I Stole The BATMOBILE From Batman In GTA 5.. (Mods)

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it was bad that was a quick one guys today we are on the highway and we got a lamborghini of course because uh you know i'm super freaking rich how much money do i have 232 million well yeah every freaking video i have 232 mail i just never spend my money i guess today we are going to be doing the most insane thing ever we are going to be trying to steal batman okay first of all i have to find batman first so i don't know where the heck it is but i got some leads where the bat cave is but it's hidden guys it's a freaking bat cave you know like batman i don't know where batman be at but i think it's around this area i mean it says bat cave here so i mean it's probably here but yeah so we are gonna go ahead that way in my lamborghini screw skirt let's go off this cliff first this ramp way land it oh jesus dude that completely ruined my car okay how do i get over this dude it's over there how do i can i okay i have to go around frick this stupid barrier well my lamborghini's ruined so that's nice um anyways it's fine because we're gonna steal the batmobile bro we're gonna have a way better car well i guess not because my game crashed so that's always fun all right guys back in the game after crashing the game but my car's fixed so that's cool anyways we're going to the bad cave don't care oh my god oh my i can't go three seconds without crashing the freaking lambo anyways bat caves over here i don't know if batman's in there or not i have literally no clue i just found out that he lives nearby this area so we're gonna find it dude and if batman's in there i might have to take him out dude i don't know or sneak and get the batmobile we'll test okay oh my god oh my god it's around here somewhere why is there like this big rock bro it's gotta be under this rock right this is massive look at this boulder and trees bro it like has to be around this area okay you know what interesting oh oh i see a hole i definitely see a hole right there but where does he get his batmobile out from that's where we have to find the entrance to i have no clue where that could be maybe oh maybe through these bushes okay you know what we're gonna get out and see all right i'm gonna leave my lambo there i don't even want the lambo all right i'm still in the batmobile i don't even care come on is it under here oh no way oh no way this is a road right actually i think this might be it oh this is it hold on guys smash that like button before i go in here i gotta be real sneaky in case batman is in here it might be all right i'm just gonna get a gun out just for my safety but is that the batmobile it kind of looks like it but i don't think that's the actual batmobile okay guys let's keep going this is sick we are going in this is actually kind of terrifying because he could definitely be in here dude i'm not trying to mess with batman dude it's batman it's literally batman all right no thanks not trying to mess with batman oh i'll go are you kidding me we're chilling we're chilling by the way guys make sure to subscribe to the channel if you're new road to four milli bro we hit three million you guys are nuts dude can i go in here okay that works road to four milly dude we're on our way to 10 mil dude are you kidding me you guys are nuts thank you so much can i get on this freaking mountain okay i did it let's go all right guys i'm just getting a quick sneak peek view do not fall off the freaking cliff you idiot can i jump off this jump yes there we go oh oh my god this is crazy bro guys look is this the bat cave mobile area okay so there's the that one bat oh my what is that i do i only saw this there's an even cooler one bro we're stealing that we're stealing that 100 okay hold on before we like take this let me oh jesus i am a little idiot now my blood's on batman's cave dude oh he's gonna know who i am okay i didn't see him up there so let's actually just sneak around dude this thing is insane the wheel is bigger than me when i get down like this oh my god wow this thing is cool it has a massive gun on it bro this one's wimpy compared bro oh my god wow yeah i don't even want this one i want that one okay guys before we like take the car or anything we're gonna check out over here all right because i want to see what this batcave is all about there's like a jet right there we got this area oh my god batman wow you got a nice freaking setup bro he can make some sick youtube videos oh look he's got his thieves whoa bro is that the battle bus from fortnite what the heck got the battle bus we gotta okay this is sick dude um all of his tvs are out i don't know what that means what's over here okay let's just look at this dude this is so oh whoa what the heck does he knit things he's got grenades and what is that your grandma owns one of these probably is that a coffee maker he's got a scary gun there okay i'm scared i probably should leave oh oh oh are you lying dog uh what i'm really confused why why we're gonna we're gonna go uh i don't know what these guys are doing i'm very confused anyways let's continue is this batman's cave we got some storage over here some freak oh oh guys is that batman that's batman that's