History of Darkseid

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[Music] what's up my comic comrads yes the time has finally arrived with zack snyder's cut of the just league landing on hbo max this week we will finally see his live-action version of darkseid so today we're here to break down the comic book history of the almighty dark side ruler of apocalypse we've been waiting a very long time to do this episode in fact we've intentionally waited for darkseid to make his live-action movie debut since it was teased in bbs and we couldn't be more excited that that day has finally come but before we dive in we want to thank raid shadow legends for sponsoring today's episode everyone knows rage shadow legends by now but did you know it's raid's second anniversary that's right it's been two years since raid burst onto the scenes and completely took over mobile gaming and since then raid's only gotten bigger and better this epic fantasy game gives you the ability to battle using your favorite champions from more than 12 warring factions and over the past two years raid has grown into the number one rpg game in the us with a massive community of more than one million players every day it's okay we'll get another cake such babies raid's constantly growing community has had quite a bit of fun since the game launched because like so much of geekdom in the end it's the combo of content and community that makes raid so much fun and for that all the content creators at raid want to thank all of its awesome players for two great years with many more to come in fact this month for raid's two year anniversary this schedule is absolutely packed with amazing events they've got six straight weeks of anniversary events and tournaments running from now all the way through mid-april all of them with insane prizes to win they're even launching their first clan vs clan tournament to give players a chance to compete directly against another clan to see who comes out on top and if that's not enough they're also releasing their first champion in the dope looking shadowkin faction which i can't wait to see i'm definitely going to try and get my hands on them yes collecting and developing champions is still our favorite part of the game and yes the dark elves is where it's at i'm just saying anyway raid's huge already and their whole anniversary event makes it an awesome time to join the raid community so don't wait around if you want to get a huge head start in raid all you have to do is hit the link in the description or scan our qr code and you'll get your free epic champion joetin who's amazing for the doom tower 100k silver 50 gems and three ancient shards so you can summon even more awesome champions as soon as you get in the game remember only new players will get those bonuses through our link and once you're up and running you'll find all these rewards waiting for you to claim in your inbox right here for the next 30 days so happy birthday raid click our link and we'll see you in the game but now without any further ado it's time to break down the history of one of the biggest bad guys in all of comics darkseid darkseid first appeared as a cameo in superman's pal jimmy olsen issue 134 in november of 1970. before making his first full appearance in forever people issue 1 in february of 1971. he was created by none other than the great jack kirby it all started when kirby went to dc comics to work on superman's pal jimmy olsen with issue 133. as soon as he was put on the book he started laying down the groundwork for his creation and idea the fourth world which in layman's terms is his universe of eternal conflict between good and evil aka new genesis vs apocalypse then literally on a second issue of superman's pal he put a cameo of darkseid darkseid was originally intended to be the main villain for the forever people new gods and mr miracle titles which to be fair he was but darkseid grew to become even more than that you see after the cancellation of those titles dc was like yeah we still want to see darkseid so he would continue to make appearances as a villain in some major dc titles ultimately fighting characters like superman and batman and then even the entire justice league as for how jack kirby came up with darkseid while as legend has it he modeled darkseid's face off of actor jack palance while the villain's personality was inspired by adolf hitler and richard nixon and i gotta say if you're gonna have a villain inspired by someone it doesn't get much eviler than hitler but now that you know a little bit about darkseid's real world creation let's take a look at his fictional one with origins now dark side has had two major origins over the years his original jack kirby one and the one from the 2011 new 52 reboot and though i'm not sure which origin they're gonna be pulling from most for zack snyder's justice league i will say that doesn't matter because us true darkseid and fourth world fans know there's only one real origin for darkseid and that's the one created and told to us by jack the king kirby so that's the one i'm about to break down it all starts with the origin of the new gods because as we know darkseid is a new god you see as jack kirby told us himself many many years ago there came a time when the old gods died their brave died with the cunning the noble perished locked in battle with unleashed evil it was the last day for them an ancient era was passing and fury holocaust the final moment came with the fatal release of indescribable power which tore the home of the old gods asunder split into two great halves and filled the universe with the blinding death flash of destruction in the end there were two giant molten bodies spinning slow and barren clean of all that had gone before drift in the feeding sounds of cosmic thunder silence closed upon what had happened a long deep silence wrapped in massive darkness it was this way for an age then there was new light and out of this light the new gods were born but like any civilization alien or not there's good and there's evil now as i just mentioned a moment ago the homeworld of the old gods was split into two during its destruction with each one ultimately becoming its own new planet one essentially becoming heaven and the other one hell that's not literal that's just the best way to look at it and of course we're here to elaborate on darkseid who rules the evil hell planet named apocalypse as the god orion even said all that new genesis stands for is reversed on apocalypse but before darkseid ruled apocalypse