Hillsong Church - The Power of Story

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[Music] why did you say we come together the name it [Music] love so great I see [Music] come on [Music] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] how many [Music] [Applause] [Music] here are said before you as honestly as [Music] broke your pilot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you me [Music] regardless [Music] [Music] [Music] strong [Music] [Music] ah [Music] Oh God is a impossible [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sing it out [Music] [Music] in his [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Applause] this eludes me she leads me [Music] she leads me you mercy [Music] I stand upon us Rocka faith in christ this steadfast of shall now break apart within the drone I am assured his promises will as long as ivory he is faithful [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] screen [Music] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen amen welcome to Hillsong Church everyone here at Hills Darwin Wollongong Church to the air maybe you're even watching online or the channel a huge welcome this morning you've actually come in a really special day today we're gonna be celebrating communion right across and what that means in a moment our hosts will be just distributing like a little Emlyn Locker like a little wafer and a little cup with some red cordial in it if you're watching you got time now to quickly maybe get that so you can join us but to help prepare our hearts as we remember what Jesus did for us on that cross our guys have got a beautiful item for us so I'm gonna ask you to take your seat let's use this moment just to really think about what Jesus has done for us and then I'll be back in a moment I'm gonna receive communion together [Music] [Music] love oh we say our hofstra by the spirit that racecars wrong let another paw stand man cold that my gosh [Music] son Oh [Music] you are king Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] from the beginning of time his love spoke beauty into existence forming a world out of barrenness his nature on display for all to see sun shining are shaking long glowing rivers flowing flowers blooming in my heart sang out to God is this look from the dust he created formed and mold us into the likeness of his image we became the emblem of his unspeakable joy but through the shadows of the night a sweet whisper of deceit echoed through time breaking my sight of him draining my love for him making my light filled in pain and doubt consumed me confusion misused me self gratification and self-preservation pursued me and I became the image of me but then I realized that through the timeless seam of imperfection his purpose and his promise are still my song but in my weakness you are my strength and my sickness you are my healer and in my brokenness you on my Potter I am the clay in my bondage [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mark describes in his gospel the very moment then Jesus died on the cross it says and Jesus cried out with a loud voice and breathed his last and the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom the veil in the temples represented that sin had separated us from God and there was no way back to him but Jesus did what we couldn't do he paid the price of our sin so that we could now know a garden who's not up there somewhere but a God who's here here God's with you God loves you God's for you and what makes us right with God is Jesus that's why this morning we can know as we receive communion that this little emblem here representing his body we can know that this his body the Bible says because he allowed it to be broken if you're sick maybe emotionally you're damaged how things have happened to you and lives just not well this is our hope he paid the price so that we can no homers so as we received this but IRA senior to a god up there we're receiving to a god who's with us here now so come on with him here as we receive this let's believe for the wholeness he's promised amen so come on and this is the blood that we shared we this represents the blood that was shed on the cross and with God here it's easy for us to look at us and look at our sin but when we remember this we remember that he he he has made you holy he has made you blameless and he has made you above reproach in God's sight so as we receive this let's remember that we are right with the God who loves us force amen father I want to say thank you and I think of everyone here this morning everyone who's watching online everyone in our other services and father we want to say thank you and I want to believe for healing father in the Jesus name I want to believe for your wholeness guilt and shame father this morning as we receive the ambulance and remember Jesus to be broken I think of all these prayer requests in my hand and the ones in the other rooms father we declare that in Jesus name it will be as you said it would be that we would see wholeness and healing and breakthrough in Jesus name in Jesus name because you are L Savior King come on one more time let's declare this as people that are whole and people that are healed people that arise [Music] and you and you [Music] [Music] [Music] honesty's [Music] man turn the person next you say I am glad I came to church this morning I am glad amen hey just as I'll get everyone's attention this Tuesday night's seven o'clock it's a really important night for us in the life of our church it's a mega prayer night okay a mega prayer night these nights have always been significant always been significant number one they lead up into our half of the house offering they lead up into our conference we were able to actually be on the front foot and through prayer decide what that's going to look like but not only that we're able to really address some of the issues in our nation and really pray that God's will will be done that his kingdom will come and the other side of it is we always see great breakthrough in people's lives as they come and believe bringing their prayer requests so that's this Tuesday night 7:00 o'clock you don't want to miss it you need to be here because together you know what we are the church and we will declare that his will will be done amen amen so right now we're gonna continue our worship without giving and Peter tugs Peter tugs young and free youth pastor he's got to encourage us thanks Pete thank you Pastor Sam good morning Church are you well that's good I just realize I could have been in the communion item where was the call-up guys that's cool that's cool hey-ya we're about to continue our worship as Sam said and come around our are giving our tithes and our offerings and there's many ways you can give there's an envelope on or under your seat and there's some ways behind me I think yeah behind me on the screen that you can give so you can go