Hillsong Church - When You Need Perspective

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[Music] with me [Music] you say [Music] is trust [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how we doing chats did you come ready to worship we're gonna sing some new songs in them hold on weren't you and now this next one's really simple so you something you may have heard it so sing along okay [Music] and jesus loves me this I know Jesus loves me this I know I won't forget the Bible says that he loves me sir it was just three words but it changed my just a child true that concerns my from my first breath silver day [Music] to Oh come on Jesus yes I know Jesus loves me this time oh forget the Bible says [Music] you must us [Music] shoes [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] she [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was just three days but it tastes but when there seems no way from the grave he come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] and Jesus loves me this I know come on [Music] forget [Music] what time jesus loves me jesus loves me the Sun oh forget the Bible says that he loves me so that he loves me so [Applause] [Music] you know my right beside me you have always be waiting product for snow it's your mercy that is gonna walk away won't give me [Music] for me [Music] you [Music] relative to what we say [Music] but inside is where I want [Music] I chose a chaste ear [Music] Oh trust me [Music] you okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] how fast is the crazy way I'm free forgive me for your love is the safest plate [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] God is patient God is kind he does Miami he does my boat he's always out high and it starts concerned the quake this son sure my god can sing again and god he's patient God he's kind he does not in me he does not [Music] he's always I hide in one he starts cursing the Great Eastern art show my god is love [Music] this is oh my god is dim always sing I draw my breath my breath under which creates waves I know my hopes at last long from dust children [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hillsong Church [Music] - out of breath thank you right [Music] maker of the father was so grateful Lord you're the god of creation Lord we can look around us and see you everywhere lord I thank you in Jesus name there is standing on the edge of a historic week this is conference wait the Holy Spirit's gonna move the presence of God will be evident Lord people will be healed and spoken to powerfully by you what I believe you Gilligan defining moment as so many thousands of peoples of lives chances will be changed but people will be changed but we just thank you in your mighty name can you say Amen across the church and of course the whole church across the whole church right now we've got three services going on in the property the 4:30 service and the theaters just coming towards the close we've got right next door on this side a big overflow crowd who people who are part of this service so give them a big hand from in here give them a big hand [Applause] sorry I was looking to see if they were up there but they're not it's just me put your hand up with some prayer requests have a look at the screen if you want to some of them will come across father we thank you when we come to you to pray for people Lord is never in vain it's never for nothing lo be known to strive and hope God you might answer a prayer we have faith to believe that you're a healer we have faith to believe you're the miracle worker no sickness no disease no cancer is greater than the name of Jesus no challenge no problem no circumstance is greater than the name that's above every other name Jesus we speak Jesus into every one of these situations we thank you our jibbering life and hearing health and every breakthrough and every freedom and you give people a new beginning Lord Lord we just thank you nothing is impossible to you space by night claim Jesus forever and we thank you for it in your mighty name Amen [Music] [Music] we'll give Jesus Christ one more big ovation tonight [Music] [Applause] big welcome to church and 70 new songs for us all to get a hold of tonight so many great songs but new songs tonight and of course that one we all know Ella here maker of the urbe nice songs alive yes jesus loves me this brand new original some have never ever heard that before that's a beautiful one haha you know what this is the album 3 by young and free it's great this is mostly young I'm free with a few others at all younger free nah he's old and boring no no hey I got a friend here his name David crank and he tells me his 14 year old daughter he said no no she's not into young and free she's young and expensive you gotta love that don't just come on say hello to 592 people tell them you're glad to see them in church praise reports someone bought their first property and they're giving God the glory someone else thanking God for using them in their workplace someone here praising God their 6 years cancer-free someone's thanking God they've been delivered and freed from anxiety someone else thanking God for healing someone thanking God for they've connected with their foster child and their pro giving God the glory for that good test results promotion that's always good here this is a good man someone's giving God the glory that being accepted in a Hillsong College you do know you do know there's a brand new semester starting pretty well right after conference a couple weeks after so if you're in the building anywhere or you're watching from anywhere why don't you pray about and think about and ask