Steve Devlin's Full Game - WWTBAM (Millionaire Moments)

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just a reminder before today's program that any millionaire fans can check out the previous millionaire moments where we looked at an episode of super millionaire and the contestant robert bobbo essig who won a million dollars and now here on amtv the latest millionaire moments coming back to the uk and let's see how well steve devlin does on the show [Music] okay steve for 100 pounds question number one which of these is the name of a famous american tv presenter and comedienne emerald cement diamond gum ruby wax sapphire glue ruby wax ruby wax right out you've got 100 pounds it's already 100 pounds more than you made last time um have a look question number two for 200 quid you've got those lifelines use them if you have to you probably won't need them what are muslin and chenille santa's reindeer computer viruses fabrics or 1980s folk jewel fabrics it's right out you got 200 pounds see it's time to get the taste for this now aren't you have a look at question number three it's for 300 pounds you've still got those lifelines soho is a famous area of which english city london manchester birmingham newcastle london london's right house you got 300 pounds [Music] okay question number four for 500 pounds you're two away from a guaranteed one thousand to take back to northern ireland you've got all three lifelines this is for 500 quid here it is what kind of drink is scrumpy ale wine brandy cider cider you obviously like it i'll tell you what you like in our water i've never seen anyone drink the water so fast you've got through old glass you want to top up for me yeah thanks good man you dug a whole glass in four questions there okay uh it'll be all right i've kept my teeth have a look question number five question number five is for one thousand pounds see if you give me the right answer this you go back to belfast with at least a thousand pounds which is a lot better than last time you came you got three lifelines have a look at this what is the modern term for a type of energetic rough and ready rock music garage shed greenhouse conservatory garage it's right out you've got a thousand pounds [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just reaching out there for um i've bought it all in yours right you got a thousand pounds um feel better yeah glad you came back yeah sure yeah listen you conquered your nerves you're back here you're guaranteed to get home with a thousand pounds steve i think you might be rather better than that you're ten away from a million you've got all three lifelongs when you're playing this at home back in northern ireland um which i know there's a huge amount of people in ireland watch this show um how do you do i mean away from all the you know the nerves and the and the worry of the studio how do you normally do i've often got a quarter of a million how often not not every time of course not quite often okay so let's see you're feeling a lot calmer tonight you've got a thousand pound guarantee you've got all those lifelines let's have a look at question number six it's for two thousand pounds what shape is each cell of a honeycomb triangular rectangular pentagonal hexagon hexagonal because final answer yeah hexagonal so right answer you've got two thousand [Applause] [Music] okay question number seven is for four thousand pounds uh you've still got fifty fifty you can still find a friend you can still ask this audience you're nine away from a possible million pounds you're glad you came back yeah thought you would be this is question number seven for four thousand pounds have a look at this what is the name what is the name of the official report of the proceedings of the houses of parliament handel hansard hanson hand fast hand served you knew this as soon as it came out didn't you yeah it's a little sparkle coming through your glasses yeah answered it's good you got four thousand [Applause] what's up joe got to do with this then just the neighbor and he's kind of here tonight as a kind of a you know to keep me out of the bar steve have a look at question number eight it's for eight thousand pounds what nationality is the former tennis champion bjorn borg finnish danish swedish norwegian bjorn borg finnish danish swedish norwegian it's worth 8 000 pounds i'll ask your audience because okay audience on your keypads please let's try and get steve up to eight thousand pounds first lifeline is needed this is the question what nationality is the former tennis champion bjorn borg a finnish b danish c swedish d norwegian it's worth eight thousand pounds all vote now [Music] it's quite high then they were quite high on violin seems a long time ago um they weren't that high actually 90 percent is high i'd go with that happy with that yeah fine looks good yeah steve you've just won 8 000 pounds you are definitely now setting up a record as the man who drank more water on the show i'm sorry it's only water there'll be something stronger later right question number nine is for sixteen thousand this is getting to be serious money steve you gave me a wrong answer here you would drop seven thousand pounds so take your time have a look at it you obviously don't have to play this you can walk away with eight thousand you can use both lifelines and still walk away this is for sixteen thousand pounds question number nine of a possible fifteen which of these words can mean fate or destiny kitsch kibbutz kismet kimono final answer sure absolutely it's the right house you've got 16 thousand [Applause] [Music] i tell you what steve you don't seem like the same man you seem incredibly calm today a better yoga and stuff you know doing an eye on it yeah did you get a lot of ribbing from your mates as well i bet sam you