His Steadfast Love - Bishop Jacqueline McCullough [October 6th, 2019]

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[Music] again lamentations chapter 3 well let's go to verse 24 verses 22 through 24 I'm reading from the King James Version here begins a reading of God's holy word it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his Compassion's fail not they are new every morning great is thy faithfulness the Lord is my portion said my soul therefore will I hope in him so far the reading and hearing of God's words you maybe see that it's always good to know what is being said and why is it being said you know they change periodically the way you should interpret literature and there was a time when they stressed always know the background the author what was happening I don't know if they do that now but it's always good to know what is happening since you weren't there it's no use making it up I know they tell you to make it as you go but you need to go and find out why the author is saying what he is saying since you weren't there to see it happen a lot of people are in jail because somebody made it up let's not make it up this morning cuz your soul is too valuable tell your neighbor your soul is too valuable Jeremiah was a powerful prophet and most scholars conclude that he wrote lamentations and he was one of those prophets that really didn't want to be a prophet now we know how we have a lot of people who want to be but he really didn't want to be he realized how serious it was and he was so young and he felt so insufficient which are good requirements for a credible prophet when you feel you know that you can do it - well then requesting your credibility but but this young man felt you know this is just such a heavy assignment and God told him I called you from your mother's womb to do this tell your neighbor there's some things you're called to do and you can't get away from it somebody trying to run this morning [Applause] well Jeremiah was not one of those hot prophets when I say hot prophets he's not the kind of profit that you're glad to see you know he's he's a kind of prophet that when you see him coming you turn the other way you know you just don't want to be bothered with him because you just feel like what he has to say it's not comfortable and because of the church first church / 21st century church loves comfortability don't you like comfortability yes you do the chairs are comfortable you know you go to a restaurant you like it comfortable and nice everything about Western Christianity smells comfort and if it's not comfortable then it's not God but but Jeremiah didn't really think that way because he heard from God see when you hear from God you hear differently than popular opinion that's why some people don't like to see you because you hear from God so just a jeremiah heard from God and he heard from God about about his nation about his nation two things Jeremiah was concerned about his people and his temple the nation and the church [Music] they go together you see you just don't know that the nation and the church in other words whatever happens in the church should affect the nation we have it backwards we have it backwards whatever happens in the world affects the church that's not God's will whatever happened in here today should mess up the devil's mess in your house so go to your job tomorrow that is if something happen so so Jeremiah now is at a very strategic strategic time Jerusalem is in trouble Nebuchadnezzar is getting ready to sack my city and they're going into captivity for 50 years it says 70 but it's really 50 years 70s like a title and and they're going because because of one particular thing many things were one main thing and that's idolatry the people God's people had another lover and that's when idolatry is it's like it's like two-timing your them saying you have a wife and then you have you know somebody on the side you know saying you have a husband and then you have a sugar daddy I mean however you want to call it but but but it's always somebody else in the picture and God wants to be the one only he wants to be the main stay tell your neighbor he wants to be what the main if it's not like that then there's no relationship but the children of Israel allowed other nations to influence them except that they ever stopped worshiping God they wanted to worship God and it's called syncretism it's called mixing it's so strange that many of you would drink like your drink straight but you don't like your religion straight you don't say anything I'm not gonna be here long I'm gonna be [Applause] they kept mixing it a little bit a little bit of by all a little bit of Astaroth a little bit of this God a little bit of that God and then they would go to their Sabbath and worship God so they wanted to mix it and many of us are like that we we like to be very eclectic so God's attitude is if you don't want me to be the mainstay I turn you over to your lover oh come on here many of us are in that mode right now he done turned us over to our lover that's why I would look so pitiful cuz that lover can't love us like God can't nobody do mean like oh you're saying but do you mean it I said can anybody do you like the Lord but you know you have to find that out you have to find that out you know it's like raising your children and giving them all you know and then they're on their own and they have to find out because they don't want to hear what you have to