Hillingdon Council Cross The Line! Security Goes Hands On & Regret It #audit #fail #owned #pinac

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hey folks it's a laughing order here and I'm in Hillingdon and I'm here to visit the Civic Center the Hillingdon Civic Center and [Music] and yeah we're gonna see how they get on if you find our way outside what is the main reception number one that's really a lot of numbers I'm sure I've got a few hours running this way we've got some staff entrance so yeah um I've been doing I've done a couple of coastal offices they're namely bottom wood um but I've also touched on Croydon where it's rain apparently bad for them it was really really bad and and so much so that it's it's picked my interest and I know going to be focusing my attention on some of these tone holes here Civic centers uh Council buildings Coastal hqs and whatnot and having a good nausea around and it's the other reaction man with a camera so guys if you enjoyed this video please like it feel free to share it don't forget pop down and hit that subscribe button I would really appreciate it and let's see if we get a live shot at us a lot today foreign s yes ma'am all right so I'm interested in the building my friend yeah an interesting place yeah all right depends on the people yeah the people make it interested more than anything yeah does that answer your question okay fair enough for that it's a massive complex I sent it I've been working for ages trying to find the main reception what do you do here yeah so what sort of stuff do you do here Far Over is that right okay it's massive though it's probably the biggest I've seen Maybe it depends it really really depends you know does it make any difference where's that my friend what's that do not all right question yeah I don't know what that is yeah I'm just interested in the local plate the local area can I get it you can give me a tour liter complex if you want you look very busy all right mate cheers that's a very nice sculpture yeah I'm just talking about it yeah put your hands on me again who'd you think yeah walk yourself don't ever put your hands on me again you just touched me you grabbed people again understand that don't ever put your hands on me walk outside next time you put your hands on me I'll use reasonable Force to defend myself yeah sir put your hands on a member of public again thank you sir just make that clear yeah so I'm gonna ask you one last time before I remove you're gonna remove me yes oh yeah yeah so you see you've got the gross to do that yeah you've got the authority to do that so make your way we're not blocking your eggs we're not blocking you no you're not just shut up man don't talk to me like that you just come up and you just grabbed hold of me difficult I just can't have a little look inside yeah okay no no he says don't go in there I'm not in there I'm here so know what you're going to do you gotta put your hands on me again exactly if that's what you want to do you can't understand what happens to people put their hands on me okay it's my first day uh it's not my first year I do this all the time my friends if you like to antagonize people that makes you feel better you grab my wrist you're going to see it never done it it got your attention though didn't it sir so what what you can break the law to get my attention is that how it works here well if I've learned to ask you to do something you understand I don't work for the council okay if I verbally ask you not to go in there it's a lesson to you but you understand that so I have to do my job not to make your way not touch up to you don't touch me that's the decision you want to make if that's the decision you want to make I'm not making a decision with me okay all right you've already grabbed two dots so you need to be very very careful how that goes down so you're causing them you're causing the alarm to the people you assaulted me so get out of this doorway no I'm asking you to leave from the building now no yeah your invitation to remain has been revoked so you're not going to see it's a public place you're not going to stay yes sir my friend I'm sorry we're gonna have to it's already assaulted me if I've asked you to leave and you refuse to leave well I'm only going to ask you a few times to make your way away from me because you are recording and that's not what I'm appreciated yeah I am recording already entered here without giving any any permission from me yeah no I don't need your information at all you're on this building huh do you own this building who owns a building who owns a building who owns the building there's a building who pays for the building you know I feel well who pays for the building the people pay for the building so therefore it's a public place therefore I'll go wherever I feel like I need to see the iPhone iPhone 12. grab that one the smaller one yeah is that well the problem is you've got a complex no sir because you got small fun you got complex because you got small fun is technology make you a better person no I'm just saying like you just went all the small ones you seemed a bit shy about it you seemed a bit shy about it so I thought you were embarrassed because you've got some more fun it's just the work phone yeah okay you've got to work phone yeah yeah okay yeah I don't know why you had to come out and grab me like that my friend I asked you were doing okay but you should I come up now and then you told me you're just gonna do it yeah you could have come up and engagement yeah the other one get the other one you could have come up and gave me a conversation but no you put your hands up it's fine it's fine because you know what's going to happen right I do this a lot in the country doing this yeah all right and