Hillsong Church - Take Your Life To The Next Level

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boy okay [Music] all right let me see those hands up [Music] makes my heart it certainly was alive we now made you reaching beyond one team strategy this love [Music] this is [Music] [Music] you won't for real [Music] Fiamma you follow me [Music] Jesus [Music] it [Music] [Music] the order stands up [Music] staring in delving into nice makes my heart [Music] suddenly [Music] [Music] [Music] man we're celebrating real love this morning aim in church come on we're gonna sing some more songs about the love of God and how this world is heinous amen amen come on sing together [Music] you for the sake of all we Hampshire then [Music] as the way crush the face of as you believe me [Music] whoa [Music] and in kind call this world Oh mic [Music] you're [Music] this world you're my [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] my heart [Music] Oh [Music] come on every voice let's declare [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] policy my god this world is yours oh you made to be yours [Music] [Music] we've just declared that this world is his and in Matthew six Jesus taught us his prayer and how we can pray for the world today to church as we sing the Lord's Prayer together let's sing with faith let's sing inviting our God and our King to reign in our world in our circumstances in our family that the kingdom of God would reign on this earth they men we're gonna teach you the courses here we go [Music] the kingdom in the and [Music] my church we pray father [Music] your name [Music] god [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you give life you wanna you bring light to the darkness you give hope you restore every ha [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on church [Music] look I know it's the nine o'clock service but seriously seriously God is God all day long all day long shout under God a voice of triumph your hands or you people you're worthy we praise you we give you thanks oh it's so exciting to be in your presence God we're here we're here the baby we actually do something great in there Mitch I am pheasants Phyllis we worship here because [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we do never ever ever need permission to get excited about the Lord Jesus we're a church is what we do never ever be embarrassed about it never it not in here at least like you might not want to lift your hands up and dance around the circles on the bus but in church it's what we do see it's awesome to see can't believe ahead to wait all week just to get back to church how great to be here in God's house together and if you knew visiting us you thinking what on earth is going on this is Sunday this is the Lord's Day it's what we do it's what we do every week isn't it how great was our choir today that was a nice surprise nice surprise singing along and all of a sudden they were just they went for it it's so great listen we are connected already with the athletes village for the Commonwealth Games they're connecting with us every week isn't that nice so why don't we welcome them you guys in the village why don't you have a big shout-out back to Sydney everyone out in outback Australia on Church of the air we're already connected with as well from the beginning of the service so we're going to pray for a whole lot of different needs here lots of different situations you might want to just attack one of those in prayer there's all kinds of things that we need to pray about there's actually a lot of needs today we're gonna pray for and so we're gonna lift up all these needs before the Lord can we stretch out our hands to what heaven god we need you we say nay Jalan [Music] these people need you desperate but all these situations safe pregnancies but the - our marriage restorations guidance jobs healing from back pain wisdom favor Lord we present every case to you now every person people are precious to you lord God we ask in the mighty name of Jesus that you would help people and heal them and to presence would fill them do great things again today God we ask in your mighty name in Jesus name and everybody said amen since the walk straight and I can't believe how many praise reports I've got today there is just so many great things going on all kinds of trips people have been on someone's 30th birthday which seems more like an advert than a praise report but it's still good we're grateful recovering from a heart attack Wow [Music] people thanking God for all kinds of things someone's got a successful cancer surgery how good's that someone has a new car someone has recently got engaged successful operations God's provision it just goes on and on on I can't even get through them all there is lots here which is caught the other thing I wanted to let you know about is that the album it's it's just one of those kinds of days Thank You Katrina I still remember on one of the album's years ago when Dalia and said singer Katrina [Music] what were you singing do you remember I do I'm not asking you to sing it but what was the song um it was Co police sigit Katrina haha this is our latest album that was like eons ago wasn't it 70 years ago this is the latest one there is more but get this it's number 2 on the ARIA Charts what [Music] we got beaten by Kylie Minogue it's okay okay Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie at least we're all up there it's cool huh and what's your favorite track five be still cinema 5 my favorite is number eight ah who said touch of heaven someone knows track eight that's cool I keep forgetting what they're called I just got in the car light number eight number three and five so it's great so there it is you can get a hold of it keep praying for it because it's already having a huge reach obviously into the community so that's really cool what you turn around say hi to someone and tell them your favorite track on the new album all righty [Music] it's good to have a friendly Church but I do need you to take a seat [Music] they're good to take your conversations out to the foyer later hang around I feel like we need to give some of these things away I'm looking for somebody who is visiting from another country someone here are you serious where from from Baton Rouge Louisiana I've been there I love that place I went to a crawfish bowl thing blow big tent and there was just millions of these little yeah bees we call them UAVs but anyway there you go Louisiana Baton Rouge Baton Rouge where you from sir better swear that that is so great okay you get to choose would you like pastor Bryan's latest book there is more all the worship album there's more which one would you rather which one would you rather the senior pastors latest book there is more or the worship album there is more which one would you rather I give you a little bit of a clue which one would you rather sit as senior pastors most recently written book there is more or the album there is more he's still saying the album what is wrong with this guy he doesn't get that they could have been more oh well the album it's what you get good job thanks for coming okay.we someone over here are you from another country Frank from Denver Colorado I love that place I've actually been there now which one would you rather this is actually this one's incredible this one's the album but it's the deluxe version with all the words in it like a little golden book it's actually