History of Fenrir Greyback: From Wizard to Werewolf - Harry Potter Explained

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foreign welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory today we're going to be discussing notorious werewolf fenrir greybag digging into his past and uncovering some things that you may have never known believe it or not once upon a time fenrir greybag was just a regular wizard he didn't have sharp teeth long yellow nails whiskers or hair sprouting from every part of his body he also didn't transform into a horrible dangerous magical creature when a full moon filled the sky there is speculation out there pertaining to whether or not greybach was ever a wizard at all but as it happens Rowling has confirmed that only Wizards are able to transform into werewolves after being bitten by one and that Muggles simply die this if it wasn't clear already confirms the fact that greybag was indeed a wizard in fact though information on him is sparse the available evidence would suggest that Grayback was perhaps even once a student at Hogwarts just like Harry Ron and Hermione this fact would explain his magical skills his connections within the Death Eaters and his hatred of normal wizards but on one fateful day presumably after his visiting education had finished wizard Grayback who likely was already of dubious morality had an encounter with a werewolf where he was bitten at this moment fenrir was infected with lycanthropy by the unnamed werewolf a magical Affliction that transforms witches and wizards into werewolves one who was infected with lycanthropy is henceforth known as a lycanthrope there are two ways to become a lycanthrope but regardless of how it is contracted it is still considered to be a curse for which there is no cure that will completely alter the victim's existence the first and most common way to contract lycanto therapy is through being bitten by a werewolf though in some circumstances the bite can well kill you you must also be bitten by a werewolf in their wolfish form at the time of the full moon ensuring the werewolf's saliva mingles with the victim's blood and the second way is via the lycacomia curse which apparently requires no werewolves at all though inheriting lycanthropy doesn't kill you and to some the prospect of becoming a werewolf may be exciting I can assure you that it is no easy existence the stigma in a Wizarding World surrounding werewolves is immense and from the moment you contract this curse it's unlikely that you will ever be treated the same many werewolves live very solitary lives as allowing people to become closer to you only puts their lives in danger once infected with lycanthropy the victim will turn from a man into a werewolf every month during the full moon the transformation itself has been described as exceedingly painful and once transformed the wizard in question will completely lose their sense of right and wrong from the point of transformation they are completely unaware of their actions for these reasons the ministry of magic developed the werewolf code of conduct in 1637 a werewolf code of conduct was developed in in 1637 which werewolves were supposed to sign promising not to attack anyone but to lock themselves up securely every month unsurprisingly nobody signed the code as nobody was prepared to walk into the ministry and admit to being a werewolf a problem from which the later werewolf registry also suffered for years this werewolf registry on which every werewolf was supposed to enter their name in personal details has remained incomplete and unreliable because so many of the newly bitten sought to conceal their condition and escaped the inevitable shame and Exile the werewolf code of conduct might have had good intentions but it also required a werewolf to out their status and face the consequences from the moment they registered their name they would face an immediate loss of both rights and Status werewolves have been chanted between the Beast and being divisions of the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures for years because nobody could make up their minds whether a werewolf should be classified as a human or beastial unsurprisingly when fenrir greyback was bitten he had no intentions of registering his werewolf status with the ministry venrir loathed transforming into a werewolf each month and for a long time felt as though he was living a cursed existence But as time went on venra's perspective on his condition began to shift one day realizing that his condition was a gift and not a curse at all the lack of understanding and empathy from the outside world toward his condition and drove him to anger anger which he used his fuel to get back at the world that had rejected him instead of accepting a life as an outcast he embraced his condition and made it his goal to create enough werewolves to dominate The Wizarding World his goal was simple in fact as many people as possible venra grebach is perhaps the most Savage werewolf alive today he regards it as his mission in life to bite and to