two questions about starting college in July intake you'll never regret it it'll be the best time of your life all right so someone's thanking God for a safe pregnancy they got a safe pregnancy so far no safe pregnancy full stop you're gonna have a healthy baby someone's thank you God for good test results someone else their mom has come in - oh no mums at Churchill song for the first time so they're praising God for that amen all right joelly a belly better known as pastor Joe LaBelle it's gonna come with share with us I round out giving you guys get ready you'll see up here what you need to do thanks Joe thank you there's the envelope that you're gonna want to use or you can use the app we'd love it more and more if people could use the app it would be great to eventually get rid of paper altogether wouldn't it and the only way that's gonna happen is if you can all jump onto the app and download it and start using that while you're thinking about it getting ready bringing your tithe tide means 10% tithe means tenth 10 10 percent and we bring our tithe to the Lord we bring 10 percent of our earnings back to him and this what it says in 2 Corinthians chapter 8 verse 9 says you know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor so that by his poverty he could make you rich says though he was rich talking about his heavenly divinity if you read Philippians chapter 2 it talks about how Jesus came out of heaven out of his heavenly divinity gave all that up and took on a mere servant he became like one of us the son of God became a son of man so the sons of men could become sons of God he came down so that we could go up that's the whole point of this what's interesting about these words rich it's got it says that though he was rich he became poor so that through his poverty you could become rich those two words rich in English are different in the Greek the second one comes after the first one which is exactly what should happen because the first one talks about he was rich as in he has some twenty four says that the whole earth is the Lord's everything in it all the people of the world everything the second word rich in that scripture says bringing two it talks about bringing you two so the first one is an abundant supply he has everything he gave that up came down to bring you to that abundant supply why do we tithe if you've all wondered that question why on earth do we do this it's a test it's kind of a test what God wants to know is will we put our money where our words to these songs go will we put our money where our feet to our attendance goes will we put our money where our mouth is will we trust him financially the alternative is simple take all your money try and do it yourself or bring that 10% and say God I trust you to do more with 90 percent left than I could ever do with a hundred percent it's our choice tonight and my prayer is that every one of us would enter this great journey of tithing can I pray for you as you give you might want to hold your phone if that's how you're doing it on the app father we thank you everything we see everything we don't see it's all yours and we can only it's highs we can only bring back 10% of what we have because you gave us a hundred percent in the first place the father bless you people bless the church extend your kingdom may this what we do every week be the salvation of millions and billions of people in Jesus name Amen why don't you give as the containers come down your row we're gonna go to the screens and have a look at Church news [Music] the first time I heard it I just had this overwhelming feeling to break it down [Music] hopefully other people have that same reaction [Applause] [Music] big hi to all of our church every location everywhere today we're linking from here to 88 services in 30 different locations around Australia and a Bali Indonesia so thank God for that we're gonna stand we're gonna sing harder God we're only gonna take him up you know Judas Smith who I'm about to introduce in fact I learned to do some now but in his church literally it started in LA now he does it in his church all Kempson Seattle as well they have better introduction music I mean honestly no not worship just bit of music he gets up and preaches and so he starts every single time buts the Word of God first then they have all the worship afterward you got to be a good communicator to do that I'll go to say Judah and Chelsea Smith and a beautiful daughter is here as well what a great honor to have you at church you're a favor you're a favor what these guys are doing in and through their own church and their ministry is amazing and still so young cell under 40 years of age such a future ahead of them we're proud of you I'm proud and proud of everything you're doing and I love you very much and so we're looking forward to the word this tonight we're gonna sing one song I write then whenever you're ready you can come a preach and we're not worried about the time tonight so you know take at least 18 minutes I mean come on a stand let's worship Jesus everybody [Music] sigit church [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I mentioned then we get an overflow tonight and the hub auditorium next door I talked about it but didn't realize you guys had all your own worship happening and say you didn't hear me so big welcome to all you people on the property but in the house great to have you guys linked up with us we love you love you glad you're part of the service come on get Pastor Chelsea of a pastor Tudor oh I'm having trouble tonight he'll be Lord heal me Judith give [Applause] good to have you here Chelsea thank you pastor Bobby haha what a night