Anti-Life Equation Explored - Why Darkseid Is Seduced By The Ultra-Powerful Concept, What Is It?

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the anti-life equation my gift to you anti-life equation explored why dark side is seduced by the ultra powerful concept what is it hi this is Simon and thanks for watching another marvelous video if you are watching this video then I'm pretty certain that you're one of those curious minds looking for answers to the anti-life equation since 1971 when first introduced by Jack Kirby in the fifth issue of forever people every generation of comic book Geeks has deep dived into underestimating the equation I can certainly tell you that by the end of this video you will know enough about the anti-life equation to boast about it to your geek gang the anti-life equation has been explored and reinterpreted leading up to the most current Zack Snyder's Justice League film an anti-life equation challenges are expectations about what it means to be alive and free many believe the equation to be so powerful not even the Man of Steel can escape it is it true or just a belief keep watching to find out but before we go into explanation we we do have a very small request if you like our content please support us by subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot thank you and let's begin what is the anti-life equation well in simple words it's a powerful mathematical formula that destroys hope and fosters sorrow wait what a mathematical formula Yes you heard it right so put on your thinking cap and let me explain even while anti-life equation is undoubtedly mathematical in nature you don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand it anti-life is a Formula that eliminates the concept of Free Will allowing the mathematician who calculates it to completely control all sentient beings in its present let's look at the equation itself the anti-life equation loneliness plus alienation plus fear plus despair plus self-worth divided by mockery divided by condemnation divided by misunderstanding times guilt time shame times failure times judgment n equals y where y AI equals hope and n equals Folly love equals lies life equals Death self equals dark side boom simple isn't it well I bet it's not the story of the equation of anti-life cannot be told without including Dark Side those who aren't familiar with him should know that he's a big deal in the DC Universe just like Thanos is to Marvel and those who know Darkseid are fully aware of what they are getting into we'll talk about him in a bit but for now the anti-live equation is thought to be the mathematical formula that symbolizes the opposite of Life while its exact nature is unknown the equation has the power to entirely transform people into mindless machines who are completely subservient to the person using the equation According to some the anti-live equation is so powerful that it can be broadcast across any medium including the internet radio and television however here is the million dollar question where did it come from after all the every theory has a theorist right let's dive into it and find out the origin of anti equation the DC comic book universe is flooded with opposite Concepts and ideologies for example while the Sinestro core rules via fear that Green Lanterns uphold the law with willpower and similarly while Joker loves chaos and Anarchy Batman represents Law and Order but why are we emphasizing such dualities well it shouldn't come as a surprise that there exist a life equation that balances the anti-life equation in fact you may put the blame for darkseid's first interest in anti-life on the life equation Darkseid learned that the Martian's spirituality and belief in the power of Free Will were based on the life equation during his first encounters with them years ago Darkseid was correct when Heath theorized that this indicated the existence of an anti-life equation that renders free choice impossible similar to the anti-life equation powers of draining one's individual autonomy life equation reestablishes faith and Free Will it's intriguing to learn that the life equation derives energy from the source the mighty Cosmic pool of energy that reside outside of the unknown Universe let's take a look at what life equation looks like the life equation companionship plus understanding plus Assurance plus Joy plus altruism divided by respect divided by Commendation divided by sympathy times innocence times dignity time success times acceptance y equals n where y equals Despair and n equals caution love equals truth death equals rebirth and self equals Light Side the anti-death equation there is even an anti-death equation as seen in Grant Morrison's the multiversity which turns individuals into Unstoppable never dying and Mindless beasts it basically runs in the absolute opposite direction of anti-life it is often confused with the anti-life equation there's a lot more to anti-death but we'll save that for another awesome video who can possess the anti-life equation the full version of the equation which is hardly known to any is rumored to have lived in the billionaire human named Bates unfortunately he took it with him when he died apart from Darkseid there are many others who possess the formula fully or even partially Darkseid used billion dollar Bates clones created by desard who serves Darkseid as his most trusted henchman now Orion Who belongs to the race of