How to Fix a Hip Shift (Start to Finish)

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hey guys I'm dr. and horse again today I'm gonna show you how to fix a hip shift like that whenever you squat hey guys thanks so much for stopping by the YouTube channel today is all about fixing a hip shift whenever you squat I'm gonna show you two simple movements that you can do to fix the hip shift whenever you're squatting and then I'm also gonna show you a case study at the very end of this video with one of my patients and exactly what we did to help fix the hip shift in his squat so first things first a majority of hip shifts specifically on the way down are due to a mobility imbalance at your hips here's a very simple screen you can do at home to help uncover that problem what I'm gonna do is lay down on the ground this is gonna be called a favor test which stands for flexion abduction and external tation from here with your foot on the top of your knee you're gonna lay on your back you're gonna put your hands right here on your pelvis you're gonna let this hip just relax as much as possible without your pelvis tipping up so from right here just relax keep the pelvis level you can see that this side got a couple inches before I hit the ground now what we're looking for is that you have even hips I'm gonna do my right side don't let the pelvis hit the ground you can see that my right side is a little bit higher this is actually something that I have dealt with in the past you can see my right hip is not as low as my one on the other side so this means that I have a problem with my right hip extending and externally rotating which is a reason for me shifting to the right side because I cannot extend and externally rotate this right hip as much as possible so if you have a problem in the favor test side-to-side and what hit cannot drop as low what you're gonna do is the assisted hip airplane in open your hip to try to gain that range of motion here's what you're gonna do you're going to grab the barbell you can if you're doing this at home just grab a countertop the side of the chair anything like that you're going to get into your single leg or DL position now from here you're going to open your hips as far as you can try to take your pelvis and point it towards the wall belly button towards the wall feel a really good stretch it's gonna come out more so in your hip joint it's not gonna feel as much muscular as it will deep inside your hip joint and then you're just gonna come back to neutral so the bar in front is for balance from here as far as you can again in this position I'd go with about a 5 to a 10 second hold really trying to crank open as far as you can and again you can do this in different levels of hip flexion so start up high but then go lower see what brings out the most stretch deep inside that joint something like this you're gonna want to do maybe 5 to 10 repetitions on that side that does not drop as far to the ground with the Faber test so that's just a couple of those right now now as with every single mobility exercise that you do we need to test do the exercise and then retest to see if we're efficient effective with the exercise selection that we've chosen so let's drop back down to the ground see if we were able to make any change so from right here pelvis level drop down you can already see with those I'm already a little bit better that's showing me that that exercise was helpful at clearing up or at least hoping and decreasing the amount of restriction that I have in this hip right here so now that we have cleared up a mobility restriction we're going to work on overlaying some good quality movement instability between the hips just grab your slingshot hip circle or any type of hip circle band that you have small resistance band loop you're going to put this around your knees now from right here I want you to get into your normal squat stance you're gonna grip the ground with your feet you're gonna drive your knees out inside now not so much so that your foot rolls on its side but enough to where you feel your lateral hips turning on from here we're creating that extra rotation torque we're gonna slowly descend into a squat and we're gonna perform holds every couple inches so we're gonna squat down and hold what you're feeling for is whether or not those glutes are turning on symmetrically on each side do you feel your left one turning on like crazy right one sort of asleep you're gonna pause in that position try to really drive your foot hard on the ground knee out to the side get that glute to turn on most the time you'll see an imbalance that aside with someone who has a hip shift and you're just gonna take that down and every so often pause now if you're doing this correctly your hips are gonna be on fire but work on symmetry from here shitless I decide feel like you're right in the center having someone video you can also give you some good feedback whether or not you're doing this correctly but take it all the way down and then back up work on staying symmetrical I like doing 1 and 1/2 squats so down half-step up squeeze my glutes drive my knees out to the side and then back down something like that maybe doing 10 reps or so you should be very fatigued in your hips symmetrically afterwards so that is the way in which most people are gonna clear up their hip shifts you're gonna see a mobility issue with the Faber test in unable to extend and externally rotate on one hip usually the hip that you are shifting towards you're gonna clear that up with the assisted hip airplane opening that hip up holding for a cup seconds once you clear up your mobility you're then going to do some stability movement re-education to get yourself to move symmetrically now that is the start it can be a little bit more complex with some people but that's a very good way to work on that here's a case study with a patient that came to me out here in st. Louis and how he was able to find a full fix with his hip shift Chuck came to see me for physical therapy with a pretty significant hip shift to the right associated with some low back pain and left glute Lee we started with the mobility screen called the Faber test with his hip in a figure four position I allowed his leg to slowly drop to the table you can see his left leg drops almost a full fist and an extended thump from the table however when performing the same test on his right side you can see his thighs unable to drop nearly as far meaning his hip joint is unable to extend and externally rotate on the right as much as the left item start by performing the assisted hip airplane with the barbell out in front working on opening up his right hip as far as possible for a few seconds before then closing it for a light stretch after ten times we retested and as you can see he saw huge improvements in his ability for the right hip to open up compared to the before now that his mobility was cleared up we assessed his hip coordination with the single leg bridge test when bringing up his right side he felt his glutes working hard however when performing the same movement on his left he felt his hamstrings and quads not as glue we started by performing the single leg bridge hip thruster with his back on a bench two sets of ten four five second hold driving his foot into the ground hard and trying to squeeze his food as much as possible I also hadn't performed unassisted tube airplanes on his right and left sides he told me that he felt much stronger on his right as you can see a little bit more shaky giving into his left side he felt more unstable on his left like stance all of these tests and movement evaluations exposed that his hip shift to the right was due to a mobility restriction in the right hip that limited his ability to externally rotate symmetrically as well as a hip stability and coordination deficit on the left side after working on all of these weak links we then got a barbell and its back in worked on slow-tempo squats and as you can see he's shown great progress with this lightweight here's a book before and after again to show you the difference in his squats great work Chuck alright guys so that is it for today's youtube video thank you so much for checking it out I really appreciate it if you enjoyed the content that I'm continuing to put out here on YouTube please subscribe to my youtube like comment share with all your friends if you have any questions or things you'd like me to cover in upcoming videos please comment below I've tried to have respond to as many people as possible until next week see eyes happy squatting they say that and then she flows where attention goes so I pay no mind what waste my time with all these negative cat scratching so caught up in their egos these people
Channel: Squat University
Views: 200,260
Rating: 4.9716563 out of 5
Keywords: hip shift, hip shift squat university, hip shift squat fix, lateral hip shift squat, hip shift during squat, squat a hip shift, fix your squat, hip shift squat, weight shift squat, fix hip shift squat, squat hip shift, squat university, how to back squat, how to back squat correctly, back squat tutorial, how to squat, squat form, squat challenge, squat athlean x, squat alan thrall
Id: SpscICRi2jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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