say so you got to let them go so they could find out and now they've moved back in because they found out the rent got to get paid so the Lord released him and so Jeremiah's job was to prepare them for their journey and so he would tell them you are going into captivity you're going to be subjected to the Babylonian Empire you're going to go through because you won't change your mind because you've been so enamored or distracted by this new lover and you know I don't you let me just say this is a sidebar idolatry it's not really worshiping someone else it's really worshiping yourself you see because we only choose idols that we like you know you're not gonna choose something that you don't like so the choice alone is you so the ID altar is really self worship you know like selfie like selfie self worship I know y'all ain't gonna say Amen about that but but but but it's all about you that's why you don't like preachers that preach if any man will come after me let him deny himself you see how quiet it got let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me we don't like messages like that we like messages that make us great and wonderful and powerful but if you don't deny self you're not great wonderful and powerful you are deceived oh don't let nobody see of you for without me God said you can be and do nothing so Jeremiah had this task and later the King didn't like him the other prophets didn't like him they put him in a pit put him in some kind of confinement he got out of the pit with dirty rags can't do nothing with a preacher no matter where you put him they're gonna come out even with dirty rights but that's another sermon but anyway here we are here we are here we are this particular book lamentation belongs to the poetical books of the Bible like Psalms and proverbs and Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs is really called an energy an energy is a sad song sad song and we don't like to admit in church that we have sad songs we get a nice service and we're hyped on whatever but we go home sometimes too sad so our reality produces sad song home problems produce sad songs impending divorce produces sad songs a loss of a job produces sad song so come on you can jump and speak in tongues but when reality sets in when you're sitting and looking at the bills and there is no income you can get a sad song when illness and affliction attack your body and there's nobody there to pray you through you can get a sad song that's why people leave the church and they give up on God because of the sad song so Jeremiah had a sad song you know why it was easy it's easy it's understandable who wants to preach to people that don't like you I mean come on who wants to keep preaching to people that say don't say a man you know many of us would quit the ministry because you know we got to have a little a man to preach on but but but he was preaching to people that didn't respond Isaiah preached but 64 years and they didn't respond some of us would have lost our mind or commit suicide ain't nobody saying ain't many nobody's showing up but but they kept preaching and so Jeremiah now got a little responded because whatever he's saying is getting worse the people are not responding they're going down into captivity the nation is in trouble and the churches in trouble and every good leader or to be concerned about the nation and the church so he starts crying moaning you know that the temple one of the seven wonders of the world would be torn down Solomon's Temple when you know that the stars will be empty when you know that Nebuchadnezzar is going to run through the city and leave it in a dung heap and ashes heap when you see where homes and lives were vibrant now it's going to be a ghost town when you know that people will not be able to climb up the steps of the temple and sing the songs of Zion when a whole religious community would be affected the tradition of the Passover the tradition of coming together on the Sabbath the tradition of raising another generation here o Israel the Lord your God is one Lord you should talk about it in the way you shall teach it when you get up in the morning you should talk about it when you go to bed at night come on a whole tradition is being interrupted somebody ought to cry somebody ought to get concerned that we're raising another generation after another generation who doesn't know God somebody ought to feel a little son that your son doesn't know the 23rd psalm that your daughter never heard our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name she's 30 years old and don't know jesus wept which is a shortest verse in the Bible somebody oughta start crying you are then we in church profiling and ain't nobody professing somebody oughta [Applause] so Jeremiah started crying it wasn't just crying for himself it was crying for his people people in trouble Church in trouble generation in trouble economy in trouble politics in trouble oh come on somebody ought to get serious here and not worry about another stilettos in another Nike and another oh come on something ought to shift in what we put as priority yeah my cry Oh God attendant to my prayer from the ends of the earth will I cry unto thee and when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I but thou has been a shelter for me do I hear a cry in the house come on let me hear you cry [Applause] [Music] you know there was a time there was a time when we prayed we prayed for our community we prayed