Hillsong Church - Jentezen Franklin

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good morning mr. chair what a beautiful money to play the worst of that gene welcome to conference [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when [Music] where [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you ready [Music] we have why [Music] the shadow crazy pony we give God everything this morning what [Music] ooh now take babies away there once [Music] whether they want [Music] Oh [Music] Oh go ahead ha [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] I've got it my my [Music] you live me I [Music] you [Music] [Music] like it [Music] right [Music] No [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] you learn [Music] is [Music] ah [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] well [Music] nay ah [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] we would stand in your wonder God we believe in your mightiness and a greatness Lord and we know that you can still surprise us with your love and your favor your bless you though so as we continue to open up our hearts this morning as we continue to lift our hands as we continue to sing and worship you for my heart we would be engulfed in wonder we would feel your presence [Music] Jesus you [Music] [Music] [Music] how [Music] [Music] barring father [Music] [Music] No [Music] Oh [Music] see ah [Music] me [Music] here [Music] and back Oh Oh then [Music] and you're Oh Oh ah [Music] ah [Music] baby [Music] I had a breathing hole [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Laughter] [Applause] my man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the hands the thing is that this one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah ah [Music] Wow [Music] left [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Lord how can we not see for the distress soulless morally thank you thank you for such an incredible week thank you for the glorious was on that conference thank you Father for the lives going to be transformed the change thank you so we get to do this thank you thank you greater year of the year you great that conference people say people change miracles handing your word having eternal power before there's so much we can be grateful for I thank you for every person here today glory to thank you we gather at your name that we get to be together that we get to do this then the family can get together around the one and only name Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] and I'm great [Music] [Music] what is the bird [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on the roof of the place today well we've had a week from heaven that's for sure and it's so good to see you guys not only in shows this morning but still full of life after err I mean if ever there's going to be a tired Sunday in church it would probably be this but not you guys not you guys now maybe that 11:15 service but you know we all know that it's not you guys you guys you come with your best every single week which is pretty amazing how good is that hey you can see I've got a huge part of prayer requests here and we're going to gather around the Lord's name in prayer right now for these people let's be full of faith let's believe God to do something incredible here you go there's our you pray for these people Amen put your hand towards the screen or towards they're in here well we come to you in the name of Jesus well we believe me divine intervention or we pray the you attorne situation and circumstance around or we believe for healing but we believe in job stability for financial provision god we pray for permanent residency but somebody on a trip Lord we believe but for healing what we speak your healing power into people's lives right now even people who haven't filled out a prayer request well we believe Mia power to be a work in their lives what we pray for your healing be a provision be a breakthrough for your blessing in Jesus name amen I will big Oh [Music] after you [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] say hi to 553 people greet them welcome them Tania glad to see them [Music] good [Music] [Music] [Music] secondly the great people she better keep having conversations still they're 23 seconds this is a minute single there's not a courteous hello turds the family church of friendly Church Jamarcus [Music] still got two seconds stop right if you're still talking you took more than a minute oh it is great to have a run in church have already said it but it has been a fantastic conference the praise reports we had lots of praise reports from conference and the at o'clock and in this service so thank God and thank you everyone seriously thank you for the part you've played probably when we link a little aid over the service also thank you again to the whole church but the volunteers that the way it is carried only 5,000 volunteers think about that for a moment 5,000 if you think about how many people have taken a week of their holiday time to serve a conference and people from all walks of life like professionals people who leave behind their that their their business or literally their clientele for a week and just serve God and serve people at this conference so ours no just like it call me bias call me whatever one ID I admit I confess there's no church like you are the best Church in the universe but the Jennsen might not agree but I giulia Abele's whose the blessing to us is going to talk to us around out giving I think you Pastor Brian good morning everybody are you good it's the person you're sitting next to amazing then you sat next to the right person we are going to bring our tithes and offerings today so on or under your seat whether you