the last person that done something to someone that you've done yeah and it's no actually no record okay and he's lost his job do you understand that all right that's what's coming your way because make no mistake about it I will pursue a criminal issue put my hand on you no no you grabbed all of my wrist you grabbed hold of my wrist okay you've already entered a restricted area I've told you I verbally informed you it and I asked you why as you said what's in it it's all in the recording actually what made it restricted you didn't answer me okay it was members of public stood in here the star never public sat over there so what you discriminating against me now is that what's happening it might be in the in that little uh North Face bag my absolute carry on oh you've messed up big time today I'm sure I have you have me I'm sure that's shocking yeah yeah we ran up and you grabbed all of my rest after telling you where you shouldn't go that's good I did my job no you don't know I'm happy no no you're security security yeah so what is your job observing report I'm not even that is your training your car because you're not very well I'm right I'm not entertaining yeah because you shook me I can see it in your face you're shook you know that you've messed up I'm not sure you are sick 100 yeah yeah so if you carry on with this line of questioning I'm just going to remove you from no you're not yeah no you're not you do that mate and I guarantee you won't call me mate yeah I will call you whatever I want public servant how about that what about you public servant when have I taken over it doesn't matter you're getting paid for it by the taxpayer are you not you you paid for the taxpayers pass correct yeah yeah for sure you're a joke no no you're doing okay mate you're escalation skills are something to be admired if I'm not following you anywhere this man's threatening me several times I want to see if you get a backbone to do it I want to see if you've got the balls to remove me from this building that you said you were going to do oh it's up when I step in and say you do is that a fruit yeah but you want to screw it up to me or something is that what you're asking what are you saying back mine go say something do something come on put your money well you just said it mate you just said you don't move you've said it so many times how many times have you said I'm going to the movie for the building you've not done nothing mate have you because you know you've messed up by putting your hands on me yes you have that's why you've not followed through with any of your lips any of your little threats because you're not going to Backbone for it pal yeah that's what it is so go on do something then yeah you asked me to move from there I moved here and you're still wishing out threats you're not gonna balls to follow through with so do something okay go back to work hello you come down to corporate let's call them back up ladies and gentlemen the big man's coming back up so come on in Bad Boy where's the uh that have moved me from the premises he says you're gonna do and you just don't talk and I'll fall off the alpha one oh fat no follow through Alpha One hold this position James if the gentleman crosses the line take him off he says you're going to move over here you're not done it yeah absolutely thin yeah he's a wet weight ladies and gentlemen I'll talk no action is that your YouTube friends you're talking about in yes none of your business power you'll find out soon enough don't you worry about that get your hand up my face man come on my face oh please excuse me please you've never had me on this either ahead now be careful what you're doing I'm not doing anyone you're the one that come up put your hands on me you're mug so when's your neck and get back to work yeah yeah I'm being offensive yeah okay I want a big man not doing nothing are you yeah I don't understand you sir yeah that's fine I don't understand you yeah I don't understand yeah not a problem you know be very careful yeah because um anti-scotch sentiment is protected characteristic mate so you could be you've already told me you don't like my face I don't like a fish I don't like his face no I'm racist is that what it is yeah I'm a racist you know my partners so yeah try that card go for it go for it my kids on Race mate so try that card go for it yeah absolutely never mind calling me racist what did I do to you the flavor that grows you get shot with a cross bro decided to walk in there anyway I had to just say something happily you grabbed hold of me yeah [Music] let's see if these people are going to engage in a civil normal conversation hello hi there how you doing okay yeah not too bad I'm not what I was saying I've been better but I'm not a tunic can I just ask that you just put that down without a courtesy when this gentleman assaulted me I'll cut seven out the window okay I was having a very polite conversation with him until he came out and put his hands on me that's when cutsy ended here and so therefore no I don't intend to extend any cut to say to you guys whatsoever and because this man has come up and assaulted me and then threatened me several times saying he's going to physically move from remove me from the building which I'm yet to see him do well so as far as my wheels gently yeah of course you can sure I've got a YouTube channel okay I'll travel up and down the country and I I visit um yeah of course soon as we're engaging in our normal conversation for once so I got them down the country and I film different local places different local areas kind of town sent us Civic centers and things like that and I document it from my viewers on my YouTube channel hence why I'm here today I've been walking around this uh pretty large