ahead and begin to do that hey but if you are visiting knew hey no pressure at all there is absolutely no obligation you just sit back relax if you feel to do so then do it okay so it's amazing we're just glad you're in church but have you ever felt like life is somewhat cluttered and space is taken up and it's almost hard I don't have enough time I don't have enough of this I don't have enough of that I've got too much in my house and so the natural tendency sometimes is to tighten up and I don't have enough time I don't have enough space I don't have enough budget I don't have enough resource to give to that or to be a part of that and I think the natural tendency all the time sometimes as humans is to tighten up and it's kind of like I can't do anything I can't do anymore because well all the space is taken up you know in the kingdom of God there's a proverb in proverbs 18 16 it says a gift makes room make space for the giver and puts him before the presence of the grape he's saying the kingdom of God works the complete Apso when you put God first sometimes we think oh if I put him first in my tithe and my time and in my giving it's gonna take up more space but actually you know what Tides does you know what this moment does it actually makes more space it actually makes more room in your life there is more for you and me as we keep putting God first when we give this morning we're not taking up space in our life no we're making space and we're making room for his blessing and his relief release in our life amen so with that church that's nice thank you that's really cool but with that church we're gonna give right now I'm gonna pray phew so if you're with your couple you're here with someone or you want to be with someone just hold their hand and I'm gonna pray for your family in your house what amen father thank you so much Lord for your church for you building it God right now in our in our giving what as we put you first but we realize in this moment we make room for your blessing we make room for you in our lives in Jesus name I pray and everyone said amen amen god bless you Church as you give and if you can do two things at once want you to check out the springs hard for the house is only around the corner and he's a bit more of the expression in the story and what we get to be a part of and bringing solutions with vision rescue check out screens my people perish because of lack of knowledge I see the implication of that scripture practically every day so if people perish without knowledge with knowledge people will survive people to thrive they serve all the people take about hotel Araki it's Kelly videos Kobe Rose go bad are the boys can kinda hegemony what the boys cuz they will never let me give her though I'm at each other but but you're better with shadow a little you kidding me allegedly in Jesus appearance alveta a sadly Campanella lead in Okayama repeating a channel but the big news anchor and Avila a plan she said ok decocker kanae-chan woman shampoo encoder Allah taught Adam the local community where the movie will take America back on masseuse or American Crew computer Bukavu Tennille atomic are located in Valhalla terrible yellow pencil relative volatility got a new market parties activist a heart okay [Music] [Music] our main focus our children but in order to keep a child in school get a child to school and keep the child in school we need to work with the family we help the whole family so that the child's education can be sustained [Music] Obito kara kappa kapa haka carnival eco but she be mad what to vehicle [Music] whose call the city with Afghani person a guy like a tool bag and bigger machine you see me I got a staffer got a got a got a movie travel Mila DUPLO savolta carousel with him immunization about the cheekathon Honolulu Hamelin a thermogenic in some happy people could take on come with a person named Arlo Givens soon ahead [Music] cycle of poverty has been continuing and if we don't intersect and intervene and see their destiny change this will continue we don't start schools now we will have to build jails later that's urgency of the situation right now I just want to say a big thank you from the bottom of my heart you are making a difference you know you're changing people's lives if it was not for your giving your partnership many children would not be alive today [Music] [Applause] well a great big hello to Hillsong Australia right across the country and in Bali everyone's connected it's great to have you with us for a moment I know everyone has different people speaking this morning but I do want to take a moment right across the church and just remind us that the heart for the house offering is next weekend and we've had weeks to think about this and get ready we've been showing you different stories on the screens it is no doubt that we partner with some of the greatest people on the planet when it comes to these organizations things like vision rescue things like a21 and Christine and Nick Kane are here tonight I'm sure we'll hear a little bit more about a21 at things like 180 TC and Hillsong Africa foundation there's Hillsong city care there are many things that as a church you have every reason to be very proud of partnering with people that do make a significant difference I just want to let everyone know that next weekend leading all the way up to June 30 the end of the financial year this is a tax-deductible offering and the reason it's tax-deductible is because it all goes to the Hillsong foundation and then through the foundation we can distribute all those monies to different organizations and things so hopefully we're praying about it hopefully we've already done that we've prepared we've thought about it and wherever you are please can I just say we say this every year if you're at a place where you feelin like I don't know how much I can do don't be missing next week just your attendance your attendance next weekend in church as we gather together is a great faith statement and it lends weight to everybody else it's a great encouragement just you being in church is an encouragement for everybody else so please be here next weekend as we sacrifice and save and contribute and give what is going to be a holy sacrifice from our whole church and no matter whether you're able to give a lot or you're able to give a little whatever it is if we meet that with the same heart we believe that something miraculous is going to happen so there's more information that you may already have if you if you don't you can get them from the information desks about what is happening and hard for the house if you're new to our church the envelope that you want to use and we can help you in any way we can so what have you doing in your service around the country have an incredible day and will be connected again tonight for Christine Kane but we'll get back on to what you're doing let's go the screens