Hillsong Church - I'm Fighting Back

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[Music] praise Jesus can I see your hands [Music] let's all sing together salvation [Music] see the gene [Music] [Music] let me cheat [Music] [Music] [Music] wanky not to Gina [Music] Rises [Music] the region [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but reaching out for us BFF Jesus are beyond the skies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the sake of reading [Music] I'm great brush the bay as you be ah enemy [Music] spoon [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on believers [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Matthew 10:28 all you home [Music] and whether you're in this room this morning or you're watching on a screen I would encourage you to come to Jesus there may not be rest in your circumstance but there is rest in the person of Jesus this morning amen [Music] you see Jesus is for me [Music] to the do you first for a drink Jesus is calling [Music] jeez [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on cheese we're gonna the crunchiness everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen why are you guys to sing it great like a beautiful atmosphere in the service and a beautiful worship lady by all you guys and all of you guys as well fantastic and I'm glad you know if you weren't here it would just be an empty seat I've never seen an empty seat respond in any way in any service they're not encouraging during the message they add nothing to the worship they don't give what is it empty seat ever do it's just annoying so I'm glad you're in that seat cuz I'd much rather look at you see you praising God worshipping than somebody else yes hello rather there's nothing somebody put an empty seat then it empties say cotton that time I saw your church I would seen you in church since last Sunday you're good therefore these prayer requests people take time they fill out these forms either we should pray on the faith come on you Lena you give your faith put your hand Ords these people see some of them on the screen a father I thank you in Jesus name every one of these needs are subject to the name of Jesus Lord when people put their faith in you make it have an expectation and a God who answers prayer but we believe for victory over every circumstance freedom from bondage Lord healing from every sickness and disease we believe for all of the small details in our lives to come together but you do care about the smallest things in our life when we prove belief of victory we stand on your word we stand in faith in Jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Christ my hippie pastor denied lle I just have to say and a happy pastor today I just love seeing you come a full circle literally makes me tear [Music] [Applause] say her to one person no more just one come on and then you guys can be seated [Music] there's some praise reports today listen carefully today September 23 Hillsong Canada I have in their first-ever service that's true in both Toronto and Ottawa big shout out to all Canadians who happen to be in church wherever you guys are give us a wave and if you happen to be watching on stream from Canada Toronto and Ottawa that's where it's at Hillsong Canada studied today and someone's praising God for that other people are praising God this one ellen:oh afro helium from assist Olga praising God my test results came back normal shayana praising God for a beautiful wedding an amazing start to a wonderful marriage sounds like it's all going well beautiful someone's thanking God for evening College evening College is having a revival it really is more like a discipleship a leadership you learn all sorts of principles from the Word of God and for life and it's a great option for everybody in anybody especially if you can't go to Hillsong College as in the full time courses during the day someone's thanking God for protection praising God for my husband's new job heal him for a friend's brother and a change in work situation praising God for a parent's new house praising God for family reconciliation praising God for my mum's healing obviously an American or Canadian it's my mom's so he said people can't spell osorno do you think my mum everyone say mouths my mum's love lost it yeah my mum's healing from terminal cancer that's worth talking about praise God praise God you're gonna need praise reports there Magoo yeah incredible yeah one of our incredible pastors you're a South City supporter right yeah okay are you okay everything okay yeah you're probably the most passionate self supporter I've ever seen and so yeah our heart goes out to you today it's a tough day go para we've had 14 wooden spoon titles we're doing well let me tell you right now all right moving on with the service anybody you love pastor Robert Ferguson Robert Ferguson has a revelation I'm pretty well all things when it comes to the Word of God even though it's unsearchable view never but here's a guy who's worth listening to when he speaks from the word and he's going to encourage us around to giving us the perfect time to prepare for us but ends up giving today I'm gonna believe form us forgiving because we got lots of things we're believing to see be able to do as a church amen thank you very much he's in a nice season at the moment he's just being I taught about children and you like leap about how long it's gonna last but I'm just enjoying Laurie I forgot Allah speaking fantastic yes eventually my driving at all today has been brilliant well as Fran said we're gonna come around our giving right now and wouldn't it be great if every single person in the auditorium and everyone watching online was involved that's what this moment is all about as you're getting ready to give let me just encourage you around this thought last night I was speaking in the city and I was talking about 1 Corinthians and the community of the church one of the verses I highlighted was 1 Corinthians 11 17 it's a shocking verse it says this Paul writing he said when you come together your meetings do more harm than good imagine if our senior pastors wrote that about us what an indictment the reality is they were to visit they were arguing every time they came together they brought their own agendas Corinth was in a mess some people were left out other people got too much it was a nightmare and Paul's answer was communion he uses a word communion fellowship participation that's what this is about he said the answer to your personal agendas is community he said if every single