contaminate as many people as possible he wants to create enough werewolves to overcome the Wizards Voldemort has promised him prey in return for his Services greyback specializes in children bite them young he says and raise them away from their parents raise them to hate normal Wizards it's also worth noting that as far as werewolves go greyback was particularly Savage While most werewolves only unintentionally bit people during their transform stage greyback went out of his way to bite people even in his human form completely cognizant of his behavior and brutality his sheer hatred for Humanity meant that no one man woman or child was safe in fact greyback had a penchant for biting children because Grayback skirted so closely on the border of man and werewolf for so many years he eventually began to resemble a werewolf even while in his human form greyback's attitude and Devotion to the werewolf cause eventually prompted him to become a leader in the werewolf Community with him and his pack of werewolves wrecking all sorts of Havoc across Britain during the 1960s but despite leading a revolution of his own fenra greybach was at this stage recruited by the Death Eaters who were seeking all manners of dark creatures to help them overthrow the ministry greback didn't join them because he believed in their cause but instead because it gave him greater access to potential victims as well as an additional channel of attack against the ministry it's also worth mentioning that fenrir was never given true Death Eater status for the very fact that he was a lycanthrope the stigma in The Wizarding Community toward werewolves was not exclusive to the good guys and despite loathing werewolves Voldemort recognized that fenrir was a powerful weapon Voldemort knew that he would be able to take advantage defenry's notoriety to help control The Wizarding population and escalate his own rise to power it didn't matter to Voldemort that he was a werewolf not really he held some stigma towards him which is why he would have never made him a Death Eater but Voldemort's real enemies were muckleborns half-bloods Muggles and blood traitors fenrir wasn't the only follower of Voldemort that wasn't a pure blood wizard either he enlisted Giants dementos and all other manners of dark creatures to help bring down the ministry and the good guys Voldemort was manipulative and he basically did whatever it took to get to power the fastest if people were willing to work for him under the guise that they were somehow important he would certainly let that happen it was a win-win for him Voldemort began to use fenra's notoriety to instill fear into the hearts of his enemies threatening to send the horrifying webwolf after their children who he had a propensity killing in the year 1965 likely before Voldemort had enlisted his Services greyback was brought in for questioning by the ministry of magic to discuss an attack on two muggle children that have resulted in their deaths while being questioned by a room full of ministry officials greyback pleaded ignorance claiming to be a Muckle who was amazed to have found himself in a room full of wizards talking about dead children his filthy clothing and lack of wand was sufficient evidence enough for most to believe him his Saving Grace being the inadequacy and Ill maintenance of the werewolf registry which did not feature his name however there was one Committee Member Lyle Lupine who noticed physical peculiarities on greybag consistent with the werewolf this prompted him to ask the committee that greybach be kept in detention until the next full moon which was just one day away the other committee members mutually agreed that this cautionary measure was unnecessary and at this stage greyback began taunting Lupine in his anger Lupine began describing werewolves as soulless evil and deserving of nothing but death something that greybach would never forget following lupine's Outburst He was ordered out of the room and the Grayback was subsequently released however before the wizard who escorted him out of the inquiry was able to cast a memory charm on Grayback erasing the Muckle tramps memory greybak overpowered him and fled along with three other werewolves from this day greyback began plotting his revenge of Lyle Lupine the wizard who was so outspoken about him deserving nothing but death one fateful night greyback forced his way through the window into the Lupine Family Home and attacked Lyle's son Remus he wasn't even five years old yet grayback's attack of Lyle's son was consistent with his previous Behavior involving the targeting of children Lyle awoke to a kerfuffle in his family home and headed straight for his son's room where he had to cast powerful spells in order to get rid of greybank but unfortunately for the family it was too late before Lyle intervened greyback had succeeded in infecting Lyle's son Remus with lycanthropy this of course meant that Lyle's own son had become a werewolf it was never greyback's intention to kill Remus he knew exactly what he was doing when he infected him