymphadora Tonks while casting curses left and right he also posed a growth threat to rumors Lupine nearly taking him down but instead missing and killing fellow Death Eater Gibbon throughout the battle Raul rigged Havoc keeping members of the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore's Army at Bay allowing his allies to corner a weakened Albus Dumbledore miraculously he emerged from the battle mostly unharmed Evan Rosier was the son of Rozier senior one of the earliest Death Eaters Evan fought fiercely for Voldemort over the course of the first Wizarding war and proved to be a force to be reckoned with over the course of this War Death Eaters were fiercely pursued by auras one of which was a prime Aleister Moody making the landscape quite treacherous for dark wizards one day Rosier was caught by Moody but not without a fight during Moody's capture of the dark wizard Rosier was able to blast off a significant part of Moody's nose in the struggle given that Moody generally tried to avoid killing his enemies it suggests that Rozier was simply too dangerous to try and capture alive the fact that Evan was able to give Moody the most powerful Aura of all time such a hard time points to the fact that Evan was quite powerful in his own right ikor kakarov was a pure blood Wizard and Death Eater that later became Headmaster of durmstrang Institute kakarov has a very dark past and when he was a young Death Eater he would torture Muggles along with Antonin dolahov and others in terms of his personality kakarov was a bit of a snake seemingly flip-flopping and showing allegiance to whoever happened to be in power at any given moment sort of similar to Pettigrew in the first Wizarding war kakarov was eventually captured by the famous Aura Alistair Moody and promptly sent to Azkaban when the time came for khakarov to stand trial for his crimes he blurted out the names of every Death Eater that he could think of hoping that it would alleviate his sentence by giving the ministry the name Augustus Rookwood the ministry took leniency with karoth and he was eventually released from Azkaban it was shortly after his release that he assumed the position of Headmaster at durmstrang B being that kakarov was the Headmaster of a Wizarding school I'd be willing to bet that he possessed considerable magical ability Antonin dolahov was one of Floyd Voldemort's most powerful and loyal followers he was involved in both the first and second listening Wars and was responsible for torturing countless monkeys and non-supporters of the dark lord as far as dueling is concerned dolahov may have been one of the most successful dark Wizards over the course of the two wars during the battle of the Department of mysteries he dueled the combo of Harry Potter Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom single-handedly despite a silencing charm forcing him to use all non-verbal magic shortly after he defeated and injured Alistair Madame moody in a tool though he did not kill him he then went on to duel the powerful Sirius Black with whom he was able to hold his own dolov's perhaps most humiliating moment was when he was put face to face with Ron Hermione and Harry in London Hermione was able to take control of the situation and put dollarhoff in a full body bind curse however the famous Trio have been able to accomplish some amazing things together so I'm really not too surprised Barty Crouch Jr was a Death Eater and Son of Ministry of magic official bartimius Crouch senior Grouch Jr has a rich history with the Death Eaters joining them as early as his teenage years in his earlier years Barty Crouch Jr was responsible for torturing Neville's parents and Powerful auras Frank and Alice Longbottom he was also instrumental in Voldemort's Resurgence Crouch Jr is most well known for kidnapping and imprisoning the powerful Mad Eye Moody then teaching at Hogwarts School for an entire year in his stand I don't know what's more impressive capturing mad eye or teaching for an entire school year undetected in my opinion Crouch may be one of the most underrated Wizards in all of history Bellatrix Lestrange was one of if not Voldemort's most loyal follower she was a frightening pure blood witch that came from the black family a long line of powerful witches and wizards with a twisted agenda Bellatrix was one of the most powerful people in The Wizarding World period responsible for killing a number of wizards including Sirius Black belatrix was a known proponent of the cruciatus curse and had considerable knowledge in the realm of the dark arts Bellatrix was eventually defeated by Molly Weasley which I think was really just the result of her not taking Molly seriously her confidence was over-inflated and she didn't focus when the two were dueling laughing hysterically throughout Molly and full motherly protective mode bastard Bellatrix and she was never to be seen again last but not least we have Severus Snape Snape knew more curses when he arrived at school than half the kids in seventh year and he was part of a gang of slytherins who nearly all turned out to be Death Eaters the Snape is widely considered to be one of the most gifted Wizards in the entire Harry Potter series his skills are only really outmatched by Voldemort Dumbledore and Grindelwald who are in a bit of class of their own but Snape's extremely powerful nonetheless during his time at Hogwarts Snape assumed the identity the Half-Blood Prince and scribbled all sorts of spell Creations into his copy of advanced potion making among these spells was the powerful and vicious sectum sempra Snape can also fly and is one of only two known Wizards who are capable of doing this the other being Voldemort when Snape Jewels McGonagall in the film he is clearly holding back but matching an extremely powerful McGonagall nonetheless this is similar to the scene in the ministry Atrium where Dumbledore is holding back against Voldemort but to a more significant degree Snape is also cited as saying that Voldemort is the most accomplished legitimens the world has ever seen which would mean that him being able to keep Voldemort out of his mind would in a way make him one of the most professed aquamans there's truly no telling what Snape would have been able to accomplish if he had lived a more linear life and I can confidently say that he was the most powerful of the Death Eaters and that concludes today's video do you agree with my rankings let me know what your top 10 20 or 30 would look like down in the comment section below until next time remember it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live foreign
Channel: Harry Potter Theory
Views: 163,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harry potter, fantastic beasts, hermione granger, avada kedavra, wizarding world, harry potter theory, j.k. rowling, slytherin, gryffindor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, hogwarts, voldemort, salazar, tom riddle, death eaters, history, folklore, hidden details, easter egg, theory, behind the scenes, dumbledore, snape, magic schools, rooms, secret, subjects, legacy, deathly hallows, grindelwald, house elves, spell, auror, power, ministry of magic, moody, death eater, bellatrix, pettigrew, draco, malfoy, weasley
Id: mbn51GTjyYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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