History of Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider

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[Music] what's up my comic comrades there has been a lot of chatter about Ghost Rider among Marvel fans lately mostly out of the anticipation for how he may reappear in the MCU and I say reappear because Robbie Ray's Ghostwriter who we are spotlighting today was introduced and played a role in Marvel's Agents of Shield TV series which is technically an MCU continuity well let's just say we hope that isn't the last word on the character so with that hopeful optimism in mind we're going to give you the history of the most likely version of Ghost Rider to reappear in the MCU and one of my personal favorites Robbie Reyes although I think any of us would be just as excited for Johnny Blaze but that's for another day that's for today let's kick this pick [Music] Bobby Reyes was created by Felipe Smith and trademore and first appeared in all new Ghost Rider issue 1 in March of 2014. around that time Marvel had been going through a revamp and was looking for new characters to introduce with their all-new all different Marvel initiatives and one of the characters then Marvel editor Mark panisio wanted to overhaul was Ghost Rider so return to the writer Smith who pitched the idea of Robbie Reyes as a younger and edgier version of the anti-hero Venezia love the concept and the rest is history once introduced fans were presented a version of Ghost Rider who drives a Hellfire imbued muscle car instead of his iconic motorcycle and the first Ghost Rider not to have a floating head when asked what led to those changes for this Ghost Rider Smith explained he's an amalgam of a flaming car and a human being he's not wearing a helmet and his head isn't a skull this Ghost Rider is designed so his look simulates the lines of the muscle car he was racing the night he died that's a really dope approach and fits really well with the direction they took Robbie Reyes as a character speaking of let's dive into his fictional origin [Music] story for Robbie Reyes right up front in the same issue as his first appearance all new Ghost Rider issue one in the issue we learned that Robbie Reyes is a mechanic from East Los Angeles working at camello's auto and body on the opening page we see him at a shop working on a 69 Charger his boss Carmelo then interrupts him saying I told you there's no rush on that one they're not picking it up until next Friday here's this week's pay Robbie then counts the money and luckily he did as his boss try to short him 23. we're then taken to Patrick Wellman's Development Center where we see a bunch of bullies picking on a disabled kid in a wheelchair stealing his wheelchair and taking his comic books but before they can get away Robbie comes in tackling and punching one of them and as Robbie is laying into them one of them pulls out a gun and points it at him they then beat him off panel before leaving with a wheelchair at which point we find out this disabled kid is Robbie's younger brother Robbie then picks up his kid brother who asked Robbie to pick up his comic books before saying Robbie you're so cool you're my hero Robbie you showed them as Robbie with a bloody nose and tears falling down his face says yeah I showed them on their walk home we see that Robbie and his brother do not live in a good area as two people were just killed on a block nearby Robbie that makes this kid brother some mac and cheese for dinner as we see he's the sole caretaker and guardian later Robbie sneaks back out to the auto body shop he works out to borrow the charger he was working on earlier to enter into an illegal street race he does this to potentially win fifty thousand dollars so him and his kid brother can move to a better area the race starts and it looks like something straight out of the Fast and Furious franchise with Robbie being Dom Toretto as he's literally racing because family but all joking aside the race is going great for Robbie as he's beating everyone but he sees in the rear view that the other cars are turning down different blocks this is because the police helicopter has busted the race and is now following Rob he says no as he envisions himself being arrested and imprisoned with his kid brother Gabe being forced into the Foster system Robbie tries to make a run for it but ultimately drives himself into a dead end so he gets out of the car saying officers listen please but they just say don't move and as he says Gabe I'm sorry they start opening fire killing him we then see these are not cops at all but some sort of military or mercenaries as they open the trunk of the car and say Target acquired sir pulling out duffel bags of some sort of pills or drugs they then leave with the duffel bags but once they're gone you see the charger starts to go up in a blaze of fire with Robbie's face also starting to catch fire this is immediately followed by Robbie turning into the new Ghost Rider for the first time with him standing up and getting into his now hell charger then speeding off in issue two of the same series we see Robbie now the new Ghost Rider speeding off to catch up with the mercenaries we've just killed him or so they thought they start shooting at the charger and even fire a rocket launcher at it with the hell charger doing a front flip over the other vehicles Landing in front of them in shock The Mercenaries are like what the hell who's driving it we tore that kit to shreds at which point Robbie AKA Ghost Rider just makes a hard right into one of the military trucks shredding it in half elsewhere we see a man by the name of Dr zabbo is the one who hired The Mercenaries to retrieve his pills as Street Thug stole the pills from him during a recruitment meeting he then takes the leader of the group into a room and transforms him into a monster he also kills the mercenary leader because he didn't come back with all the pills