How Powerful is Ghost Rider? | MCU Power Scaling

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the spirit of vengeance is one of the most powerful entities in the marvel cinematic universe and flies far under the radar in terms of the power hierarchy within the mcu as the demon really only appears in one half of agents of shield season four however in that short amount of time the ghost rider became one of my favorite marvel cinematic universe characters and easily one of the most powerful beings we've ever seen the spirit of vengeance's origins are unknown but we do know that dormammu at one time absorbed the spirit's dimension into his dark dimension where the spirit resided until eventually it escaped to the dimension protected by the ancient one where it found and possessed johnny blaise who became the first ghost rider eventually johnny transferred the spirit of vengeance to robbie reyes to save his life and robbie pledged to punish those who had wronged him in the past from here ghost rider comes in contact with various agents of shield and humans and even the infinitely powerful darkhold as we do with all of our power scaling videos we will discuss ghost rider strength durability speed as well as all the equipment and hacks abilities that the character possesses in the power department ghost rider is a beast directly scaling above the likes of phase 2 hulk and thor in terms of raw strength we learn in agents of shield season 2 episode 15 that bruce banner was once placed in a shield safe house after the events of loki's invasion the safe house walls were made of a vibranium alloy that was able to contain a hulk rampage which makes sense for hulk's power at this time as thor's overhead myoner strikes could do nothing to captain america's 100 percent pure vibranium shield in season four of agents of shield which takes place after the avengers had their civil war we find out that shield has upgraded their containment modules leo fitz states that the adaptive compound they created in their new containment modules is the most sophisticated that shield has ever made making it more durable than the vibranium unit that hulk was kept in and ghost rider is able to break out of this new containment unit once ghost rider does break out of the containment unit fitz goes on to say this that's not possible this line of dialogue is very interesting to me as shield would have very detailed dossiers on each and every avenger and know the relative strength of each especially at this point as thor and iron man were able to break apart sokovia together which is calculated at over 100 megatons or around mountain level so fitz claiming that this should be impossible is extremely impressive for ghost rider as it implies that neither thor iron man or hulk should be able to break out of it with the power levels that the shield agents are aware of as for durability ghost rider is just as imposing in the mid-season finale ghost rider endures a blast from eli morrow's bomb which could destroy half of los angeles the energy needed to do this is roughly 600 megatons which is 12 times more powerful than the world's most powerful nuclear bomb and is again mountain level making his attack potency and durability very very consistent but seeing how easily ghost rider breaks out of the containment module and considering the fact he returns later in that season completely fine after being hit with a 600 megaton blast you can easily make the case that he's far more durable than what we're able to calculate ghost rider also has various resistances and immunities which give him an insane advantage in almost any situation of course he's completely immune to fire but he also no cells powerful electrical currents icers which were invented by shield to put anyone to sleep after being shot and he is able to endure while being poisoned by radioactive plutonium and being impaled multiple times and he wasn't even in the full ghost rider form at this time being near the plutonium would kill any normal person 10 times over so being skewered at the same time doesn't seem like that big a deal of course robbie and his gross rider form take a ton of abuse throughout his various appearances but ghost rider seems to be completely immune to any sort of lethal damage dealt to robbie's body and if robbie is hurt a simple transformation into ghost rider instantly heals any mortal wounds not to mention that robbie's entire face burns off each time he transforms exposing his bare skull so of course his skin would need to regenerate after he transforms back and now we get to the tricky part the speed as we've mentioned in multiple other marvel cinematic universe videos the entire universe scales off of carol danvers captain marvel in her solo film has shown reaction and combat speeds exceeding mach 100 and during endgame she's able to fly down to thanos's planet search it and return at insane speeds reaching mach 300 at a low end and over mach 1000 at a high end which is over 750 000 miles per hour or in power scaling terms massively hypersonic so how does this relate to ghost rider well thanos scales to captain marvel as we see him react to her in endgame thor also scales to thanos obviously as they fight multiple times hella scales to thor hogan scales to hella as he reacts to her attacks in ragnarok sif is stated to be second only to thor in battle so she would scale to hogan's speed off this quake scales to sif and finally ghost rider is able to react to quake's attacks makes sense good the entire mcu scales off of captain marvel which is pretty much all you need to know about the marvel cinematic universe speed scaling and