know but it's really they're probably quite understanding yeah it is it's it's this is uh the apprehension is worse than this this smile is reality you know because you're aware you know you could really change your life right now steve i don't want you to lose this money if you gave me a wrong answer at this point you would drop fifteen thousand pounds you have to understand that you're guaranteed a thousand you can obviously walk away with sixteen thousand you can play that phone a friend you can use that 50 50 and still walk away with a check for 16 000 pounds but the next question is worth 32 000 pounds i'll be delighted to write you out a check on the spot if you can give me the right answer to question number 10. have a look at it you're six away from a possible million pounds you've got 50 50 and phone a friend left here it is salap was the name of which county between 1974 and 1980 salut sorry suffolk somerset shropshire that's for 32 000 pounds you'd lose 15 if you give me a wrong answer i think it's dude but well i think surrey has always been called sorry as a suffolk and somerset so i think it must be the elimination it must be shropshire the play yeah you lose 15 000 if you're wrong yeah final answer final answer [Music] confident yeah you should be you just won thirty two thousand thousand i'm so clean [Applause] there must be pubs in northern ireland erupting watching this i'm sure there are 32 000 pounds steve whatever happens you go back tonight to belfast with that check which if you're unemployed at the moment i'm sure means a huge amount what does it what does it mean 32 000 pounds well that was the cfd lane you know i'm going to gamble now i can't believe you're the same bloke who ran away from the jokers you're too frightened keep it keep it keep your hands on it whatever happens you go home with that we don't want to give you that we'd like to give you the next one now steve you've got 32 000 guaranteed you've got it there you've still got a 50 50 you can still phone a friend this is for 64 000 you are five questions away from a possible million pounds have a look at question number 11 it's for 64 000. what was the original name of mickey mouse you're nodding you think you know this yeah what do you think it is mickey mouse hope he comes up see what happens what was the original name of mickey mouse marlon marvin mortimer montague mortimer yeah final answer final answer you just won 64 000. look at this i don't know whether we can see this this this is the check he's only had it in amongst that somewhere there is a guarantee check for 32 the state of that thing i put it there for i don't think i trust you with this money but i'll hold the next one for you right at this moment you've got this check double the money for 64 000 pounds have a look at that i'm going to keep this you can have it at the end if you if you walk away with it right it's 64 000 that's good looks very good okay but we don't want to give you that and i'll put it there for safekeeping we don't want to give you that you are four questions away from a million you've still got two lifelines and you are getting karma by the question aren't you extraordinary have a look question number 12 is worth 125 000 pounds you can phone a friend you can go 50 50. what is the substance that causes the irritation of a sting by a nettle or an ant formic acid oxalic acid ascorbic acid folic acid the substance causes the irritation of a sting by a nettle or an ant formic acid oxalic acid ascorbic acid folic acid one of those is worth 125 thousand pounds it's foreign why is this sure are you gambling now are you sure i'm sure of this final answer yeah you know you lose 32 000 if you're on [Music] you just won 125 steve neville you're the most amazing man see that check there for 64 000. you've now got a check at this moment for 120 000 are you glad you came back no harm indeed i thought you might be have a look don't you touch it you're only tearing it up i'm gonna look after it for you okay it's good it looks good it's very nice at this moment you've got to check for 125 000 pounds can you believe this no no don't say it it's like gambling you know you know yeah i used to do a bit of gambling so this is it's not real now but it could be real tomorrow steve it's real at the moment you've got to check for 125 000 pounds you are three questions away from one million pounds you've got a 50 50 you've got a phone a friend be a serious phone call have a look at the next question if you give me a wrong answer you drop 93 000 pounds of the 125 000 you got at this moment you guaranteed 32 but you dropped 93 000. if you do decide to play you don't have to you can walk away with that check if you do decide to play and you give me a right answer it's worth a quarter of a million you've got two lifelines this is question number 13 of a possible 15. which charles dickens novel features the sisters charity and mercy peck sniff bleak house martin chuzzlewit david copperfield hard times it's worth a quarter of a million we've got two lifelines phone a friend chris okay now are you going to phone jim sorry jim yeah okay do you want me to tell him the amount of money involved [Music] yeah yeah it's your call okay i tell him you're playing for a quarter of a million there are four possible answers steve you don't have to take his answer over 125 000 pounds you have still got a 50 50. where's jim northern ireland hello jim yes hi it's chris taran here and who wants to be a millionaire back in london good evening good evening i've got steve devlin here yes he's doing rather well i'm glad to hear that he's on a quarter of a million my god he's got 125 000 pounds at the moment your answer to the next question could win him 250 000 pounds well let's hope it's a good one okay next voice you hear will