before he became darkside he was known as prince yuseks he was second in line to the throne of apocalypse which didn't sit well with him because he wanted to be king so he devised a plan to take control of apocalypse but he didn't have to get rid of his father because his father king yuka khan was trapped in the source wall after attempting to unlock the secret to the source however he did have to get rid of his older brother drax and no not drax from marvel and guardians of the galaxy completely different universe and character so when drax went to the infinity pit to obtain and master the omega effect yuxus killed him and stole the omega effect from his brother at which point yuxus skin turned to stone and he renamed himself darkseid so if you ever wondered why darkseid's skin looks like concrete or stone that's why his skin turned to stone once he stole the omega effect from his brother at which point he took up the name darkseid now that's how uxis became darkseid but if you could believe it or not darkseid actually became a little tamer after this and what is the only thing that could tame a man say it with me a woman and that would be sully a kind-hearted scientist who used their power for the common good instead of conquering but darkseid's mother queen hegra was all like nope this is apocalypse and you're not going to corrupt my son with all your good intentions he's got to stay evil so she had to sod apocalypse torture her kill her but not before she gave birth to darkseid's son killaback but of course darkseid eventually found out his mother had sully killed so now more pissed off and motivated than ever to see his mother dead he also used assad this time to kill his own mother by poisoning her this all led to darkseid forever turning his back on the concept of love and compassion leaving him as the unstoppable ruler of apocalypse and now that you know darkseid's origin let's start talking about some of his story arcs and publication history now when you think dark side story arcs and comics there's obviously several that come to mind one of which being the great darkness saga and the reason for that is it takes place 1 000 years in the future where darkseid has been gone for centuries to say he's a distant memory would be an understatement but just because he's forgotten doesn't mean he's gone and not gonna make a comeback and that's exactly what he does when he returns 1000 years into the future and starts fighting with the heroes of this time aka the legion of superheroes once back he uses magic and science aka alchemy to make himself even more powerful he then places a planet daxum under a yellow sun to give all of its kryptonian inhabitants superman-like powers if you didn't know the planet daxom is made up of a colony of kryptonians who love krypton to explore the universe anyway darkseid then puts them under mind control and uses them to try to conquer the universe but of course in the end the legion of superheroes are like yeah that's not going to happen and defeated darkseid we then have the dark side story from the seven soldiers mr miracle miniseries from 2005 which gave us boss darkseid basically what happens here is it's revealed that darkseid has finally got what he's always wanted the anti-life equation and once he gets it he uses it to destroy all of fourth world if you don't know what fourth world is is jack kirby's universe where the new gods live both new genesis and apocalypse and darkseid destroyed all of it because of this the new gods fled to earth where they would stay in hiding and this is where things get crazy we learned that high father and everyone that follows him are now a group of homeless people we also learned that both metron and black racer use wheelchairs granny goodness became a woman pimp for the female furies da'sod is an evil sadistic psychiatrist and darkseid is now a prominent gang leader who they call boss darkseid it's a pretty crazy but cool story if you're familiar with grant morrison and his writing you know what i'm talking about it's weird but good either way by the end of the story darkseid devises a plan to destroy the new gods once and for all but this brings us to the big mama and probably the most famous dark side story of all time for better or for worse final crisis and what's crazy about final crisis is that the seven soldiers mr miracle miniseries and boss darkseid ties into it but that's what we call going down the wormhole so we're not gonna get into that right now but just know that boss darkside is a big part of final crisis as for final crisis itself it starts off with darkseid taking over and messing up the multiverse with the help of his herald libras all you really need to know about libra is he's an agent of darkseid who's a super villain anti-christ-like figure but he's not the only person helping out darkseid darkseid has a legion of followers that's helping him as he undergoes his latest rebirth which leads to dark side gaining the fullest of his power but eventually batman was able to shoot darkseid with the same exact bullet that killed orion darkseid's son which gives us the ever famous image of batman using a gun to shoot darkseid but a batman using a gun isn't crazy enough for you simultaneously while batman shoots dark side darkside hits batman through the heart with one of his omega beams sending batman back in time and infecting him with omega energy now originally we didn't know that at first we thought darkseid straight up killed batman but in actuality he was lost in space and time via the omega sanction and the batman body we saw superman holding was actually one of the many batman clones darkseid made it was the whole thing because what comics this leads to a confrontation with superman and darkseid and of course superman is extremely pissed that he just killed his best friend and you know is also destroying the universe but darkseid just mocked superman as he failed to defend earth and also tells him that he created a doomsday singularity that is going to threaten all of existence so of course superman is like yep i'm gonna beat the crap out of you now but when he starts doing so darkseid tells him that he doesn't only exist in that body he now exists in all the bodies who fell to the power of the anti-life equation and that killing him would also be killing all of humanity long story short before darkseid can kill superman wally west and barry allen show up bringing black racer to kill darkseid along with wonder woman who then uses her lasso to hold darkseid's spirit form which in turn