for the house next door we prayed for the druglord down the street and the Lord ran him out of there we prayed that the killing would stop and the murders stopped we prayed oh come on that the arrest rate would go down and it went down we ain't brain no more saying something-something got our attention we prayed I was in Liberia and a couple of years ago doing a medical mission and they sent us to one of the hospitals and it's a woman's hospital where they have babies and every other baby came out dead every other baby was thrown in the trunk of a car and they drove off and if they weren't driving off with dead babies they were coming with their babies and asking us please take them just take them with you will gladly give away our children and we stood in the middle of this in the middle of a deprived situation and call on God's we stopped the clinic and call on God we have that the penicillin and called on God but come on I mean he still works you all he still say the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man it's still available and immediately death stop not another dead baby came out of there oh come on church it's time for us to cry for our nation cry for your household cry for the next generation who is clueless on how to call on God but maybe if you call somebody would catch it somebody will know how to say our Father which art in heaven put your hands together I peel a phrase in here now [Applause] Jeremiah cried and then you know the cry became so overwhelming the reality was so horrific he became depressed even good preachers become depressed even praying Saints become depressed when you look at the condition and things seemingly are not changing you can become depressed there are more preachers talking about giving up the pulpit I'm going to stop pastoring and I feel better not pastoring young people who have been in the music industry for years have now denounced their faith and they're questioning whether something happened along the way somebody didn't hear the cry of their soul somebody didn't give them good theology somebody didn't help them to work it out somebody didn't allow them to get answers but here is Jeremiah after you cried and shift tell your neighbors after you get depressed and come out if they come out of it it's not right to get burden but turn it over turn it over the Bible said cast your cares on the Lord don't stay there and tell your neighbor don't stay there don't you're going down in the dumps and make a house come on come on come on up now it's time to ship this thing come on we got a little bit of time we got a little bit of time to ship it with what the enemy tries to take over before agendas come to expect the pulpit before they set up situations that keep us from preaching the gospel we got a little bit of time to ship this thing can I get some help in here put your hands together you got the power I made me helpless in certain area don't have an army don't have a chunky bank account but I'm not hopeless you see that's a difference I don't have a whole lot of stuff I can't go certain places and do certain things but I'm not hopeless why are you not hopeless cuz I'm right here with Jeremiah and Jeremiah said it is of the Lord's mercy that I didn't jump off the bridge it says it's not the Lord's mercies that I didn't give up my faith it's not the Lord's mercies that I can still say hallelujah come on it's the mercy of the law it's not because I'm so strong and confident and intelligent and got it going on oh come on three o'clock in the morning intelligence don't take you through it's dumb lord have mercy it's the mercy of the Lord that grabbed you back in your right mind you better thank him today thank you for mercy thank you for mercy now why do we need mercy why do we need mercy why do I need mercy I'm gonna talk for you why do I need mercy because I'm guilty see if I were innocent I would just get a dream team to defend me but mercy means I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar oh come on I know what I'm talking about I'm not always do it right [Applause] [Applause] [Music] see that's what Jeremiah did to get him through tell your neighbor I have to get through this difficult times we don't know what its gonna be like next year we don't know what its gonna be like if we're like 10 years from now we need something to take us through you ain't gonna make it because you know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody that somebody could die tomorrow [Applause] merci merci merci merci means favor it means the loving kindness of God it means that God delights to extend himself to me it means I deserve judgment but he gives me favor it means I deserve for the book to be thrown at me but it gives me a second chance it means that he should have dropped me and kicked me out the door but he pulls me in closer but you brought me closer my god I fell down and messed up but you came and picked me oh come on thank you for mercy come on you self-righteous anointed some talking people you better thank him for mercy mercy we know when you're honest you know I don't get it right and the worst Charlie has so I need mercy I don't always do what he wants me to do but he loves me and he doesn't give it to me every now and then and he doesn't wait for me to ask for it cuz I'm too dumb to think that I need it I'm too conceited I don't at all so he doesn't even wait for me to have these just gives it to me and it doesn't give it to me once