his actions resulted in the ultimate revenge against the man who so openly expressed that all werewolves were deserving of nothing but death remus's parents took him to various healers in order to cure him of his condition but unfortunately until the discovery of the wolf Spain potion there was nothing that could even remotely suppress the curse I was a very small boy when I received the bite my parents tried everything but in those days there was no cure the potion that Professor Snape has been making for me is a very recent discovery it makes me safe you see as long as I take it in the week preceding the full moon I keep my mind when I transform I'm able to curl up in my office a harmless wolf and wait for the moon to whine again before the wolfspan potion was discovered however I became a fully fledged monster once a month it seemed impossible that I would be able to come to Hogwarts other parents weren't likely to want their children exposed to me remus's infection with lycanthropy meant that he too would live a cursed existence a solitary life full of judgment it was only thanks to Albus dumb door who arranged special accommodations for Remus that he was able to attend Hogwarts content with exacting his revenge upon Lyle greyback continued with his savagery for quite some time eventually the ministry caught on and finally began to acknowledge that greybag was indeed a werewolf and that he was exceedingly dangerous in response to the activities of greybach and his pack of werewolves the ministry failed The Wizarding population once again by merely putting up a wanted poster greybach was never caught during the first Wizarding War which meant that for many many years him and his pack of werewolves terrorized The Wizarding population however after Voldemort's defeat in 1981 greyback like many others presumed that Voldemort was dead and never made any attempts to find him no longer protected by the safety net of Voldemort and his cause greybak and his werewolves retreated into the Shadows at least for a little while when Voldemort finally returned in 1995 greybach rejoined his cause and resumed his duties performing dirty work for the dark lord graback's notoriety was a particularly valuable asset for Voldemort as the prospect of facing a terrifying cannibalistic werewolf would strike fear into the hearts of even the most Fearless witches and wizards but it wasn't just his notoriety that served a purpose greybach was personally involved in many conflicts over the course of the second Wizarding War shortly after the battle of the Department of mysteries greyback raided Diagon Alley and kidnapped wandmaker Garrick olivander it was during this time that he also along with some other Death Eaters waged an attack on the mughals by destroying the Millennium bridge in London following that he made a visit to Borger and Berks along with Draco Malfoy where they threatened Mr Borgen for his compliance in the scheme to transport Death Eaters into Hogwarts via the vanishing cabinets following that grow back terrorized the Montgomery family by attacking and subsequently killing her five-year-old son on the orders of the Death Eaters by this point in time greyback had formed the new habit of eating his victims after killing them all while remaining in his human form this fact is a testament to Grayback savagery as most werewolves had no desire to consume human flesh outside of their wolf form on June 30th 1997 Grayback joined the Death Eaters in their invasion of Hogwarts eventually finding their way to the astronomy Tower where Alba's Dumbledore was located and later killed that you fenrir are stumbledore that's right rasp the other pleased to see me Dumbledore no I cannot say that I am fenrik reback grinned showing pointed teeth blood trickled down his chin and he licked his lips slowly obscenely following Dumbledore's death at the hands of Severus name the battle of the astronomy Tower ensued a battle where greyback was able to attack and Scar the face of Bill Weasley fortunately for Bill however Grayback was not in his wolf form at the time of the attack which meant that he was not infected with any sort of lycanthropy after attacking Bill greyback set his sights on Harry who countered with the full body bind curse paralyzing him after the battle greyback was captured along with some of his fellow Death Eaters and subsequently sent to Azkaban however his imprisonment didn't last long as he escaped just one month later following this and the subsequent fall of the ministry of magic greyback joined the snatchers an organization of bounty hunters formed by Lord Voldemort where he assumed a position of leadership along with the other snatchers greyback scoured the countryside looking for fugitive mugglebones blood traitors and others who opposed Lord Voldemort cause while operating as a snatcher grayback's first successful Bounty was Finding and capturing Dirk Creswell TED Talks Dean Thomas and Goblin's grip hook and gornuck Dean and grip hook were captioned and imprisoned while Dirk Ted and gornag were murdered following