brilliant this or would you rather as senior pastors book there is more no but now you've got to choose they tell me I've got to choose you can't get to heaven through me you choose this day whom you shall read you'd rather that you'd rather pastor Bryan's latest book you can have everything I'm holding there you go because there is more there is more [Music] I can't believe something we can't pass these tests but just because we love Venezuela do we have anything else we can give Venezuela where is he here we go now what would you rather would you rather our senior pastor Brian Houston his latest book or would you rather the deluxe version of the album that just went number two on the ARIA Charts that is filled with Illustrated pages of the new worship album which one would you rather you can't say both it's a choice it's a choice we told you rather yeah they're both there is more which one would you rather this phone or this one you get to choose which one I think we lost in translation there you go [Applause] [Music] that's so good is them all is there more there is more I'm tired it's great what are we doing what should we do next what do you want to do what do you what do you want to do what do you actually want to do right now there's this there's more that there is so much more that we can do what would you like to do you choose this is a choose-your-own-adventure day in church what do i do should we bring the beach to the hills there wasn't much of it chief for that okay let's not do that doing a give all right Sam tomorrow pastor Sam tomorrow is going to encourage us around our giving this guy preached last night in the city campus downtown Sydney and was brilliant it was really really good talking about the real you I was going to say you are who I say you are because that's a song we sang at the end of your message which was fantastic so good job good job this campus the reason this campus is in safe hands is because of people like you and Kali thanks man it's good so we are going to receive al giving and so everywhere where we're connected first thing you need to understand with Hillsong Church we're not a half new church okay so whether in this moment of giving or any other moment where I want to church and we're filled with Church and generous people and so Colleen or the way we give as we just get it straight out of our pay we don't even see it but there's lots of different ways to give and that's all on the screen but I want to encourage you at a Matthew chapter 6 24 when it comes to our giving and honoring God and putting him first jesus said no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he'll be loyal to the one and despise the other you cannot serve God and Mammon Mammon speaking about that spirit that brings the love of money and the love of things and I remember when Kali my wife and I first started dating within three weeks of dating there were people wooing her with flowers enticing her with expensive dinners neither of which I could do cuz I was poor Bible college student and and they were you know they were trying to steal her heart away from me can you believe that the wooing and the enticing designed to steal her heart away from him well hey the good news is 23 years married this year she made the right choice she made the right choice but you know one that's what Mammon does Mammon Woo's you and tries to entice you by promising to look after you that money is the answer that it gives you stuff it gives you security you can put your trust in it you need to put it first and it's designed to steal our heart away from God you know one of the key things about tithing tithing that is taking that money that Mammon wants to use and taking the first 10% and giving it to God one of the key things about tithing it keeps our heart steadfast on the one who's made the way and that is Jesus Christ amen and I want to encourage us I want to encourage us you know what Jesus said you can't serve both you can't serve both God is faithful and I want to encourage all of us as we honor God and give this morning as we tithe we keep our heart steadfast on him amen let me pray for your father thank you so much thank you so much we want to honor you and put you first in Jesus name Amen amen amen so hosts if you like to host us that'll be great and as they do watch the screens you don't want to miss out on what's coming up in church life [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's your next step on or under you see is our next step scarred with information to help you take your next step if you're interested in discovering more about Jesus or making Hillsong home you can join us after this service to engage a weekly experience helping you engage in the life of your some church where the undergo or in your connect group the next steps are provides quality content around community for more information on engaged or the app visit the next steps area in the foyer a church I just want to take a moment from Julia and myself and our whole church family to give a heartfelt thank you to all our kingdom builders for your incredible generosity we have more people involved in the giving to the Hillsong foundation than we have ever seen as a church and because of your committed contribution we've been able to see the work of the Lord go forward in unprecedented ways we are forever grateful for your continued support it's a joy and a privilege to build Hillsong Church alongside you I know the paths of Brian and Bobbie along with Jules and I are so looking forward to seeing you at the Keenan Buddhist retreat in a few weeks time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] we're all called to have a greater influence and a live lives that reach well beyond ourselves August the 14th 1983 Barbie and I started a Sunday night service of the small team of people down a Baulkham Hills public school people ask me all the time whether you know I could imagine what this church would become and always knew that we were called to have greater influence in terms of what's still ahead you know it's hard to imagine well what's out there [Music] very quaint but believe this movie franchise [Music] [Applause] [Music] it doesn't take faith to nest in the branches that are already there it takes faith to see the tree through when it looks like a sea - the one everybody's waiting on in forests I'm thinkin that if God can do it for me he can do it for you God can give you service is law [Music] [Applause] this is on your seat or under your seat you might want to get a hold of it because it is explaining how you can register for Hillsong conference this year which I'm told is about eight or nine weeks away oh my goodness christmas is just around the corner look besides all of the great things like the lineup and all the different people are going to be contributing and speaking at conference this year I've only got one question for you last year's conference where were you can you remember where you were can you map what we at the nights where you at home maybe you couldn't or at work maybe you couldn't get there last year where you were delegate where you're serving can you remember where you were we're in the back tunnels we're out in the carpark where you're in kids were you're in the seats where were you what was your experience of Hillsong conference last year and what do you plan on doing this year what's it gonna look like aren't you amazed that you can plan for great moments