History Of Every Ghost Rider

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today aren't variant I give you all the history of every ghost driver who loved comics more than I miss good Saturday morning cartoons I'm your host eros quinones hands down the most requested episode for the past month or two has been a history of Ghost Rider and a history of Gohan which we might get to in November but again might anyway as I said before I held off on Ghost Rider to kick off our Halloween themed episodes for all of October but since I kept y'all waiting for a hot minute I'm not just gonna give you the history of the newest Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes oh no I'm gonna give you a brief history of every ghost rider because quite frankly I think you all deserve it getting right into it the very first Ghost Rider was actually Carter Slade a Western gun-slinging character who rode a horse and looked all ghost-like hence his name ghost rider his overall look actually reminds me of a scooby-doo villain come on Tommy I'm wrong but anyway Marv will change the character's name to the Phantom rider after they debuted the motorcycle riding ghost rider we all know and love so the original cape-wearing horse riding ghost rider isn't the ghost rider with the flaming skull and motorcycle but he was still definitely worth a mention now let's talk about the ghost rider we're all familiar with there has been several people to take up this mantle within the ghost rider mythology whether they're anti-heroes are just straight-up villains but I do my best to keep these episodes from getting too confusing so I'm just gonna stick to the main four that I think are the most prominent those are Johnny Blaze Danny ketch Alejandro Jones and the most current rider Robbie Reyes with that said let's just jump into the thick of it with the first ghost rider Johnny Blaze who made his first appearance in Marvel spotlight issue 5 in 1972 Johnny Blaze was the son of a motorcycle stunt rider named Barton blaze who worked for a guy named Craig crash Simpson as a stunt act in the Quinten carnival but after his father was killed in a stunt accident Johnny's world was turned upside down at the loss of the only family he had thankfully Johnny was adopted by crash Simpson and his wife Mona and grew very close to their daughter Roxanne long story short crashed Simpson later discovers that he had cancer and didn't have long to live so Johnny not wanting to lose yet another father figure bout to do whatever he needed to do to save Crash's life no matter the cost the opportunity presented itself when the devil who would later be revealed the demon mephesto offered to spare Crash's life in exchange for Johnny's soul the devil's deal also came with the condition that one day he would return to collect his fee for curing crash of cancer not surprisingly mephesto didn't hold up his end of the deal and crash Simpson died almost immediately after during a motorcycle stunt accident talk about a loophole after crash died mephesto was like it's time to collect my fee so he declared that Johnny blades would become his emissary in the dark hours and in the light he would join him in Hades he then attached the spirit of vengeance zarathos to Johnny Blaze himself which allowed him to become the Ghost Rider as Ghost Rider johnny inflicts pain on bad guys with the penance there but more importantly he seeks vengeance the second person to take on the mantle of Ghost Rider is Danny ketch he first appeared in Ghost Rider vol 3 issue 1 in 1990 this is the Ghost Rider that I and many of you grew up with Danny is actually a long-lost sibling of Johnny Blaze after Danny and his sister Barbara accidentally witnessed a murder at the hands of Death Watch he and his goons attacked them they tried to escape but one of the death watches men shot Barbara in the chest with a crossbow needless to say she was badly injured Danny tries to escape with her by hiding in a nearby junkyard while hiding he notices a motorcycle sitting there that looks brand new and extremely out of place with his hands covered in his sister Barbara's innocent blood Danny touches the motorcycle and is immediately transformed into the living spirit of vengeance Ghost Rider having attained this new power Danny defeats Death Watch and his men the police then show up and Ghost Rider leaves to allow the police to take her sister to the hospital for those of you who might be curious the spirit of vengeance that possesses ketch was noble Cael who was tricked into believing that he was an ancestor of ketch and blaze only to later find out that he was lied to by mephesto and Blackheart again you think would be common sense you just can't trust the devil or a demon it's not a good idea people but let's move on to the next Ghost Rider because we still have two more to talk about and then powers and abilities and of course reading recommendations but are you guys enjoying the episode so far I thought you might let's move on the next ghost rider is Alejandro Jones she first appeared in Ghost Rider fear itself issue 1 Alejandro was raised in a tomb in South America until she was 18 by a mysterious man named Adam and as far as I know we never get as last name so it's just gonna be Adam anyway she was forced to be bonded with Johnny Blaze the spirit of vengeance is our thoughts by some undead dude who works for Adam and calls himself the seeker long story short Alejandro was part of adam's plan to take away all sin on earth but in doing this he would leave every person on earth a mindless zombie in the end she was stopped by Johnny Blaze and was deprived of most of zarathos is full power when Johnny Blaze took most of it back but she still retains a fraction of zarathos as power but now let's talk about the Ghost Rider that's in the spotlight currently with agents of shield robbie reyes he first appeared in all new Ghost Rider issue 1 in 2014 so he's a pretty new Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes is a young mexican-american who takes care of his disabled little brother while acting as the sole caretaker of his brother he is also trying to balance school on top of his part-time job at the auto shop while also competing in illegal street races all fast and furious style so one night in an attempt to win a lot of money so that he could move him and his brother away from the high crime of East LA Robbie entered into a street race with the stolen 69 charger because who cares