hear it heels or one of our other locations is our home and others envelope even if you give online or one of the other ways that are on the screen behind me why don't you just take a hold of that envelope right now in space as we prepare to bring our tithes and offerings in Jesus name can you say Amen coming out of conference I took yesterday to think about some of the words that was spoken at conference and out of some of the words that were spoken so deeply to my heart at a conference I decided I was going to create some new normals does anyone come out of conference deciding hey I'm going to create some new normals but who knows a new normal soon becomes normal in our lives and I'm here to say today that there is absolutely nothing wrong with normal in fact when it comes to our normal tithe and offering it's this normality in our lives that actually enable us to do things like Hillsong conference out of the strength of our local church so it says here in Malachi chapter 3 verse 10 it's coming up on the screen here eventually so bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my temple say that with me so there will be enough food in my temple ready so there will be enough in my temple that's what we get to partner with God to do the tithe is God's it belongs to God is the normal it's normal T we bring our tithe to put food in his temple or the storehouse so out of the strength of who we are we are able to do things like Hillsong conference so that people like you and me can create new normals which eventually become normal so that we can create new normals again why don't you take a hold of your tide this morning church let me pray for you bless you in Jesus name you're amazing people so blessed because of you father I just thank you for this incredible privilege to bring our normal tithe to you it's yours and we give it to you today willingly happily we ask that you bless it fill this storehouse God so that we can do more to build your church build the lives of people in Jesus name Amen amen awesome thank you well thank you amazing host who thinks our hosts are fantastic I like to call our hosts our heavenly hosts because they are so good and faithful there's lots happening in church life including Hillsong conference 2018 if 2017 isn't enough to get you over the line for 2018 I'm not sure what it is but let's have a look at the screens this is our church use [Music] are you new face or new to church on or enviously about what next card with information to help you find out more you can also visit our website to learn more on how to get involved discover more about Jesus and stay up to date with what's happening in the life if you're from Church [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but [Music] [Applause] [Music] sometimes I wonder is no more can we going on lighter some renowned suspicions of some designers went far beyond [Music] come on table [Music] you get beneath as much from each other [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my goodness Hillsong conference miss yeah it's going to be tremendous big hi to every location in Australia and Bali where we are gathering right now I'm going to give you all a shout out give yourselves a cheer when I mention your name Bali Darwin Thomaston Malek Malak loser central and Brisbane downtown West Gold Coast surfers Burleigh kumara Newcastle Northern Beaches Macquarie Chatswood Bondi Waterloo Alexandria are you giving yourselves a chair in a West Maryland's Villawood Greater Western certainly southwest Wollongong Melbourne City Melbourne East Melbourne West Melbourne great aware towbar connect groups and church to the air you guys wherever you are come back Australia and of course we link to the Hillsong channel and finally online streaming well [Applause] ever glad you're here if you're visiting from conference of course you're more than welcome your most important book if you are really welcome and what thank God I already mention here at he'll throw on a site across the screen we are so grateful for a 5,000 volunteers who just gave so well that you're ready clip ones that you better do it again because other people were there and and the whole coverage of the spirit of our church in the conference of the way many of you come out at nights as well for the evening session just fantastic couldn't be prouder of you I just think you what you guys do and give of yourselves week by week in church is incredible but when of people come from all around the world to be on the other end of your spirit your generosity and your heart then the impact of that is possibly one of the biggest impacts that the conference has on people so praise God for and so next year you can see it with the question here is there yet here it is question is there more is there more is there more is there more there is more there is more there is more Ellison maybe already now you're thinking oh man we have thought about it earlier we could have been at conference this last year this one just gone we get 12 months near prepare to be there next year if you're a family of five people you save $370 by registering now and of course you know by the way in case you don't realize that this conference does not pay for itself even with all the registrations and all the giving we invest into the conference every year say sometimes hear that amount and you think that's a lot of money but the truth is it's an expensive conference and so it's worth it it's worth it our board call it in a profit and loss they call it a loss I call it an investment my word is much better than theirs who needs auditors when you got a pastor who just wants to bless people that's what I say or it is accountants lawyers my goodness my goodness