come on grab your seat if you want to it's a free country Oh word your pastor is also my pastor do we love our pastors do we love Pastor Brian pastor Bobby their leadership has truly changed my life 14 years now we have been coming consistently to Sydney Australia to adjust our perspective our paradigm our thoughts on God life leadership parenting because of this man and this woman and their obedience and I love them desperately and I'm gonna find new ways to tell them how much I love them they're incredible and if you don't take good care of them we'll take them in Seattle but we're we're blessed aren't we it's so amazing to just see so many friends it's like a family reunion and I love all of you so much not the least of which my wife Chelsea is here and if Pastor Brian so desires she she could take over and start preaching but this is my wife of 18 years Wow that happened fast 18 years and we got a 14 year old now on eleven year old and a 9 year old we brought the 9 year old with us and we lost her on the plane for approximately 15 to 20 minutes we could not locate our nine year old and so we started pounding on bathroom doors only to finally discover which one she was in you can imagine how the other moments went when it wasn't our daughter and she was in there trying to put her hair in a button in the middle of the night as you do so but we're all here she's still with us so that's awesome but I am so excited to share this the scripture with you it is really impacted my life and I think it could it could serve you well tonight by the way did you get up early obviously jet LAG's working for me wow this Russia vs. Croatia did you see that match it was phenomenal okay this is about Jesus my bad okay so what do I know I'm wearing a turtleneck okay Luke chapter 5 Luke chapter 5 I'm gonna go there you can join me if you'd like if you didn't bring a Bible it's no worries it'll come up on the screen for your viewing enjoyment I'd like to talk to you tonight about perspective about perspective my dad used to say life is a matter of perspective and that those are those are very wise words and I wonder tonight how many of us walked into this auditorium or all the 88 services so you know like you're you're literally a part of a church so it's an absolute miracle right there's I don't know any other pastor in the world who gets up and says we have 88 services today like I hope that's not missed that's not lost on you 88 services this is incredible what God is doing this is a miracle it's a movement 88 services so whatever you are in the 88,000 services that are going on right now chances are you came with something on your mind you came with something at the forefront of your attention and I wonder if it deserves that placement in your life I wonder if that thing that has caused you worry or doubt or shame or fear deserves the prominent place it has right now in your emotions and your thoughts and your affections life is a matter of perspective let's read this together it says one of those days as he was teaching Jesus Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem and the power of the Lord was with him to heal and behold some men were bringing on a bed a man who was paralyzed and they were seeking to bring him and lay him before Jesus but finding no way to bring him in because of the crowd they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the midst before Jesus if you've been in church for any length of time you know this is a famous passages passage for preachers like me it's in a moment like this we read this and we start talking about being the right kind of friend to your friends and if you've got to do whatever it takes to get them to Jesus tear the roof off the place and get them before Jesus it's a good breach of material but I'd like to submit it's not entirely the main point of the passage it's but breaketh but I think there is an even more paramount most important point in this passage it says the man is now on his bed awkwardly lowered down before Jesus and Jesus saw the faith and he said your sins are forgiven and the scribes and Pharisees began to question saying who is this who speaks blasphemies who can forgive sins but God when Jesus perceived their thoughts he answered and said why do you question in your hearts for which is easier to say your sins are forgiven you or rise and walk now listen verse 24 but that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth there it is again to forgive sins sir you can get up and go home and it says in verse 25 or 26 and amazement seized them all listen to this perspective amazement sees them all talk about a shift in perspective and they glorify God and were filled with all and this was their confession we have seen extraordinary things today Wow for a lack of a better title and we title this message when you need perspective that's there it is and the point is if there's ever a moment or a day or a season or a week or a month or a year where you need to recover proper perspective and put things in their proportion I'd like you to look these verses up because I believe they'll serve you well will you pray with me Jesus I thank you for the moments that we share the moments we have already shared we thank you for what you're doing Lord eighty-eight services that are happening right now God for every single person that is of infinite value before you right now listening to your story and the scriptures that tell of your glory and your goodness help us to experience you and encounter you and help New South Wales to go through you know in the State of Origin on Wednesday in Jesus name Amen Jesus name Amen I don't know what you yell but I love