a month when I behave myself he gives it to me oh you don't hear me today every morning that I wake up every morning that I wake up every morning that it doesn't matter what I did the night before but every morning that I wake up new new new there's no leftover oh you gave me fresh fresh fresh mercy but my fresh foolishness fresh mercy from my dumb deception fresh mercy for my faltering feet come on and put your hands together what fresh freshmen tell your neighbor fresh flavor fresh flavor come on yesterday's favor can't handle today last week's mercy can't happen today today's mercy can't tomorrow you don't have to beg him he's right on out of that mercy is come on come on so before you go to the bathroom say thank you for mercy while you're drinking your coffee thank you for mercy before I get to the job and do something crazy thank you for mercy before after myself the driver that crossed me thank you for mercy oh come on come on church we have left our mercy and replace it with arrogance humble yourself this morning and thank you now it didn't say it is my mama's mercy [Applause] because my mother could only do but so much with her mercy and I was raised at a time when there was no mercy you see I got Whitmore my mother with me so much that I was trying to find a way to stop the whipping so when she started whipping me I started speaking in tongues it just didn't work but my mother's mercy limited my dad is mercy limited some of our family members we get no mercy the legal system can be so messy that there's no mercy so where are we gonna get the mercy from come on here how come you still hustling for mercy when you got mercy while you keep looking for mercy in the wrong place when you already have it what's your problem this morning when God created a system to give you a second chance when nobody would even give you a chance not even the first one so mercy tell your name a mercy when you can't think of anything to say thank you force it mercy when you come to church and refuse to praise the Lord just think of mercy just think of where he brought you from just think of how he covered your mess because if he told it none of us would be in here none of us as good as you looked at something we don't want to know we don't want to know and you don't need to know cuz God covered it so well he cast it in the sea of forgetfulness never to be remembered any - no sit up here and act like you so wonderful you better clap your hand and thank you grateful thank you thank you that you didn't tell it thank you for not telling it thank you for not exposing it thank you for cover it well somebody said I'm so glad merci now it is of the Lord's mercy that we are not watch consumed then I'm really finished consumed it means to be wasted to be spent to be so gone that you can't get it together it overtakes you and you lose your power to get back up again it sucks you in and it holds you hostage and won't let you go but look at the mercy of God many of us think oh it was a horrible experience no we don't know horrible it's horrible if God didn't set boundaries it went far but it didn't go too far it hits you but it couldn't kill you knocked you down but couldn't wipe you out I call that mercy it should have consumed you until we don't remember that you're alive cuz that's a man at the enemy he comes to steal he comes to kill he comes to destroy but I have karma that's why you're not crazy you're supposed to be on the psych ward you you're supposed to be taking opioids you're supposed to be on drugs together in the morning and go to bed at night but look at you look at you look at you look at you lord have mercy that couldn't keep it in the hospital because they couldn't put any drops in you cuz between mine back come on it's called mercy look at you you should be in jail for writing the wrong thing on the application the mess that we have done we should be in more trouble but the mercy of God set a boundary said I'm taking you out of this cuz you too dumb to know when to quit help me I quit for you I shut it down for you I broke it up for you I got you out just in time I stopped it cuz you didn't have the power to stop it I want you to thank you my Z right come on come on come on come I took that person out of your life just in time I shut it down just before you got AIDS I stepped up in the stop and closed the door cuz you were getting ready to make a grand fool of yourself but mercy came out of heaven and said not that one not that one oh come on you've gone far enough now back up back up mercy is in charge come on thank God come on years are spent in vanity in products I know we don't sing like that anymore caring not that my lord was crucified knowing not that it was for me died on Calvary mercy there was great and grace was free pardon there were multiplied to me there my burdened soul found what Liberty at Calvary you better think on the Calvary Calvary's dripping with mercy this morning but we don't like to talk about the blood the blood brought mercy I said the blood brought mercy when they took him in the side that was mercy for you and mercy for me when they pierced him in his hands that was mercy running down to cover my nastiness because of my helplessness made him look like a stroke patient that was to keep me from having an emotional stroke I'm so glad for mercy I don't know what to do come on up put your hands together for mercy tell your neighbor I'm not consumed tell your name I'm not consuming I may be