facility and I decided to pop in to the section have a look around and that's pretty much why I'm here and what do you want to get from us I don't want anything from you guys I want it can be able to come in and do my thing unhindled it's a public place it's publicly funded building and we're with the Marines to come in here and have a look around and to do that unhindered of course I am yeah so so right then is your cancer official assortment in because you do realize I am going to be failing a criminal complaint against them for that it's completely um of course I do yeah and as I've brought them before the last time some of this happened okay if that's the case why is the doors wide open where does the sign to say that it's a restricted space yeah or anything like that okay so I walked to ask them they didn't tell me verbally it's on a film it's fine and I asked them several times what made it private and he went oh it's just opened I went up to the door I seen there was other people walking about in there they looked at members of the Republic to me so I decided to step three or four pieces and say they have to look at that sculpture that reserve on the left-hand side and that man came up and grabbed hold of my arm and so I made him aware that the last time something like that happened I had the person arrested I had the person charged and the person's now being convicted of a section four public order offense and he's now lost his job so that's what's going to happen to him something along those lines if I have my way because it's unacceptable pardon no it's too late for that it's too late for that if they'd come up to me there and engaged me in a civil conversation the way he did about this shut up man I'm not talking to you yeah be quiet go back to work the adults are talking yeah back to work it's not saying it's nothing I'll come up and assault one of you guys and see if you think it's okay I understand that you don't understand the guy came up put his hands on me man do I mean he grabbed hold of my rest he didn't even see enough and he just came out and grabbed hold of me I don't know who he thinks he is absolute joke so you're not showing your counseling very good like not at all and I'm absolutely raging as you can tell so that's the situation how can we help you you can give me a tour of the complex so I can't take you inside because obviously yeah she don't actually don't care but apart from that you just can leave me alone and let me go about making my video and I'll make sure yeah that's fine that's a public place why well because you wanted to film I am going to film yeah I've got a film and see the building and outside the building what difference does that make because because it you know want to know where where all this is going but we're definitely I'd want you to see if I'm going to put it on YouTube yeah it's probably going to be using evidence for that for a criminal investigation first and foremost and but I'm not going to say I'm going to put it up yet and but I don't see what difference it makes whether it's for my own personal use or whether it's for a YouTube channel although I'm going to put a beamer on our giant wedge screen in the middle of a 10 cent or somewhere it doesn't really make any difference okay so where where do you want to film whatever I can see yeah okay only your staff members with the party yeah but so what I would say is yeah I'm sure you're gonna win come on I'll show you right I won't go back in right I'll actually show you so I'm not gonna go step aside please can you ask him oversee please just so I can show you where it was I'm not gonna I'm not I'm not gonna go in stop there that's what I was roughly about there yeah and I was looking at that there and I was looking to see who the cabinet members were and the man's come up behind me without seeing a girl I pulled off my restaurant no what happens is trespass is when you enter in an area that's restricted for trespass you have to be given the opportunity to leave if you're on free will yeah I wasn't given that opportunity and that's what he's messed up but he came up and grabbed hold off my straight away he can warn me all at once it's not trespassing stuff until I cross enter there if I cross enter there then he's got to give me the opportunity to leave off my own free will if I don't do that then yes reasonable force can be used to eject me okay the mistake he made is he didn't give me the opportunity to leave off my free will he came up and grabbed hold of me straight away the minute I trespassed under that that so-called private section area the point stolen is my friend okay it's not trespassing until you trespass okay and then for trespass to be trespassed from an area that's private you have to begin an opportunity to leave if you're on Free Will I wasn't given that opportunity he came up straight away so that's what he's that's what he's made of criminal offense he's not he's not um give me the opportunity to leave that that area and that's what it says Timothy come up sport to make it we speak to your phone at that desk and if he'd come up spoke to me that desk uh spoke to me there the way he spoke to me that desk they wouldn't have had an issue and I probably left I was just going to look at that sculpture get an image of that and then it'll come back out but unfortunately you're going to do a slight miles and I see scottied off and he's not willing to stay here and be held accountable for these for these actions so advice I just thought it was better than himself if you want to film within what's his name that doesn't matter when I make the police complaint it'd be easier if I'm able to identify them otherwise the police will probably have to come here it's not a problem not an issue but