you I mean do we have a perfect marriage no okay we know 18 years in we've definitely gotten better now I keep telling myself I'm gonna help Chelsey around the house more problem is I just forget I'm not joking I really do I just it slips my mind ESPN's on that dad I'm like man I gotta sit down and then I'm like ah I'm gonna be there hold on a second I'm wait I got LeBron as a Laker you know I'm gonna be there in a in a second so so two weeks ago you can't make this stuff up this is a real story two weeks ago on a Friday afternoon we're gonna have some friends over on a Saturday for a barbecue Chelsea said we need to go to the grocery store now this is another area it's not my strong suit okay I'm not great at it I get to the grocery store and don't please don't laugh this is real I get a little overwhelmed it's overwhelming to me to get through everything I don't know where everything is and it's overwhelming you think I'm joking you cannot make this up I know what you think you preachers exaggerated stories like this to make people laugh yes they do but this is the truth okay so we get to the grocery store Chelsea of course has made lists and she says only two things you gotta get and I'm like music to my ears lady she said to me two things number one chips tortilla chips corn chips black bean chips whatever chip she want now immediately I'm engaged I love carbs okay so I'm like done she says now second thing we need shampoo and conditioner for our guests that are staying over and I was like I don't what okay it's only two things this is a real story this happened last Friday in the United States of America okay Chelsea takes off like a wizard in the supermarket I go to not that I believe in wizards because I believe in Jesus like wait please don't be offended I I believe in the Son of the Living God so I go things you get emails for so I go we should not have him back pastor he believes in wizards so I go to the chip aisle and I'm like tortilla chips and hint of lime chips and backyard barbeque chips and black bean chips and blue corn chips who knew right and um so I get all the chips this takes a while I'm not exaggerating and then I'm like what's the other thing when something was something shampoo and conditioner so I go to the shampoo and conditioner island which I'm very unfamiliar with I'm not familiar with this aisle to date I tried to recall if I had ever been assigned to get shampoo and conditioner for our family not one time this is brand new so I go to the shampoo and conditioner out this is no word of a light this is a true story happened a couple Fridays ago nuts it's America I'm standing there I'm standing there and I'm like immediately I'm like I'm decisive I'm gonna get this one yeah this is this is good whoa wait a second this one is a combo like it's the shampoo conditioner in one liquid put that back this is good this is if you have dandruff I don't like food it's kind of expensive oh this is if you want your hair thicker do our guests want their hair thicker I don't know this is for greasy hair this is for thinning hair all the sudden I'm out man I can't process the information I'm not joking I'm not playing games when had I told you I'm wearing a turtleneck I regretted that decision at the 4:30 but anyways this actually happened Chelsea comes buying the cart her cart is overflowing with her effectiveness she's gotten her whole list she comes by she says and she yells down the aisle and I'm still like aah she says Judah so so what she kind of startled me I panicked a little bit I was in a bit of a wormhole I said what she said and she this happen she turns her car down the aisle and she starts coming and she she and then she stops next to me she goes are you okay I said are you okay I'm fine she said are you still I got chips on my hand are you still looking for shampoo and conditioner but I don't I don't I don't know what to get there's so many variables here I don't know what to get this really happened she goes she knows it's just shampoo and conditioner so you know what I did I said oh okay I'm gonna choose one then stay right here I said let's get this one she goes oh no that's not the right one that's it I love you guys god bless you know like haha where's Jesus in this he believes in wizards you think he's gonna get back to the scripture but hi literally I lost my perspective in the shampoo and conditioner aisle that really happened two Fridays ago it really happened I mean that's where I'm at like my emotional stability is questionable often right hi mom it's like it's like Jesus Christ is Lord I forgot about that because the shampoo and conditioner aisle overwhelmed me I play golf a lot if I get a bogey or double bogey I turn into an atheist like I can lose proportion I can lose what should be in its proper place because I get emotional but perspective is powerful perspective can be an extraordinary effective tool that can change situations recently a close friend of mine a family friend he was projected in our country United States of America to be the number one pick in the NBA Draft that's the legal a bran plays in he was gonna be the number one pick about nine months ago he was a shoo-in for the number one pick boy we were all pumped we go you know I was talking about we gonna be the number one pick we are gonna be I've never been drafted but I'm ready draft night came and there had been some lingering rumors of injuries or some challenges and they thought maybe he won't be number one but but we all gathered around the TV our whole family and the first pick and second pick and the eighth pick and 10th pick and a lemon picking 13th Nick and I'm not gonna lie to you