something on you don't I'm sorry it's a ring in your nose I didn't realize so conference and good time for all this conference don't miss out from being part of next year we've got Steven Furtick speaking we've got John Gray speaking again with his god Chris Hodges who's an incredible pastor and leader speaking we've got going - crowd speaking next year we've got pasta dough meals Karl it's I feel like I'm missing someone anyway we're all going to be there we're all going to be there it's going to be amazing sir you guys register go online go into the foyers where you are and this register for conference let's make it incredible this is preaching tonight here at our church it's not me not that I didn't want to spend yesterday preparing why would I when I got one of the best preachers of the world in town Jenson Franklin will be bringing a different methods tonight so that's cold all right we're going to stand we're going to worship then pastor Jentezen better introduce some first husband Jensen I never take the green to the people like Jensen Franklin come to our conference and come and stay over for a weekend in church these nice typical be anywhere they want I see he himself got an incredibly significant church pre Chapel that he passed us but his ministries big the demand on him is big but he chooses known in Viet Conference pretty well every second year but also stayed for a weekend and preached to our church so let's show them our gratitude the neighbor who here and for of course speaking about that too all right [Applause] [Music] now I know your glory back [Music] [Music] Hey ah [Music] I [Music] - yeah [Music] ah yeah [Music] they won't give you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you do Oh [Music] and my god and [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's give the Lord a great praise if you love him today just lift up your heart and praise and worship to Jesus just for a moment Raven come on crazy praise them at every campus lift him up lift lift him up Jesus we worship You Jesus we praise you Jesus we honor you we glorify you son of God praise the mighty name of Jesus that that song and those words are a direct reference to second Corinthians three that talk about when we look into the word and we see Jesus that were changed into his image from glory unto glory do you believe that do you believe that even this morning God can take you to another level and and place a victory just like Jesus sees you standing in victory today I want you one more time to put your hands together to every campus and I want you to welcome His Majesty the Lord Jesus Christ one more time come on we love you Lord we love you Lord praise your name Jesus amen amen smile at least three people around you and show them your dental work and you can be seated god bless you and if you have your Bibles I'd love for you to open them with me to the book of 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 and I want I want you to want you to be in great faith all day I'm believing God just in this amazing week with a mighty outpouring of his spirit tonight in the services and I've got a message that I want to share that I believe every person needs to hear I want you to invite everybody you can it's always an extreme honor for Charisse and I on our family to be back at the mighty great powerful Hillsong Church with the most precious people Brian and Bobby Houston and all of their family I just think you're so blessed to be under phenomenal leadership that inspires you every time you get around them I love the way that I love the way that Brian is a friend that loves at all times I've watched that in him and I've seen some of his friends go through tough times and he doesn't walk away he maybe I noticed the little things I noticed little things like he still likes their Instagram when they go through troubled waters this little thing that he's not afraid that his name will be heard if he associates with somebody who's in a struggle and a tough time that's the kind of pastor you've got and you're blessed can you say man I love that stuff that's that's the real deal this is such a simple message I apologize in advance for preaching it but I'm a simple person I have a DD I think and I have to keep it real simple and real quick so here we go are you ready everybody say everybody Sam's gonna help that man preach today turn to your neighbor and say you need to just look at them and say a pigeon is looking for you right now you you're not a statue come on down you're not a statue you've got to help me preach just a little bit I know you're preachers are great they don't need your help I need help from the congregation if you want me to preach you got to nag me on a little bit just telling you I do better I do I really do I'm a responsive gamma I'm a motion-sensitive preacher if you move I move if you sit there and look I just sit there and look that includes all the campuses all of you a pigeon is looking for you that's a word from the Lord amen don't ever sit in a worship service with your arms folded let's go you ready second Corinthians chapter 3 and we we just mentioned this but in verse 18 but we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from glory unto glory just as by the Spirit of the Lord beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord we catch a glimpse of him when we open up this book when it's preached when the story is told the old gospel story we catch a glimpse of Jesus and when if you can ever see him he's irresistible religion taker lead but if you ever see Jesus then we are changed the Bible said into his image Colombia the nation of Colombia South America there was a four year old girl who was kidnapped from her backyard