that were stolen he then appoints a new leader saying take your men get the missing duffel bag you're in charge now one more thing he says yes Mr Hyde as Mr Hyde replies watch yourself as he hands him the former Leader's eyeball after this we see the street thugs that stole the pills at a party and one of the girls there takes the pills turn her into a monster then towards the end of the issue we see Robbie trying to figure out what has happened to him but as The Story Goes On we see that Robbie uses his new powers to fight Injustice and is for a super villain Mr Hyde and with that we have Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider's origin and before we move on to story arcs it's time for some stress relief [Music] that moment of Glorious slice and dice therapy is courtesy of legit quality Japanese steel made by today's sponsor kamikodo I'm personally not that much of a chef but even I know that Japanese steel knives like these are a big deal they are widely considered the best knives in the world and kamikota was kind enough to send over this awesome combo set of their high-end knives all made using traditional Japanese techniques and these are 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noting that in more recent storylines he's been given some massive power upgrades either way the most obvious place to start is is previously mentioned first solo series all new Ghost Rider which lasted for 12 issues I already went over the first few issues of the series and Origins but as the series progresses we learned that Robbie isn't your stereotypical Ghost Rider for instance Johnny Blaze is bonded to the spirit of Vengeance zarathos but Robbie is not he is unique in the sense that he has bonded to the human Spirit of Satanist and serial killer Eli Morrow Eli Spirit was able to escape Eternal damnation through sadistic rituals it's actually all broken down to us in issues 3 and 12 of all new Ghost Rider now on the very last page of issue 2 after Robbie transforms back into his normal self he looks at the car saying what are you the car replies no the real question is what are we this brings us to issue three where we see the reflection of Robbie's Ghost Rider saying you ask what I am Robbie but the real question is what are we we are Kindred Spirits Robbie we are unstoppable Everlasting Eternal friends you and and I Robbie asks Eternal Eli tells them well not if you die again we're not Robbie asks who died Eli tells him you did partner and I brought you back to life like a guardian angel Robbie then asks you're an angel he responds no Robbie asks your he responds nope try again Reyes Robbie then frustrated says how the heck should I know you're an alien I don't know Eli then answer saying I'm a spirit a human Spirit Robbie I was killed by a bunch of low-life bastards just like you were last night and when I saw it happen I brought you back Robbie asks why I don't even know you what do you want from me Eli tells them I want to help you kid I want to give you the power to fight back against the gangs the bullies the parents that abandoned you to raise your kid brother on your own let me give you the power Robbie asks and how are you going to do that he replies I'll tell you how we're gonna do that Robbie together you and me in this beautiful black car you and I are the key to the ignition this car is your ride towards a better life all you have to do is hop in and take the wheel harness its power you want the power to change your life don't you I know you do do you want a new life you and your brother and the answer is right in front of you all I need is your trust now clearly it's not as black and white as Eli is saying but either way Robbie reluctantly accepts and uses the power bestowed upon Him Eli's end game has a completely take over Robbie's Body and use Robbie to do whatever he wants but Robbie's will is very strong and he is constantly fighting off Eli's influence to do bad however if Robbie gives into the negative feelings and despair Eli can take over completely in issue 9 of the series Robbie comes face to face with Johnny Blaze the original Ghost Rider Johnny would tell Robbie there's a lot of evil in you Robbie Reyes we need to talk Robbie says so you're the Ghost Rider that monster I fought in Hell Rock's Heights went on about you yeah Mr Hyde was referring to me I fought him many years ago but there are other Ghost Riders I'm not the only one Robbie asked so I'm a ghost rider too and Blaze says that's what I came here to find out if I understand correctly you did not make a pact with the devil Robbie answers what hell no only an idiot would do that as Johnny gives him an irritated look because that's what he did Johnny then says well idiots or not that's how we Ghost Riders tend to get our powers kid through a contract with Satan dealing with an immortal vengeful Spirit or Supernatural entity but you were brought back to life by the spirit of a serial killer and a Satanist which explains how you develop some power similar to my own and some very different ones as well Robbie asso if Eli Morrow is not a spirit of Vengeance and I'm not a Ghost Rider am I some sort of satanic evil thing then Johnny responds it looks like to me that's entirely up to you Robbie the situation you're in right now with Morrow is virtually the same one I found myself in when I was cursed by the spirit of zarathos a long time ago zarathos's thirst for vengeance consumed me praying on my fear and anger and became uncontrollable causing me to make countless mistakes I wished for death like zarthos the spirit of Eli Barrow feeds on your anger and despair and in exchange gives you great power how you ration out that anger to fuel his fire is entirely up to you if you give into Despair and let your negative feelings get the best of you Eli Mara will take over once again and hurt the ones closest to you so now knowing this with the help of Johnny Blaze