and check out Church news [Music] [Music] [Music] being reckon sometimes I wonder is there more [Music] the truth about me is no longer based on my performance and my deeds and my pedigree in my past and my present in my resume that is no longer the truth about me the truth about me is defined by the gospel I must stand where I am I'm not living for just need I'm gonna make a difference in my world I'm breaking out of the confines of what's comfortable and I'm stepping into my cone with everything going on god props a conference in the middle of all of it to say let me gather my church and remind them that I am still in control [Music] if you guys allow it to stop you and you keep going forward you can enter into the newness and the goodness that God has for you you've got a story to tell you've got a power to help other people and to reach out to other people God can give you so much there is [Music] well how excited next week is hard for the house and this is such a big and important weekend for our church over the years so much has been made possible because of the faithfulness and the sacrificial giving of you guys the people of our church people literally foregoing stuff and stretching and deciding we're gonna honor God we're gonna put them first and then watching the miracles happen in your life as we still believe God for the more that he speaks over our lives so I'm excited about next week will sure be there today I'm in South Africa and I'm here for the 10th anniversary of our Cape Town a South African church which has only been possible because of days like this where part for the house has made all the difference so let's be ready for it let's be prayed up it's not miss out it's kind of like a part of the vision Sunday so the meetings themselves are going to be incredible next we can see there that's fantastic well why don't we all stand to our feet here wollongong Hobart and obviously Hills are you ready for the preaching of the word you know the reason we stand before the preaching of the word is firstly we actually want to honor God's Word we believe one word from God this morning can literally change the course of your life the other reason we stand is that we've got Joe LaBelle bring in the word and we want to give a huge welcome to come out here right across let's put our hands together [Music] [Applause] thank you Sam welcome back it's nice to see you and Carly and the kids took a week off it's good to rest hello Church all those church of the air around Australia wherever you are welcome it's great to have you connected with us and Hobart and Wollongong as well love you guys it's incredible it's a little chilly in Sydney I bet it's more chilly in Hobart but probably gorgeous right up on the top end of Queensland for church of the air so wherever you are it's great to have you in church with us can we pray father we thank you so much for your life thank you for friendship thank you for making a way possible through Jesus today as we gather around your word we ask that it would nourish us it would feed us that you would God fill us up on the inside that we would not have to look outside to be filled lord help us today understand more about you and your kingdom and how we can take our part in it we thank you for him thank you for all our people all our church thank you for every Church in Australia thank you for all that's happening around the world you'd be great praise and honor in Jesus name Amen thank you great job team I'm sure I was in the other service but I'm sure it was great in here you can be seated how incredible was that item round communion it was stunning it's so good I'm gonna take a seat with you is that okay two Corinthians chapter 9 verse 11 2 Corinthians 9 verse 11 ought to talk to you today about the power of story the power of story 2 Corinthians chapter 9 verse 11 says you will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion you'll be made rich in every way rich some people think that the word rich should not really be brought up in church you shouldn't really talk about there's a few things you shouldn't talk about in church politics money sex and relationships we can talk about relationships you can't talk about sex but I figure whatever is in the book we should talk about we're not going to talk about politics today and we're not going to talk about sex today but I do want us to talk about money I want us to talk a little bit around that subject for a couple of reasons it's always good to be reminded what the Bible says because we hear a lot about what everyone else says and because it's hard for the house next weekend if you're new to our church hard for the house we use that word Bobby pastor Bobby has beautifully with descriptive language if you've ever read her book heaven is in this house has helped many of us around the world to get language for what is God's church God's church is his house it's his home and so we use that quite regularly in our setting you would hear us say God's house this is the house the house of God and because it's God's house and we love God's house yeah ho but do you love God's house seeing what happened in Hobart after that crazy flood and the storm down there and seeing how the whole city gathered together and everyone rocked up to God's house the church was quite stunning but we have a heart for God's house so the the offering that we do once a year which is next weekend the heart for the house offering we've called it miracle offering and days gone by we've caught all different things but heart for the house is very descriptive because we have a heart for God's house and so I wanted to talk a little bit about finances today just to help get us ready and make sure that there is no compulsion and that there is no complacency that we're not thinking about it half-heartedly but we're walking into it with wisdom the way that Christians ought to approach everyday life it's amazing here that Jesus in his word well Jesus didn't say this Paul did 2 Corinthians 9 you'll be made rich in every way so that you can be generous in every occasion always looking for an opportunity to be generous and you cannot be generous if you don't have you cannot give if you do not have and it's not just really about to be rich in every way think about the riches of His grace and think about the riches of all that God has done for us if you have a lot of happiness you should give some smiles away today for free don't make people work hard for your smile because that's not generous people shouldn't have to be on their best behavior just to get a smile from you if you have a heart full of happiness God wants to make you rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion what am I missing out on because my life is so full because thought about that in a world that we live in today in a place like Australia wherever you are online you think about what you have and the