she doesn't remember a lot her name was Marina Chapman she has a sketchy memory of everything that took place being only four years of age she remembers a sweaty arm grabbing her as she was playing in her backyard she remembers a cloth being placed over her head a hood some kind of chemical that made her lose consciousness she remembers waking up in and out of consciousness as she was being taken deep into the Colombian jungle she remembers thorns and branches scratching her skin cutting and hurting her and after she was after she was harmed by this man hurt by this man that kidnapped her she was taken so far into the jungle and thrown down still with the hood on her head her hands tied most of her clothes torn off four-year-old child is left to die in the dangerous jungle of Colombia her first night she describes the best that she can remember as being absolute terror as you can imagine a four year old in the jungle the sounds at night the darkness came she managed to get free from the ropes she tells all of this in her best-selling book she gets free from the ropes she gets the hood off of her face and she's trembling crying out in the night the darkness for her mother and of course her mother never comes the next day she thinks surely somebody will come and rescue me but no one comes nightfall again terror terrorized by the sounds of the jungle the animals the monkeys that growls the strange noises the third day something phenomenal happened a troop of monkeys noticed her on the jungle ground under the bush that she was whimpering and crying under hungry thirsty and on the verge of death these monkeys out of curiosity surrounded her and they at first were a little hostile to her they kind of attacked her with hostility and and would hit her hair and run at her and bite their teeth but soon the curiosity left and they just began to treat her normal when they came miraculously they had some nuts and fruits that they left behind and she had just enough food to survive she said she'd the start she started to follow the monkeys and she began to exist by basically living a monkey-see monkey-do existence that she wants she tells in the book how she would she was so thirsty and she watched how it was a rain forest and and when the rain would fall they would take big leaves and they would catch the rain and and drink you know out of the out of the large leaf and little things like that the amazing thing is the three days turned into a week the week turned into a month and the month turned into ten years of living in a jungle in Colombia this is all verified and and and it's it's an amazing story in her book called a girl with no name and she said that she finally moved up into a canopy within the trees with the monkeys by the way she's still alive she lives in England she's 60 something years old and she said her favorite pastime is climbing trees with her granddaughters and she's very good at it and and can you imagine this grandmother and so she's in the trees and she's learning and she survived for ten years no conversation no parents no human contact something snapped in her brain at some point she forgot all of the memories of her mother and and in normal life as we would know it and now the new normal is she can't even speak in her language she has the language of the monkeys which is grunts and growls and hand motions that they uniquely understand she tells the story of how she survived by living in the jungle with the monkeys and one day something happened in the tenth year as she was in the tree she noticed something from a distance that was shining every once in a while she would move in the tree she would see on one of the paths in the jungle a shiny looking object and it and it piqued her curiosity so she goes down this trail and she looks and she picks this object up and she didn't know what it was she started turning it and like an animal would do she she did it you know just trying to discover what is this thing and when she held it up it terrified her she dropped it because she saw eyes looking back at her and she knew that it was alive and she scurried off and waited a moment cautiously approached again picked it up to discover that what she had found on the bottom of the floor of the jungle was a mirror and the eyes that she was looking at were her own eyes for the first time in her life she had never seen another human being she saw and had an awareness for the first time in her life I am NOT what they are I was not made to be what they are I don't know what I am yet but I just caught a glimpse of what I am and I know what I'm not and I know I don't know exactly who I am but I just caught a glimpse of the fact that the people I've been are the things I've been hanging around with that's not who I am it all happened with one encounter of a mirror in a jungle and with the mirrors she found in the jungle an awareness came I'm not like them the mirror showed her who he was supposed to be for the first time the mirror revealed to her that she was not like what she was running with and hanging out with she went back now with an awareness and she spent all of her time she went back with an awareness of the fact that she had been spending all of her time trying to be like them even though something inside of her said you were made for more than just monkey-see monkey-do she said I don't know what I am yet but I just got a glimpse of something I'm not and amazingly she wrote this book called the girl with no name she ends up being rescued because some months later a tribe of hunters came through it was her first chance for the first time she saw that's what I am I'm not this I'm dad she goes down introduces herself or she didn't really know how to communicate