a little depressed but I'm not consumed I may be fussing right now but I'm not consumed I may look like I'm giving up but don't trust it I'm not consumed sometimes I want it to run but I'm not consumed I stand out of church for a couple of days but I'm coming back I was getting ready to join another religion but God stepped in and I'm not consumed I was getting ready to back up from god but God trapped me in and I'm not consuming so I'm celebrating my mercy this morning not consumed don't you look at the tears running down I'm not consumed don't you look at my head hung down but I'm not consumed I may not be jumping like I want to but I'm not consumed it was supposed to run me crazy I was supposed to leave God I was supposed to go somewhere and announce who Jesus is I was supposed to give up my faith I was supposed to throw away my Bible oh but I got closer to God that's a victory I read my Bible now more than I've ever what's wrong with you I'm not gonna soon come on tell your neighbor I'm not consumed why aren't we consumed because his compassion they fail not he's faithful no in my closing compassion compassion is not just a pity you know people pity us I'm so sorry here but didn't plan to do nothing about it because they can't you know let me borrow $50 and they look beautiful and he tell you ain't got no my name that's a pity without money it's bad news you're going through something I feel sorry for you but they're not available when you call so you know pity empathy they call it sympathy but this is not just pity or empathy the Bible said that Jesus was so more with compassion that his belly turned over you understand it affected the inside of him so when God has compassion towards us his whole inside is turned towards us that means he's going to do something so his compassion is not temporary his compassion is continual if he didn't have compassion on you you would have been in jail some of you were on the brink of killing somebody but his compassion turned over lord have mercy and snatched you just in time and those of you who are listening who are in jail are in trouble his compassion is still working it may not come right now but it's on its way things may not change when you get ready but there's a turning in heaven huh lord have mercy and when he turns he does something he loses he delivers he makes a way of escape he pulls you up turns you around and place your feet on solid ground you're looking for man to feel that way they can't feel it like he can feel it can't nobody feel me like Jesus you want a lover to feel you you feel me you feel me we're looking for somebody to feel you that person don't know what you're talking about and if they act like they feeling you cuz they had another agenda and then you wake up a they didn't feel you in the first place Oh but Jesus feelin me right now see my god everything that's going on inside of me he is feeling and connecting my God my sorrow my disappointment he's all up in it all up in it all up in it and I want the devil turn now you may do your stuff today but because Jesus is feeling me God is faithfulness you are not helpless come on tell your neighbor you're not hopeless you're not hopeless you're not in this by yourself there's a compassionate Savior there's a loving Savior there's a saint that's consistent he's not temporary even though you're jacked up and I'll never forsake you God his belly is turning but somebody right now somebody's cancer just got dried up come on let me hear your writer said I want to hear your praising what the mercy of God is at work right now on your behalf heard you cry not only is he compassionate but he is faithful faithful thankful marriages are broken up because of infidelity parents hearts are broken because of unfaithful disobedient children the society is in trouble because nobody keeps your word they change it conveniently but the God that I serve that's why I'm not looking for another one tell your neighbor hey hey come on back come on back can't nobody be faithful like God ah that thing you wanted after gonna leave you after a while but God said I'd never leave you I'm ready to come on in pastor charger and I never forsake you I know that I should drop you but I can't drop you I've got your ex in the palm of my hand I can't deny and I can't ignore you I chose him before I sent up the Sun I chose it before I hung the moon huh I don't you get you still belong to me I know you're raggedy I know you don't want me all the time come on it's like a good man or a good woman I know you're two-time in there I know you're running out on me here but I'm gonna be right here when you get back is on your case and he's not gonna turn you over to know about it anybody that gets in his way he's gonna interrupt it these are faithful God these are some time you got faithful God these are faithful God he's not a con artist these are faithful God he's not a gigolo these are faithful God I'm gonna stand on your feet I want to hear your praise wanna hear your place I want to hear your place come on first of all you got to acknowledge that you need his mercy second of all you got to acknowledge his character he's doing it not because you perform because if that's the case none of us would qualify or some of us would get better mercy than others because we would do well and he would only give mercy to those who get an A and the people who failed wouldn't get anything but he's not basing it on your performance because he knows