How to Fix Hip Impingement (No More HIP PAIN!)

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hey guys today we're going to talk about how to fix anterior hip pain aka a hip impingement [Music] hey guys thanks so much for stopping by the youtube channel now if you have pain when getting into a deep squat wide on the front side of your hip that's usually called a hip impingement today we're going to talk about not only the mechanics of how it starts but a three-step approach that you can do to fix it at home now first and foremost let's talk a little anatomy now if we look deep at the hip using our skeleton tommy we can see the end of your femur fits within the hip socket called your acetabulum like a golf ball sitting within a bigger plunger now right here as you go down into a deep squat your femur moves into the motion of flexion now those who experience pain in the bottom of a deep squat often do so not because of the muscles that surround that area so if it's only in the deep squat it's often not something like a hip flexor issue it's often because of something much deeper in that your femur is running into the front side of the acetabulum your hip socket and pinching things together that's called a hip impingement now here's a simple test you can do at home called the federer test you're basically going to lay on your back and you're going to bring your knee straight forward now if you have pain when then pulling across your body and bringing your leg out to the side so we're flexing and then we're internally rotating like that if jamming that forward pulling your knee towards this shoulder creates that pinching pain that is one probable sign of a hip impingement now what are we going to do to actually solve the problem we're going to take a three tiered approach first and foremost we're going to work on creating a little bit of mobility deep within the hip joint by looking at some of the stiff capsular fibers and then re-educating the way in which the muscles that's around the outside hold the joint within place then we're going to work on coordination instability and then put it all back together with a more sport or movement specific motion called a deep squat with a bander on the knees now here let's do this we'll start on step one move tommy out to the side i'm going to demonstrate on my left hip for this we're going to do a banded joint mobilization and this has two stages so you're going gonna find a nice thick band this is a monster band from rogue you want something it doesn't need to be from rogue but it needs to be a very thick maybe about a two and a half inch thick band um you can find them on amazon i'll put the link to this rogue band in the in the uh section of the video the description section here's what you do you're going to take this band and you're going to get it all the way up into your hip as high as you can okay and then we're going to get a lot of pressure on this now in this position if you did not have this band and you pushed the knee inwards you would probably feel a pinching sensation but because this band is pulling laterally we're creating a gapping sensation deep within the hip joint now when i push the knee into internal rotation that was previously restricted i don't have that pinching pain so i know i have enough tension on the band if i do this and i still get that pinching pain i need more tension so i'm just going to get a little bit more lateral but two-step process the first we're going to improve mobility so the knee is going to push in i'm going to try to relax my lateral hip as much as possible again take all that tension out of the lateral glute i may feel a little bit of like a gapping sensation light stretch on the outside part of the hip but no pinching pain next we invite in a neuromuscular re-education teach the body how to pull the femur back into a good position so i'm going to drive the knee out to the side and i'm going to squeeze my lateral glute so i'm going to try to squeeze my butt muscle as hard as i can drive the knee out to the side foot stays planted don't let it roll on its side a couple seconds i can feel my glutes quiver and then back and i'm going to rotate between this no tension internal rotation position back to re-education squeezing the glute back and forth i'm going to do that maybe 10 times okay and then we're automatically going to recheck and see if that deep squat feels a little bit better did i actually make any change in the previously restricted position so i'm going to squat down does that feel a little bit better yes or no now for some people that'll completely take the pain away in the short term for some people you may feel a little bit of a decrease but it doesn't completely take it away this is just step one this alone is not the only thing you should do because we need to fix well why did this area become so stiff in the first place and often we need to look at the muscles that surround the hip your glute medius and your glute max now when we look at the glute medius there's a very small muscle that runs on the side of the hip and connects down here now unlike what most of you will learn about this glute medius from your anatomy books it's not a one function muscle it doesn't just kick out to the side that's actually a very incorrect way of looking at the glute medius from biomechanical research that dates back to the later 1800s it actually has three different heads and they all come down here and accomplish a couple different things but most notably they work just like the muscles of your rotator cuff surrounding your shoulder to keep the femur centered within the socket and keep your pelvis level so it's an active stabilizer not just a muscle to kick out to the side so we actually need to look at how this muscle functions in real life and not just take it as a one stage type of muscle how you're gonna work this muscle is through a hip airplane this is how it's gonna look you're going to get into a single leg rdl position back leg straight small bend in the knee tip forward and again you don't have to go very far forward at the start now in this position i'm