literally batman you guys see that right that's him hold on hold on what wait let me get my sniper dude that's batman oh my god that's literally batman bro how am i gonna steal his car if he's right here this is not good oh my god let me just hide behind this for a second and just kind of think about what i should do i don't know what to do batman's literally right in wait what oh okay he moved okay that tripped me out i was like did he just disappear was i seeing things no so batman's here uh his car is over there somewhere he's even got a jet dude that's so sick let's go uh i actually don't know what to do guys do i just bop him with my gun bro should i just try to bop him no there's no way i gotta i want to try to sneak and steal his car bro but i feel like batman will know and then come get me okay what's down here i didn't check down here whoa this cave is so sick hopefully he does not hear me just trying to see what's what's up with this cave bro whoa this is so sick dude he's got his own freaking cave in it my god he's rich wait a second i didn't check what's up here before i steal this car i have to i want to know everything about batman dude because he's probably gonna come after me dude all right and that might be in a part two i have no clue what's up here oh it's all of his guns oh god i gotta it's his gun range oh my god yo that's okay wow he's got a lot of guns here what the heck is that okay this is scary oh he's got c4 he could blow that up any second i should probably get out of here dude no thanks we're stealing the guard but i don't care anyways franklin are you really gonna scream like that yo i gotta get out i gotta get out did he know did he hear oh my god he's moving he's oh oh my god is he after me batman are you good okay i think we're good i don't know what he's doing dude oh he's right there he's right there go go go go go okay okay okay wait where'd he go where did batman go where did batman go oh oh he's after me bro i need to go he's coming bro look at him oh my god oh my god oh my god i'm out i'm out i'm out i'm out i'm out bro we got the batmobile we got the batmobile is it how does it go go go oh my god it's working it worked it worked we did it we got out oh my god did we just steal the batmobile all right we good we got it we gotta go go go he's chasing his problem most likely he's probably sending robin out for us dude i don't know what does batman do oh there's a deer okay guys there's literally a gun on this oh my god this thing's hard to drive look at the wheels guys look when i turn left my other wheels go right that's so weird the back wheels look so it like turns really well you can do donuts bro in the batmobile this thing's sick bro oh my god let's go customize it bro let's actually go customize this thing look at the boosters oh my god oh kickflip oh jesus oh oh that's not that's not good gee okay and landed it okay let's go we're going i'm gonna go customize this thing this thing is a beast bro screw get out the way i'm batman get out the way i'm batman i'm batman okay batman would not do this i would hope jesus watch out losers i have rockets are you kidding me this thing is op i'm sorry but i have so much power right now i want to run over a car about the weight losers oh my god this thing is sick oh my god oh my they're all bad guys i swear there they are this is nuts bro all right get off the freeway change your tires they look stupid oh jesus i'm gonna blow up my own car whoa whoa batman has x-ray vision are you kidding this is sick okay i think this is just a glitch i don't know what's happening all right almost at los santos customs guys i'm so hyped his customer yo relax bro batman bail coming through where's los santos customs right oh jesus sorry about that sir can we even customize this thing will it let me like i doubt it no let me customize i want to cut you know what stand back let me customize okay i really don't think i'm allowed to but let's do some donut let's do some donuts at least this is so sick this is so sick oh the fire department's coming let's leave let's leave sorry sorry i guess they're closed for today we got the batmobile guys i'm parking it in my frickin garage it's definitely not gonna fit you know what i'm just gonna i'm just gonna put it put it here this is totally fine but uh yeah got the batmobile hopefully batman does not steal it back from me that would be bad he'd probably murder me but that's okay well i guess stay tuned part two maybe i i guess we'll see if he comes and finds me probably it's pretty obvious that i have it because look at how massive it is anyways bye guys drop a like
Channel: Caylus
Views: 5,228,025
Rating: 4.9122429 out of 5
Keywords: infinite lists, infinite, lists, infinite lists 2, fortnite, minecraft, gta 5, caylus, gta 5 caylus, more infinite, jelly, gta 5 mods, more infinite gta 5, jelly gta 5, I Stole The BATMOBILE From Batman In GTA 5.. (Mods), batmobile gta 5, batman gta 5, infinite gta 5, caylus infinite, infinite lists gta 5, infinite among us, infinite lists among us, caylus among us, among us animations, among us gta 5, caylus i stole, caylus gta 5 stealing
Id: 4Je_g6Ehg94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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