resource that's available to you we live in an incredible country here in Australia with all of our medical services and our healthcare and even with our unemployment benefits and housing benefits and different things depending on what threshold of salary you're on we live in an incredible country and it's so easy to be so full of everything we have that we miss out on things because we are already full comfort can create complacency I put on a leather jacket a couple of weeks ago was heart and soul night that night that Tuesday night and so I got dressed in the morning and like I often do when I get dressed I quickly find my wife or my daughter even my son these days and say do I look okay is everything all right and I'll tell you why I do that there is nothing worse than getting in the car and you haven't checked with the Fashion Police then to know that you've got to go back upstairs and change so I organize myself early these days it was hard this morning because everyone was still asleep and it was dark don't look ok is it all right I need somebody to tell me somebody would tell me I need some help I often do so I put on this leather jacket and Julia said to me babe I think you need to give that away I said you know what you're right for a couple of reasons one I have two leather jackets you can't wear to it once I've got two leather jackets I had two leather jackets the other reason is because you know sometimes you can just live life full and you don't realize that you're taking things for granted and you've got to purge yourself you've just got to get into a habit of regularly set a reminder in your phone put it next to midday baby midday maybe twelve o'clock that one goes off and at one o'clock do you wanted to give something away goes off because it's good just to let go of things otherwise we become what we have and it's just dangerous to give things away I was at the gym yesterday yet no Friday morning with Julia early and that our trainer had I didn't realize this because I was you trained by myself and she looks after Julia and she'd said a couple of times to Julia I love you watch now I love you watch and she actually really really loved Julia's watch and by the end of our training session Julia stuck it off and gave us you guys know that she was so embarrassed is it now wasn't saying it for that reason she said I know I know but I want you to have it it's because she didn't have a watch that it stood after her what we don't have stands out what we do have disappears we forget about it so Julia gave it away and so then she jokingly said I like your bag too don't commit don't come to me in the service that guy like your car I can't give that away too because I'm leasing it and you should never give away what you don't own I've given away cars in the past but only ones that I've owned you can eat your way what's your own so I went to work that hold a mindful prayer for who can I give this jacket to who can I give this jacket to and it wasn't until I got right near the end of the day that I finally found someone that I could give it to it had to be somebody that would be at least my height and Bill what I couldn't just give it to Sam Dimauro would have come right off his arms so you become it's amazing when you've got a thought to bless somebody to help somebody how you are so mindful of others and not yourself it's incredible you've been so full of food that you can't even eat the most amazing food you've been so full of the greatest dish comes out anyway no I was in Indonesia just a few weeks back with some Hillsong Network pastors we were visiting compassion and the work that they do in one of the projects and we're on the island of Samba which is a few islands back towards Australia from Bali and very remote area there's it's kind of a crazy place to live and we were doing a home visitation and so walking around this makeshift home tin and brick and straw and things and we're looking around and I noticed that the kitchen was outside dirt floor with a bit of a tin roof that was on an angle so that the rain would fall off and not trip through the holes and they dug a hole out of the dirt which was quite hard and they had put some coals in there and there was a pot in there that was still simmering with some rice and we'd got there in the afternoon and so the teenage girls had just got home from school and they rushed home they and I just noticed out of the corner my they'd rushed in to quickly grab some rice that I noticed had some ants in it and I thought I leave rice on my plate I don't finish all my food sometimes and here they are racing to get some food that probably most of us in church today would throwout its confronting it's quite confronting how oh look at this story in the Bible also confronting its matthew chapter 19 verse 16 my Bibles got the the subtitle the rich man in some versions it's the rich young ruler verse 16 will read to the end of the chapter I'm reading from the New Living Translation someone came to Jesus with this question teacher what good deed must I do to have eternal life why do you ask me about what is good jesus replied there is only one who is good but to answer your question if you want to receive eternal life keep the commandments which ones the man asked and jesus replied you must not murder you must not commit adultery you must not steal you must not testify falsely honor your father and mother and love your neighbor as yourself six of the Big Ten Commandments I've obeyed all these Commandments the young man replied what else must I do someone shout out what else must I do come on in wollongong what else must I do this guy is desperate what else must I do Jesus told him if you want to be perfect mature complete in the greek go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven then come follow me but when the young man heard this he went away sad for he had many possessions then jesus said to his disciples I tell you the truth it is very hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven I'll say it again it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God I find it difficult to put a cotton thread through the eye of a needle the disciples were astounded then who in the world can be saved they asked Jesus looked at them intently and said humanly speaking it is impossible but with God everything is possible then Peter said to him we've given up everything to follow you what will we get jesus replied I assure you that when the world is made new and the Son of man sits upon his glorious throne you who have been my followers will also sit on 12 Thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel and everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property for my sake will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life what was the young men looking for eternal life you will receive a hundred times as much of the things you've given up and