you can actually schedule greatness this is going to be a great week and if you schedule it in your diary you've already scheduled greatness in your future that's what gets exciting about these things so that's it for you can take it home get organized what we always say register together and sit together and so figure out in connect groups or whoever the service leader is not sure whether we've got someone that's for this one that can register but find it all the information out there and let's make conference great not just for conference and all the people coming but for you let's make it great to you which will be fantastic well can we stand to our feet this morning we are so blessed today so pumped they have pastor Frank DiMaggio here preaching [Music] Frank and Sharon they're no strangers to our church Frank has been coming to our church for many many years and preaching and teaching and he's written many books he's a great author of books he is great Bible teacher and has pioneered a church many many years ago but successfully transitioned and handed it over and it's still going strong today he spends most of his time these days traveling around the world putting into churches into pastors into leaders into believers all around the world and he's been here with our Bible College this week with our students and stayed on for Sunday and so we are blessed to have you here Frank you're a man of God you're a true champion in the church and we are thrilled to have you speak to us so in Darwin and in Hobart in the village and also Church of the air come on why don't we all give pastor Frank DiMaggio a huge welcome [Music] warning couldn't be seated my privilege has always to be here at Hillsong and to be trusted with the pulpit from Pastor Brian Bobby great friends great church I mean I say to every time I come didn't come in for over 30 years and it's always amazing the college is beyond it's such a great group of kids it's a great group of students and from all over the world and I only spoke just a few times this week kind of like 18 times but that's my own doing probably because I I like teaching and it just keeps going but I had a really bad experience with Lee burns this week I just I just thought I should share this with you in case you have the same thing that happens but this is the first time this has ever happened I've been coming to Australia this is probably trip number 50 he told me that the eating of the Australian meat pies was unhealthy and this the Australian pie of my most favorite food and then he began to describe all the leftover meat that might be in that pie and I began to understand why I was feeling the way I was feeling maybe solely led me into a bad experience and when he come to the States I'm gonna make sure that I find the kind of food that kills you before you're 50 get him into that restaurant I'm still recovering okay we only have so much time so I won't mess around too much we're gonna get to it I'm going to speak on a subject that everybody in the room and online wherever you are watching you will experience this word you'll apply it to yourself this is not a specialty group this is not a certain kind of person it's every person in the room if you're on your way to find Christ this the word for you if you're on your way to deepen it it's a word for you if you are in some hard times it's a word for you if you are a new business person or old business person middle-aged young old doesn't matter everybody uses this phrase and I'm gonna use it in a biblical fashion and we're actually going to exegete that is we're going to go into some scriptures and and kind of go in and do some study this morning I'm going to talk with you about taking your life to the next level and how do you do that how do you take your life to the next level everybody wants to there's no there's no doubt that in this room nobody is going to sit there and say no I don't want to take my life to the next level pastor Frank forget that I am gonna stay right where I'm at the rest of my life whether you're 15 or 50 or a hundred that's not true it crosses your mind and it comes into you once in a while that you might want to improve your library you might want to go to a higher level or you might want to shoot a little higher you might want to break out of some things that are in your life right now so that you can do this thing that we're talking about taking your life to the next level here's my definition pure and simple taking your life to the next level requires three little things and we're only going to deal actually with one of them but it requires three little things or breaking out a letting go and are stepping up and so if you're in the room and you're thinking about going to the next level in your marriage or finance your ministry your business your college your your own personal spirituality whatever it might be then you would probably have to get to the place where you would break out and you have to let go and you have to step up and so what I'm talking to you about is not so much in the arena of definitions of vision and dream although it's it's embedded in that's kind of a teaching but I'm talking with you about the action of taking dream to reality and the action of making vision more than a fantasy it's the action it's the strategy it's the stepping it the letting go it's there there's many people in the world that have had great visions for themselves but not everybody fulfils great vision for themself and sometimes it simply it they won't break out they won't let go and they won't step up and that's your decision this morning nobody can do it for you I can't break out I can't step up I can't let go for you it's only for you to do that and you have to decide how far you will do with those three things right there how much how deep how wide you're gonna go with what it means to take your life to the next level in the next level there's four things that everybody in the room will experience new season new level new miracle new door is the next door okay everybody will have a next season if you go to the next level you're gonna enter into an ecclesiastic season there's a time and a season for everything and so the next level have to have next miracles and next miracles have to have next doors and so when you have seasons levels mirror loosened doors you begin to understand that's what makes up this next level if you're gonna go to the next level you have to change because the the person you are is not the person that you will be in the next level and so you have to have a different you for the next level the level you have now and the you you have now is not the same you you will need in the next season next level and the new door you go through so you have to be committed to kind of changing and being a new you and going through that door going into the season and all that that means all right so we're gonna deal with two scriptures now Revelation chapter 4 verse 1 what I'd like to do is have you listen real careful and just take notes if you take notes or or just absorb what I'm going to say but Revelation chapter 4 verse 1 I understand it's written to the seven churches and on the Isle of Patmos and the Apostle John and he's doing all these writings and they're symbols and types and prophecy and I'm not dealing with any of that I'm just dealing with the idea the principle behind this Scripture and I want you to say in your mind right now this scripture is for