I threw my phone after the 13th pick I was like this is ridiculous and it's crapped right now as a result the 14th pick it's the last pick in the NBA lottery if you don't know what that means not a big deal but it's kind of the last pick of the elite portion of the draft it's the big time play with LeBron and all the guys and finally with the 14th pick they pick my friend it kind of feels more like relief than celebration and everybody on ESPN's like wow this is this is shocking this development and he puts on the hat of his team and he sits down with the ESPN reporter and you know you know the mood the tents the vibes it was like wow this is kind of crazy you fell so far in the draft young man how do you feel and I won't forget this night he says what he says oh I'm not entitled to any of this I'm just blessed to be drafted perspectives is power for the whole night that was supposed to be a loss turned into a victory because a young man put things in its proper place I wonder if you like me tonight and you came with some stuff out of proportion tonight you came with weary or worn out or fearful or anxious or frustrated or agitated because things have gotten wonky things have gotten out of proportion and I wonder if tonight in the next few moments we have left we could recover perspective that's granted to us through Jesus do do you see what Jesus is doing in our passage tonight he is trying to bring perspective he's trying to identify and reveal to us what is paramount and what is most important in fact he does it classic Jesus in a socially awkward way they said these dudes tear up a roof is it roof or roof that's not important move on they tear they tear up a roof and a roof and put him in front of Jesus now can I ask you I don't mean insult your intelligence bear with me okay why do you think they did that I think it's pretty obvious because they're hoping Jesus can do what he does so the dude can move his hips and fingertips right there like now Jesus dude do you think guys looking down do your thing and Jesus class of Jesus he goes it's amazing you're forgiven I love this we read passages like this like are so beautiful this is not Jesus this was his two-part plan he was gonna do forgiveness and then healing that's beautiful no he wasn't no he was he had no intention he said where does he put forgiveness first in the midst of a man who's been paralyzed how long key is this I'm in love with the word wonky lately I just think it's great how wonky is this Jesus looks out of paralyzed man that goes you're good bro I still can't move no you're forgiven goes along with the crusade and then he hears the chair feeding the Pharisees and Sadducees and he goes really guys which is harder which is more important which is a bigger deal which costs more forgiveness or healing and he tells us why he heals this man so that you know what's most important which is forgiveness so that you know the Son of man has power to forgive and I've been authorized sir you can get up do you pick up the focus of Jesus and the Bible says everybody when he got up from his bed he said they were in all they were amazed and their confession was we have seen extraordinary things today talk about a perspective change I I guess I'm just one of those people and but we've all been through stuff and tonight I have no intention whatsoever to minimize challenges difficulties successes answered prayers and the many many miracles God does in our life a few moments ago we prayed passionately and then we celebrated passionately with answered prayers whether its land whether it's a healing of cancer whether it's a new job or that you got accepted to Hillsong college all those things matter to God but what's most important Jesus awkwardly and overtly makes this point doesn't is it okay for us to make space in our life that says hey no matter what for those of us that have accepted the free gift of Jesus for the Bible says he who knew no sin became sin so that I might become the righteousness of God when is it not okay to say I'm forgiven but over time it's amazing I'm like yeah the forgiveness part but God I need a miracle now if you grew up in church you remember this well I'm waiting on my miracle oh god I need a miracle I would like to submit to you tonight I understand what you're saying but you might have missed the one you already got and it's the most important I wonder and just see if you can follow me I wonder sometimes if our relationship to Jesus and his gift of forgiveness is like the children of Israel and their relationship to manna if you don't know what manna is manna was supernatural Frosted Flakes that God gave to the nation he created this really happened millions of Jews got chosen people the children of Israel are wandering just out of Egypt and they start talking about we need food and gods like I'm gonna give you frosted flakes they're great this is a real thing they will go out on their front lawn and the dew would subside and there was the frosted flakes a little bit of rules set up with the frosted flakes you only take the amount of flakes you're gonna eat in the day if you take too many flakes try to save them over the leftovers for the next day they're gonna grow worms because he gives his children daily bread God daily provides right right so it's it's frosted flakes now if you remember the man is not about the manna the Old Testaments not about the Old Testament it's all about Jesus you want to understand the Old Testament until you just look for Jesus in it the Bible is not about the Bible the Bible is about Jesus the Bible is about Jesus for an ish you think you have life Jesus says to the Pharisees but this points