person everyone contributed with gift both spiritual and practical suddenly the community would change and it would release a power that is beyond our imagination imagine if we all every time we got together put aside our personal agendas our personal ideas and all of us together contributed that is the power of this moment and thank you for being part of it why don't you take that envelope or that gift or your contribution in your hand and as a sign of unity that is pray together father God thank you for this amazing group of and thank you that although we're all individuals corporately we can make a difference in Jesus name and everybody said the Oh bless you god bless you thank you once again for your generosity and while we're just receiving that offering why don't we check out church needs for our high school students and young adults in cannafest is happening the first week of October tib our annual Kids Fest will be better than ever starting this week in Queensland and Victoria and next week in New South Wales Northern Territory and health and for the married or soon to be married couples join us for a night talking all things marriage without lead pastors Joel and Julia Abell alongside our special guest Renee young esteemed councillor and sexologist because your marriage matters next weekend is Sunday visits Friday with guest speaker Chris dosa and water baptisms starting at your location at 7:00 p.m. all this and more happening this spring at Hillsong Church [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] big hi to a church wherever you guys are watching from Queensland Victoria use Northern Territory Western Australia and New South Wales and so I love it when the whole church can link together we're one big family one house many rooms so I get the joy of preaching to everybody today so what you well we are the new kids album first new children's album for a decade for 10 years and it's beautiful and it's awesome what a great opportunity we have to play good life-giving word based worship to the children and so I'm pretty pumped with this particular one because well to my grandkids have a day poof my granddaughter in LA Savannah she reads a portion of Scripture and prays and my granddaughter here willow Tonga Tuvalu willow talking to vaalu she gets to sing and some of your kids also got to play a part in this so you know I'm a proud granddad you already know that you got to listen we got near Houston worship leaders over three generations firstly obviously me then singer Lima son of my daughter and their grandkids so here you go just a little bit of L will err on the worship album [Music] sounds like tire [Music] so they go it's called can you believe it can you believe it and I would encourage all the parents get it to kids wherever you know this kids so up the road kids neighbors obviously your own kids your grandkids just let's get it out there and be a blessing let's believe gotta use it all around the world as well to reach children and keep them in our on course with God's Word for their life beautiful next weekend cross a whole church in Australia it's Friday versus Sunday Friday Sunday night Church visits Friday night it's because in this state we got the grand final every state in Australia except for Victorians who don't really care so they haven't church Sunday night you say why would we change Church for football you don't care about football but a whole lot of people do so I would love to give them the chance once a year to spend time with family friends do that and we just meet on Friday and so that's why that's why because ultimately church was never always only about made it's never always only about you that's called community we're all in this together but the good news is forgot Pastor Chris dursa this guy is a gun he spoke at Hillsong conference in New York City and he had the place on their feet so it's gonna be an awesome Friday night there's always food out there and there's always lots of great things happening and so can I encourage you all the UM people all the church why don't you decide this Friday night we're actually gonna go to church I think it's seven o'clock in most places they'll tell you locally exactly what time it is but it's gonna be an incredible and incredible weekend yes it is I'm home Christo's here should be a great time fantastic Harry you got children immature cool ceci you come and get this fantastic they're married and got children two girls three kids two girls one boy and the first girl the doctor's soldier was gonna be a boy and you bought everything blue and that ended up being again you literally didn't know - the moment she was born welcome to Bob would that help was for us all of my age we didn't know what was coming until you could see whether there's a little doodoo or not so [Music] so anyway wherever you guys are under didn't mention Bali that I mentioned livestream turn to the air we're all linked together and we're turning to the Word of God Sam 34 Sam 34 this message is called I'm fighting back everybody say I'm fighting back I'm fighting back now fighting back hey we're gonna say one more time unified across the entire church everywhere we are I'm fighting back that's a great declaration because sometimes life tries to knock us down and we forget we have the tools and the resource to start fighting back I'm preaching from Psalm 34 one of my favorite Psalms and it's interesting because this song which starts I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth but you know in the time when David wrote the psalm it really goes back to 1st Samuel where David pretends he's insane he does he pretends he's mad he feigns being crazy and the reason is this because he was under double jeopardy he was literally hiding from soul who has helped to destroy him but where he was hiding was an Philistine territory and Goliath was a Philistine and the Philistines knew that David had killed Goliath so Saul was out to get him he was in danger from the Philistines so what do you do he pretends you man he pretends you crazy and that's what he did and he was set free because some of us don't have to pretend we're crazy well we don't have to pretend we're crazy but I'll tell you this the sound written in those conditions there's such a beautiful Psalm listen to it verses one to ten I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make its boast in the Lord the humble shall hear of it and be glad I magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together I sought the Lord and He healed me and delivered me