Jeremy Clarkson Vs. Piers Morgan Highlights | Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

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now our first contestant is someone with whom i've had a few disagreements over the years but come on it's christmas so let's put all that behind us and play nicely as we welcome the simply awful human being that is piers morgan it did say that you should see what i wrote it's much worse um right so your peers organ you're from london uh i'm not actually no i'm from sussex okay you're from sussex but you have homes in los angeles and london as well yes and you're a daytime television host i'm a breakfast tv star yes daytime and you're here to play who wants to be a millionaire and i need to talk you through the rules i guess because you're normally in bed but this is you know i don't watch the show exactly so i used to watch the old one but yeah sure when it was hosted by a proper proper stand-up character but you've got 15 you'll never make it you've got 15 questions for a million pounds you won't you've got four lifelines well i've got three in you yeah you've got 50 50 and then this is a real problem for you you've got two phone friends [Applause] i cleared out my my roller decks and they were both available aren't you and then as you rightly point out you can ask me in fact i'm so looking forward to that i love the ripples of applause i wasn't expecting anything but blind hatred here unusual for you [Laughter] we know you're a you're a tabloid journalist you're a friend of donald trump and you're an arsenal fan but this is your opportunity to tell everyone that actually there's a heart in there as well [Laughter] you're doing this for charity yeah i'm doing it for it's a wonderful little charity called scotty's little soldiers and it's to help kids of service men and women who die uh defending this great country of ours and they just do wonderful work looking after the kids giving them bereavement counselling giving them holidays well i'm familiar with it actually it is very yeah i am and now it is very good so that's doubly annoying because now i really do hope you do well you've seen a lot of these creatures will have hit your windscreen so do you want to ask me i actually think i do want to ask you yes right here's what i think i think piers morgan has just asked for my help what's more i know the answer you do yes but i'm not going to tell you do you really know the answer i do well well i'm not 100 certain i know well now look mosquito only has one pair right a house flight come on you've tried to swat enough in your life i already got one pair i recently made some wetlands for insects and the dragonflies have moved in and i spent many hours staring at them and they've definitely got two pairs of wings now on the basis that the dragonfly definitely has two pairs of wings and only one of those lots has two pairs of wings it's unlikely to be the nat do you see my logic i do so consequently i would say that the answer is b dragonfly and that would be my final answer my gut was dragonfly you believe it's dragonfly i can think of a million reasons why i shouldn't trust you including a scar on my forehead um and there's your broken victim my broken finger from where he struck me uh i'm actually gonna i'm gonna say the words i never thought i'd say i trust you i believe in you and at least this way if i'm wrong it's your fault dragonfly final answer okay computer can we reveal the correct answer please thank you jeremy you kept me in thank you thank you if i could kiss you i would i could wrap my big arms around you and give you a big little christmas hug that's what i do it's time to take a break we'll be back in a few moments see you then which of these world champion racing drivers has not been the team mate of lewis hamilton in formula one kimi raikkonen nico rosberg fernando alonso jensen button well i think this is a mercedes and ferrari question so alonso i think was ferrari button i think was ferrari rosberg i don't really watch much formula one have to be honest rosberg ryken it might be one of those things where it's not the other british guy that it's not it's jensen button as the one who's not being his teammate i don't know if i can remember them being teammates well i don't know the answer and there's no point not using my last lifeline even though i do not think my friend is going to know the answer but i do see a potential way out of any ignominy by parking all the blame onto her so i will phone my friend who is susanna reid ah well let's give her a call then let's call susannah and um and see if she can help hello susannah yes hi jeremy clarkson here from who wants to be a millionaire how are you doing and more importantly how's peers getting on well as it turns out he knows nothing absolutely nothing at all um he's floundering around and getting stuck endlessly i don't believe that for a moment yes you do can i just check there's someone from our office with you there making sure you're not looking things up yes filming my every move all right um appears you know the form by now yeah 30 seconds you ready i'm ready your time starts now i you may not thank me for this but which of these world champion racing drivers has not been a teammate of lewis hamilton in formula one kimi raikkonen nico rosberg fernando alonso or jensen button why no on earth would i know the answer to that i did not anticipate you do at all if you were guessing which one would you guess has never been a teammate of hamilton raikkonen rosberg alonso that was it oh um you had to use me for your insects which is annoying for scotty's little soldiers because well it's particularly annoying because you would have got this obviously in 10 seconds easy peasy this one for me i mean it's easy if you know it and i really obviously do know this one i feel like i should go for it and if i get it wrong i will make up the difference to scotties so the charity will get the 16 grand whatever happens whether it comes from you or the show or me so let's put that to one side so the charity is not going to lose i just lose what's left of my reputation so i'm going to guess and it is a guess that the answer is jensen up i need to hear the next two words final answer final answer they do say that if you wait by the riverbank long enough the bodies of your enemies will conflate [Music] yours has just bobbed past me [Music] because that is the wrong answer it is yeah didn't they kimi raikkonen yeah um i mean look i can tell you that uh he was with button at mclaren which is of course where he was before he went to mercedes and he was with alonso at mclaren and then he was with rosberg at mercedes and of course now he's with um i don't watch enough of it i've always got ass now you've humiliated yourself you've cost yourself fifteen thousand pounds that's true or very actually very nobly that's true credit where credits do you you're going to make up the difference to scottish little soldiers which is great i'm trying to find a positive spin for you let me think you did get to 4 000 pounds all on your own thank you thank you and then you know everybody else has helped you the rest of the world that is true you were brave coming on and i was brave to have you and i think we've we've embodied the christmas spirit so yeah ladies and gentlemen piers morgan thank you
Channel: Stellify Media
Views: 506,880
Rating: 4.9421687 out of 5
Keywords: quiz show, jeremy clarkson, top gear, the grand tour, reboot, 2019, 2018, new, tv show, game show, who wants to be a millionaire, millionaire, official video, 2020, quiz, itv, wwtbam, funny, who wants to be a millionare, hardest quiz shows, piers morgan, beef, drama, boxing, boxing day, row, feud, reunion, tense, soaked, clash, british press awards, champagne, water, pour, ask the host, concorde, fight, scar, broken finger
Id: J99nzGL8boo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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