me this is my scripture it's a personal application Scripture I'm going to take revelation 4 and verse 1 and I'm gonna go through some of the words in a moment after this I looked and I saw a door and it opened into heavens and the boys spoke to me and sounded like a trumpet come up and I will show you I want you to notice in this translation that's ee-vie where it says and I will show you the next and we're talking about taking your life to the next level but I want you to pick out a couple words that I want you to listen to me as I just kind of greeked them out without boring you but I think the definition and the idea behind the words set you up for going to the next level and so where it says after this so you're if you're taking notes you it maybe just have like one through seven these phrases or six or five whatever how many I do but the after this phrase is the Greek word that means to take a pause to pause to push the pause button it means to stop and to expect something new to happen and so the words that are used here with you John it's exactly what's going to happen because he doesn't have a succession of visions and the heavens are going to open up and he's going to be begin writing revelatory things to the church that we still use today but I'm talking to you about your life and I'm saying to you for us to get to the next level I think Revelation chapter four and verse one is a scripture for you and I where it says after this that is I pause and I expect something new to happen in that I'm going to look it says and he looked and again the Greek usage here is that he turned a new direction and that he began to attach his focus on what he wasn't looking at before so it's a change of focus a change of direction and this is what's going to happen with John because he won't be able to see the visions if he doesn't look at the door that's going to open sometimes God wants to open doors but we're looking the wrong direction we're not we're not pausing long enough we're not listening for that next step we're not actually looking for the new we're going through the routine and you have to let go of the routine in order to get to the new and you have to Pods that's the spirit of prayer that's a spirit of reflection that's a spirit of expectation is it's a pods it's a waiting it's a looking and here with John he's looking for the opening of the door and the opening of the door is actually in the creek which is a fantastic image it's a vault it's like a huge vault that's gonna open and the ball takes you into another house it's it's like he's gonna enter into another house and in that house there's gonna be all kinds of resources and mysteries and and all the things that you could only imagine that you would want for the next level but if you would look at that in the view you would look at the door and if you would open that door God has a new house for you to step into that has a lot of mystery a lot of resource a lot of dream a lot of vision a lot of stuff a lot of everything and you can't go there unless you open the door you've got to put your hand on that and you got to open that door you got to see it you got to believe it and you have to go for it you have to focus on it this is how you get to the next level you pause you open and you look for the vault that's filled with all the things you actually need right now but you don't have right now but there's new things I want to say to you no matter who you are doesn't matter starting day one today whoever you are there's more for you in the land of God there's more for you in the kingdom of God there's there's more for you in your business and your marriage and your relationships and your traveling in your own spirit to grow your your attitude your faith there's more for you you're gonna enter a brand new house and when you open the door it's gonna be like an extreme remodel it's gonna be a house you've never been in it's like new furniture and new windows and drapes and all the tough and you say wow I've never been in a house like this I want to tell you God is taking you into a house you've never been in before and that house has gifts and it has resources and dreams and visions and stuff that you thought you have fulfilled great dream but I'm telling you there's greater dreams to fulfill you thought you had great desire but there's greater desires in the house that God's going to take you into so he went into the house and I want you to look at the words now come up come up here come up here lifting you to the next level and the idea is that you can't enter the door until you hear the voice and so when he heard the voice he went through the door until the prerequisite of next level is pausing looking listening opening moving through and then you will hear the Holy Spirit saying to you I want you to come up I want you to come up here I don't want you to stay there I want you to come up here because here is better than there and where you been is not as good as where you're going and so I need you to come here because I don't want you to stay there because there is a limit there is a cap there is a lid I don't want you to stay there wherever your there is in your emotions your mind and your heart and everything you're doing wherever your there is I'm telling you this morning the Holy Spirit is saying come up here and don't stay there because here you're gonna have miraculous things that's going to take place and you're gonna have miracles for that house and and you're gonna step into a new and you're gonna say to people I never want to go there because I'm here you can stay there but I'm going here because there is no longer satisfying me and so I'm gonna go up there because down here is not what I want and I'm not talking about dying and going to heaven I'm talking about living heaven on earth come up come up and I will show you what's gonna happen next I'll show you what's gonna happen next if you knew what would happen next season now it's season is not a calendar the seasons of God are not programmed by calendars the seasons of God are time elements a season can be a month three years nine years a season is a new arena of living so God says I want to take you to a new season are you ready no no no maybe I'm going to open a new door would you step through it yes yes if you would tell me what I'm stepping into oh what happens if I don't tell you I think I would stay here but don't you want to go up I do but you have to tell me what up is where up is how I will fill with up more than gown and if I then feel let the Holy Spirit I will then begin to move through that door because then I would know it's a better door for me and God says well what happens if I bring you through the door that is not better for you when you walk through it but it's better for you once you get down into it well I don't know what do you mean by that I'm not going to tell you that I'm not going to move than you and I have a problem because the way that God moved people to the next level is they have to break out let go step up there's a grandpa donkey talking to a disciple donkey and don't say to your navel you're one of these understory and the disciple donkey says I want to be just like you how'd you get there he says well listen to this one day I was playing around and I fell into a well and I panicked I was there all night the next morning the farmer came he looked down in the well wouldn't gots a minute I thought oh thank god he's going to