from all my fears they look to him and were radiant and their faces were not ashamed this poor man cried out and the Lord heard him which poor man David speaking about himself this poor man cried out and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles the angel of the lord encamps all around those who fear him and delivers them o taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him Oh fear the Lord you his Saints there is no want to those who fear him the Young Lions lack and suffer hunger but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing such an upbeat sob from such a dire difficult situation you know something David was a warrior he was a giant killer he was a leader people sung that David has slain his thousands he was a king in Israel's best ever Old Testament King he was a whole lot of things but you would not always know him from the way he spoke in the Psalms sometimes what was coming out of him they just seemed like plain negativity sometimes what he spewed just seemed like real defeat sometimes the way he spoke pretty well points to the way often our lives look and the way that we can easily feel under the weight of challenge and in difficulty and opposition and to fate and all those things you see this David always does he always say I'll bless the Lord at all times listen to this some 13 verse 1 & 2 how long O Lord will you forget me forever how long will you hide your face from me how long shall I take counsel in my soul having sorrow in my heart daily how long will my enemy be exalted over me how long how long how long is this gonna last forever do you know there's been seasons in my life in fact I would say a decade to 15 years of my adult life where I wondered whether the attack and the opposition and the barrage of things that were coming against me would never end I know what it's like to feel is that actually an end and there are people listening to me right now people who are part of the service and that's where your life is that goddess or an end to this is there ever going to be a season of peace in the middle of this one thing after the other there's constant barrage coming against me it's a little like if you were to spin the surf surfing and somehow you get pushed under in a wave and it seems as you pushed under that you can't get back up and breathe fresh air and your lungs are exploding your lungs I'm bursting it ultimately you manage to find your way back to the top that's kind of the imagery I think of when I think of David there how long how long how long you know in Psalm 142 which I actually speak about a lot because there is well David the way he's speaking he's just he says nobody cares for me who acknowledges me nobody cares for my soul there is no refuge in other words there is no it hide they set a trap for me they've set a snare for me he said I'm brought very low here's the interesting thing in Psalm 13 how long how long or 742 which you know who is I'm brought very low they both end exactly the same way you know how they in for he shall deal bountifully with me in other words David knew had a fight back this message is called we're fighting back we're fighting back what everyone say it with me one more time we're fighting back we are fighting back David would always turn it around always turn it around and he would change his confession but for all the things that came out David his biggest battles were external they were internal they were things that brought conflict afflictions that brought conflict to his soul they were in Colonel listen to some 34 that's my that's my text today verse 19 he said many many so many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord I love those words but the Lord but the Lord mania my challenges many are my afflictions but the Lord has my front row going here pretty solid pretty silent pretty quiet what's going on here anyone else want a volunteer for the front row come on I need people that were giving me some encouragement the only voice I can hear is Leroy burns over there going yep yeah yep the rest of you what happened did you die overnight let me hear an Amen from the front rows that's what I got right there for you so do bountifully with me many are the afflictions of the righteous you know so many of their demons by demons I don't necessarily mean demonic forces but afflictions that we face we just the battles on the inside and if we can learn to fight back if we can learn that really we we've got more to give and we don't have to just let the circumstance rob us we don't have to just women knock down stay down I think the Word of God gives us tools weaponry to fight back and that's really what I want to talk to and maybe it's the answer to these five questions in Psalm 34 that determine your capacity to fight back first question is this what do you been saying what do you been saying listen to the scripture at Psalm 34 verse 1 and 2 where David said I will bless the Lord O all times all times his praise shall continually be in my heart shall continually be in my mouth in other words I'm gonna be speaking praises but he says all the time always continually that's what he says my soul shall make its boast in the Lord the humble shall hear of it and be glad he's saying always all times continually the praise is going to be in my mouth I'll bless the Lord at all times his praise will constantly be that some 13 how long how long how long will this go on forever how long sigh 142 no one cares about me I'm brought very low he said he said his praise will continually be in my mouth but isn't actually true is it true okay that's not what I see in many Psalms this is some 34 there would be a lot of suggestion and the 33 sums preceding it that he didn't always continually have praise in his mouth and the next 116 Psalms after some 34 yes hundred 16 plus 34 is a hundred and fifty hey the next it wouldn't always say that but here's the point it was a declaration David didn't say I have always bless the Lord didn't say I have continuously he said I will it's a statement of faith that's a declaration then I'm not gonna batter this stuff I'm not gonna be secured by I will bless the Lord at all times I will I will I will his praise shall be continually that's a great way to talk to ourself if you want to fight back if you want to fight back and you understand the power of getting the Word of God into your mouth why don't you take on that commit but that's your holy book this week I will I will bless God I will have his praise continually in my mouth it's a powerful powerful declaration and