Godlike beings known as the new gods of new genesis Planet halted the cloning process and obtained the complete equation without the intention of using it for Good by enforcing Goodwill among the apocalypse and Earth populations however he later came to the realization that the very nature of the equation was to oppose free will he was forced to surrender its power similarly other Heroes like Mr Miracle Young Justice Pied Piper Etc two possess the formula knowing or unknowingly why is Darkseid eager to get his hands on anti-life well we're aware that Darkseid is a deadly villain that has the power to create Cosmic chaos and great Qatar even the most powerful Heroes have had trouble taking him down because he possesses a serious threat to the whole universe his ultimate objective is to rule the universe and impose his will on all life and he will do whatever it takes to accomplish this he is also a superb manipulator and a brilliant strategist frequently exploiting people to further his goals if the issue ever arises why is Darkseid searching the universe so desperately for the anti-life equation the answer is quite straightforward to quickly accomplish his evil goals let's examine several features of the anti-life equation that exactly align with darkseid's objectives the most commonly known characteristic of the anti-life equation is the power to violate your will and rewrite it completely it strips away any passion individuality freedom and will to live leaving behind a lifeless cocoon that is now ready to be rope programmed and it's precisely what Darkseid desires what does it take to wield the anti-life anti-life equation is not only difficult to obtain but much even more difficult to wield to use the mathematical formula one needs a particular amount of intelligence willpower and mathematical understanding and that gives Darkseid the exclusive privilege to wield the anti-life equation what happens if the anti-life equation is Unleashed will we ever know what it looks like when the evil God unleashes anti-life we certainly can in the 2019 series called deceased a virus is said to have its root in a corrupted version of the anti-life equation that Darkseid devised with the intention of using it to rule over all life in the cosmos however the virus evolved into a devastating pandemic that soon spread around the world affecting both good guys and bad guys turning them into zombie-like creatures known as the anti-living the entire deceased series is pretty close to the Marvel zombie verse and suddenly it's reigning Zombies darkseid's dark desire is not only to wreak havoc Across the Universe but also to conquer and take control of all the existing sentient beings switch basically translates to having no boundaries to his Empire using the anti-life equation will allow the new God of evil to do exactly this by merely snapping his fingers haha you see what I did there Thanos reference the anti-live equation can surely cause catastrophe on a cosmic scale if any sentiment being immune to anti-life however is there anyone who is immune to it several Heroes Have Been depicted as having some degree of immunity or resistance to the anti-life equation though it is unknown what extent this immunity applies once its character from the DC Universe is our beloved Superman Superman has been shown to be resistant to the anti-life equation effects this is due to the fact that Superman is impervious to mind control and manipulation due to his strong willpower and Incorruptible moral compass Superman has been infected by the anti-life equation and has even been used by Darkseid as a means to spread its influence he has however been able to fend off equations effects in each of these case cases and is eventually prevailed against it conclusion in a nutshell Darkseid the ruler of apocalypse and the new God of evil intends to use the anti-live equation to fulfill his ultimate ambition of enslaving all life it stands for ultimate power and control in the DC Comics Universe darkseid's pursuit of the anti-live equation will continue to have a tremendous impact on the DC Universe and its storylines as he is the only being capable of fully harnessing its power the anti-life equation is said to be an important element in the announced but halted DC Productions like Ava duvernay's New Gods movie and the all-time favorite action-packed Zack Snyder's Justice League where the use of anti-life would have acted as a trigger for epic fights and high consequences the anti-life equation also calls into question the essence of Free Will and the challenges of total dominance in a universe where sentiment beings are stripped of their autonomy and freedom of choice where they become little more Northern puppets in the hands of equations wielder the anti-life equation serves as a stark reminder the challenges of giving up our independence to those who want to dominate us in a world where Heroes struggle for freedom and Justice the equation therefore serves as a warning urging us to Be watchful and steadfast in our search for individuality and freedom and if you liked our content don't forget to leave a like And subscribe to us if you haven't already have a good one and be safe thanks everyone foreign foreign
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 26,108
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Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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