you'll receive eternal life but many who are the greatest now will be least important then and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then the question that the rich man asked was what good thing must I do to have eternal life the rich young ruler had everything he wanted but was missing something he needed and he wasn't willing to let go of anything he had to get the one thing he didn't have you seen all the fuss about life on Mars and not just life on Mars whether there is life on Mars about living on Mars Elon Musk is trying to work on a rocket that's going to take us there they're looking at space stations that we can dwell there what used to be science fiction is almost becoming near reality I wonder if you'd be willing to give up everything you have to be one of the first people to colonize Mars anybody anybody like that in the room anybody everyone's too scared with the hand up I definitely wouldn't but I have talked to people who would love to live on Mars would you be willing to sell your house to get enough money for the Cancer Treatment of a family member it's easy to say yes but like when you actually go to sell your house and you've got to think about where to live next and renting and maybe never being able to get back into the market again would you sell your home just to get the money for a medical procedure for a loved one would you be happy to rent for the rest of your life knowing that your kids could actually get a good education would you be willing to downsize to manage your mortgage what is it that we're willing to change in order for us to occupy our dreams what could you possibly have in this life that should stop you from entering the next life that's the question we should be asking the rich young ruler why would we think anything that we have in this life is so important if you read that book Crucial Conversations there's a part in the book which is really awesome I loved it and I want to I want to share this little fork with you it's just in one of the chapters this little thought which I just thought it helps illustrate so much about how we live this life and once I show you this you'll see it everywhere you'll see it right around your whole life I've been seeing it the entire time since I read this and it starts with this it's let's go backwards from the end-result it starts with actions we live our lives and we live a certain way we act a certain way and Jesus himself said people will know that you are my disciples by the love you have for one another by the way you act the way we live our lives toward other people that's how people will know well the way we act toward people the way we show contempt for people or love for people we honor with disrespect the reason we do that is because of feelings we feel a certain way so we act a certain way I was driving on the m2 motorway out two hills this morning for church and as I'm in the hundred kilometer zone and row kilometers an hour in the right-hand Lane middle lane is full I can't get through traffic on the middle a on the left-hand side of me the car in front is going below the speed limit 86 km/h now there could be somebody else in life on the road the car would speed up there's almost a gap large enough for me to almost get through and get around I would be happy just to get around I don't need to do the evil stare just let me through then the car would slow down then they'd speed up then they'd slow down and I'm like this person has it in for me I'm heading to church and you're trying to ruin my day why does this happen let's skip this one I want to go down to where it starts we see and we hear things I saw a car slowing down blocking me in the traffic this person hates Christians they don't love Jesus they're an atheist they hate Hillsong and they're doing everything they can to try and delay me from getting here for the 8:00 a.m. service this is the second service I'm in this morning so my anger has subsided I'm dealing with my feelings why is it that what I see in here develops such strong emotions that causes me to act in a certain way well it all comes down to this one thing this one thing you're ready this one thing is what changes everything it's the power of story it's the stories we tell ourselves it's the story we create in our own mind about everyone around us that person makes me so mad really or do you make you so mad the truth is nobody else makes you mad you make you mad you make you mad you make you sad you make you glad you make you lonely you make you all your feelings but we do see and hear things we feel things and we act a certain way because of the story we tell I thought this person hated Christians I thought this person hated our church and was an atheist and hated God and that's why they were causing grief only to realize seven minutes later when I finally did get past them they were distracted because they were on their mobile phone that's all I didn't know that so I made up a whole story about this person because of what I saw in her this happens everywhere in our lives it happened to the rich young ruler let me give you a couple of examples because being past as we hear all kinds of stories and some of these stories have happened to me they happen quite regularly but the husband gets a strange text from his wife and he's worried about the text because it looks different and he can tell that she is a little bit upset he's trying to find out what he's done wrong like what husbands should do what have I done what have I done if I missed something if I've forgotten something was it her birthday is it our anniversary but what have I missed he can't figure out for the life of him what he's done wrong hours go by which is dangerous because stories get bigger as time goes on he finally gets home and he meets an angry wife that's ready for the big D word she is so messed up and she hands him this handwritten note that when he reads it looks a little bit like his handwriting but knows that he did not write this note and the note says I love you can't wait to be with you so you can imagine World War 3 has now started because of a story she told herself yet rage to certain actions that's where most of our arguments were arguing about all kinds of things that aren't even really the facts as it turned out what had happened is they lent their car to somebody the day before who was single and the note that they were trying to give to their boyfriend they'd left in the car wrong story same car how about this fun the story goes right when I was a toddler this is apparently the story when I was a toddler I was in the back seat of the car in a little baby capsule and as I'm in the car we lived over on the northern beaches of Sydney over on the beaches and there's a suburb over there collaroy Long Reef as you head towards dy well my mum was driving the car me in the back and as she was driving the car she could hear tick-tick-tick