scripture after scripture that talks about the mouth the tongue your lips your words but it's always speaking to the way we talk and you know something you say well yeah we hear about confession we hear about the way we speak a lot but there's a need to and I'll tell you why for me and for you because you're never fully when this battle it's always a challenge to bring our words back in line with the Word of God and it says so for all of us and so to be reminded we often don't even hear the way we speak we don't even hear the defeated words that can come out of our mouths and some 34 verse 12 verse 13 does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous verse 13 then keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling life it always comes back to the way we speak words have a creative ability the way God created the heavens and the earth had started every time God said God said let there be light and out of those words out of him maker of heaven and earth creation you can literally speak life into things and I believe that your words in line with the Word of God they have that creative capacity to change circumstance and see your life learning up with the Word of God you see the truth is that with that Christian that question to live a life that is strong and prosperous does anyone want to live a life that is strong and prosperous well death and life are in the power of the tongue it's probably in verse 21 prose 10 verse 11 talks about the words of the righteous the mouth of the right just been a while of life life is in the power of the tongue but so is death and your words are well of life or your words a sewer of defeat it's always a good question to ask ourselves the way we speak to ourselves there's been many times when I've been driving perhaps late for the airport and I miss a turn and I got you idiot talking about myself we won't even mention the way I speak about other drivers you you idiot and I is Jupiter what a horrible way to talk about myself I'm gonna fight back I'm a child of God that's who I am I'm the son of the Most High I gotta fight back let's learn to fight back let's decide I'm fighting back I'm not gonna allow the enemy to rob me and to rule my life I was in the cow once when my son Joel my oldest son was really just a small boy my daddy's more than 10 years of age and I was taking him and one of his friends from school to watch my beloved paramedic heels and we were down there at the grounders Joe had a brand new one of those sort of kids whatever gimmicky watch and we're on it we're home then he says ah I left my watch I mean why would you take your watch off at the football and so I stopped berating him I started speaking not life to her speaking death to her speaking words that were never gonna build him and I'll never forget this I looked up in my rear vision mirror I could see jolin's little friend in the backseat and Joe looked so crushed he looks so defeated and perhaps so humiliated at the way his dad's talking to him in front of his friend that visual still still convicts me to make sure that my own life to my family to my loved ones I listen to the way I'm talking because I want to fight back I want to fight back against the devil who would try to rob us through the feet of words through the power of the enemy so number one what are you been saying number two all from Psalm 34 how you feeling how are you feeling so I'm 34 verse 2 David speaks faith again my soul do I have feeling Who I am thinking the choices I'm making my soul shall make its boast in the Lord the humble shall hear of it and be glad in other words this in an arrogant boast now this is a boasting how good god is my soul shall make its boast in the Lord and it actually connects with humility the humble will hear it and be glad again he's fighting back he's saying my my soul my soul my feelings you know it's very horrible to go through all sorts of feelings in all sortsa pain it's actually very normal oftentimes we'll go to outside sources to will outsource our hope to remedy the situation and not bad things you may involve a psychologist and it's times in life now my great encouragement would be to talk to a professional you may decide to talk to a doctor thank God for the medical profession so I'm not saying don't do any of that what I am saying is we've got to learn how to fight back how to challenge our own spirit our own emotions our own feelings not battle it's pointless aim to a depressed person get over it I mean that's really not gonna help because their depression is real it's real they're not making it up if they could just get over it they would but there are tools weaponry in the Word of God well you can at least fight back you can you can fight back in you to decide I'm not just gonna lie down and play dead David talks about the Bible talks about his great distress its first samuel chapter 30 verse 6 now David was greatly distressed was no small thing it was greatly distressed for the people spoke of stoning him because the soul of all the people was grieved so in other words every Ormus Felina every man for his sons and his daughters and his people again under the sound of my voice and you're grieved right now over your own family your own children your own sons and daughters but david strengthened himself in the Lord what did I even do he strengthened himself he fought back he fought back let's learn had a strength in ourselves in the Lord other translations are literally David encouraged himself in the Lord I believe we can learn how to encourage ourselves and choices and decisions have a whole lot to do with it you chose today you chose to be in the house of God you know when you're in the house of God you're not gonna hear songs of negativity or defeat when you listen to Hillsong music it's not a it's not a country music there's not a country music situation here we're not gonna talk about losing that dog losing their house losing our wife we're not gonna talk about all the hats we're gonna sing songs of life and hope we're gonna declare who Jesus is we're gonna honor King Jesus and we're gonna declare who we are in Christ some people say well all the songs should be about Jesus and that's true I understand what you're saying but there's also a beautiful power in declaring who you are in Christ who you are in Christ and I'll tell you who you are you're a child of God that's who you are you are a child of God listen to this my soul shall make its boast in the Lord David was greatly discreet distress but he encouraged himself who you say I am by