get me out of this well but when they got there they all started laughing and the farmer said to the men that was going to help him this is an abandoned well and the monkey I mean the donkey the donkey isn't worth saving so let's bury the donkey so all the men start shoveling dirt on the donkeys as I began to panic I didn't know what to do he says now they're gonna leave me in this whale and I'm no good with the farmer in my life is in and I'm gonna die in this stupid dark well by myself but he said the funny thing happened that they shoveled dirt on my back I shook it off and I stepped on top of the dirt so I kept shaking off the dirt and stepping up shaking off and stepping up and you know I did it for the longest time because I couldn't stop they just kept shuffling dirt dirt dirt and I kept shaking shaking shaking and then I kept stepping up and stepping and finally I stepped right out of that well onto the even ground and I tell you my disciple donkey I will tell you the the key to light is shake it off and step off shake it off and step off shake it off and step up the world will put dirt on you people put dirt on you devil put dirt on you people have big shovels they know how to shovel people into wells and and shovel and forget you and and not have any respect for you and maybe they think that you should be in an abandoned well and your life not worth you know doing much forward so that a life can put a lot of dirt but I'm telling you right now the key for all of us to shake it off step up the hurt not worth I have a great quote here have a great quote here's my quote have there been disappointments along the way you bet crushing disappointments yes but we never let disappointments lead us or robbed us and we've seen the fruit in more ways than you can imagine we can't even put into words that's a great writer right there that's a quote from Brian Houston his book there is more what is he saying disappointments yeah yeah you think it's all been just so easy no but when they shoveled dirt we got Pentecostal we shook it off when they tried to bury us we stepped up and when there was no way to get out of that dark hole we just kept shakin and stepping and shaken and steppin and lo and behold something else opened up and something else happened then God came through and before you knew it we were into a new season a new level a new miracle and everybody would say how did you get there we shook it off and we stepped up that's how we got there disappointments of course you're gonna happen now if you would go to the Bible and study these phrases I've done that for you I'm gonna give them to you in the last minutes we have but I'm going to give you biblical phrases that gives you a hint of what it means to go to the next level individual family business church whatever this would apply to any level that we might find herself on but these are biblical phrases that would say oh you want to go to the next level Frank yes yes in fact I do okay here's what I've said in the word so you might want to read it are you sure you want these things of course I do I'm a man of God I want everything if it's in the Bible I'm gonna do it okay here's the first one are you ready for it not knowing where you're going okay can we do a different translation of that word maybe yeah Hebrews 11 and verse eight I'm gonna give you a scripture and a point now Hebrews 11 and verse eight by faith come on everyone everyone in the room and online everyone shout aloud by faith well by faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he didn't know God says you ready yes where we going there well what do you mean they're my grandson he had that he had such a favorite phrase that he does with me because we work on my computer together he's always four and a half and sometimes when we're doing something on the computer the cartoon or we do animals we watch actually we watch the videos from Australia of alligators eating people and so it's true it true his mother doesn't quite think this is educational but I think it is so cool and so Cruz loves us and so we'll be watching and then that what we're watching would go outside the screen and Cruz will say I can't see it I said Cruz it's there I can't see it pop I can't see it what Cruz it's there it just outside how do you explain to a four-year-old it just outside the screen but it's going to come back in that bird no dad Papa he's gone I can't see it sometimes we are exactly like Cruz we have that thing if we can't see it it doesn't exist if we can't see it we get nervous I can't see it I don't know where I'm going where is there help how long does it take how far is it how much will it cost how much how much time will I own bet your God says just start and we'll talk along the way no I want destination theology I don't want journey theology I want destination theology I don't want journey resource I want destination resource how much time how much money and I'll tell you right now if you're going to go to the next level you're gonna have to go where you don't know where you're going Genesis 12:1 get out of your country and go to a new place I'm not telling you to get out of Australia to leave where you want number 2 phrase keep moving forward these are Bible phrases job 17 verse 9 job 17 9 keep moving forward the righteous gives you an idea here they keep moving forward the Hebrew actually says they hold away and don't lose the way that's how it reads they hold on to the way they keep moving forward by holding on to the path hold it under the way they don't lose it and those with clean hands come on shout at me clean hands and clean hands has something to do with moving forward which means if you're gonna move forward you have to let go and and some of the things that are obvious that you have to let go are unresolved offenses roots of bitterness roots of resentment that unforgiving spirit toward whoever or old thinking patterns or you have a little bit of a relational tension you won't deal with or you have some habits that are unclean that God saying to you you know I'm telling you this not because I don't like you I love you and I want to help you I want to give you an abundant life but the thing that you're nurturing the thing that you're hiding the thing that that is in there is going to keep you from your way it's gonna Rob you right when you should go through the door that spirit of doubt or that that thing that has you is going to rob you so I want to take it from you if you want to move forward stronger and stronger you have to keep a clean mind and a clean spirit and you have to keep some of the habits that are stopping you you got to kill them you got to get rid of them why because you're taking your life to the next level the sovereignty of God is always there to say I want to take you to the next level but you can go sit in your chair at your house and say Oh God Here I am Oh God and you can even put on the there is more album and listen to it and you can meditate it those are great songs that's a great job and they are but listing to sermons listening to music and meditated on where you want to go does not get you there you have to do something in your faith in your walk third phrase forget what happened on the path isaiah 40:3 forget forget it forget it forget the past do not cling isaiah 43:18 43 18 don't cling to the past don't keep talking about what happened that's what it says watch for the new thing I'm going to do it and it's already