by the last issue of the series issue 12 Robbie Reyes strikes a deal with Eli so they can better coexist Robbie says to Eli I'll make you a deal find the worst scum on the planet find me those who torture kill and rape find me the foulest darkest degenerate souls to walk the earth people like you Eli Morrow and I'll gladly destroy them but I will kill no one else Eli eventually laughs as we see the face of his Spirit next to Robbie sane Robbie Reyes you got yourself a deal and just like that the all-new Ghost Rider lives on now after his first 12 issue series we get a brand new five issue Series in 2016 simply titled to Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider it's a really short yet fun series but truth be told his character has been fleshed out in other titles that he's appeared in that are not his own such as Jason Aaron's 2018 Avengers title in Issue 5 of that series we see Robbie Reyes start to unlock the true potential of his power in the issue we see Robbie go inside a dead celestial's armor and use his Hellfire to turn the dead Celestial into his freaking hell ride that's right Robbie Reyes turns a Celestial into his vehicle saying this can't be really happening so much power at my fingertips and it's not just a Celestial this is me just exactly how strong am I and to answer that very strong very very strong on the last page of the issue he lines up with his fellow Avengers Thor She-Hulk and Iron Man ready to save the day but that's not it in issue 28 of the same Avengers series we see Robbie take on the freaking Silver Surfer the two then get into a quick fight but Surfer is able to hurt Robbie and Robbie's chains just go right through Surfer but then out of nowhere Robbie steals Surfers board with Surfer saying impossible the board is intangible too how are you doing this Robbie answers you're not the only one who could see Souls I see your souls noran rad they are as many as the damn stars and any sinner alive can feel the burn of Hellfire as he rides Surfers board towards him attacking him with Hellfire but that's not even the best part for Robbie recently in stories in Jason Aaron's Avengers forever title we see Robbie on a quest of cosmic Vengeance as he finds himself zipping through a wasteland of a ruined Earth but by issue 2 of this series a seemingly Fallen Robbie Reyes is helped by deathlock he's a cyber soldier who puts his gadgets on reyes's skull saying your name is Robbie Reyes and I do not care what you are in any other Universe you are the Ghost Rider you are an Avenger the only Avenger this world has got anything you touch you turn into a Ghost Rider's hell ride you Rose a Celestial from the dead you rode the surfer's board you are the all Rider the multiversal spirit of Vengeance and at the beginning of the next issue Robbie officially Rises up officially being declared the all Rider and the multiversal spirit of Vengeance not just the normal spirit of Vengeance the multiversal spirit of Vengeance now you may be asking what the heck is the all Rider well exactly as the name implies Robbie can turn anything into one of his hell rides what I'm saying is Robbie Reyes is now one of the most powerful characters in all of Marvel but in any case we need to move on to powers and abilities first and foremost unlike other Ghost Riders like Johnny Blaze and Danny Ketch Robbie Reyes isn't technically a Ghost Rider even though we all call him one this is because like I said earlier he's not inhabited by a spirit of Vengeance but instead a satanic human spirit that of Eli Morrow and because of this he has a constant dark knee to extinguish life but Robbie has found a way to channel the dark side for good and because he's not a traditional Ghost Rider Robbie doesn't need to completely transform to use several of his abilities such as increased strength durability and speed also unlike previous Ghost Riders Robbie can manipulate his physical being from one Shadow to another you can also teleport short distances and the spirit of Morrow can create Hellfire portals out of thin air to travel long distances then of course he has Hellfire which is a supernatural flame that could burn the soul of its victims he has mystical chains which he uses as chainsaws to cut through people or even use it as a whip the end of the chains can vary from crowbars hooks knives and so on he also has the Soul Eater ability which is an ability where the spirit of Eli Morrow can consume The Souls of his victims Robbie is also the first Rider to have a car his hell charger which is capable of self-repair Hellfire generation ramming power ghosting through stuff Supernatural camouflage it's pretty much Unstoppable it makes the Batmobile look like a Power Wheels and then of course Robbie has the Penance there which allows him to force anyone he makes eye contact with to feel the pain and suffering they've inflicted on others but most importantly Robbie is now the all Rider in multiversal spirit of Vengeance and as the all Rider he can turn anything into his hell ride like he did with the celestial silver surface board and so on but now it's time for reading recommendations check out all new Ghost Rider the 2016 Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider title Avengers forever by Jason Aaron and the 2018 Avengers run and that's going to bring today's episode to a close but if you like this video be sure to check out this one right here and if you enjoy the channel be sure to like subscribe and comment it helps us out but other than that I'll see you next time when I talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 111,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: origin of ghost rider, history of ghost rider, robbie reyes ghost rider, marvel ghost rider, ghost rider powers and abilities, variant comics
Id: j7-Ptvrpf0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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