Hillsong worship who the Sun sets free Oh is free indeed I'm a child of God yes I am you say you may think oh we're just singing songs they have good nice uplifting songs nice words no these are a talk to fight back this is weaponry you were declaring I am a child of God that's who I am yes I am who the Sun sets free is free and dad listen to it it goes on and says free at last year's ransom be His grace runs deep well I was a slave to sin Jesus died for me yes he died for me I am chosen listen you're speaking here just being an encouragement to yourself I am chosen not forsaken I am who you say I am not what circumstances I say not what my own internal conflict my own internal mechanism would say no listen to it I am who you say I am that's fighting back listen to it you have for me not against me I am who you say I am power in worship to fight back when we're feeling low and defeated Psalm 34 again a thematic verse listen to it listen to it in the message worship God if you want the best worship opens doors to all his goodness worship what does it do makes me feel better no no it opens doors according to the message translation of Psalm 34 to all his goodness how beautiful how beautiful well number three have you been looking it looks like you're under it how are you looking I'm talking about your countenance has you well what's your countenance say about what's going on do you think that maybe it's possible we could actively determine to change our countenance listen carefully God works in our lives Jesus works for our lives Holy Spirit works in our lives from the inside out someone should write a song about that from the inside out that's how God works but we need sometimes to make choices to work from the outside in in other words when I don't even feel like I'm gonna do something active extent I'm gonna raise my hands I'm gonna raise my hands you say you're raising your heads on the outside believing it's gonna breathe life into the inside that's what sometimes we need to understand the power of working from the outside in I'm talking here about your countenance sometimes if we learn and we concentrate on changing our countenance a smile can take us from what is external all the way to impacting the way God's working that's called fighting back that is called fighting back it really is if you look within get introspective you're gonna end up miserable if you look around why it's not fair why are they so blessed when I have been so much more consistent and wise God blessing that he's and over there why why not me you look around you start getting distracted and you really do there's Anna Psalm 73 on that thought verse 1 no doubt about it god is good good to good people good to the good heart but listen to what he says I nearly missed it I nearly missed seen as goodness God is good to good people he's good to the good heart well the scripture says God is good he said I nearly missed her why cuz I got distracted I started looking around me I started looking at the inequity the unfairness of the way people seem to live their life some people never even seem to have a single challenge in their life it's not fair well David goes on talking along these lines he says this literally I was looking the other way looking after the people at the top envying the wicked who haven't made who have nothing to worry about not a care in the world he's saying I nearly missed the goodness of God because I was getting too locked up and how unfair it is what God's doing around and about me and you know something we can miss we can miss the blessing of God we were to fight back stop looking at circumstances and start looking to Jesus look to him because when you look to him haha that's a different story altogether when you look to him according to some 34 you are radiant yes you are listen to some 34 verse 5 in the message look at him give him your warmest smile I love it never hide your feelings from him I would say there are people near the last thing you feel like do it or the last thing you're going to do is smile that's the last thing but why don't you decide I'm gonna get my face to remind my feelings then I'm a child of God yes I am why don't you fight back listen to it again cuz it's awesome David Sain look at him give him your warmest smile never hide your feelings from him it's important we don't deny our feelings and that we don't hide them from God that's not fighting back that's subduing things but it is important that we understand the power of their countenance the power of a face give them your warmest smile you ever seen your kids after you discipline them and they're soaking up sadness like saw the end of the world I still do this to my kids I look them in the arts I smile semana and sure enough every time every time I'd get them I would get them and that stop laughing that starts smiling so the word of the Lord for you today is smile come on smile survive oh that's a big cheesy one yes it is self self should be supporter smile yeah you get a beautiful smile smile smile very nice very come on come on come on come on come on we need some smiles in this place we're smile smile look at you birthday boy smile smile I cannot believe that this person who was a young person in that church is now 48 years of age 48 your old smile smile I can't remember little smaller like a little what happy yes fantastic I smile yeah smile you put up with me for all these years Nicole Sally smile but yeah hey come on come on smile Oh hand away from your face smile look at Lera gotcha that's my give him your warmest smart it may sound stupid that may see on Juvederm but you know something we have to take charge of our own countenance you didn't we have to take charge of our own countenance because literally it can impact our lives in a way that works from the outside in it's called fighting back quite a few looks mighty fine smiling what are we honest nor did hi when I woke up this morning actually did because I was looking forward to Sunday but still you know I don't always but it's called fighting back we're gonna fight back I'd climb up there but my jeans are too tight hey I'm fighting back I'm fighting back yes I'm it's beautiful that's powerful your face sometimes is on a mission no happy Jen we're gonna decide do you know I've heard it said listen to this a man's character is measured by the splendor of his wife's countenance there's a challenge a man's character is measured by the splendor now if you're happen to be sitting by your husband right now your body language is very important I've just said his