the chain is very consistent throughout the mcu pretty much every single character that has any sort of real feats or scaling scales eventually to thanos who scales to carol and other cree can react to carol's binary form and there are cree all over agents of shield as for other hacks abilities and equipment this may be where ghost rider burns the brightest using the spirit of vengeance ghost rider can imbue various objects with his demonic power granting that item the same amount of durability as his physical form he does this to robbie's muscle car which when imbued with the spirit of vengeance's hellfire can no-sell rocket launcher attacks and he can even use the hellfire to increase the speed of his vehicle while robbie can transfer this power to any object from his car to a crowbar he typically infuses a simple chain with his hellfire which gives him an excellent defensive and offensive option with his hellfire he can also conjure walls of fire and emit the flames from his hands when a weapon is in handy if you're touched by his hellfire and somehow survive the ordeal the burns affect your soul and your body will never heal not even in humans with advanced healing powers could heal burns caused by the ghost riders hellfire he can easily incinerate a human body to ashes and can even see incorporeal forms such as spirits and can consume these souls with hellfire destroying someone permanently imagine ghost rider got into a scuffle with doctor strange and the sorcerer supreme attempted to use his astral form offensively not only could ghost rider see strange's astral body but could interact with his spirit without being in the astral plane and could destroy strange permanently with hellfire but maybe strange could attempt to banish the spirit of vengeance to another dimension with his sling ring or conjure the mirror dimension to keep the ghost rider trapped for eternity well ghost rider has a sling ring of his own you could even argue that he has resistance to magical attacks as even beings created by the dark dimension via the darkhold such as ada are terrified of the spirit so with his hellfire chain he can create portals between dimensions and could even travel in and out of the dark dimension at will by the end of agents of shield season 4. the spirit of vengeance also grants the user a high level of mind hacks resistance meaning that mental manipulation does not work on anyone possessed by the ghost rider lucy bauer was able to induce madness in anyone that she touched but ghost rider ignored all of her attempts not even untold time spent in the dark dimension which would typically turn anyone trapped there into a mindless one could affect the spirit of vengeance or even robbie when he went to the dark dimension willingly having been stuck in the dark dimension for untold centuries the ghost rider has the ability to sense and track down dark matter which originated from the dark dimension being the spirit of vengeance and all ghost rider is obsessed with sending anything from the dark dimension back there in my opinion ghost rider could take on the avengers and possibly win by himself his resistances and durability would render any physical or mental attack useless not to mention his regeneration he's immune to electricity and magical attacks so thor wouldn't be able to use his lightning to great effect we've already discussed how he could deal with doctor strange characters like cap and hulk would need to get close to do much and he could simply destroy their physical forms with hellfire or even their souls so really wanda and strange would need to come up with a way to separate the spirit from robbie and then seal the rider in another dimension to win not easy to accomplish as we've already seen that ghost rider only leaves its host to possess another and we don't know of any way to actually remove the rider from its host but there's another ability of ghost riders that we've yet to discuss his ability to look into one's heart and soul he uses this ability to judge someone to determine if they are worthy of punishment you can argue that this is an empathic ability simply looking into someone's soul to determine if they are good or not but he seems to be able to pick out specific deeds that someone has done as with the pedophile that he kills during his hunt for vengeance so i mean i guess you could argue that he could simply look into wanda or doctor strange's mind see their plan and then act accordingly so in the end ghost rider is absolutely insane and it's really a shame that his show that was meant to be on hulu got cancelled hopefully ghost rider returns in some form or fashion within the marvel cinematic universe as i think he's extremely interesting and of course he's extremely powerful and that's all i've got for you guys today be sure to like and subscribe it does really really help us out and comment down below what character you'd like to see a power scaling video on next and remember the motto it's ghostwriter over everything and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Key Issues
Views: 3,123,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mcu, ghost rider, robbie reyes, robbie reyes ghost rider, johnny blaze, power scaling, marvel cinematic universe, marvel cinematic universe podcast, agents of shield, agents of shield ghost rider, ghost rider vs quake, ghost rider vs avengers, avengers, phase 4, loki, wandavision, kang, marvel comics, comics, comic books, hulk, iron man, captain america, scarlet witch, thor, vs, death battle
Id: Yu_lSIFbD4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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