to me and if you don't meet me all you got is religion you it's it's it's it's it's it's me and so remember what Jesus says in John chapter 6 because the Pharisees and Sadducees religious they're like so what are we supposed to do he says your work is to believe and they said well show us a sign look a little sense in John chapter 6 John chapter 6 and verse 29 this is the work of God that you believe in him who he has sent going on so they said well what sign will you give us little we can see will you perform because see see our fathers ate the manna in the witnesses written he gave them bread from heaven to eat I love Jesus he's like are you serious man you think Moses gave you bread from heaven my father gives you watch the shift the true bread from heaven that's standing in front of you right now in about the manner the man is about me for the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world they said to him sir we need this bread always and Jesus says I am the bread of life whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in Me shall never thirst now you're gonna need some water and maybe some Gatorade still but he's talking about your soul your soul will never thirst you might need some food again physically but your soul won't what anymore you'll find contentment know Jesus is the manna His mercies are new every morning he will never leave you nor forsake you our challenge with Jesus is he's always there so we tend to take him for granted these people in numbers chapter 11 give them about a year in to the miracle frosted flakes and they are over it they don't they're not even amazed anymore a little bit you cannot believe this is too good material check this out numbers chapter 11 this is so good now the rabble that was among them had a strong craving that's the crazy sentence we won't go there tonight and the people of israel also wept again and said oh listen to this this is their complaint this is relationship to miracle breakfast food oh if we had meat to eat we remember fish we had an Egypt that cost us nothing does the mana cost you anything bro I'm sorry did you forget it just shows up on your front lawn when you pick up the paper look at this in Egypt it didn't cost us anything did it cost you slavery or was that not listen to this this is real it gets worse the cucumbers what the melons the leeks we talked about leeks bro how prepared is this complaint onions and garlic this is not off the top of their head these people have been mulling over the fact that they miss how it used to be and all we get all we get is frosted flakes on our front yard but really if you just showed up in the camp you'd be like this is amazing it was like no it's not I miss leeks and onions and cucumbers you say garlic bro yeah that's good it's good seasoning you notice the same reason why somebody gets saved in our communities and we're kind of like they pretty popped really like charts well they gonna learn it's just something you do and that's why you get provoked sometimes by young believers who are out on the front lawn don't can you be this is crazy you know yeah well it's it's it's old sometimes so I wonder if sometimes we're like well god yeah I appreciate your last thing you want right Chelsea now we're driving in the car the other day and somebody honked at me I get offended when people honk at me because I feel like they need to know that I have a good heart and I'm a nice person this is real hi oh come on man like the last thing I want Chelsea to say to me in that moment is hey don't forget you're forgiven you don't mean I know that right so we're fickle people we somebody running running into you and you're all discouraged like the last thing you want as a fellow believer to be like hey I know you lost your job but your sins are forgiven and you're like bless you I'll see you at the 5:30 we the same way man problem with us is every day we wake up there's Jesus every day we wake up we forgiving every day we wake up he's our provider every day we wake up we're pleasing every day we wake up we're covered every day we wake up we belong every day we wake up we're accepted and after a while we like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I know - forgiveness part do you I know - forgiveness part but I think a job Lord oh you can forgive me but can you give me a job what I have been single for so long yeah I need some leeks and some garlic and some onions right Lord give me a spouse and I hope you're not married if you praying that look can I say God's got nothing against garlic's and leeks and cucumbers he made them but remember what Jesus said about our relationship to things that are not paramount he said in Matthew 6:33 we thought we so familiar with these scriptures we forget what they mean seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness now watch our relationship to all these things , all these things shall be added not focused on but added added see for those of us that follow Jesus and accept the free gift of righteousness that's only given by his performance not by our performance when we receive his righteousness we are to focus our perspectives to be first his kingdom his righteousness and all these things will be added of all people on the planet we're supposed to have a profoundly different relationship with all these things that's why Matthew 632 says hey people don't know God make all these things the focus of their life and they test to see if there is a God if he can do all these things how can there be a God when he can't provide all these things and our messaging better be biblical because our messaging our history our heritage our legacy has never