what I'm saying is is then the police will come down here and they identify him here which would be rather embarrassing for the council but then again we'll then explain outside to the story after that so no problem no no use don't explain nothing he's uh independently going to be held criminal account it's not the Harlingen Council that's going to be held criminal account I vote for him so Huber called in for questioning 100 it's not my first audio I know that you know so anyway if you'd like to do your filming because we've all got jobs to do players are paying our weight 100 yeah [Music] straight away it's nice not acceptable yeah you know this can we just move though away [Music] she's sorry can I ask you a question you seem to have an issue with staff members being caught on film why is that I suppose okay yeah but I'm not going to give you false information I'm not going to tell you it's not going to go up when it does go up and I'm not going to tell you it is going to go up on YouTube if it's not going to go up YouTube I don't want any inadvertently mislead you I can't believe you've just picked up on that seriously yeah I did because you need to be very careful let me just stop you right there and so you do know first and foremost you you do know disabilities are protected characteristic okay so be very careful um because we are venturing on that sort of line of discrimination discrimination is disability is a protective characteristic and I'd advise you not to pick up on that please cheers your de-escalation is pretty good you know yeah you know you know that's why keep keep turning now how long did you do the doors for four years now four years yeah Central London little boats yeah all right okay yeah did you enjoy it investing some stuff there carry on yeah your de-escalations skills are really good a lot better your colleague who's taking the best songs like shooting fish in that barrel with that guy's easy to pick off yeah that's something yeah you enjoy your baby yeah take it easy listen yeah foreign s there's no one here downstairs are closed an empty security help foreign [Music] of those guys yes mate you're right come back here in Chicago on a phone call would you get a walk from it just outside there no your man's just taking a picture of me so I need to know where I can access my copy of it under gdpr right could you just give me a second no not a problem hello is our personal phone is that what fun no problem industrial thing and I just need to know where I can get my copy of those pictures mate under gdpr you'll be asking the client for that who's the client the council yeah not a problem you having a good day yeah yeah how about yourself I'm having a great day yeah it's great fun being called a racist and clearly you know nothing about me I said I don't like his face I don't like his face and then all of those so if I say like your shoes so I don't like your shoes don't make me racist as well I don't need to make up for anything but you don't know me my friend so what you've done is you've recently profiled me my friend because I'm white that's what's happened so I think you're the racist one so if if I'm a racist what does that mean about my kids then huh my reaches to my children is that what that means my next race children oh okay I can 100 yeah 100 my race is to my partner is to my partner Emma I don't know if you have that I do have a partner yeah you made a video yeah you know what it is it's like fishing on a barrel mate it's an easy catch [Music] really I never attended everything all right going to the big man at him we found ourselves all right little Tyrant here with a big old eagle let's go pardon before you can understand me [Music] I've always had the mask on you couldn't understand me hello you seem to understand me now was it funny that on it maybe it's because I'm Scottish you think is it yeah I hate buying the mask who's it is it okay do you know me yes establish it you didn't know me you sound more ironic by the second you know that you can't help yourself the Eagles your Eagles over-inflated yeah and what I expect not to be assaulted do you want to know where you went wrong no because you don't know your ego's out of control that's a problem are your ego's gone rather than flaky but what's going to happen is it's fine because when the thousands of thousands of people watch this you're gonna get brought down here they fall thank you very much [Music] great brilliant have a nice day she's taking my picture as well geez what's going on with the gdpr here I just need to know where I can get my crop arrows images from under gdpr which I'm legally obliged to have that side I would have to find out we're gonna have to find out because if not you could not be gdpr compliant and I will report you to Ico as well for that yeah okay yeah 100 yeah that's not a problem not a problem plays a long game my friend masterless I plays a long game so it's not an issue I think you can put a requested on oh okay yeah I'm asking where I make the request for my images you get me the exact details of that please on the question thanks oh look at all those phone numbers and names there companies to work for yeah I'm recording evidence of a data breach so the private details shouldn't be on public display Social Services you get from Social Services that's awesome because I'm recording evidence of a data breach so you know gdpr yeah organizations are obligated to protect people's information okay it's not it's open for members of the public to to view so my friend I've just recorded evidence of a data breach you know how 72 days uh 72 of us from when I'm notifying you to inform the Ico and I'll check in because you've left this signing back it's got like on people's phone numbers that