Darkseid Anatomy Explored - Was He Born With Stone-Like Skin? How Does His body Creates Omega Beams?

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[Music] Dark Side Anatomy created by Jack Kirby Darkseid has exhibited his unparalleled strength by defeating numerous adversaries including death itself the big bad dude has proven to be a threat not to just superheroes like Superman but to the entire Justice League combined so how is it that one guy has managed to wreak such havoc in the DC Universe well his apocalyptian Anatomy empowers him to subject others to a horrifying range of torments it gives him control over a god-level source of power called the Omega effect which is in itself a Powerhouse of a force something that can change the very fabric of matter according to darkseid's origin story he snatched the Omega effect after killing one of the Gods on his planet and it was the Fateful moment that changed the course of the universe without further Ado let's explore darkseid's anatomy and explore the weirdest facts about his Anatomy that make him the most dreaded villain in the DC Universe before we go into our explanation we have a very small request if you like our content please support us by subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot thank you let's begin stop at nothing to possess it number one what's up with how dark side looks the secret behind this Monster's Eternal Beauty seems to come from his multi-dimensional nature many including the good new God High father theorize that Darkseid is probably multi-dimensional although he looks quite humanoid there are some obvious differences between him and humans apart from the glowing red eyes his skull-like face and the visible parts of his body seem as if they were hewn from some veined Stone his armor doubles up as an environmental suit and he may possess several other unknown Powers simply because of the enormous levels of advanced technology that Darkseid has at his disposal because of his possible multi-dimensional nature we may be battling only the physical shell on Earth but this physical shell along with his will and Essence may not be the entirety of his being to put it in simple words his physical body is subject to our Dimensions laws of physics but his other forms May remain remain unaffected by anything we do here on Earth and dark side may even cease to exist from our perception if he wants to this leads to another problem what is his true form well we'll get to that a bit later in the video it is also assumed that Darkseid did not have any internal organs at least not in the way we humans perceive the term instead his torso probably housed internal cavities that served as a complex array of battery like storage devices that supported the Omega effect and Drew its particles unfortunately all we know about Darkseid is what we have fought and the rest is shrouded in mystery I either hope that we never come across the entirety of his being or that James Gunn elaborates further and reveals the limit of powers that Darkseid holds if it is redemption you seek find the third box synchronize the unity number two was he born this way while the new Gods including the good and the bad ones may seem mysterious and mythological writers have sometimes managed to throw pieces of information here and there for instance in the second issue of the comic titled fourth world Jack Kirby narrates the origin story of Darkseid it seemed that this guy went through a mega transformation at a later stage in life more specifically after his tryst with the Omega effect so this Stony Overlord of Apocalypse did not always look like a walking stone sculpture long before he came to Earth to threaten humanity and force the formation of the Justice League and long before he became the despotic ruler of a planet-wide city Darkseid looked like a normal human albeit with armor chainmail and a face that vaguely resembled his future skull-like Stony head it was the effect of the Omega Force that ultimately transformed him into the Conqueror of Worlds that he is before this he was called juxis but later adopted the name dark side which was mentioned in a book of lore the flashback into darkseid's past provides a glimpse of how his powers are not inherent to him as a villain but rather a product of his greed and love for violence interestingly Darkseid finds his appearance as ux is strange since he does not possess the powers that he now identifies with impressive foreign number three how does darkseid's Omega Beam work simply put Omega effect is the very source of all of darkseid's powers but trust me that's quite an oversimplification Omega effect creates Omega beams that are essentially made of entropy which Darkseid uses to do whatever he wants if someone is hit by the Omega beams the unfortunate subject could get destroyed erased from a particular timeline and sent to another as it happened to Batman at the climax of The Crisis event and sometimes the Omega beams could turn the victim into tiny balls for safekeeping and later use it could be thought of as something like the Odin force from the Marvel Universe except that Omega effect is far more potent almost no one has survived a direct hit from the Omega beams apart from Superman and doomsday but that doesn't mean that they were not staggered by it but how did Darkseid gain this eternal power well the denizens of darkseid's original Planet or Homeworld were quite different to humans as far as their physiologies are concerned in fact they were are more resilient and stronger likewise their gods also had super amazing powers that are comparable to the most powerful beings in the DC Universe when Mighty Dark Side absorb the