The First Ghost Rider

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do you like Ghost Rider yeah well I do too because Ghost Rider has always been one of my most favorite superheroes in all of fiction I mean the dude is a flaming skull rides a flaming motorcycle and fights off demons and his counterpart Johnny Blaze is also a hella cool stunt performer who rides motorcycles off ramps jumping over dozens of buses or helicopters or you name it what is there not to love Nicholas Cage also played Ghost Rider which literally sparked my Fascination for the character and I also have his skin in fortnite which costed a pretty penny shout out my fortnite code in the corner and really anything related to Ghost Rider in comics I also love to collect like right now I love what's going on with Ghost Rider teaming up with Wolverine in the comics for like the millions dime it's so rad but one thing that I've always wondered about Ghost Rider was who was the very first one because Ghost Rider isn't exactly exclusive to Johnny Blaze it's a curse that gets passed down from one Rider to the next to live a life of never-ending Vengeance placed by the Devil Himself Mephisto and there are plenty of Ghost Riders like the Phantom Rider from the wild west there's Danny catch who was Johnny Blaze's long-lost younger brother there's also Robbie Reyes who after losing a street race and nearly dying in the process was revived by the spirit of Vengeance and then we got a Ghostwriter who just runs there are a whole lot of them but I think you get the point but like I said I always wondered who the first ghost rider was and today we're going to talk about it we're going to talk about the one who started it all today we will be going over the Ghost Rider of 1 million BC now as we start the story it takes place all the way back in 1 Million BC with our main character narrating how he was born into a small tribe and a land he calls the big white no one there has the same level of intelligence nor does anyone have a name they only recognize one another through their faces and smells with their only communication being with Grunts and fists the boy born into the tribe has no exact idea on who his mother or father could be but what he does know is he's a lot smarter than the entire tribe but it's also his greatest shame because those who appear different to the tribe are cast out to be left in the snow to starve however one day a stranger arrived who could somehow bear the cold that only Frost Giants or saber Cats Could withstand wielding weapons they had never seen before and in the time it'd take a wolf to devour a baby The Stranger carved his way into becoming the new pack leader with every tri-member roaring in approval however the boy was the only one who truly feared The Stranger and wished he was no longer smart as he was nights later The Stranger would approach the boy and tell him he knows how alone he really is be because he's never met anyone like himself the boy says to the stranger that he thought he was the only one but the stranger tells the boy that there are many like them they are just scattered across the lands The Stranger then begins to tell the boy how he came from a tribe just like this one and every night the tribe's people thought that they were going to die so they'd howl and howl until one exceptionally dark night they were finally right telling the boy that it doesn't matter how they were born but the why is clear it's so one day they can be their masters and they can serve them the boy then asks what happened to his tribe to which the stranger says tribes always come to an end because something always finds them something stronger something hungry in an instant The Stranger turns into a terrifying Beast eating all who stepped in his path everyone the boy ever knew the boy angry would try to kill the stranger however he'd stand no chance and as the stranger held the boy in his blood-soaked hand he'd refer to him as a ghost now a thing that doesn't even know it's dead officially naming him ghost as he then drops the boy he tells him that if he wants to know his name he'll have to come find him one day if he even can after The Stranger would leave days would soon go by and ghost felt more alone than ever before and for him it felt more dangerous inside the cave as time went on so ghost ventured out into the cold thinking that if the stranger could withstand it so could he but his body would soon give out collapsing to the ground a snake slithered towards the boy telling him that he could help his death go quicker but he'd much rather help him stay alive the snake tells ghost that he knows what he's searching for and he can give ghost everything he desires pain punishment and Vengeance even offering the boy to be warm once more so long as the boy says his name because names have power in these lands so ghost weaker than ever and wishing to be warm once again said the snake's name Mephisto as the boy's heads soon begin to burst into flames while Mephisto laughed On and On from the sidelines but at least the boy was no longer alone anymore due to Mammoth somehow being drawn towards ghost five years later ghost has come into his own and all across the lands people have given him many names like the writer due to him being the only man known to ride mammoths as we then see the stranger yet again roaming across icy mountains smelling ghosts from afar yelling that it's about time the spirit of Vengeance has arrived soon ghost Tangles The Stranger in the mammoth's fiery snout telling him that he's seen so many horrific scenes left by him but no more ghosts has come for his name and everything else he has the stranger tells ghosts that he's surprised to see him all grown up and even touched by fire to which the stranger turns into a beastly form telling ghosts that his name will be the last thing he ever hears before he eats him alive bursting from the mammoth snout screaming that he is the wendigo as they soon engage in combat with the mammoth shooting Fireballs from its snout however the wendigo then pounces on ghosts yelling that they're both the same that they're both monsters because he feeds on man flesh but ghost feeds on people's Souls ghost then agrees but feels as though the world only he has room for one monster such as themselves but eventually after getting knocked around so much ghost finds himself at the wendigo's Den surrounded by the bones of his victims and hears their Spirits all calling for revenge on the wendigo so ghost uses his powers to assemble a Whip made from the bones of all of wendigo's victims telling when to go that it's their turn to feed ghost then wraps the whip around when it goes neck and attempts to use the pen and stare against him however the wendigo breaks free knocking ghosts down telling ghosts that so long there is hunger in the world the wendigo will always be there but in the middle of talking ghosts Mammoth stabs the windigo with its Tusk however the one to go still with enough strength breaks the Tusk and pushes the mammoth off a nearby Cliff telling ghosts that he'll never be strong enough to kill him as they both fall off the cliff together leaving ghost with nothing to do but watch on ghost falls to his knees feeling alone again fearing that he'll always be alone no matter what he does but inside of his head someone calls to him that there are many monsters like the wendigo but ghosts will never be alone again as lady Phoenix and Odin step beside him recruiting ghosts to help them save the world together ending the story of the Ghost Rider from 1 Million BC at least his origin that is now after this ghost ends up joining the Avengers of 1 million BC made up of tons of cool characters like Odin and Lady Phoenix like you just saw along with agamoto star brand black panther Iron Fist and even Moon Knight and if you all want a video on them let me know in the comments down below and be sure to leave a like And subscribe and as always I'll catch y'all on the flip side
Channel: Mullet-Man Comics
Views: 240,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2d9Qo6N2IfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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