be steve's jim lots of luck with this steve you've got 30 seconds your time starts now okay jim which charles dickens novel features the sisters charity and murky mercy peck and stiff blake house martin chiselwick david copperfield or hard times uh which charles dickens novel features the sisters charlotte and mercy peck sniff bleakhouse mark the time's on and out martin sizzlework david copperfields are hard times um you never know you got a 50 50. you can still walk away with this money you can play a 50 50 and still walk away okay computer take away two wrong answers leave steve the right answer and the one remaining wrong answer one of those is worth a quarter of a million one of them will cost you 93 000 pounds you're guaranteed 32 000. take as long as you need which charles dickens novel features the sisters charity and mercy peck sniff martin chuzzlewit or david copperfield it's worth 250 000 pounds [Music] don't play you don't have to well steve you've got 125 000 at the moment you can walk away with that if you're wrong you lose 93 000. good for me martin sizzlewick why i'm vague memories a day of a cover field and i can't remember those characters in it but it may be wrong but that's play gopher b martin settlement final answer final answer [Music] you're unemployed at the moment you had a panic attack last time you came on the show and went back home you've just won a quarter of a million [Applause] 250 000. hey steve welcome back how are you feeling now that's very happening you are the master of understatement yeah i'm very happy yeah 250 000 pounds have a look at that don't touch it you crumple it okay now steve yeah it's good yeah it's good you uh you can walk home obviously we'll walk home you could fly home on concord i think you could sharpen it um you can go home with 250 000 pounds have a look at the next question we don't want to give you that obviously you can walk away with that you've got no lifelines left but you are two questions away from taking one million pounds back to northern ireland question number 14 is for 500 000 pounds you guaranteed thirty two thousand if you give me a wrong answer to this question you lose two hundred and eighteen thousand pounds why are you laughing i have no idea well unless i'm really certain i have no intention of risking anymore i think joe's getting very thirsty right steve take your time have a look at question number 14 it's worth 500 000 pounds here it is which famous aircraft was designed by reginald mitchell camel lancaster comet spitfire if you're wrong you lose 218 000 pounds that's all i'm going to say to you i don't think i am it's quite important to be quite certain on this yeah mitchell's respect for our mind about half a million you want to play [Music] final answer final answer you just want half a million [Applause] [Music] just incredible this is the guy who ran away last time he had a panic attack have a look at question number 15 of 15 it's worth 1 million in 1912 former u.s president theodore roosevelt was a candidate for which political party bull moose bulldog bull elephant bull frog it's worth one million pounds i think i know this [Music] the more i look the more sure i am me what you think i think it's bulmers [Music] why [Music] any of the others don't seem of any great connection with the states you know there are mooses in canada or mace or whatever [Music] it's worth a million pounds but steve if you're wrong you lose 468 000. [Music] glass already take as long as you need steve it's worth a million you don't have to play this you've got to check here for 500 000 pounds half a million pounds you can walk away with that money if you do go for it and give me the wrong answer you lose 468 000. i can't help you but those are the choices in 1912 former us president theodore roosevelt was a candidate for which political party bull moose bulldog bull elephant bullfrog it's worth one million pounds you know i'm pretty sure it is the answer but you know imagine half a million is a lot of dough you know it's entirely up to you steve it's it's a huge amount of money you've got to check for half a million yeah but it's it's really it's a great deal we'll have a million and a good way to get this somewhere 30 grand it's not quite as much so i'll take the money though i'm pretty confident the answer here is a bulmes okay okay final answer final answer [Music] give him a big hand steven steve devlin goes back to belfast he was unemployed when he walked in have a feeling steve you may never need to work again now you have a check for 500 000 pounds i can tell you if you'd said to me bull moose you wouldn't be sitting there with that check for 500 000 pounds i would be writing a check at this moment for one million pounds it was the right answer steve you've been absolutely amazing 500 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well that does bring us to a close this evening on am tv we do hope you enjoyed the program and please do keep your eyes open for brand new content that will be coming to you soon until then have a very good week and we hope that you join us again soon good night [Music] you
Channel: Adam Martyn
Views: 112,396
Rating: 4.8125916 out of 5
Keywords: millionaire moments, who wants to be a millionaire, adam martyn, adam martyn who wants to be a millionaire, adam martyn millionaire, wwtbam, steve devlin who wants to be a millionaire, millionaire, millionaire moments the uk winners, test card f, adam martyn amtv, steve devlin millionaire, millionaire moments usa, wwtbam (millionaire moments), chris tarrant, chris tarrant who wants to be a millionaire cough, steve devlin, wwtbam uk, wwtbam music, wwtbam million pound question
Id: FNR-J-GlCeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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