happening but you can't see it because you're not looking for the new thing is springing out but you're so filled with the old thing you can't see the new thing you won't pause for the unexpected you just keep doing the routine so you're missing what I'm gonna bring I'm telling you forget about what happened in the past fourth phrase step out these are Bible words step out Psalm 37 verse 23 the steps of a good man or woman are ordered there are times when we have to step in the darkness in the circumstance in the places that we don't like the step man in fact sometimes that now I'm not going to try to get into a theology of healing and miracles and and sovereignty of God and what you think about all that but I'll tell you sometimes God allows things that come into our lives that we don't like sometimes it's a lots of a job that will discourage us but God says that's actually a stepping stone it's actually I hate to tell you this but this isn't the first bad stepping stone you're gonna have to step on but if you're going to get to the job I want you gotta let go of this crummy job you have and so because you won't let go I'm just gonna make sure you let go and so they're gonna let you go so you let go and so and you're gonna be upset and you're gonna say things but I'm telling you right now I'm in charge I'm your God I love you but sometimes it takes bad things to do good things and good thing to do better things and better thing to do great thing and if you want to get to the great thing sometimes you have to go through darkness and when you go through the darkness you don't want to step out you don't want to get there if God would tell you everything that it would take you to get to the next step you would probably put your safety belt on and say I'm staying right here thank you Jesus I am happy to go to heaven when you want but I'm not gonna go through anything out that you're talking about here I've been through enough I've said that back in my 40s back on my fifties god I've been through no this is an app of enough I'm as perfect as I need to be I don't need to deal with any more deep stuff relationally the people I love that have left some of them should have left some will come back I've been hurt I've been healed it's enough I don't need anybody else to hurt me I'm unhurt about only to find out it still hurts if God would instead to me I'm gonna take to cancer are you okay with that now I'm not okay with that are you kidding me I rebuke you devil did God bring it I don't know allowed it and I had dark tunnel dark hole dark place but it did something for my future that I couldn't done for myself it helped me let go of things that I didn't know my fingers were tied to sometimes the fire burned things off before you understand what the burn is so God wants to take you forward don't let me scare you you're gonna go where you don't know where you're going you're gonna have to forget the path and you're gonna have to step out in the darkness this is really easy teaching this morning forth you're gonna cross over that's what the Bible says you're gonna cross over Joshua 1 verse 2 Moses is dead well sometimes a cross over something have to die we don't always choose that something and I want you to cross over into this new place Deuteronomy 218 says this day would you shout at me this day come on everybody in the room shout out loud this day it would mean today shout today now look at your neighbor and say now okay so we're talking about now that the Lord wants you to cross over into something new you've never been there before you've never been across Jordan you've never been in that land you don't know about the milk and the honey and how it's gonna be watered and how the crops work and how many Giants there are I mean they could have said from the beginning so how many cities actually are we gonna fight against god never told them and how many Giants are there oh there's a few they're just a few thousand you know how big are they not so big but you know maybe twice as big as you but you know what kind of chariots they have well they have not they're not really good but they're iron and they go fast and they have lots of horses and their spears are longer their swords are sharper and if I keep talking you won't want to go so I'm not gonna tell you I'm just going to say go into the land of milk and honey God has a habit of leaving out some of the other descriptive stuff where are you going we're going your land of milk and honey can you believe it how will you praise God that's gonna be so much fun it's gonna be awesome and God saying yes there is no can honey I did not lie there's nothing but some of the people that like milk and honey are giants and so you have to kill them before you eat the milk and honey but it's not a big deal I like I'll give you and you're gonna have to march around cities and just yell at it for it to fall apart that's all you do just yell where are we going milk and honey and milk and honey okay cross over this is a this is a great scripture with this cross over business where it's where it says that you're gonna go into a land and you're gonna cross over and it says specifically it says this and this would be a good study you're gonna cross over boundaries it says that gitarama me 2:18 jordana Deuteronomy 9 and on it uses matter of fact it uses the word boundary a lot for you to go to the next level you have to cross boundary lines and boundary lines or things like rigid thinking self-made Giants those are boundary lines things like confusing circumstances things like failures of the past that still don't make sense to me those are boundary lines so you get right up to it and that boundary line has experience and it has emotion and you say I cannot cross this line I went through a nasty divorce and I'm never gonna date again I'm not even going to entertain a relationship that boundary line it relates you as a bad emotion I was in business and the partner took advantage of me I was as a missionary and and one of my children died and I can't go back to the mission field and and I was a leader in the church and the people under me caused me so much pain and took all my time and it would took away from my family life I'll never be a leader again there's so many boundary lines that we experience and you can't get to the next level unless you're willing to step over the rigidity of past thinking and the emotional baggage of past experience and the things that scare you when the things you've been through and you would say I never want to go through it again when I got out of the hospital with cancer and they wanted me to come back and Sharon and I did a couple times see the nurses but I would not go back to my room where I spent all my time 300 hours of chemotherapy I I did not want to talk to cancer bases would you maybe take some time sometime and maybe talk to cancer patients no I don't want to why because that boundary line has so much deep emotion deep experience and what I went through on still going through one of the publishers I work would say when you write a book on your experience and at first I said do you know what that would be a great book for people than I said no I'm not gonna write a book on this right now why I don't want to go near that boundary line that boundary line has a deep emotion a deep discouragement it's a scary deep hole it's if you've ever been through something like cancer and you think you're gonna die in all the treatments and