should be put away my friend that shouldn't be left out for public here it was passed to each person when they come to it it was just Leicester the lady just signed it just left it I should have just been left taken it's cheap there's more details left out there my friend Escape numbers mobile what numbers and names that stuff needs to be put away why is that been left out I thought you were good at your job and I've got all those details on the desk there and then there's the public Wi-Fi password [Music] and then we've got some more on the back of that signers I know that's the public numbers yeah yeah that's fine as a council yeah nothing good for gdpr today is it is it not no it's not and is that a good day for you pardon would that make it a good day for you it's not a good day for me my friend no it's definitely not a good day for the residents of um um Collington yeah the information has been left like that it's putting them at serious risk of stuff like fraud and whatnot sometimes personal things have you seen people residents oh so you have seen phone numbers signatures pardon the people are telling me I don't know if they're resonance or not makes no difference if our visits to hellington or not we should Sia license yeah first one public display at all times criminal offense not to display another is it yes six months in prison unlimited thing did you know that thank you so much oh that's convenient no it's not a public display my friend I'll put it on give me a sec put it on make sure you complaint with Allah give me a second yeah not be good if you could send in the neck for six months my friend this is our operation it'll run in here guys the people's information lineup have you ever got security worker about without their um sias on display [Music] and I found it yet no yeah all the information it depends on what way you want to go and what you want to contact us as well let's go to hinden.gov.uk and then just type and search well what you would like to do think about information okay all right are you security here no no no so I'm cold talk later okay so why did you get dragged into this oh I just have it because they've called us down because with the door situation and what's going on but if you need any to go look about and then I can show you um doors are closed yeah okay so I thought there was like where's the registry office in that then yes downstairs main reception there you've got housing downstairs you need book appointments for that then yeah especially yeah okay fair enough how big it is do you only have like one Council Office in Hillingdon then is that this is the main Center the main center right okay yeah your security mind's not wearing his siamit and that's a criminal offense you know that see the blue badges I will criminal offense not to have them on public display at all time you could get six months in prison and did fine if I'm not wearing that and if you'd really have that on his person at all times and he's not had it on one since I've been here no it's not looking good for Hillingdon today I tend to get this revoked there we go not that difficult is it [Music] yeah I got our own film awesome and his name badge [Music] I wonder what happens yes I wonder if he'd lose his job who's talking to you man can't help himself this guy you can't help himself is that a control you stupid little eating [Music] is she the boss he's a Trouble Man what's the latest for eign what's wrong with it all on the same side yeah yeah you tried you saying it I mean yeah being reset the company needs to come out is that right okay all right lads I appreciate you to remaining professional if he's your boss you've made an embarrassment of them what do you think geez hellington causal not acceptable not good at all they're not done well not sure the light it's everything good late and they were going about both of them and the security officer and the uh the lady using the phones to take pictures of me not an issue but I just want to know where I would go should I request a copy of that and the code is frantically looking up before and he was actually okay if he's desperately trying to look it up and he couldn't find it and um and yeah I just as I said I'll check the website Freedom of Information request um and yeah we'll take it from now but I'm not done well guys putting his hands a member of the public personal information lying about everywhere back up pgtp I have a used some of your one-liners made in relation to capturing evidence of a data breach and I was aware that you used to sit up but a lot of videos in the latest couple of our videos have said that I should start saying that so that's that what do you think guys crazy there's definitely mileage in these Civic offices and Commercial hqs and whatnot because they think they can just put their hands on members of the public so I'm going to leave it at that if you've enjoyed this video guys please like it feel free to share it don't forget pop down hit that subscribe button and uh and yeah let me know what you think of that guy call me a racist so she didn't lick his face it was the only Asian person that does he was the only person to death look at the difference what his race was and I said if it was white black brown green orange I do not discriminate guys if you're going to put your hands on assault me I'm going to tell you that I don't like your face it's as simple as that so be interesting anyway guys I'm gonna move on until next time stay safe bye-bye
Channel: The Laughing Auditor
Views: 72,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: --aGx_pohZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 53sec (2393 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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