tick-tick-tick tick-tick-tick and she's thinking there's a bomb there's a bomb in the car someone has put a bomb in the car she pulls over in a Roo rush Manor jumps out of the car I'm still in the back this is a parent of the story she jumps out of the car panicking panicking freaking out she gets closer to the car to try and it is the bomb still ticking she can't hear anything so she gets back in the car and she starts driving again and the bomb starts going tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick and speeds up and if anyone's ever driven on the roads over in cholera and zy and the big concrete slabs with the lines in the middle would know that when you drive your car it goes tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick we tell stories that generate emotions that create actions Julie and I have joint bank accounts we do everything together we can you know get SMS when a certain purchase has gone over certain limits so that you can just keep an eye on your budget throughout the month and so she gets a notification saying that I had purchased something she hadn't that I'd purchased something from some exclusive boutique which because she saw that text message created a story that generated a feeling that was almost bordering on an action thankfully not too much time had passed and she's smart enough to have a proper conversation and so she wanted to validate her story and there's no way I'd been to that store in and what that store was as it turns out when we rang up to find out and get clarity there was a cafe we'd been to that also owned the exclusive boutique and so what comes through on the statement is not the cafe but the boutique in an amazing the stories we tell that generates certain feelings in order for us to act a certain way why is it important because we tell our stories every day about money we live in a world in our society that always is telling us what we need especially in places like Australia so here's a couple of thoughts just around budgeting the basics of budgeting just to help us I'm just trying to this may not help us for next weekend by that for the house but I want to help long-term for our lives number number one earn all your can and all you can this is the basics of budgeting earn all you can number two spend less than you earn earn or you can spend less than you earn and number three grow your assets not your expenses so if you can get into a house buy a house if you can get a car be careful it's a depreciating asset but you increase your assets not your expenses it's so easy when your salary goes up for your living to go up and it's not even necessarily needed so earn or you can spend less than you earn and grow your assets not your expenses it's really important to know the truth which is why it's important to read the Bible which is why it's important for us to transform church through local community it's important because we tell ourselves stories about why we need everything we have and why we can't give anything away the world is getting worse I cannot afford to give things away I need to get everything I possibly can I cannot afford to help I can't do too much in heart for the house next week because the world is getting worse wrong the world is actually getting better why is that important because you can trust that your investment next weekend is going to have a lasting effect and impact on the world around us a couple more things for you to write down three things number one this will help us when we're trying to move forward well it'll help all of us when we're thinking about heart for the house it'll help all of us will be thinking about next year's heart for the house and the Hillsong foundation number one eat less save more eat less save more I'm surprised how many times we as a family and others I eat with throw out food they have not yet finished do you know how much money you could save if you ate less eat less save more now some of you need to eat more clearly right some of us clearly need to eat less but all of us probably eat more than we need to so if we eat less and save more we've got more in our pocket to better help people remember God wants us to be rich in every way so that we can be generous in every occasion I don't have enough well if we eat less and save more we might drink before you eat then you'd be a little bit more full just little kids little tips okay number two I spend less give more spend less give more spend less and you know I said in my son's bedroom yesterday on his bed thinking about you all praying about you thinking about this message and I looked around his bedroom and I thought I've not seen that for years I've not seen that I've not seen that well I can't believe you still got that I looked around in his bedroom and thought this thing's he's not this there was things still in packets that haven't even been open yet we we have so many things that we do not need every time sister what every time Bobby gets the sister girls together on a Thursday morning and does that big clothes swap I mean as a guy I mean I do it I go through my wardrobe and I pull things out that I've not worn for a whole year what's the point of filling up a small wardrobe with things I don't even wear anymore give it away time to shared trying to get things away spend less and you can give more it's amazing when you earn more you spend more but if you spend this you have more number three take less leave more take less and leave more you've ever been in any of those settings where there's like a whole lot of free things on a platter on a plate on a desk and everyone goes oh I grabbed a whole lot why did you need that many no but if I don't take them all someone else will we take more than we need we don't need what if I don't take them someone else will will let them the only way we can change this world is if I change me it's that's with me when was the last time you cleaned out your pantry have a look in your pantry and look at everything that is past its use-by date you may be shocked what's in there have you ever done the little competition I'm sure the guys having you get you take all the shopping out of the boot out of the car and you're trying to get all in two hours and you lift and you go all the way up to the house and you put it there I reckon if you went through your cupboards and looked at everything that was expired an out-of-date you could probably fill up the same amount of bad out to the rubbish bin because we buy more than we need we have more than we need and we store it and we keep it and we actually don't need it when we downsize three years ago went from a four bedroom home two story home to a three bedroom unit when we downsized what we actually did is we took a week we took a week to move we took everything we needed the first two days and I was shocked how much was still back at the other house took everything we needed