it changes your body messes your life up you don't even want to go near there but there comes a time where you don't just go near you crossover you cross over that boundary you go beyond it you use it as a stepping stone that's God tilled your heart healed your spirit here's another phrase get out of that place get out of that place second King seven three and four strange scripture great application second King seven three get out of that place that happened there were four Leopards lepers and they were sitting just outside the city eight and one of them said to the other why we sitting here and the leopard says because we're lepers and we're going to die it says that they were sitting at the it says in your Bible at death's door and the one leopard said well we're gonna die right yeah we're leopard we're gonna die and there's a famine going on why don't we get up and go to the city where all the food is and if they let us and we live and we eat if they kill us we die anyway we're going to die anyway so why don't we die doing something really radical for lepers coming for lepers are coming who do they think they are we will be heroes will be written about Frank DiMaggio will preach about us and Sydney Australia you know they got up went to the city and the city thought an army was coming cuz God made noise whoa whole city and the army gave up all their food for poor lepers and when the lepers got there there was food everywhere and they started just demolishing the Bund and they they were just gorging themselves there was everything there was there was scones with jam and cream oh yes if you will get out of your death door place there's a place of provision waiting for you that will be a radical miracle for your life and for your future but of you keep sitting there and just say to yourself but you know we're just well we're kind of like leopards we don't have a lot to offer we don't have a big future we're not that talented you know we're just gonna sit here and just wait for life to to go away and someday we're gonna die why don't you get up and go to the city why don't you test the bigness of God why don't you do something that would cause an awesome dream to come to path because you did not just sit there at death door I'm telling you this morning that saith the Lord get out of that place get out turn your neighbor and say get out of that plate no no no no no no no no no no no no you got to do it you have to do it with an attitude you get you got it did not stop tap tap tap tap tap wait wait I'll try unchristian obey me I want you to do it with an attitude I want you to look at someone and I want you to say get out of that place come on tell him this turn ring [Music] that's a bad sign isn't bad son it's a bad sign when all the singers start migrating how many in this room would say God talking to me today come on let me see your hand God it's talking to me today how many of you in your own heart and mind you're saying I'm going to the next level you know what this is gonna be new different challenge okay there's no Maps you don't get a map for next level you get a compass Jude difference God says you got a compass what's it say North god I want a map no ma'am compass I want a map or I'm not going stay here and die okay I'm going go how far is north just go you'll get there you get a compass next phrase break open mica 213 the one who breaks open will come before you and he will break out pass through the gate go out buy it mica 213 it simply says when you have faith to do this this is what one translation says God will burst all your confinements he'll burst the confinements over your life you're breaking out if it seems like nothing's happening with you I'm talking to you if you're frustrated I'm really talking to you if you have a lot of headwind and resistance I'm really talking to you if you're a little bit confused and out of fuel to move on talking to you if you are confined and not sure how to break out I'm talking to you why because the anointing of the Holy Spirit of the Living God will come and birth those confinements off of your mind and off of your heart and you'll find yourself moving forward even with that headwind you'll find it becomes a wind that will get behind you and push you forward and what was actually the hindrance to you moving will become the stepping stones and you will break out into a new place another word is break forth and I know I got it in I got my phantom of the opera' here and and who's taking the service is that Joel the bishop Joel I'm sorry I'm not behaving myself very well I told the devil get behind me and he did and pushed me [Laughter] isaiah 58:8 and i'll an then your light shall break forth the great scripture great scripture Isaiah 58 verse 8 and your light shall break forth like the morning and you will breakthrough that's first Chronicles fortune 11 did you have break forth up there before did you how did you take break forth down ok break forth is isaiah 58:8 and then break through is first chronicles 14 11 and i'm gonna pray for you now i'm landing the plane i'm gonna pray to break through it's the best hebrew word ever and this is what we're after in this service today to break down the walls that hinder your movement that have never been broken to to break a rock that you've been hitting but that last strike will break it open to overflow the enemy to snap a chain and the idea break through the mail present in first chronicles 14 11 is the idea of suddenly suddenly suddenly it happens what you think is a long term bondage can have a sudden what you think is a long term hurt can have a sudden he'll suddenly it breaks open all right holy spirit help us help us be the people to step out go to the next level as leaders as church as movement going to the next level why don't you just stand to your feet and we're not leaving we're transitioning to draw but before he takes it could I just do this just spread your hands toward heaven you don't know what that means it just simply means you lift your hands what does that mean you're simply saying god I need you God I want you God I want to go to the next level Oh God could you possibly break me out of all the stuff on it could you possibly Father in the name of Jesus right now I'm praying that there will come an anointing upon every person here listening in anyway they found the message that you would break them out propped them over they would step out into they would hear the voice on the trumpet behind them they would come up to the new place and in that new place will be brand-new miracles brand new resources a brand new life a brand new word of the Lord coming to you that will stretch you forward into a land of milk and honey truly milk and honey with the provisions and the miracles of God coming upon your life Lord we receive it for our job for our merit for our businesses for our churches Lord we receive it for every one that lifting and thing we're going over we're crossing over this is our turn and we are expecting great things from God come on give the Lord a shout and a clap [Music] thank you incredible wasn't amazing [Music] there's a man that wants to help people just wants to help us I want to pray one last prayer if I can while everyone's still connected wherever you are we just stop for a second even there in the village during Hobart and Darwin here at Hills on a prayer prayer our whole church is gonna pray this prayer out loud you can pray with us and it's for