and they they knew something was wrong to make long story short they take her back she ends up she's married now she lives in England and recently National Geographic went back to the jungle with her and it was amazing experience but we all with open face beholding in a mirror the glory of God are changed into the same image what I'm preaching to you today is the most important thing you will ever encounter in your life is the Word of God because you can't we're living in a jungle and the jungle is saying monkey-see monkey-do that that this is how you're supposed to live you're supposed to hate if people hate you you're supposed to hit if people hit you you're supposed to give them as good as monkey-see monkey-do if you're single you just sleep around with everybody because that's what everybody else is doing and you live a life of monkey-see monkey-do or maybe you've got parents who couldn't hold their marriage together or a father who was an addict and the enemy said monkey-see monkey-do that's all you ever be but then you come to church and a preacher gets up and preaches and suddenly you get a glimpse that I am not who they a I am I am not made to be what they say I am made to be that's the power of God's Word that's the power of sitting in a room hearing the word while I preach you'll get glimpses and you may be in defeat and in brokenness right now but the Bible when you look into it will never show you an image of defeat depression discouragement and just give up you'll never be suicidal and pick this book up and go to church and hear a preacher preach and see back a reflection of yes you should kill yourself no you only see I know the plans I have for you plans are good and not evil to give you hope I've got a glimpse of a new you let's take a praise break and thank God for the service where I saw the light I found a mirror in the jungle yes I did I love the Word of God because the world says monkey-see monkey-do teenagers you know ever all your friends are doing it you do it all your friends do it so that's who you are but then I look into the word and the world says live like this look like this accept this be this but then the mirror of God's Word says there's a difference between the clean and the unclean there's a difference between the holy and the unholy there's a difference between the righteous and the unrighteous and I don't care what the other families are doing in my neighborhood I have an image of the family that God wants me to have and my job is to not play monkey see monkey do I'm saying to you today that God sees a new you and the mirror showed her who she was not see if you get into this book and you get in a church like this it will show you who you're not and it's not that you don't treat people nice that are that don't believe like you believe in stuff but you there's just some people that don't belong in your inner circle anymore because you know who you're not and then this but we'll show you who you are and it's so powerful that the word of God can be preached and everything changes the thing that blessed me about the story was when she looked at that mirror and caught a glimpse of who she really was and who she was not she was ruined to jungle life from that day forward even though she went back into the jungle and went back up in the tree she had an awareness I really don't belong here and I love the fact that the Word of God can so mess you up that you can you can come to a service like this and while the preacher is preaching God will show you who you were created to be born to be and you may not be completely free yet you may still have some monkey jungle stuff all over you but you go back and it's not you don't get the kick anymore you're still backing it up but it's just not the same it's just not the same because I'm not the same I feel like preaching if you'd help me just a little bit if you ever see Jesus he'll run you to the jungle like it's not I can't do this and I can't do that it's just a certain lifestyles I don't fit in anymore I've had the explosive power of a new affection you take a bucket of water there's two ways to get the water out of the bucket of water kick it over or take something heavy and drop it in and the explosive power of a new affection will cause all the stuff in there to slosh over the sides instead of trying to get your life together you just need to let Jesus drop into your soul and when he drops in all that other stuff not like him will slosh out take a praise break if you know what I'm talking about hallelujah turn to your neighbor and say you're ruined the jungle life you don't belong there anymore anybody know what I'm talking about if any man be in Christ he is a new creation the old things have passed away and all things have become brand-new and you may be sitting up in the tree still hanging out with some of the mess still got some of the residue of the past on you but you just keep coming to church like this and it's from glory under glory and the next thing you know the Holy Spirit will show you another thing and he'll say now let's deal with that and let's deal with that and let's deal with that and before you know it you'll be out of a tree rescue in other monkeys preaching better and y'all letting on right now come on man hallelujah I was made for more than addiction I was made for more than sexual sanction I was made for more than low living ayahs I was made in the image of God Almighty and when you look into this word you realize I am NOT a cosmic accident I am NOT some little pota pota plasm that was wiggling in a pre mortal suit and somehow I wiggled out of the water and grew knobs and started going around eating grass and then and then I evolved through climb a ssin