character is measured by the splendor on his wife's countenance haha yes your honor man these guys must be absolutely superstars here look at them all yes whoops you know something of boss's boss's character sometimes is measured by his staffs countenance low morale seems to be a poor poor poor culture do you know something the measure of my life as a boss as a pastor and this is challenging is measured by the countenance of the people God's grace be delayed so please help me out help me out the measure the character of the pastor is measured by the splendor our congregations countenance and I do believe that not every day all the time because let's be honest sometimes we're grieving sometimes life is tragic it's sad so not all the time but if you're talking about the overwhelming spirit of a church faith filled joyful speaking life believing for hope that's what I want because I believe that we have the chance through the Word of God to fight back and I want to encourage people and equip people to fight that wind-up the weaponry to fight back in Jesus name yes we do we really do so number four how's your appetite it's after 12 p.m. so maybe right now you're very aware that you have an appetite but listen to some 34 again verse 8 o taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him excuse me my voices just under break listen to it o taste and see listen carefully o taste and see where ever you guys are that the Lord is good we don't want to taste them then see I want to see and then taste how do you prank an American tourist in Australia when it comes to things related to food you put a blindfold on there and what do you give them everyone knows the answer you give them Vegemite why because we know the impact it's going to have we teach them about drop bears the Bears that just suddenly drop out of the trees on top of you and we make them eat Vegemite but not the way we know to eat it no we know the science behind veggie but we know it's all about the warmth of the toast and especially the consistency between the butter and the Vegemite it's all getting the balance right is enough but we don't tell them that we just get a big spoon of Vegemite they can't see what's coming and we feed it to them and they are absolutely tormented for the rest of their life no we were to see and then taste not taste and see I remember been on an aeroplane with my little wafer in the plastic yeah notice no matter how many years you fly they'll always find another way to make sure that you have to embarrass yourself because you can't open that little plastic thing anyone else got their problem or is it just me so in the end when no his learner's got a boy I don't got to do that every time anyway hey my wafer in my cheese and then were grapes and you always leave the best to last so I leave my grapes to last it's like Neapolitan ice cream apparently in the last service I called it cosmopolitan ice cream well you do your polish to the ice cream which dearly you got your strawberry your vanilla and your chocolate which do you leave to last pretty well everyone st. chocolate I'm a strawberry guy personally that but you leave the best to last Jesus left the best to last and so I had my grape and I was looking forward to it I've managed to get through the dry wafer we call it a cracker and the cheese and now and I hate him to their succulent grape and it was an olive and I don't like olives that's why you need to see before your taste well isn't carefully listen carefully we want to see and then we'll taste but when it comes to the blessing of God it's actually all about faith when it comes to praise that's all about praising God before the miracle you got a taste you got a taste sacrifice before you see blessing you've got a taste obedience before you see blessing Oh taste and and if we're gonna fight back we don't wait and say God when you bless me when you bless me then I will sacrifice and give you a great offering we don't make that choice because we are declaring that I'm gonna fight back I'm gonna trust God and I'm gonna taste before I see and Malachi chapter three many of you know Malachi chapter 3 so he straight away yeah there's Old Testament and it is the end of the Old Testament which is very prophetic and heading toward the New Testament but it's actually not Old Testament or New Testament when you're talking about tithing and obeying God but putting them first in our finances it's an eternal principle it's Old Testament it's New Testament and it's relevant today seek first this is New Testament the kingdom of God honoring God firstfruits it's an eternal principle were human nature Oh bless Gardner oh I'll bless Godwin I can bless him right now faith is all about fighting back faith is all about listen to it will a man Rob God Malachi 3 verse 8 if you have robbed me but you say in what way have we robbed you in tithes and offerings you were cursed with the curse now there's no reason absolutely no reason why as New Testament believers we have to live under any form of curse because Jesus he set us free he's redeemed us from the curse but you can choose he gonna live under that curse that Jesus has provided away beyond or are you gonna trust him and seek Him and put him first in your life and live in the freedom that God has given you but it goes on here it says this you are cursed with a curse that you have robbed me even this whole nation Israel bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be food in my house and try me prove me just see if what I'm telling you is not true try me now in this says the Lord of hosts if I were not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it buta Tamara for your sakes in other words all going to battle with the devil on your behalf don't look that way look this way because it's important I will rebuke the Devourer for your sake so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground more shall the vine failed a bear fruit for you says the Lord of hosts and all nations will call you blessed but you will be a delightful land in other words seek God put him first put him first in your finances and God's aid God say that's fighting back you're ignoring the circumstance and you're putting God first and then he starts talking about rebuking the devourer and then he talks about you becoming a delightsome lamb and then he starts talking about such blessing you cannot simply contain it all number 5 and finally Harry's spirits how are you spirits we've just had that day in Australia we were encouraged to ask that question are you ok because