not wanted needed I said come on guys we're gonna take what we need to survive what we need to thrive in this metropolis of Sydney what do we need and I would let them take anything else except what we needed and we had cupboards empty we had spaces for things we went back for the next few days as we lived life not having what we needed and kept bringing it back kept bringing a back kept bringing it back by the time we got to the end of the week we took some things that we liked some things that we wanted everything we needed and everything else we said to college students come and get it so yours have it just gave so much stuff away mostly because I just hate doing those garage sales and it just drives me mad all day sitting around trying to make $23 $15,000 worth of furniture it's not much just take it I'd rather just give it away to somebody and it all just went oh I tell you I walked around the house yesterday and every cupboards full everything's jammed I can't I was trying to shut the linen closet yesterday and I couldn't even get in there I opened Julia's wardrobe because it wasn't shutting properly so I open it and pulled out the bottom drawer to try and and this just squashed in everything's just squashed in and I'm reaching down back but at the back trying to give something that was falling behind they scratched my forehead trying to get things out I'm like this isn't badness three years and we can't fit things in our home the reason I'm saying this is because we tell ourselves stories about why we cannot get involved in things that really move our hearts we watch stories like vision rescue a21 we watch stories about planting churches around the world and we would love to be involved and I wanna make it as simple as possible we can do more than we think we can do you know if you just changed if you've got a million dollar mortgage and you changed your mortgage and refinance to a different bank or a different interest rate you'd probably have enough money to be able to commit to kingdom' builders or at least you know some level of heart for the house next year just by doing that one thing not even changing your income your expenses just refinancing your loan there are so many things we can do to fulfill the desires of our heart so much easier than we realize ok let's go back to have you started the rich young ruler can we get the team to come and join me please the rich young ruler I could just imagine right so you got this rich young ruler the crowds that were with Jesus were we're never just he didn't go and sit with all the rich people and then tomorrow it's with all the poor people when Jesus met with people it was whoever wanted to come so I can imagine he's with a crowd of people and there's rich people there there's rulers there's synagogue leaders there's religious leaders there's all kinds of business people there's poor people there's people in middle income spectrum all kinds of people in this crowd and can you imagine the poor people listening to this conversation they're seeing and hearing things about a rich young ruler that has everything he needs and is not willing to give up anything to get eternal life and he goes away sad I could just imagine him coming home this rich young ruler goes home and he's he's Sullivan and he's discouraged and he's sad and his family says what's up why you so sad you got everything you could ever want why you so sad so cars with that Jesus guy today and trying to find out about life and he said I've got to get rid of everything like what do you mean you gotta get rid of everything where we gonna live what we're gonna do and everyone starts to get insecure because he tells a part of the story and when you're thinking about storytelling when we tell our stories here's a couple of things that will help you stick to the facts and number two tell the whole story because what he didn't tell his family is I know we've got everything I know I'm rich I'm a ruler I'm young I got all life ahead of me but I just felt there's something missing I feel like everything I've got there's still something missing so I went to that Jesus guy to try and find out what it is that I need I want eternal life and and he he didn't tell the whole story to his family I wish he had stayed five more minutes the Bible says that when Jesus said if you want to be perfect if you want to be complete if you want to throw off all the things that are holding you right now stopping you from getting ahead Sullivan you have and give the money to the poor you'll have treasure in heaven then come and follow me it says he went he'd left is sad because he had lots of possessions the next verse is the rest of the story and he never hung around for it do not happen next Peter said Lord what about us we've we've given up everything to follow you we've given up everything okay what's gonna happen to us cuz they're starting to create a story now because of what they're seeing and hearing about the rich man we've given up everything to follow you and Jesus says AHA nobody who's given up mother or father or brother or sister or properties or investments or cash nobody who's given up things in this life will fail to receive a hundred times as much and in the next life eternal life but follow me which takes us right back to where we started when you realize the true story of God is that he wants you rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion we don't have to make things up and think that I can't get involved because God's trying to make me poor God's got it these gonna rip me off I'm gonna be on the side I'm not gonna be able to have friends we tell ourselves wrong stories that create emotions that lead to wrong actions if you are being stirred this season for heart for the house if you been stirred to give stir to want to contribute do not let the wrong stories occupy your mind trust and believe and have faith that God wants you to be rich in every way why so that you can be generous on every occasion there is nothing about God that wants to make your life small he wants to take you forward he wants to help you heal you make you whole make you complete is it possible that we all have things attached to us that are like weights holding us back and that God would love to free us not so that we don't have anything but that when it gives us more it won't own us can we stand together Wollongong Hobart Church of the air wherever you are can we stand Lord we need you okay we needs you it's so easy for us in this world that we live in to think that everything's everything's meant to be something we can grab and hold and keyboard someone's gonna take it from us Lord we we need to trust you we need to trust you that what we need you will get to us of what we want even the desires of our heart it pleases you to bring them to us [Music] God you want to make us rich in every way so that we can be generous on every occasion