to my hind legs because there was some fruit in trees and in my front legs shrunk a little bit and and now I got to eating and then I then I like the trees so much I climbed up in the trees and the Ice Age came and I grew a lot of hair and then I grew a tail because I stayed in the tree so long and then then all of that changed and the hair fell off and the tail fell off and Here I am from GU to you by way of the zoo it takes more faith to believe that that than it does to believe that in the beginning God created man in His image and breathed into man the breath of life and he became a living soul I know who I am I am a child of God somebody give him a shout of praise if you believe I don't have to snort it up my nose smoke it I don't have to drink it I don't have to look what like the world says I have to look to be who God's called me to be I found a mirror in my jungle and I figured out who I am the media can't tell me who I am Hollywood can't tell me who I am I know who I am our daughters don't need to define their beauty by what Vogue says an image of beauty is nothing against vote but I'm just telling you when I look into this book you'll see who you really are you'll see your fearfully and wonderfully made you'll see you are a person of divine destiny and purpose and you can't destroy this temple with suicide when you ever catch a glimpse of who you are because you see him in you when I see daughters that are so obsessed with what the world says monkey-see monkey-do that they have eating disorders and the world says to our sons be foul-mouthed and vulgar and filth in if you're a man you sleep with every girl you can before you're married that's monkey-see monkey-do business but when I look into this book it says that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and that God is looking for some men and some women who withstand in purity and say you know what it's not like it's something that I have to do it's not even an option for me because my life is his and I want to be like him and the more I look at him the more I want to be him hallelujah I'm saying to you today that we need to quit trying to keep up with everybody and be who God has called us to be you know that the first sin in the Bible was the result of an image issue six times it says in Genesis were made in the likeness of God but the serpent came into the garden with an image issue to put in the mind of Eve when he said if you eat this you will be like God it said six times you're already like God but he put in her mind a less-than image you're less than and the first sin was spawned from a less than image and the reason that that people don't be who God has called them to be is the enemy wants to put in us a less than image but you you sit in a church like this this is the powerful thing be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind and even when you don't feel like coming you get up out of that bed you get that family out of that bed you get them in here your family may be jacked up it may be tore up from the floor up you may be going through a season with teenagers and stuff but you March them right into the house of God and while you're preaching even though it's a mess in your house the Holy Spirit or say boom this is what I see I don't see a family of failures I don't see a family that's under a curse I see a family that is blessed and highly favored of God and when God gets through with us we'll look like what he said will look like I need you to praise Him if you believe it come on somebody every campus lift up a shout of pray I'm not I'm not going to let fall and culture tell me what a marriage looks like we're living in a crazy jungle that's redefining genders it's no longer even male and female we have redefined genders that's crazy who you should marry I'm not gonna let the world tell me that how to raise your children how a single person should conduct themselves I'm not going to look to the world and play monkey see monkey do I'm saying to you today that we live in a world and the Holy Spirit is saying if you look in this book every time that you look in this book it'll show you glimpses and I like what James said James said that anyone who opens up this book and is and hears the word but is not a doer of the word it's like someone who looks into a mirror and I'm paraphrasing it seems a flaw on your face or let's say like Brian said a few moments ago to somebody you got something on your nose the work that it would be a fool if I had something on my nose - look - look in this mirror and still just walked right out here with that big old thing on my nose I wouldn't do that and he said when you hear the word and you don't do the words you're like somebody who sees your own flow through the Word of God being priest I don't I don't just like sermons to bless me every once in a while I like it to blister me I like those messages when Pastor Brian gets every once in a while we don't need it all the time but every once in a while we need the word preach so strong that BAM oh my god I thought I was really good until he preached that sermon and then I found out I have a terrible attitude in that area I'm not BAM I'm treating my wife wrong husband's love your wives you you know I told them in the other service while ago I said before I got married I never had any relationship problems with anyone I was when I was single and never got in arguments with anybody when I got married BAM I saw sides of me I never knew oh please you bunch a holy rollin How Great Thou art my lord you get married come on you you you walk around debonair and everything sinks but when you get married every fall you have comes out come on look at your husband and sound no that's right and then