that we are not consistent in our performance he knows we do well for a minute and the next minute we somewhere looking crazy but to win something else so it can't be based on performance tell your neighbor it's not your performance it's not your performance come on come on stop thinking you can earn let's tell your neighbor you can't earn this you can't work for this you work for your patient but you can't work for mercy you go get a degree you earn that degree I think but you can't earn mercy mercy is free thank God to help me to smarten that's why you don't believe it works it's to free it's to free you are something that you got to pay for but I'm so glad it's three I know Raggedy Ann some days I'm up and some days I'm down some days I'm good and some days I'm not so good but one thing I have everyday is the mercy of God come on let me hear your praise I don't hear you I don't yeah [Music] so you walk out of here and go back and know that the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases His mercy is they what they never come to an end they're new every morning new every morning you don't know what's gonna happen tonight so you gonna need mercy tomorrow and the greatest mercy is when Jesus I deserve give him a second chance they can come don't have to worry I've got some broken people thank God thank you for the cross Mackay mother shed blood thank you for a second chance and thank him like you're crazy thank you like you're never thank you [Music] I said I'd like it you're looking for for Mama to have mercy you're looking for somebody to make you feel better somebody to forgive you and they don't know how to spell forgiveness you're constantly sticking it in the wrong place when Jesus fixed it and it's fixed forever don't beg him for mercy receive mercy you don't have to beg for what he gave you stop walking around and act like you are a criminal lift up your head in here and say God I thank you I may be no good but you are good I may be down but you know how to pick me up I may not be your best job but I am your child so I want you to praise Him father's house praise Him for the thing that God did he gave you a second chance raise your voice and let the devil know you're not suicidal you're not hope lesser coz you got mercy I don't care what you did raise it with all your heart with all your mind raise them with all your strength Oh God you can't praise him if you don't believe it if you don't believe you have mercy you're gonna go back home to press you would not believe you have mercy you're gonna be home and drink if you don't believe they have mercy you won't take marijuana and a shower if you don't believe you have mercy church is just an experience but not a reality but if you believe that God snatched you and will never let you go and that your past is thoroughly forgiven then you need to praise Him and even if you mess up today you've got a chance to get it right raise your voice and let the [Music] [Music] transformation what deliverance come on praising Church get the nation that get your community come on get the next generation back mercy is in the house somebody somebody's here and you came in here on a wing and a prayer and you know that God snatched you from being consumed to the point where you almost he gave up I just want you to make a statement and I know I know that the statement it's something that you need to make so you can hold on to the Word of God if you believe that you're not consumed because of his mercy then I just want you to come around this altar why do I ask people to come around the altar cuz I want the angels in heaven and the demons in Hell to know that something happened to you that they can't torment you about that God has given you a chance to come out of whatever you're into whatever it is and don't walk like you're hopeless walk like you know you got help and don't walk slow move quickly the Lord sent you here to tell you you are not going to lose it stretch across the all to make room cuz you're not consumed go home and walk in your house and tell the devil I got mercy drive your car and tell the enemy I got mercy get up tomorrow morning and go back to your job that they want to fire you from and tell the atmosphere I got mercy oh come on you messed up with your home but tell the dealer I still got favored God can put it together overnight you lost one job but you don't have to lose the next cuz mercy can snatch mercy can work it out so I want you to celebrate mercy it's not that the people in this pew are not happy it says that you're making a special statement because sometimes we have to make it bold and strong to drive out doubt and fear now when you go home tonight and three o'clock in the morning the devil comes back you know what to say to him come on let the redeem of the Lord say so you don't have to be depressed for the rest of your life you don't have to come to church and go home and go home into depression you got something to say now water you got to say I got mercy I got mercy it may not look like mercy to you but my mind is not gone so raise your hand high raise it high raise it high [Music] these are the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed this thing should have taken me out of here whatever the thing is this situation should have stripped me of my dignity I should have given up life for some of you suicide was an option came close to giving up on life but the mercy of God switched your brain that was not genetics