going to rotate up a couple inches back down i'm going to drop my hip a couple inches back up and i'm going to do this 10 reps you can see my foot wobbling around a little bit this is a difficult exercise but what i'm doing is i'm working on all these muscles to practice steering my strength as dr mcgill says to control that lateral hip not only to limit the motion of this but to limit the motion of my hip dropping side to side so i'm working the lateral hip gluteus as an active stabilizer so again from the front view forward i'm only going to come up a couple inches back down to parallel drop the hip and back up now to advance this you just go further you can either come further forward open up don't let that knee cave in back down drop down you can see this is a difficult exercise now do these i would recommend doing these either in a flat sole shoe i'm wearing the barefoot ursus or go completely barefoot so you can really work on your foot stability do not do these in your weightlifting shoes or with a shoe that smashes your toes together because it's going to be very difficult on foot stability so you're going to do that on each leg two sets of 10 reps or so until you feel that lateral glute working pretty good do not go too far on this early on i see a lot of people they get here and they go up real high and they're like oh this is easy and then they just fall over because it's very difficult to control very small motions early at the start back down and after two sets of ten on that hip you'll feel it working pretty good do it on both sides even if you don't have it on the impingement side so that you can improve your control on both sides now the last step for the hip impingement is to be very movement specific we're going to work using a slingshot band right here hip circle any type of hip circle band around your knee knees going to be very helpful what we're going to do is work on creating external rotation torque so from right here set yourself in your squat stance open your hips up out to the side as eddie cohen would say open your tank from right here what i'm doing is i'm holding this position i can feel my lateral glutes kicking on i'm not letting my feet roll on their side feet are jammed down toes jammed down grabbing the ground opening the hips just slightly the lateral glutes are turned on pulling the femur back into a good position now what i'm going to do is slowly descend and every once in a while i'm going to pause and hold this position for a couple seconds now let's say as i go down right there i can feel that hip impingement i'm going to go just above it and i'm going to squeeze my glutes as hard as i can try to break that band keep my big toes jammed down don't let the feet go out the side holding as hard as i can i can feel my glutes quivering because i'm trying to push out so hard and then back up so what you're going to do is grade this go down to the point of hip impingement where you feel that pinch come just above it try to break that band jam those knees out to the side open your hips as hard as you can don't let your feet roll on the side so keep the big toe down and you will feel your glutes working extremely hard so again here squat down let's say i can get maybe to about parallel that's where i feel the pinch all right i'm gonna come just above drive the knees outside drive drive drive feel the glutes quivering because they're working so hard back up and eventually with this progress this may be over a couple days this may be over a week two span you'll be able to get all the way down to the bottom where you can hold this position and not have that pinching sensation at that point that's where you're gonna start loading up the barbell for your full depth squats now in the meantime always train what you can train while you fix what you can fix so just because you have that hip impingement doesn't mean you just stop training squats if you're in the middle of a preparation phase for a big lift a big day whether that's a competition or you just have a big day within your gym you can still squat you just want to stay above that impingement zone so you can do things like box squats where you're maybe not dropping down as deep still using the bander on your knees i think this should be in every single gym bag for athletes and just grading it and then as you are continuing to work on your depth you can then take that box away and slowly get back so that's sort of how you'll grade your progression back to a full depth squat but again wrap up with impingement you're having pain on the front side of your hip that happens when you're in a deep squat position that test the federe test taking the knee across the body creates that pain so what we're going to do is abandon joint mobilization check recheck see if it helped at all now let's work on improving our coordination and stability through the lateral hip and then make a sport specific movement very very controlled for and then progressively grade that while we're training what we can that's how you get out of a hip impingement i hope you guys liked today's video if you have any questions please let me know in the comment section below and please subscribe to squat university youtube channel if you're finding any value in the content that i'm providing until next time guys happy squatting they say that energy flows where attention goes so i pay no mind why waste my time with all these negative cats scratching so caught up in their egos these people have
Channel: Squat University
Views: 33,252
Rating: 4.991199 out of 5
Keywords: hip impingement, hip impingement test, hip impingement exercises, hip impingement stretches, hip impingement squat, hip impingement fix, hip impingement surgery recovery, hip impingement and labral tear, hip impingement squat u, hip impingement athlean x, hip impingement band distraction, hip impingement brad and bob, hip impingement alan thrall, hip impingement band exercises, hip pain, fix hip pain, how to fix hip impingement, hip pain squat
Id: _3nmuwrb2x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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