Every Omega Level Mutant In The Marvel Universe

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[Music] what's up my comic comrades since house of X and powers of 10 have been released the x-men universe has been turned on its head and one of the biggest revelations Jonathan Hickman has given us within the books is an official list for the known omega-level mutant in the Marvel Universe which consists of 14 mutants so I thought it'd be fun to run down talking about said omega-level mutant sabot and give you all a brief overview of each character but first off for those of you who don't know what an omega-level mutant is it's a classification that was coined for the first time in uncanny x-men issue 208 in 1986 it's basically a way to describe a mutant who has an undefinable upper limit to their power or as the official definition says a mutant whose dominant power is deemed to register or reach an undefinable upper limit of that power specific classification in short off-the-charts crazy powerful with a particular power like the example given to us in house of X issue 1 Jean Grey is both a telepath and a telekinetic but she's only an omega-level telepaths but now that you know what an omega-level mutant is on with the ones we know exist first up let's talk about Jean Grey aka Marvel Girl since I already mentioned her I will say most people are already familiar with Jean Grey she's one of the five original x-men and the most reoccurring host for the Phoenix force she's a telekinetic and telepath but it's a telepathy that makes her an omega-level mutant gene is able to use her telepathy in a ton of different ways such as mind communication mine reading mind transferral erased someone's memories increased another mutants power decrease another mutants power changed someone's personality due psychic surgery cast near-flawless illusions project her astral form control the astral plane create psychic links with other beings and all sorts of mind manipulation essentially since your brain controls your body she could almost do anything to anyone she's pretty dang Opie as all the characters on this list are next up we have Jaime Braddock he's Psylocke and Captain Britain's brother his power is the ability to interact and perceive reality on a quantum level so much so he sees reality as an endless web of strings that he can manipulate because of this ability Jaime can reshape reality itself he can also reshape humans to the point where he could morph them into other people entirely and let's not forget he can control and manipulate all manner of energy I'm only two in and I think you guys already get the point that omega-level mutant Saar insanely overpowered and people say DC characters are way too Opie moving along we have Bobby Drake aka Iceman Iceman could reduce the temperature of anything to absolute zero and turn the moisture in air to ice which allows them to make ice slides ice armor and spikes all the stuff we know Iceman for but the thing that makes them an omega-level mutant is the fact that Iceman doesn't emanate cold he instead decreases thermal energy meaning he has the power to influence the ecosystem of the entire world as mentioned by writer Mike Carey in short his power gives him the ability to affect the entire world which makes him an omega-level mutant also a more of a badass note he could theoretically freeze the moisture in your body freezing you from the inside out terrifying but awesome now we have Josh Foley aka elixir elixirs once a student at the Xavier Institute as for his ability he has biological manipulation which allows him to restore life or take it essentially he could manipulate organic material on a genetic level and use it to heal someone or kill someone for instance one of his classmates Hart was taken by an enemy and he just grew a new one for said classmate also he has the capacity to alter his own genetic code which is one of the reasons he's considered an omega-level mutant next up we have Charles Xavier son aka Legion I already did a history of episode on this character a while ago when his FX show debuted but in short Legion has hundreds upon hundreds of mutant powers said powers range from reality-warping to telekinesis time manipulation emotional control pain induction soul absorption super-strength pyrokinesis telepathy and the list goes on for days with that said each of his powers are controlled by a different personality and he has thousands of personalities so just imagine in any case since he has so many abilities several of which are insane like reality warping and time manipulation it's easy to see why he's an omega-level mutant but then of course we have magneto as any x-man fan knows magneto is the master of magnetism but I'm not just talking about how he could bend and control metal because he can but he also can perceive the magnetic forces of the earth as well as the biological patterns in all living beings because of his ability to manipulate magnetic fields he can theoretically alter in destroy the Earth's magnetic field killing everything on earth so much like Iceman he's omega-level because