been followed Jesus and all these things will just work out all the time everyday and everybody will like you no the ultimate paramount primary message is an you shall be forgiven the greatest miracle of all and and and now my relationship to all these things is new hey you're not my focus you're not most important and sometimes you need good friends who won't wallow in your pain with you but will remind you that you're not waiting on a miracle you've already received the greatest miracle and no matter what happens you're his Jesus says seek first the kingdom of God we're getting we need to find that quickly and then and then he says and his righteousness and I looked up his righteousness and one translation says live righteously live right all if we knew how to live righteously we have misappropriated the meaning of these words live righteously does not mean live to improve your performance and be better and strive and do more it means to live with the constant awareness that you have been gifted your position of right standing with God forever and ever without end that means I'm righteous not by my performance I'm righteous by his performance so if I can't be righteous by my performance I can't be unrighteous by my performance so I need to live righteous coz that's what I am so when you're giving into temptation you need to say eh-eh-eh-eh I'm righteous now what is the kingdom of God all Romans 14:17 says the kingdom of God is not eating or drinking that's the scripture saying there is you can't save yourself through performances that are so low you can't save yourself because you don't eat or you do eat this or you don't drink or you do this and that save didn't save you you can't save yourself the kingdom of God is not a matter of your performance the kingdom of God is righteousness notice the order righteousness peace and joy with the partnership with a spirit of Jesus and if you will turn your focus on what is primary in the universe which is the gift of Jesus and the righteousness he grants all who believe I am persuaded according to scripture that you will be granted supernatural peace of joy peace and joy it's been said that two thirds of the kingdom is an emotional disposition and that is something I am working on and I have found the only consistency in my life when it comes to stabilizing my emotions is recalibrating by the help of the Holy Spirit to His righteousness and all these things will be added and there's peace and there's joy and all of a sudden I I got my perspective back all the sudden I things are in their proper but I wonder if right now even the Spirit of Jesus is saying hey hey let me help you with this one this one doesn't go here this one goes oh it matters and you matter to me in every little detail of your life man but I'm gonna put it I'm gonna put it right there and I know you lost your job and you're my son you're my daughter I love you but but that doesn't go here it goes right over here and and I know you failed I know you faltered I know you're it's really you're dealing with a lot of shame and guilt but that's not that's not my plan for you and there's going to be some consequences and it's been difficult but but that's not you know that doesn't define you that's not the point of life that's not so I'm we need to put this over over here and you know all the sudden life changes as we know it now I want to go back to the verse the last verse we read in the passage at the outset of the talk and I want us to look at this again Luke Luke 526 because this is where this whole message began for me it was the morning a few weeks ago where Chelsea read this verse I don't need to read the Bible Chelsea reads it to me when was the joke and I don't believe in Wizards Luke 526 this is real let's read in light of everything we've talked about can we read this again and amazement seized them all and they glorified God and were filled with all saying we've seen extraordinary things today Chelsea read this verse to me and here's the thought that hit me why can't I be like that every day I have every right to that emotional disposition in perspective every day simply by the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross why can't I every day have a perspective that says hey I see the extraordinary things the day people like well you don't look at Jordan I know you you're looking you're looking for outside teens what I get to put in um what I'm talking about is forgiveness we've seen extraordinary things today Oh what we sitting in right now this community this forgiveness this free gift is this not extraordinary I don't know who this is for but I want to remind you that circumstances and situations and diagnosis and and and and weaknesses and temptations they seek to steal your all and to tell you hey hey hey hey you failed you're sick you're weak and here comes Center frame and all of a sudden you start to go maybe I am and all as a form of worship and these things seek to steal your worship but the Holy Spirit right now in this moment is saying you're no match for this but the kingdom of God is righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit I'm right here I'm right here let me just let me just take this for you this is not going to be the defining factor of your existence my son my daughter you are mine you are forgiven you are accepted you are loved you are pleasing you're belong and you're going to be with me for eternity ha ha we have seen extraordinary things today let us live in all an amazement and our great Savior and King will you pray with me Jesus words fail us to describe your beauty your majesty your glory and all that you provide for us for you