rewrite the story in our mind Lord rewrite the story of our heart help us to become people that can change the world we surrender all dear Lord we trust that you're speaking Lord help us as we see you as we hear you to trust you and all that you're doing for us in Jesus name amen come on it's worship you [Music] decent kindness will follow we'll follow [Music] come on show us your voice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] grace Shirley come on as a church this semester [Music] come on see we seem surely because it is a promise [Music] all the days of our lives [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] gee I love our church this community is amazing what we get to do together is stunning it is so one if I could pray one last prayer for people in Wollongong in the Hobart Church of the air wherever you are here in Sydney Sam was up before sharing around communion and he mentioned something about it's so easy to think that God is up there far away but what communion does that helps us remember that God is here he's near and religion today keep reinforcing that God is far away he's not close he's far away and so he's not personal but the Bible gives us all of the examples and gives us all the teaching that God is actually here he's near the reason God became like one of us Jesus was so that he could be with us near us give his life for us I'm not sure what kind of story you've been telling yourself about God sometimes we pray and things don't happen the way we want them to and so then we're just reinforces we build a story that God's far away maybe you saw someone go through trouble through hurt through turmoil maybe something really bad has happened to somebody like how could God be so good and let this happen we tell ourselves stories because we don't understand him enough I'm hoping today that your story is changing that you will see how good god is that he always is with us even if you can't see him or feel him in this life on earth the way we relate to God is through faith it's trust and so I want to pray a prayer today and we're gonna pray as a church we'll pray it out loud so that you can pray with us fear to trust God with your life for you to give your life back to God for you to come back to him turn back to God today there is no escape from your sins there is no escape from the punishment of your guilt except through Jesus it's the whole Easter message it's a river you are in Wollongong in Hobart Church of the air locations here at Hills on us to pray this prayer together I'm gonna count the three and write wherever you are right across all our different places when I get to three if you want to pray this prayer with us I'd love you just to put your hand up just where you are and we'll pray this together can we close their eyes and bow our heads in prayer for a moment and while God is meeting with you while he's near you surrender your life to him when I get to three I want you to lift your hand if that's you if you want to pray this prayer with us give your life back to God would you lift your hand without any hesitation lift it all at the same time on three if that's you in Wollongong in Hobart Church of the air here at Hills on three if that she lifts your hand and we'll pray you ready one two three just lift it just live chants it's wonderful lift them come on in Hobart in Wollongong wherever you are wonderful why don't we as a whole church community why don't we pray this out loud together say this prayer Jesus come on in every other location Jesus I believe that you're the Son of God I believe that you died on the cross for me I believe that you rose from the dead so that I can have your power to live a life for you so come into my life Jesus forgive me of all my sins give me a brand new start and help me live for you all the days of my life amen it's wonderful congratulations all those people thank you we have a Bible that we would like to get to you every person that prayed that prayer you may have lifted your hand you may not have it's not lifting your hand that makes you a Christian it's calling upon the name of Jesus so please let us get a Bible to you you'll see on your way out after church out through the doors and out near the next steps areas you'll see people holding up one of these Bibles trying to get your attention every weekend we give hundreds of these away to people who pray to prayer just like you did and you'll notice that there's a next steps card on the back maybe maybe your next step is to take your first step at engage and that would be a great thing for you to do you can find out more about that out there and let us help you in any way we can but please come and get a Bible and we'd love to be able to help you which is be great thanks for being in church with our Sam hand it back to you love you guys everywhere we're legs what a great message hey what a challenging message hey listen tonight tonight if you if you're a one sir you're faithful you come to church you come to church once every Sunday and this is that once that you come can I encourage you don't miss tonight Christine came to be part of our church for 30 years she actually got saved in our church and the way that God's used to so powerfully over the years amongst other things she started a21 which is all about abolishing modern-day slavery tithing sex trafficking and the sex trade as sex slaves and they've had a huge impact absolutely huge impact and she's going to be speaking tonight and she's incredible evangelist so if you know people do whatever you can't bring them tonight bring them tonight they will get saved okay so tonight it's going to be brilliant for 30 in our epicenter and 5:30 here okay so it's still plenty of time for the kids to get to bed but I want to pray I want to believe God this week this is the week leading up to our heart for the house offering and as we leave I want to pray and I want to believe God over your life that you'll see the faithfulness of God this week amen let me pray a blessing father I thank you for what you've done today and what I pray for your people I pray father knowing that you've already gone before them your hand is upon them your grace and your favor is head of them father thank you that you'll be faithful towards them in Jesus name Amen amen man god bless your church you don't have to rush off stay get some food get some coffee alright Church we're gonna finish up for the song friends let's sing together I met come on [Music] last thing no you're free [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we love you be blessed
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 24,700
Rating: 4.6401029 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, Joel A'Bell
Id: XPOuWeamb1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 43sec (5263 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2018
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