he could alter the entire planet and/or destroy it next up we have Proteus putting it simply this is an insane mutant who has the power to warp the very fabric of reality itself now I'm sure you're seeing a trend here where a lot of Omega level mutants have reality-warping abilities because I mean that's an insane power literally warping reality anyway what's unique with him is that he exists as living energy that can essentially inhabit a human body but with that said he constantly has to hop from body to body because the energies that he controls literally burn out living flesh that's kind of gross then we have mr. M who has the ability of matter manipulation with his psionic abilities he has power over pretty much anything at an atomic level which means he could do virtually anything his mind can imagine and here's the crazy part it's been said that if he was to reach his full potential he could possibly be beyond an omega-level mutant which is all kinds of nuts what I'm saying is he's gonna go Goku up in here creating new forms like every other week next up his fan favorite x-men storm her Omega level power is weather manipulation when you really think of it it makes all the sense in the world that she's an omega-level mutant because she has the power to manipulate weather meaning she could create the worst natural disasters the world has ever seen by creating global hyper storms that could cover the entire planet destroying all life itself what I'm saying is she could literally pull a Noah's Ark except she wouldn't be Noah she would be God flooding the entire planet and resetting everything so again just like Ice Man she has the power to influence the ecosystem of the entire world yet somehow she's underrated when she's one of the most powerful superheroes in all of Marvel's moving along yet again we have Exodus Exodus has insane telekinetic abilities he is easily one of the most powerful telekinetics in all of Marvel with these abilities he could also lift extremely heavy objects generate highly durable force fields and create insane energy blasts he could also use his psionic powers to increase his strength and durability in terms of telekinetic power he's up there with the likes of Jean Grey but we still got several more to talk about and now we have kid Omega whose primary powers are telepathy and hyper intelligence but as Omega level power is telepathy I've talked about telepathy so much on this list there's not much more to say about it besides he's an extremely powerful telepath although I will say there was one time where he locked Wolverine in a memory loop that's not nice but something pretty cool kid Omega can do is he could make psychic constructs similar to that of the Green Lantern Corps except not but in any case let's move on to Franklin Richards aka powerhouse this one should be no surprise to anyone as everyone's known he's an omega-level mutant for a long time now and of course he's the son of Reed and Sue Storm to make this simple even as a kid he's one of the most powerful beings in the universe he has vast reality-warping in psionic powers but the kicker is he has complete control over the fundamental forces of the universe Romo the guardian of all realities said that his power level is equal to the freakin Celestials you know the beans that created the mutants in the first place I'm just gonna leave that there because how do you top that we also have Vulcan who has the ability to manipulate all known forms of energy he's The Forgotten third Summers brother who would later become a tyrannical Emperor to really drive home how crazy his energy manipulation powers are Charles Xavier said that he's the most powerful energy manipulator he's ever seen and considering Charles Xavier has access to every mutant on the planet through cerebro I'm gonna say that's nuts and last but certainly not least we have Hope Summers Hope has the ability of power manipulation and power mimic that's right she could manipulate or mimic the powers for mutants that are near her which obviously makes her omega-level because that means she could mimic the powers of other omega-level mutant it's also speculated that Hope has all the powers of the mutant race as she's been called the voodoo doll of the mutant race not bad not bad at all but just like that my friends that is every known omega-level mutant in the Marvel Universe the official list given to us by writer Jonathan Hickman himself in house of X issue 1 but let us know what you think of these mutants and who you would like to see be revealed as an omega-level mutant in the future other than that if you liked the show be sure to follow us on Instagram Facebook and Twitter I'll see you guys next time when I talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 2,630,913
Rating: 4.8942499 out of 5
Keywords: X-Men, Mutants, Magneto, Storm, Legion, Iceman, Wolverine, Deadpool, Marvel Comics, Marvel Studios, Spider-Man, Omega Level, Jean Grey, Hope Summers, Vulcan, Variant, Origin
Id: Qme5Yduw3BE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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