this however Grayback and his gang would find a much more valuable group of fugitives a group comprised of none other than Ron Weasley Hermione Granger and Harry Potter suspecting that these three were in fact the fabled trio but not being able to confirm it greybach and the snatchers brought Harry and gang to Malfoy Manor with the expectation that Lucius Narcissa Bellatrix or Draco would be able to identify Harry and reward them just before being captured by the snatchers Hermione successfully hit Harry with a stinging Jinx deforming his face this made Harry nearly unrecognizable when Bellatrix Lestrange bought a godric gryffindor's sword among the captives possessions she went to Proclaim her sword which she believed to be in her vaulted gring Gods however this was much to these snatchers dismay the snatchers who believed that this item now belonged to them protested her taking it which resulted in Bellatrix defeating all four of them it's unclear what exactly happened next but it's safe to assume that greyback was punished by Voldemort along with Bellatrix the malfoys for letting Harry and gang escape the next major event where we see Grayback is the Battle of Hogwarts where he relished in all of the Bloodshed as far as we know the only suspected fatality as a result of greybag was Hogwarts student lavender Brown who he Savaged before being repelled by Hermione Granger and finished off by Sybil trolloni two bodies fell from the balcony overhead as they reached the ground a gray blur that Harry took for an animal sped four-legged across the hall to sink its teeth into one of the Fallen no shrieked Hermione and with a deafening Blast from her wand fenrik graback was thrown backward from the feebly struggling body of lavender Brown he hit the marble banisters and struggled to return to his feet then with a bright white Flash and a crack a crystal ball fell on top of his head and he crumpled to the ground and did not move it's a little hard to interpret what exactly happened to fenrir after this as his fate could be interpreted differently from book to film in the film fenrir is blasted by Hermione's stunning spell and sent flying off into the Ravine below presumably to his death however this scene from the film actually contradicts the book as in the book greyback shows up again later in the battle Hermione did hit him with a blasting curse but it never killed him and probably didn't send him flying as far as is shown in the film though the above passage seemed to depict the end of greybag chapter 36 reveals that this is in fact not the case as ultimately Ron and Neville were responsible for taking down the notorious werewolf Harry saw Ron and Neville bringing down fenra greybank and before stunning Rookwood Arthur and Percy flooring thickness and Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy running through the crowd not even attempting to fight screaming for their son and this is a loss we hear of him but what does brought down really mean did Ron and Neville fire a killing curse what did they do to him in my opinion Ron and Neville would not have killed him simply stunned him which leaves his fate fairly open-ended I've got two theories for what happened to him the first possibility is that Grayback was simply picked up off of the ground still stunned after the battle put to trial and sent into Azkaban and it would be in Azkaban that greybach would spend the remainder of his ears but something about this just doesn't seem right to me I can't explain why but I think the Grayback escaped he's an elusive werewolf that lurked in the shadows for most of his life furthermore being a werewolf he was particularly resilient and would have been able to take much more of a beating than say a normal wizard after the battle of Hogwarts I think he slipped away and regrouped with other werewolves taking a step back and biding their time before ultimately plotting to attack The Wizarding World once again and that pretty much concludes the life story of fenrik rayback for now what do you guys think did I miss anything what surprised you about fenrir's history be sure to leave a comment down below also if you enjoy the content please be sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel until next time remember it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live
Channel: Harry Potter Theory
Views: 175,830
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Keywords: harry potter, ron weasley, fantastic beasts, harry potter spells, hermione granger, avada kedavra, order of the phoenix, wizarding world, harry potter theory, harry potter explained, j.k. rowling, slytherin, gryffindor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, hogwarts, voldemort, tom riddle, death eaters, history, folklore, hidden details, easter egg, theory, behind the scenes, dumbledore, snape, spells, fenrir greyback, werewolf, remus lupin, ministry of magic, life of, battle of hogwarts, grindelwald
Id: rBus9n1XrKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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