History Of Trigon

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up my comic comrad today we're continuing villains month by giving you the history of one of the more prominent villains within the dc universe and that would be the father of raven trigon for those of you who love the teen titans comics or i've watched the early 2000s teen titans cartoon series you're very familiar with this character but today we're gonna break down this demonic conqueror's comic book history [Applause] trigon made his first cameo appearance in the new teen titans issue 2 in december of 1980 then made his first full appearance in the new teen titans issue 4 in february of 1981. he was created by comic book legends marv wolfman and george perez if you don't know anything about trigon well first and foremost glad you're watching today's episode but to get you up to speed super quickly he is one of the main antagonists for the teen titans as well as being an adversary for the justice league and as i just mentioned he is the father of raven and have i failed to mention that he's a super powerful demon spawned from the dark emotions of azerath because he is for those of you wondering azerath was an interdimensional realm that exists between the planes of known reality but with that brief overview out of the way let's learn about his origin and see where he came from trigon came into existence hundreds upon hundreds of years ago when a group of humans abandoned life on earth these humans would form a group of pacifists in the interdimensional world of azeras being the pacifist they were they decided to exercise the dark passions and evil out of their souls and bodies and then cast it into the nether realms of immortal combat of them getting rid of multiple people's evil at once and then tossing it all into the same place what can go wrong so this evil energy or essence just floated in space for several years before merging into a single physical form but wouldn't you know it there was still evil and cults in the universe so one day a cult summoned this darkness to impregnate a woman and then nine months later boom trigon was born but even as an infant trigon was not messing around as he slaughtered the cult that was responsible for his birth as well as killing his own mother he then went on to conquer his entire planet and then by the time he was 30 he conquered his entire dimension and you know just several million worlds as centuries went by trigon would impregnate many human women to give him children he did this in hopes that they would become extensions of his own power the problem was many of his kids rebelled against him so you know he did what demons do he killed them the other times the mothers were like no having a half demon baby is too big of a threat and i can't deal with this emotionally so the mothers killed their infants but then one day a woman named angela also called aurella had got caught up in an occult circle said cult tried to summon the devil in a satanic ritual they failed summoning the devil however what they did conjure was something far worse trigon who emerged as a beautiful angel once trigon arrived in the cult circle he saw angela or arella and then turned on that devilish charm come on that was way too easy it's like a low-hanging fruit he would soon take angela as his bride at which point they would do the no pants dance but after his seed was planted he reveals himself to be a demon aurella even says my lover the one who i thought was like some god sent down to earth to save me turned out to be evil incarnate he was vicious savage the most hideous creature god could have created if indeed he was created by god and not satan himself he then tossed the relative to the side and killed the cult because that's what he does he's a demon he then waited for the day for his offspring to join him by his side which would be raven now if you want a more detailed origin of raven's birth and how trigon impregnated aurella check out our origin of raven episode right here anyway once raven was around 18 she sensed her father's evil slowly growing inside of her so she sought out the help of the justice league but they refused to help her sensing the evil inside of her so instead raven used her powers to force kid flash robin changeling starfire wonder girl and so on to help her creating the new teen titans and this would ultimately lead us down the path of trigon becoming one of the teen titans greatest adversaries if not the greatest this rivalry would give us many of trigon's best stories speaking of it's now time for story arcs and publication history [Music] now believe it or not there's not that many trigon stories don't get me wrong there's a decent amount but it's nothing compared to characters like darkseid the joker reverse flash and so on and so forth but easily one of the most popular and well known of all trigon stories is the trigon lift storyline from new teen titans issue four through six and that's not shocking at all considering this is where it all started for trigon literally his first appearance was within this story issue four of teen titans vol 1. in this story raven in order to defeat her father who wants to take over earth and destroy it has brought characters like robin changeling kid flash starfire and wonder girl together to help her fight against her father resulting the formation of the new teen titans then you have the terror of trigon storyline from the 1984 new teen titans run issues one through five to be exact after trigon's defeat and imprisonment years later he regains his power and immediately destroys everyone that resides in the azrap dimension he's like you know what i'm going to go back to earth and destroy it but this time his daughter raven is by his side that's right trigon was able to corrupt a raven and make her help him take down the teen titans which is pretty jacked up but awesome all at the same time as far as popularity goes it's up there with the trigon live storyline i mean the dude made his daughter evil and attack her best friends that ain't right but the hits just keep coming with the storyline titled family affair it takes place within the 2008 titans series issues 1 through 6 and the titans east special basically what's going down here is trigon has been presumed dead for years but guess what he's not and not only that when he returns he