there's a lot of people out there who are not ok what about you how are your spirits some 34 verse 18 the Lord is near to those who have a broken heart and save such as have a contrite spirit how would you describe your spirits your spirit right now are you fighting back are you fighting back proverbs 15 verse 13 says a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance but listen by sorrow the heart the spirit is broken that's why the devil he would love to attack you and bring sadness and sorrow to your heart because it's through sorrow of heart that your spirit is broken now I want to encourage you go and encourage you even at the bottom to know the power of fighting back the devil wants to rob you he wants to attack you he wants to literally break you because there are scriptures many of them to talk about a broken spirit it says a broken spirit who can bear in other words it's intolerable and other verse says a broken spirit is like a city without walls had certainly no defense against the enemy's opposition no defense those old-world cities that have a solid wall but when your spirit is broken it's like a city without walls every piece of opposition can come against you but we're gonna fight back every one say I'm fighting back I'm fighting back I'm fighting back praise God for this 1513 when it comes to the message a cheerful heart brings a smile to your face a sad heart listen to it a sad heart makes you hard makes it hard to get through the day the reason I couldn't read it was because that little part was in my own handwriting the rest is typed I can read it there it is again a cheerful heart brings a smile to your face a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day are we gonna fight back Edea fight back well in some 34 it talks about action not just dropping down dead quitting fighting back talks about action listen some of these verses and I'm finishing some 34 verse 11 come you children listen to me I will teach you the fear of the Lord who is the man who desires life and loves many days that he may see good who is that person who desires life that's where the enemy loves to do break your spirit gorget illusion cest for life that he may seek good keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking to see depart these are all actions depart from evil and do good seek peace and pursue it well how do you fight back the Lord saying listen to me listen to me he had the voice of the Holy Spirit don't it all the other voices going on in your world rob you the voice of the Holy Spirit the voice of the Lord the voice of God's Word that's what the scripture says listen to me desire life the enemy trying to rob you of your zest for life and living does the sunrise still move it as the sunset still look beautiful to you do you still smell the flowers do you still love the spring air let's believe with God that we're gonna have a zest for life that's what the scripture says keep your tongue keep it take control of it fight back keep your tongue from speaking evil speaking negative thoughts to yourself even depart from evil it's an action depart go the other way leave it behind do good if you really want to know how to break through and fight back well they understand the importance of doing good blessing other people it's hard to be miserable of béxar self and you're looking at the joy or the breaks up in another person's life because you decide I'm gonna do good I think it's fighting back I'm gonna do good I'm gonna do good I'm gonna do good every chance I can that's action seek peace and pursue it action I want to encourage you really encourage you to decide I'm fighting back I'm fighting back I'm gonna listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit on that seek peace I'm gonna pursue it I'm gonna do good to the people around and about me I'm gonna keep my zest for life I'm gonna turn her into part from evil it's no longer gonna rob me of the joy of the Lord in my life I'm fighting back I'm fighting back we're fighting back come on let's worship we're gonna fight back oh there's a goodness in worshiping the Living God he does [Music] come on church the Santa Anas [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do wonderful beautiful that said were singing songs that breathe life into our spirit it's not talking about who we are in Christ so important you know the devil's trying to break some people he just for sorrow of heart just with a sense of sadness a Senator discouragement right now the Bible says that it's a sorrowful heart of sad heart that actually brings a broken spirit and we're gonna fight back we're not going to allow air air in eternals our spirit to be like a city without walls over to every attack of the devil we're gonna fight back if the word this morning this word this message of priest the speaking really clearly to you lift your hand in the air please every campus every location Lavery way out in Bali lift your hands lift your hands and we're gonna pray we're gonna believe God together would you say you can say it just under your breath if you like or you can say a Padre will you say to the devil I'll fight him back I'm fighting back lord I just thank you in Jesus name then your word speaks life to us and that we are gonna fight you back but we are we are going to fight every piece of opposition that comes and gangsta's Lord in Jesus name I thank we can change we can fight back when it comes to the words we're speaking but when it comes to the way with feeling when it comes to the look of our countenance when it comes Lord to our every time we get a beef step out of faith and we're gonna taste before we see and Lord we're gonna believe you and we're gonna overcome when it comes to our spirits by Deepak declarants web by t-bag declaring is web by feedback while most of everybody cited we are fine he's back in cheese [Music] [Music] [Applause] but yes you are and thank God for when I asked everyone a question a question we love to ask and give people an opportunity to respond to my question is have you ever made a conscious choice to surrender ownership of your life to the Lord Jesus Christ a conscious choice Jesus I want you I need you in my life have you ever encountered God in a personal way not just in a kind of formal way but really encountered him but in Canada money there's a moment there's a time where you know you know something changed that Jesus filled your heart that it was a absolute encounter I believe today in these services there are people who are going to encounter God just like dad you know the