that was Holy Ghost come on that's the blood working come on the blood still prevail come on I said the blood still prevail it prevail over your mind your children seemingly out of control but mercy tracking them tell your neighbor mercy is tracking them oh come on come on you keep praying and mercy keeps tracking them it may not happen today but mercy gonna catch them in a minute so you are not helpless come on tell your neighbor I'm not helpless I'm not helpless so raise your hand right now raise your hand you're going to use your language when you get down to say mercy when the enemy tells you nothing has changed tell them he's a liar I have mercy not will get mercy I have mercy well you don't know what else to do just start clapping your hand in your house mercy mercy when your back is against the wall stand back and say Mercy Mercy Mercy it's yours it's yours just take it use it stop looking for something else when you got what you need come on you're in the courtroom just sit down say Mercy Mercy Mercy rather flyer you see that your desk and say mercy oh come on I wanna hear your praise and now lift up your voice like a trumpet I let me hear you're brave come on come on I want to hear you praise it come on [Music] come on what's the word mercy come on up in your mother's head merci merci thank you for mercy like a book babe thank you for a second chance second for a way out thank you for deliverance thank you for a way of escape thank you for bringing me out thank you for lifting the shame thank you God thank you come on open your manners back in my mercy get out of your belly raise your belly open your mouth and say it like you know it's true you have to practice this when the church is over you gotta say it like you know it mercy I will not kill myself myself I won't give up on my family my sick I won't quit my sick come on Deb Oh check it come up a younger Lucia I don't hear you I don't hear you come on church people come on Christian you is what God gave us the unknowable [Music] thank you for mercy now turn around whether you're in the pew or at the altar turn around quickly and hold hands three of you four if you make a circle quick quick quick you're too slow grab somebody you don't have to know him grab her come on everybody in a circle whether you're in the pew or at the altar you're gonna speak life into each other come on it's a circle that circle is too big it's not a line it's a circle come on come on hold hands make a circle a circle glory to God that's it look each other in the eye now repeat after me repeat after me today the Lord came by the father's house the Lord brought me in here not by chance but by divine appointment the Lord knows where I live we have been where I am and where I'm going he knows everything about me the thing that blows my mind that in spite of where I am he still wants me and he wants me to know that I am NOT helpless or hopeless I don't care how bad it is I got help every morning every morning every morning something comes to me that I need to embrace and it's calmer see so I'm gonna wake up in the morning to God's mercy God's favour God's forgiveness God's love God's second chance God's long-suffering God's care I'm gonna get up in the morning and reek receive what is mine not because I'm good but because he's awesome are you ready to celebrate with me what we have together and that is the mercy of God come on and praise Him with me [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's it that's the way you do it come on Joe that that was that's the way you're doing come on that's the way you're doing at home that's what you're gonna do in your car that's where you're gonna do on your job come on that's your weapon you got the weapon of mercy [Music] come on he's praising it while you go back to your seat tell your neighbor I got mercy I got murdered you got a gun but I got mercy oh come on you got somebody to back you up but I got mercy I got mercy in front of me and market behind me I don't have everything that I need but I do have mercy so praise him like you really know it like you really believe it like it's gonna work for you tell your neighbor it's gonna work for me tonight it's gonna work for me when I get home it's gonna work for me tomorrow I got something working with me I don't have to give up I don't have to take pills I got mercy I got mercy I got hurt I have to quit the church got mercy there that won't shake up glory to God glory to God so just give him a standing ovation come on clap those hands open your mouth wide you got to get this in your spirit because he's coming after your house but tell him worse he gonna put a stop to you Mercy's gonna take me through glory to God His grace and mercy brought me through I'm living this moment because of you I want to thank you and praise you to your grace and mercy brought me through come on
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 103,212
Rating: 4.8749123 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes 2019, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, td jakes commitment, td jakes sermons 2019, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2019 motivation, Jacqueline McCullough, Bishop McCullough, Jackie McCullough, Bishop Jackie McCullough, Bishop Jacqueline McCullough
Id: PXQpMv80G28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 53sec (3833 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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