powers of these Gods he inherited their very source of power the Omega effect according to the string theory matter at its most basic level is nothing but a Confluence of harmonics and it is possible that the Omega effect holds the ability to disrupt this very balance and Harmony and change matter on a fundamental level interestingly this changes not just on a physical or chemical level it's not just a replacement or Readjustment of electrons neutrons and protons but the Omega effect possibly transforms these basic parts of an atom into entirely new subatomic Parts we'll keep exploring the abilities that Darkseid gains through the Omega effect through the course of this video in various entries so sit tight foreign does darkseid's Omega beam manipulate Souls many people compare Darkseid to Thanos and even wonder who would win a fight between the two great villains however the answer is pretty obvious among a plethora of uber cool Powers Darkseid can also manipulate The Souls of individuals and not only that he could also resurrect people the 1994 comic Superman Doomsday Hunter prey follows the events of the death of Superman story arc in which Superman seemingly dies after the man of Steel's death four Supermen were created and among them was Cyborg Superman previously known as Henry Henshaw Henshaw was originally an astronaut who along with this crew was exposed to radiation during a space mission as a result he and his team gained superhuman abilities however henshaw's body began to deteriorate and he eventually transferred his Consciousness into a computer system becoming a sentient being of pure energy Henshaw went on to assimilate with the ship that brought Superman to Earth but more importantly Henshaw also gave himself some Kryptonian physiology but the Cyborg Superman deviated from the righteous path and became a villain Henshaw appeared in Apocalypse to lay a Siege on the planet and managed to take over most parts of Apocalypse however Darkseid defeated him using Omega beams but instead of killing Cyborg Superman he simply stored henshaw's original Consciousness in a small orb hoping that he would use the Cyborg Superman against the Man of Steel as and when required but of course that's not it in the second volume of Mr Miracle Comics lashina a member of darkseid's elite group of female warriors called the female Furies was sent to Earth to take care of a new god named glorious Godfrey however lashina was betrayed by Bernadette another female Fury Warrior lashina was stuck on Earth and suffered from Amnesia she joined the suicide squad and helped Amanda Waller save Earth on multiple occasions before her memory returned but when lashina wished to return to apocalypse she and though she had convinced to accompany her faced harsh resistance from the forces of Apocalypse in the battle Bernadette was killed by leshina who was brought before Darkseid to apocalypse however Darkseid brought Bernadette back from the dead and killed lashina but when Mr Miracle's death order was released by Darkseid he resurrected the Sheena and forced her to work under Bernadette's leadership number five can he change his physical body although it's not quite among the known powers of Darkseid he can alter his body size to quite an extent in the second issue of countdown to final crisis he was fighting Jimmy Olsen who himself had received the powers of New Gods to counter that Darkseid enlarged himself to the size of a skyscraper it was largely unknown how exactly Darkseid was able to achieve the feat but it could have something to do with the powers of New Gods because at the end of The Next Issue Jimmy Olsen also becomes a gargantuan moreover Darkseid is capable of traveling through time and space but what's crazier is that according to one of the more recent story arcs Darkseid has taken control of a device called the revision mechanism that is capable of changing the very course of time since the beginning of time Darkseid could very well rewrite history to ensure that all of creation is ruled by him I didn't kill everyone some number six can Darkseid reproduce well of course he can reproduce in fact he has had several children over the years with his wife who was wrongfully murdered by desade darkseid's firstborn was calaback who grew up without his mother after she was murdered by dasad introduced in Jack Kirby's New Gods number one calabac giren's for his father's affection and validation but never receives it from the malevolent deity despite this he rises through the ranks of the Apocalypse military becoming one of their most formidable Warriors and a fierce competitor to his brother Orion as an antagonist at both new genesis and Earth calaback regularly engages in battle against Superman and Orion but the mighty dark side has a tendency to kill his first child for failures in the past he consistently restores calabac and reinstates him in a position of power within his army this suggests that Darkseid values his eldest son's ability and recognizes his contributions to their cause to some extent the next in line is Orion he was born to Dark Side entire and is considered the most crucial child of Darkseid simply because of the backstory he has as per the terms of a pact between new genesis and apocalypse Orion was traded to new genesis in exchange for scot-free as a means of maintaining peace between the two planets Orion the dog of war for new genesis felt drawn to the new Gods forging strong connections with them developing loyalty towards High father and controlling his Rage with the help of his mother box darkseid's third son Graven was born to Darkseid and an unknown woman while the former was traveling born with apocalyptian power but