about consequences apparently not Robbie at least not in this instance little did he know that the car he stole was haunted by the spirit of the once-upon-a-time serial killer Eli Morrow the kicker is that the serial killer happens to be Robbie and his brothers uncle so being related Eli spirit embedded himself into Robbie psyche but he fights Eli's evil influence and uses the power of this all-new Ghost Rider for good with all that said Robbie isn't a traditional Ghost Rider because his body isn't the host of a spirit of vengeance instead his body hosts the spirit of an evil serial killer so he's always battling the need to kill all life rather than to serve vengeance but he still finds a way to do good another thing that makes Robbie different from other ghost riders is that instead of having a hell cycle like most ghost riders he has a hell charger which is what the 1969 Dodge Charger he stole transforms into and it's freakin awesome I've always liked muscle cars more than motorcycles so this is right up my alley now I gotta confess I'm not the biggest fan of agents of shield but I will say that scene where ghost riders car flips just like in the comics was amazing everybody's got a soft spot and I guess mine is a hell infused Dodge Charger before I get into powers and abilities this episode wouldn't be complete if I didn't at least mention vengeance there was two to be exact the first vengeance was lieutenant Baddeley no was the head of the task force created to destroy ghostrider but he was never able to complete the task being pretty frustrated and annoyed about this repeated failure he turned to mephesto and traded his soul for the power to destroy the Ghost Rider then you have the second vengeance deputy Kowalski he's a former deputy sheriff who becomes obsessed with revenge against Ghost Rider due to a complicated incident on the cursed Highway 18 involving a cannibal eating his hand then after a battle with Johnny Blaze and Danny ketch Walski accidentally ends up absorbing some of blazes power transforming him into the new vengeance with that covered let's get into powers and abilities all ghost riders for the most part have the same power set so I'm just gonna generalize it to make it easier being a Ghost Rider gives the host several abilities such as superhuman strength being able to lift up to 25 tons they also have incredible durability and has even taken blows from beings such as the Hulk and just got right back up because his body tissue has been transformed leaving only skeleton bullets and other weapons simply pass through him or bounce off his bones Ghost Rider's body is pretty much immune to all physical injury and he is seemingly not able to feel pain and able to survive any injury unless it's from a weapon forged from heaven he also has a healing factor Ghost Rider can instantly regenerate any damage done by any attack including completely regenerating lost limbs or even regenerating his skull without any pain next in line Ghost Rider can create and control a mystical fire known as Hellfire Hellfire is a supernatural flame that engulfs the soul of a person but can also be used to burn their physical body the riders are able to use this fire in many different ways including projecting it from their hands eyes mouth or even channel it into their weapons like his shotgun and I can't forget to mention that he is able to generate insanely powerful hell fire explosions capable of bringing great pain to powerhouses like the Hulk moving on the Ghost Rider also carries an enchanted chain that can cut through almost anything and is able to expand in length at the will of the Ghost Rider next up is the penance stare this gives the rider the ability to cause any individual who stares into his eyes to see and feel all pain that they have ever inflicted on another person in their entire life for all eternity yeah let that one sink in for just a second Ghost Rider also has recently demonstrated the ability to increase this size and lastly of course there's his hell cycle it can travel faster than any man-made vehicle it can do some crazy stuff such as drive up walls drive over water and make impossibly long jumps and everything I just said about the health cycle also applies to Robbie's 69 charger as it becomes a supernatural vehicle as well now before I give you all reading recommendations I just wanted to say as always I know there are several elements that I left out of ghostwriters history this is just an overview of each primary Rider so maybe in the future I'll get a little more in-depth by giving each individual rider their own episode but with that said of course I have to finish this out with giving some Ghost Rider reading recommendations you have Marvel spotlight issue 5 Ghost Rider Danny ketch classic vol 1 Ghost Rider vol 1 hell-bent and heaven-bound Ghost Rider vol 2 The Last Stand all new Ghost Rider vol 1 engine and vengeance and all new Ghost Rider vol 2 legend here we have Batman issue 8 this is monster men part 4 I've read the first two issues as a series so far and it's been really good so I highly recommend you check it out here we have Green Arrow issue 8 Green Arrow and black Canary are back where Ali's journey started the shores of a deserted island and finally we have cage issue one I'm really interested in this issue because it's being done by the award-winning creator of Dexter's Laboratory and Samurai Jack he's writing and drawing it so I can't wait to check this out and that brings another episode of Baron to a close but remember you can always like a variant Facebook page to keep up with the show when all things comic related can also follow variant on twitter at variant comics or me on twitter at Arras underscore fan units but I'll see you guys next week when i talk about all things comics - more to talk about and then powers and abilities and of course reading recommendation a River Railroad I furnish recommendations Robby entered into a street race with the 69th orange star charger Robbie answered in an illegal street ways leash and in a we go Street waste you
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 3,366,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze, Danny Ketch, Robbie Reyes, Alejandra Jones, Marvel Comics, Marvel Universe, Avengers, Hellcycle, Agents Of Shield, History of, Origin, Vengeance, variant, variant comics
Id: VcdSnd8NnkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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