are good you are God you are in charge and beside you there is no other you have no rival your enemies are your footstool you are king of all kings you are lord of all lords and the earth is yours and the fullness thereof oh god help us by your spirit to regain accurate perspective put everything in our life in its proper place then we say thank you thank you for forgiveness thank you for righteousness oh god it's the greatest miracle and we are trophies of that if you here tonight in any one of the locations and services going on and you're watching and listening and he said Jude I'd like to make a decision to believe to receive the forgiveness that only Jesus offers for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever would simply believe or receiving him receive him and the forgiveness he provides will not perish but have everlasting life ha ha you want to live forever with him and receive the greatest miracle of all all it takes is one moment of faith and so wherever you are in this auditorium or the 88 different services going on right now if you want to make this decision I'm gonna ask all of us to close our eyes as this decision ultimately begins between a person and their creator if you're here and you said you don't want to make that decision I want to receive the forgiveness of Jesus I want a relationship with God and I want to spend eternity with him if you want that on the count of three I'm gonna ask you to lift up your hand and put it right back down and the reason I ask you to lift your hand I believe when you respond on the outside to what's happening on the inside it makes it all the more real to you you know who you are on the count of three just shoot up your hand and put it right back down one god loves you so much - I'm convinced you'll never be the same again three if that you would just shoot your hand up all over the auditorium and say that's me I'd like to make that decision thank you thank you thank you all over the different gatherings and services your slip of your hand and put it right back down gotta thank you for every single hand for it represents the greatest miracle of all you have defeated death hell and the grave and sin and we celebrate that and we love you and we thank you we have fresh perspective going from this place and we love you Lord in Jesus name Amen [Applause] [Music] senior merci Hugh nursey [Music] let's fill the beauty with the phrases [Music] right across this church come on [Music] [Music] [Music] man I love that song I'm excited about what's ahead of toda then 492 times we had an amazing week coming and before I forget next weekend can you imagine a one single day one single weekend in our church we get to have Pastor Steven Furtick and Pastor John Gray on exactly the same week can it get any better hey who forgives Judah for talking about wizards in church I'm struggling forgiven but ought to freak you out what an incredible preacher [Music] but I've never been met a man in a polar Nick who can preach like that ever so incredible well excited to have you at conference and it's about time you came back you know are you guys looking like you got a whole lot of dancing in you you do you look like you got a hold of dancing in yeah father I just thank you in Jesus name what a great night father thank you for all that I've gathered thank you for the Holy Spirit thank you our lives are in your hand thank you that we can look to you as the author and the finisher of our faith but starts with you and it ends with you we have absolutely nothing to worry about help us Lord to have the perspective Lord the perspective the helps us ultimately to keep our eyes on Jesus thank you for such a powerful message tonight thank you for the life it's brought to people thank you that Lord we know that you are our God that you are Lord that you are true to your word that you are faithful that you'll continue to be faithful we give you the praise we give you the glory but give me the honor in Jesus name Amen amen amen come on let's praise God together everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's no hiding from you I can't you're mine and it's uh I was only [Music] took over me [Music] [Music] the father's heart [Music] and the chantry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] surely like it's supposed to be [Music] [Music] [Music] if you [Music] just [Music] just [Music] [Applause] she's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jeez [Music] the way the truth [Music] [Music] [Music] the way the truth the life church song we've never played before sing a brand new song they're saying let's do it what do you guys feel I'll take it as a yes come on to this together hey descendants with me respective girl I said [Music] come on [Music] the future [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can will singers more this more [Music] [Music] don't [Music] cuz my god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the futures bastards [Music] can we say - yeah if he did it before he'll do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody see [Music] your favor weights with no future [Applause] margins a small compared to yours [Music] [Music] [Applause] behind the scenes and then [Music] yeah I got it too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the best people see you on Tuesday [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 97,404
Rating: 4.8603797 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, Judah Smith
Id: 5r4gVceFwe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 48sec (5688 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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