with none of the recognition a hateful Graven went to war with the universe graven's quest for power led him to clash with the dark stars and he was ultimately defeated by Kyle Raynor who was the last remaining Green Lantern at the time in death of the new Gods he met his end at the hands of the infinity man while Graven has yet to make an appearance in the post-flash point DC Universe he did make a cameo in an episode of Young Justice as a part of darkseid's army overall Graven is a formidable opponent embodying the ruthless nature of his father's Legacy and proving to be a dangerous foe to anyone who crosses his path apart from the sun's dark side also fathered a girl born to Darkseid and an Amazonian assassin Grail was raised in secrecy at themiskira you could clearly imagine how powerful Grail must be given her apocalyptian and Amazonian Heritage after her father's demise Grail helped restore Darkseid to life intending to control his power she managed to escape the heroes with an infant dark side and targeted the Greek pantheon to give him enough power to fully recover Grail briefly took command of the Amazons but was ousted by Wonder Woman and now travels with her remaining followers and finally we have death spawn the horrific creature born from the union of Darkseid and the fury of death I believe death spawn was the most ambitious of darkseid's children simply because it wanted to terraform Earth so that apocalypse could Feast on it yeah number seven can Dark Side freeze space-time Darkseid displayed immense Powers by freezing space-time around Aries a Wonder Woman arch enemy and God of War Ares was left trapped and immobile like a fly in Amber so you could imagine how very potent darkseid's ability is personally I think it is one of his most formidable Powers as it can render any entity subject to the laws of space-time completely powerless by halting time around them which is almost everyone in the universe as for the second she is a Kryptonian captured number eight can he control the minds of others the most famous example of darkseid's Mind was seen in issue 294 of the Legion of Superheroes Comics during the daxamite war billions of daxamites once peaceful and unassuming and living on the planet of taxum were transformed into a deadly Army of Warriors under his control they swept through the Galaxy leaving a trail of Destruction in their wake even the most powerful Heroes of the the Galaxy were unable to stand against them it seemed that no one was safe from darkseid's will with a mere thought he could bend the will of others to his own compelling them to do his bidding no one knew exactly how he did it whether it was through advanced technology or some dark Supernatural power but the results were clear and millions of beings were under his command following the Great Dark Side without question or hesitation but the Legion of Superheroes was not so easily cowed led by Brainiac 5 and Saturn girl they rallied their allies and launched a daring assault on apocalypse it was a desperate Gambit but it worked and all was well more or less number nine what is darkseid's True Form it's impossible to say for certain what darkseid's true physical form looks like we can't assume that his body is constructed in the same way as a human's he had the ability to speak but that doesn't necessarily mean he possessed the same vocal cords lips or tongue as us while he had eyes it's uncertain whether he perceived the world in the same manner as humans do regardless of his physical form it's clear that Darkseid possessed immense power his body had to be able to contain the Omega effect a force so potent it could transform matter and shape entire worlds with such power at his disposal he could choose his form at will it's impossible to protect what form he'll take if he ever returns so we should be prepared for the unexpected [Music] number 10 is Darkseid Immortal Darkseid is considered to be functionally immortal in the DC Comics universe and why not I mean this guy has been in existence since forever it seems secondly he's a God who is not bound by the same laws of physics and mortality as humans and most other creatures of the universe while Mighty Dark Side can be defeated or temporarily destroyed he has always managed to come back to life or return in some form this is due to his unique physiology and his new God attributes which make it difficult to kill him once and for all you know it's somewhat like saying that one can destroy the vessel in which darkseid's Essence lives but it is difficult to kill the essence having said that darkseid's immortality is not absolute there are several forces in the DC Universe that can harm or weaken him and several Heroes who can nullify his power and render him powerless beings like Superman and Wonder Woman have often proved to be quite strong against him in fact in one of the story arcs Darkseid was killed by his son Orion all in all while how darkseid's immortality is not absolute he is still incredibly powerful and someone who is not bound by the same limitations as humans with the Omega effect behind him and as the source of all of his powers he cannot really be defeated can he I would love to see what route James Gunn takes in revamping of the DC extended universe and the real dark side would play in the near future and if you liked our content don't forget to leave a like And subscribe to us if you haven't already have a good one and be safe thanks everyone thank you
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 264,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: U1Fm7ovT5aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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