frees humanity from darkseid's anti-life equation and being controlled by him then as the last stitch effort if you will darkseid's disembodied essence appears and tries to take control of the miracle machine if you don't know the miracle machine turns thoughts into reality but superman's like yeah no that's not gonna happen and instead uses the solar energy within the cells to power the miracle machine to make a wish basically putting everything back to normal or at least make things good again and we also learned that batman was able to return safely to the president thanks to dick grayson tim drake damian wayne and the entire justice league meaning he was able to consume omega energy in his body without damaging the timelines but what's really crazy about that is it makes batman only the second person ever to escape the omega sanction the only other person to ever do that is mr miracle and that's literally his gimmick he escapes from things all of this brings us to the new 52 in the new 52 darkside was the reason for the justice league's formation literally in the first justice league new 52 story arc darkside invades with his pair demons which forces green lantern aquaman flash batman superman wonder woman and cyborg all to meet for the first time and eventually joined forces to beat darkseid which was written by jeff johns and drawn by jim lee i really enjoyed their time on the new 52 just league run it was one of my favorite things to come out of the new 52. then during dc rebirth darkside is quite literally a baby at the start of it which carried over from the new 52 during the dark side war story line darkside progressively ages throughout dc rebirth but ultimately decides is not the best time to fight the justice league because he doesn't want to risk revealing his greater plans before leaving through a boom tube with his daughter grail and this leads us to the most current appearance of dark side which is in the dc infinite frontier era in infinite frontier issue zero the very last page reveals that dark side is back and stronger than ever preparing to cement his reign over the dc multiverse if you guys want to know the whole story we did an episode on it which you could find right here but just like that my comic comrades it's time for powers and abilities darkseid is incredibly powerful he's easily one of the most powerful beings in the dc multiverse because of this he's conquered entire universes there's a reason all of apocalypse worships him as the god of evil dark side strength is up there with the likes of trigon and the anti-monitor with that said let's start breaking down some of his powers individually or at least start listing them he has a new god physiology meaning he has incredible strength due to their relative proximity to the source which as us dc fans know is a mysterious energy that fuels everything in dc it's quite literally the source of all because of this he has superhuman strength and could easily lift 100 tons he's also held off the entire justice league by himself and considering you have two heavy hitters like superman and wonder woman on the team amongst the fastest man alive and the king of the sea that's insane but let's keep going darkseid is fueled by the omega effect for those of you who don't know the omega effect is a force of entropy from the destructive side of the source this gives him his iconic omega beams which are beams he has complete control over that he shoots from his eyes they essentially act as trackers following its target wherever it moves and when they hit they pretty much can destroy anything but he also has telepathy mind control telekinesis energy manipulation energy enhanced strikes energy force fields he can fly soul manipulation resurrection because he's immortal teleportation size alteration astral projection cosmic sense power distribution and of course the omega sanction which is probably his most powerful ability basically what it is is a living hell it traps an organism in a series of alternate realities each worse than the previous he's also possessed the anti-life equation which as you would assume is the opposite of the life equation meaning the anti-life equation destroys all life it's what he used to almost defeat dc's heroes during the final crisis story basically when it comes down to it darkseid is easily top 5 most dangerous villains in the dc universe now if you guys want some dark side reading recommendations check out the dark side war story line we didn't get into it today but it's an amazing story just league volume 1 origin from the new 52 the great darkness saga and of course final crisis those should be enough to get all of you started [Music] first up for the week of the 17th we have justice league issue 59. this issue is the start of a new era for the justice league written by brian michael bendez with an all-new lineup including superman batman the flash hawkgirl aquaman hippolyta naomi and black adam in it superman is leading the charge to reinvent the justice league and at the same time a new cosmic powered threat arrives from naomi's homeworld to rule the earth here we have nightwing issue 78 nightwing is back and his drive to keep bloodhaven safe has never been stronger but his adopted city has elected a new mayor with the last name zuko so when nightwing enlists back girls help to investigate the politician bearing the same name as the man who murdered his parents she unearths details that will shock and fundamentally change the hero next up we have ultra mega issue 1 a cosmic plague has spread transforming everyday people into violent monstrous kaiju only the ultra mega 3 individuals imbued with incredible powers hold the line against the madness their battle level cities and leave untold horror in their wake if you're a fan of giant monsters and things like ultraman this book is for you and finally we have thor issue 13 odin has been found but he's not the same all father he once was so what does that mean for thor and just like that that brings today's episode of variant to a close but if you enjoyed today's video be sure to check out this one right here to my left and if you like the channel as always be sure to subscribe like and comment it always helps us out but i'll see you guys next time when i talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 896,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Darkseid, justice league, superman, batman, desaad, steppenwolf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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