doesn't come alone this time he comes with his three sons jesse jacob and jared and of course they attack the newly formed titans it's a very interesting story as trigon's sons get people to start using the seven deadly sins which leads to all kinds of chaos and shenanigans that's right i just said shenanigans people should use it more often oh and did i forget to mention trigon has his sons attack their sister raven yeah that's the thing too then the new 52 gave us a stranger among us where trigon literally appears saying to raven i missed you my daughter for some reason i don't think he missed her basically what's going on here is what's always going down with trigon he's searching earth for his daughter rachel and or raven and the only one willing to help raven out is the phantom stranger and even though phantom stranger is one of the most powerful beings in the dc universe even he's not gonna have an easy time against trigon there's also the dilemma that if trigon doesn't find his daughter he's going to unleash an army of demons to destroy earth so it's one of those classic tales is one life worth the lives of many when you really think about it the story is basically a hide and seek story with the evil demonic twist and the last story arc i'm going to mention is heart of darkness which takes place in teen titans 23.1 this story reveals his origin at least the new 52 version of it but i'm a purist which is why i gave you guys his og one but just like that friends it's time to move on to powers and abilities trigon is a demon coming from the world of the supernatural and because of this he has insane demonic powers literally they're almost immeasurable trigon can regenerate from absolutely nothing to the point of absolute immortality and of course he also has superhuman strength and durability he's literally been completely unbothered by the combined attacks of donna troy cyborg starfire and changeling he just finds the entire titans team annoying the dude is so strong he rarely if ever engages in a fist fight or performs any kind of physically straining attack because quite frankly he doesn't need to and of course he also has superhuman reflexes speed and agility he could also fly using telekinesis to make him levitate the guy can even teleport he literally just thinks of the destination and he'll appear there trigon also possesses omniscience literally his mind is unblocked to the entire universe dude straight up has instinct of knowledge and events before they even happen and almost always knows his enemies move or intention before they make it and you know how he has four eyes well that's not for no reason his upper pair of eyes allow him to be aware of nearly everything on the plane he's on he also possesses reality alteration he can create change and destroy or even alter reality just by thinking about it he's literally reshaped entire planets on a whim and has even turned everything on earth to stone but i am far from done he also possesses sorcery mind control illusion casting soul consumption you know he could just drain the souls of millions of worlds he also has energy projection power bestowal meaning he can give people superpowers and he has pyrokinesis because he's a demon meaning he can control fire he also has shape-shifting abilities size manipulation and he's immortal again this demon is one of the most powerful beings in all of the dc universe as for reading recommendations check out all the story arcs i was talking about earlier which would be trigon lives in the new teen titans issues four through six the terror of trigon in the new teen titans vol 2 issues 5 family affair and titans issues 1 through 6 from 2008 a stranger among us in phantom stranger issues 1 through 2 from the new 52 and heart of darkness from teen titans 23.1 i think that's more than enough to get you all started first up for the week of october 14th we have dark knight's death metal issue four wonder woman batman and superman are all trapped in nightmare worlds within the dark multiverse they all need to face down their fiercest foes once again if they hope to accomplish their mission and bring back power capable of stopping the darkest knight but what horrors has he unleashed on earth while they've been locked away next in line we have amazing spider-man issue 50 artist patrick gleeson returns to the amazing spider-man title with the beginning of the last remain story kindred is stepping out on stage for the first time and spider-man is not ready for the havoc that kindred is going to let loose third on this week's my list is flash issue 763 in this first issue with new creative team kevin shinik and clayton henry the secret history of barry allen's flash ring is revealed as the scarlet speedster tangles with the trickster in a tale that starts out as fun and games but ends with a last page cliffhanger next up we have immortal hulk issue 38 he's been chained he's been suppressed he doesn't even know what's real but something is reaching through the green door and it wants to hurt bruce banner and when you hurt banner the devil hulk takes it personally and finally we have the anticipated rorschach issue won by tom king and jorge fornes it's been 35 years since azamandi has destroyed the public's trust in heroes once and for all and since that time rorschach has become a divisive cultural icon so what does it mean when he reappears as an assassin trying to kill a presidential candidate running against president robert redford it's up to one detective to uncover the true identity of the man behind the mask and it will take him into a web of conspiracies involving alien invasions disgraced do-gooders mystic visions and yes even comic books and just like that my comic comrades that brings another episode of aaron to a close but if you enjoyed today's video be sure to check out this one right here and if you like all of our videos in our channel be sure to like subscribe and comment it helps us out but i will see your lovely faces next time when i talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 895,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trigon, Raven, teen titans, dc, dc comics, villains, rogues, comics, comic books, geek, nerd, variant, batman, superman, villains month
Id: Y3529hNt-V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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