when I mean obviously we're still working it out we've been together 30 years but but I found I found God uses marriage to show us okay now it's time to work on this now it's time to work on this now it's time to work on this and just when you think well praise God I'm holding out here comes children screaming babies we had five of them two years apart five like five little drunk midgets running around all the time screaming trying to have Church Charisse would come in on a Sunday morning with two in her arms and and diaper bags and I'm supposed to preach and she's mad throwing the diaper bag I to quit the ministry these children of yours are heathens and they drive me do something I'm supposed to preach I remember those days I see I saw Ben in the in the in the Ben Houston in the in the green room the other night he had all four of his children he and his wife and I just sit back on the couch and I just I just I just loved it I just because we act like when we come to church and the truth is it ain't no telling what's going on in the green room for that poor preacher and just when you think you got it together in parenting teenagers I found out I have anger in me I have frustration in me I want to kill one of on my one just keeps changing me I'm almost perfect though now that the grandchildren are showing up I don't think issues that they're there they're there spotless amen spotless lamb it's just it's just crazy I got to finish this sermon Ephesians 1:18 Paul says one glimpse if you can just get one glimpse it's men and women boys and girls teenagers listening to me at every campus and Hillsong channel wherever you're viewing this you don't even know who you are you're doing stuff just to try to be popular and hang out and hang and be who they say you are if you could just get one glimpse of who he sees you ask oh I can't believe I'm in Sydney preaching but but but but when I was just a teenager I started hearing sermons and getting glimpses of me up preaching and Here I am Paul said in Ephesians 1:18 that the understanding of your eyes being enlightened that you see the hope of your calling the riches of the glory of his inheritance close with the spunk but John first John three and two says this the mirror not only shows you who you're not it shows you who you are and lastly it shows you who you shall be for it does not yet appear what we shall be but when we see him as and that's our message singers worship team preachers pastors it's not that they see us but somewhere in our songs somewhere in our preach somewhere in our serving somewhere in parking cars somewhere in in small groups we've got if they can just catch a glimpse if they can see him it does not yet appear what they can be but when they see him they shall be like him and it's a magical mirror because when I look into the mirror and I hear sermons preached and the Holy Spirit blisters me and doesn't just bless me and says you need to change this about you it's not like me you're bitter you're angry you're unforgiving and I'm confronted but it's a magical mirror in that when I look and I see my own I see my own issue I see superimposed over my flaws the smiling face of Jesus looking back at me saying you can't fix it on your own but by my grace and by what I did at Calvary when I shed my blood on the cross if you would just let me I'll take every issue I'll wash it I'll cleanse it and once we get that taken care of I'll send you to another service and you're being changed from glory under glory under glory and when I get through with you you're going to look just like I look and we're going to meet in the clouds and go to heaven and be with the Lord forever if you're thankful for the mirror in your jungle I wish you'd give God a great praise right now hallelujah hallelujah let's stand to our feet and let's honor Jesus for just a moment and this is what I feel like saying that God sees something in you that you don't see in yourself the Holy Spirit is saying to many men and women listening to me in this place today and wherever you are at every campus I see a new you you see who you have been but I want to give you a new image a new view I want you to know you were made for more then monkey-see monkey-do life I have a purpose I have a plan I have a calling you feel you feel used you feel shameful after you run with that crowd and do what they do there's a better way to live and it's only found in Jesus and if you'll catch a glimpse of him this morning and allow Him he's going to shine his glory in you and everything in you that's not like him when he drops in it starts sloshing out you don't have to fix you don't get good to get God's you get God to get good you got it backwards you're trying to fix yourself and then come to Jesus it doesn't work that way let him drop in your soul and when he drops in you're so everything that's not like him starts lashing out sloshing out every head bowed every eye closed at every campus every believer whisper prayer right now I mean it I need your prayers right now every believer whisper prayer because there's people listening to me who hate themselves we had a youth conference last week and and they had thirteen thousand teenagers there and one of the speakers Reggie dabs gave an altar call and it was the one it was the strangest thing I've never seen anything like it he gave an altar call to teenagers and he said if you're suicidal come down and I thought ten maybe you know kid who's going to walk down an aisle and say I'm suicidal I've never seen anything like I'm not talking about a hundred I'm talking about hundreds of teenagers walking street tears streaming down their face saying I don't want to live anymore the enemy has so showed them that they're