Bible is full of promise the Bible says if you ask Jesus to come into your heart come into your life he will come in and you'll live in you Romans 10 verse 9 we put it on the screen at the end of virtually every service it says if you will declare with your mouth confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you'll be saved say from what say from sin save from the things that are trying to rob you and rule you save you from life without God beautiful so I'm going to believe today that people are gonna respond to Jesus they're gonna make that conscious choice for him they're going to encounter God in a personal way in just a moment I'll count to three and we'll all have our eyes closed and on three of us every single person everywhere who says Brahman you pray for people to make their conscious choice that Jesus will you pray for me when you pray for people to encounter God in a personal way when you include me when you pray for people to be saved to be born again to have a brand new start with Christ as Lord in my life will you pray for me well when I count to three on thrilling out all those people everywhere everywhere we're gathered everywhere you want change I'm gonna ask you on three if you said Brian include me in that brick to lift your hand in the air maybe at some point you prayed a prayer like that but somewhere along the way you lost your way and it's not as though God moves he doesn't he said I'll never leave you he's the constant I'll never leave you nor forsake you but we make choices and people make choices that cause them to live far from God Darkon alienate themselves from the will of God living in the center of God's purpose we call it backslide I believe it's a perfect day to get it right with with God it's a perfect day to come back to Jesus at the center it's a perfect day to say I'm coming back and reconnecting with God's purposes of my life because I'm gonna fight back I'm not gonna let the devil rule my future I'm gonna fight back I'm gonna believe that Jesus come have every eye closed wherever you guys are out there in the outback we're fighting back yes we are so if you say Brian include me in that print on three I'll encourage you to lift your hand in the air it's gonna be a whole lot of hand no way you're gonna be the only one and then we're gonna pray together across the whole church and I believe as we pray together people today are gonna find hope and life through Jesus Christ you ready for that on three ready to raise your hand we say Brian include me in that prayer here we go one two three lift them up make that choice beautiful wonderful I love to see people making choices for Jesus Christ I can see hands raised all around this room in different places and it's not always easy to see the hands in this room because the walls are stacked with people and but I can see people making a choice for Jesus and I'm believing enable the other rooms as well where one house with many rooms people I've got the hand raised making a choice for Jesus that's powerful till we give them all a great big tent congratulations thank God thank God for every one of them you know what in just a moment in just a moment I'm gonna pray a prayer a blessing I'm gonna pray a prayer of benediction of God's purpose in your life so stick with us for that but right now as a big family let's pray these words and if you raise your hands you pray these words to Jesus we're all gonna pray right along with you in support everyone out loud dear Jesus this is the moment I surrender ownership of my life to the Lord Jesus Christ because of You Jesus from this moment my sins are forgiven I'm a child of God a new creation a follower of Jesus Christ thank you for your love and grace thank you for your forgiveness and mercy I ever believer jesus is alive in me packet of another great big hand now you can sing I'm a child of God yes I am and across the entire church every person who raised your hair with love from Hillsong Church to give you a Bible it's a beautiful Bible and we want to get her to do your hand in it not only can frame your future but this particular Bible this particular one is a for you to remember it was a who song church that Sunday afternoon there was that Sunday at Hillsong that my life changed so take your Bibles and there may be people in the service who see your hand and they'll bring you a Bible in the service but either way in the foyers and the lobby everywhere Hillsong Church mates right now there are people in the foyer holding up these Bibles you're welcome to take one saying I made that choice for Jesus today we would love to get it into your hands and so thank God I reckon we should give them one more big big congratulations [Applause] in Jesus name in Jesus name if you with your husband your wife if my fiance boyfriend or your girlfriend even take a hold of the head maybe if you're with a buddy just put your hand on their shoulder cool let's put your hand on their shoulder and father I thank you for your promise I thank you your word equips us to fight back where the enemy tries to knock us there I thank you that you bless your people and keep them the Lord your face your smile your countenance is shining upon them I thank you Lord your leaders and the ways of grace and mercy that you bring to our soul to a spirit that sense of peace that can only come from the incredible power of God may this be a week a breakthrough in victory may this be a week where testimony is our portion where we can declare the goodness of God where we see the enemy bow down before us where we see the victory that only Jesus can bring have your way in the lives of your people God we prayed in Jesus name and before you move and before you move pastor Tommy Barnett is preaching the church this guy's a legend he's a faith preacher it's gonna be an incredible night for you to believe in the Holy Spirit to move I can't thank you enough to be in God's house in September Sunday nights because word of our time of blessing we're in a time where we've got an expectation that God is gonna do great thing young people parents children people from all walks of life front liners in other words young adults everybody this be in God's house in Jesus name Amen come on god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 35,851
Rating: 4.8003564 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, Brian Houston
Id: Pk00XE9_8fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 48sec (5448 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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