you to give your life to Jesus to surrender to him God loves everybody he actually loves everybody God love God wants to bring everyone up a next level and he's always trying to help everyone succeed whether you turn to him or not he's trying to help you but what's the point of only getting help in this life what's the point of succeeding in going to the next level in this life only only to realize but the next life is what it's really all about it's to love Jesus it's to love the God who made you you could easily put your ladder of success progress you could put it against a building and climb all the way to the top and get all the way there and only you to realize that's against the wrong building you've got to build your life on Jesus surrender to him god loves you more than you could ever know even when you get to know God and you love him he still loves you more than you could ever know and so we want to pray a prayer today and we'll pray it out loud and you can pray along with us if you want to surrender your life to Jesus ask God to forgive you of your sins ask God to come into your life would you pray this prayer with us can you close your eyes and bow your heads and prayer with me and there in the village online Church of the air Hobart Darwin here at Hills why don't you pray this pray this prayer out loud with us and surrender your life to God right now let's say this out loud see Jesus I believe that you're the son of God I believe that you died on the cross for me I believe that you rose from the dead so that I can have your power to live a life for you so come into my life Jesus forgive me of all my sins give me a brand-new start and help me live for you all the days of my life amen congratulations to all those people [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have a couple of things we just want to help you with can you grab a seat everyone just for a sec just everyone Darwin Hobart wherever you are in the village just for just for a moment one more thing we want to do but if you did pray that prayer we want to try and get one of these Bibles to you at the end of the service the best way to do that is on your way out you'll see someone holding one of these up in the air trying to get your attention and there's a card on the back if you take that out and fill it in it really helps us to help you take that next step and these are free Bibles just come and get one from any of that seem that you see on the way out there with hundreds of people every weekend come and grab one of those Bibles after they've prayed that prayer and then you'll see that next step signs you can sit on the screens here but you'll see a next step sign out there in the foyers and that's to help you take that next step jump into an engaged class if you can't hang around today at least sign up for next week and start that little journey we're like a four week experience it you can learn more about the Bible more about Jesus and what comes next for that which would be really helpful one last thing that we want to do is just take a moment receive a love offering for pastor Frank Sheeran we don't do this a lot sometimes a lot of some of the people that come throughout our church and speak here from other churches so they are already got themselves well covered but what Frank does he's not on salary on a team in a church what he does is travel around the world and and does this and so it's good for us as a church to be able to be a blessing to him and so we're going to do that today and give everybody the opportunity to be able to be generous and to be a blessing to him so if you want to use the home and others envelope on the back you can figure out how you want to fill in your details or you can use the giving app excuse me can use the giving app as well and you just swap it from tired to love offering and you can give that way as well so whichever way you want to do that I'll give you a moment think about something you can do we've got the faith experience tonight during a series through April the faith experience or night I'm speaking tonight and the faith experience what are we up to this week is baptisms teaching on baptisms the faith experience it's going to be fun tonight it's 5:00 and 6:00 tonight you ready ready to give and ask the host to come come and help us father we thank you so much for a word that is life-changing we thank you that your scriptures are full of help for us and today's message Frank Robb we're just so grateful Lord you're helping us to take that step up to get to that next level so what we ask you to bless him we give to him today Lord we give financially because we want to bless him we want to but we ask that you would help him to be encouraged and that you give him greater wisdom Lord greater insight into the Scriptures that he would continue to build churches all over the world and it'd be a greater help to your kingdom we thank you for him in Jesus name Amen why don't you give as the containers make their way down euro I do hope you can get the Hillsong conference this year there's a great great majority of our church either delegates that conference or volunteering and serving doing something and perhaps last conference maybe the last little while you've been serving a conference and taking an active role in making conference great for other people maybe this year you want to swap that out and just be a delegate just come to conference and sit and receive and be ministered to or perhaps you've been doing that the last couple of conferences you just been a delegate and perhaps this time you want to serve you want to help make conference great either way whatever you want to do it's we always need lots of both so consider which way you want to be part of that then wherever you are in Hobart and Darwin if you're with us in the village praying that all is going well for the Commonwealth Games it's been great watching it on TV you guys are champions you're champions if you don't come first you're still a champion the fact that you train that hard practice that hard and go into all those different competitive events we salute you you're amazing we appreciate you thanks for doing what you do for your country we love it it's always great to watch it why don't we stand by the thank you so much for this great day thank you that you with us Lord I bless your people as we go this week line traveling mercies to people logic kindness to people may your face turn to what people may you ever shine towards and father may your word sustain us by your presence and your hand guide us we thank you for all that you're doing bless people today families households whole neighborhoods Lord we thank you in Jesus name father we pray for Pastor Brian as he's just starting right now that event in Chicago Lord we ask that you would help him Lord may the team collectively come together in such a way that they just everything goes so well or that people would worship you and honor you and find life and peace and answers in you father we thank you for all that's happening we just give you great praise in Jesus name Amen amen we love you church be blessed we'll see you tonight [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 23,958
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, Frank Damazio
Id: ttG8rE4_H6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 42sec (5562 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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