nobody and nothing and convinced them that because they have imperfections that they should just in their life it broke my heart but I promised the Lord in that moment that I will always do my best to reach people who maybe you feel overlooked and you feel like you're nobody or nothing I was that person and Jesus wants you to catch a glimpse cuz he sees you he sees you right where you are right now he knows how you feel he loves you he loves you oh yes he does now just bow your heads and I want every Christian to bring prayers under your breath if you're in this room right now you would say pastor Jensen if you're in any of our campuses and viewing by television I know I'm not right with God I've been living that monkey see monkey do life and it's left me so empty so broken there's got to be more even even in the night I wake up and that something says there's got to be more I want more today I want Jesus today I want life in life more abundantly would you pray for me I won't embarrass you won't humiliate you but I'm going to pray for you but he never comes where he's not invited so this is your chance to say I'm ready I see I've caught a glimpse of the man in the mirror of Jesus and I want to be like him pray for me if that's you boldly raise your hand I want to see it all over this ring that you raise it unashamed there's a hand there's a hand there's a hand beautiful raise it high in unashamed raise it high all over this room that's powerful that's powerful that's powerful at every campus with that hand there's no shame in it what you're doing is you're picking up the mirror from the from the jungle and you're saying Lord I'm ready to be what you made me to do every one of you that raised that hand just keep it up just another moment I want you to look around you and if you see someone in your section with their hand raised gently lay your hand on their shoulder right where you stand it at every campus just do it just look around you this is pretty powerful it's pretty powerful [Music] and we're going to pray this prayer together and then we're going to sing this song because it's so fit that you know that all the I love the verse to if you if you have half you have time and then that course hallelujah hallelujah my king and I'm believing that while we sing it you're going to get glimpses of your future of what you shall be maybe you're in a discouraging season but the enemy doesn't God doesn't want you to focus on what you see we won't by faith and he's going to show you success in the midst of defeat prosperity in the midst of lack healing in the midst of sickness that's how the word works you ready pray this prayer Lord Jesus I give you my life thank you for dying on the cross shedding precious blood I see you loving me taking my sin dying for me I see you raising from the dead I see you reaching with nail-scarred hands into my broken life and I see you now in me I receive you Jesus as my savior would you lift up the biggest roar of praise on a Sunday morning that you can [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh John [Music] [Music] a beautiful service hey all of you who raised your hand everywhere every campus obviously in location we run fire but we want to give you the awesome Bibles it's our the New Testament actually but it's it's really beautifully laid out and it's a free gift from our church be raise your hand someone may see you in the service and give you the Bible or please because of foyers everywhere where we meet there'll be someone there who can give you your Bible you'll be clear and holding them up we want you to be set up to win so come on let's give those people another great big congratulation and again faster Jenson thank you you always bring it always [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my mirror does a lot of banging as well such a simple illustration but you don't forget it is damn fantastic although usually I just hold the mirror up to Bobby like that so she can see I mean she didn't even get to church on time this morning I was at the 8 o'clock service we have a great night tonight not only was the Jensen preteen but they just reminded me Lauren Daigle is going to also be singing at least one song and being part of our our worship tonight as well she's unbelievable she's incredible that'll be a great night once again all across the church thank you so much we love you the second half of the year is going to be incredible or any couple of weeks now away from all the sunday night lives and we've got a whole lot coming up in the second half of this year forty years this weekend since my parents moved to Australia and what was then Eastern Suburbs Christian Life Center began in double bay later on in Darlinghurst now in Waterloo 1999 we took it over and it became Hillsong Church about 40 years of celebrating there in the city so everyone everywhere give our city campus oh great [Applause] and there's people there who have been there from day one still to this day which is incredible Bobby not count six months after the church started February 1978 they have a great week love is living the best for you so much told me actually the best is yet to come have a great day governor [Music] in our face nothing away not nice away happy he bears away and now walking [Music] in one [Music] [Music] man the away [Music] one [Music] [Music] [Music] be blessed
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 86,862
Rating: 4.8136067 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, church, Jentezen Franklin, praise, worship
Id: 8vx5tnH8_0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 25sec (5305 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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