More Loonies From Lewisham Council - Fake Hard Man Gets Put in His Place #audit #fail #london

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but don't you ask people concern first before you record them or not not not in public no can you not film me please I can film whatever I can see feel like I'm stuck on repeating here [Music] I up your I guarantee you won't and I guarantee if you do that you regret it she don't feel comfortable being she needs to move away then and not she needs to move away I wasn't concentrating on she came out the M I never came right at her at there was a whole barrier between us I was walking this way I was standing over there and minding my own business bro and she shouted at me from over there who you tring to shut up why don't you shut up let you talk to members of the public tax paying members of the public absolute disgrace telling people to shut up and all that she didn't open her big mouth and Lear to shut up herself she would have been on camera in the first place this guy still as well right bro I am recording M yeah your chers are really we my friend you shouldn't do that before I my concer what are you doing with this it's what I do I got recording places my but should let people know that you are recording them I did to tell you you asked me and I told you you didn't tell me you already recording me before you you said are you recording me and I went yes yeah see you later you should let me know before you doing that but I told you when you asked it's when I approach you let me know that yeah but how let how am I supposed to know you when I'm coming you say ah me I'm recording if you want to show there it's up to me I'm not going to shout at you from all the way up there no you could asking as soon I down you walked down and you asked me and I told you yeah see you later mate bye absolute [ __ ] what did you just say what what did you say told you [ __ ] I didn't hear you what did you just say what what did you just say I don't share it people I'm not shouting at you are you recording me I said you could have let me know yeah that is my right and I did tell you no no no no my friend you walked down here and you asked me when you were stood right there yeah and I said yes I'm recording you I could have I could I could have turned he says no I'm not recording you how about I'm not well there you go then so you can see I'm recording you you're [ __ ] you you said how am I supposed to know and then You' just said oh I can see you're recording me so you open your mouth and call me [ __ ] yeah cuz you're saying stupid things what the stupid thing did I said to you you just said you just said you my intelligence my friend because you walked down and you said how am I supposed to know that you're recording me any way insulted and I said you insult my intelligence because I said what if I didn't tell you what if I said I wasn't recording and then you said because I can see you recording so you knew I was recording you you opened your mouth to begin with you call me Mor what did I say to insulted you you didn't say again you're insulting my intelligence because you're asking moronic questions you ask what what is the wrong question ask are you recording me you came down you and then you started running your mouth and then you started running your mouth you should have told me you should have told me and I told you I don't have your right to talk no listen what I said was you're not even listening to me you need to Wi your me in way did I yeah what are you going to do veryy what are you going to do say than that yeah exactly going do nothing M so don't St don't startop handing out threats big man CU it's not going to go your way I guarantee you that don't start handing out threats don't start handing out threats me cuz you won't like that happen I guarantee that pal all right you want to come down acting a big man you see what happens yeah you have a good day pal lucky day you're walking away yeah do something then big man do something then do something then I'm still to your big man you're not going to do nothing your m w wees we'll see you later you're absolute mug yeah you're walking away big man Big Mouth want to start threatening people you can't he back up you're absolute sausage still stood here yeah folks it's a l order here and I'm coming to you from this location I'm at lawence house in Lu well it's hatford um but it's Castle H Sho I've just come across the road from the old town hall and Civic office and uh and yeah that was a battle of laugh so I thought I'd get across here and and have a real look around and take it from there so in the meantime guys if you enjoy this video please like it feel free to share it and don't forget to pop down hit that subscribe button I would really appreciate it and we'll certainly see we're going to laugh at Alan Council today we've had a few laughs so far um but yeah let's get into it let's see what they got going on in here welcome to L customer service center where the customer service is lacking jeez a dump in there they got wheie been in there what got really been in there [Music] for JE that stinks face masks are acquired and all enclosed communal areas lifts are enclosed corridors now to be fair the other Security man that I was speaking to at the other building when he asked me to move it he listened to my reason and he said that was fine I shouldn't have to tell him that in the first place but I do to alleviate those concerns and and yeah and just a point out after this ladies and gentlemen I'm stood this side the pathway which is here so one can make up fibs and say that I'm blocking people coming and going from the building which happens unfortunately if I me um it's just a small issue that I have to deal with but I have to do with it nonetheless and as you seen from the other Council building yeah have to lie com video people like that you know bro yes I can that's against that's against people privacy you know bro I'm in public my friend huh I'm in public you're in the public it doesn't matter you're videoing us what you doing what you what you doing I wasn't videoing you you came out no no no you're not supposed to do it you got women passing here bro right are you coming here videoing people like that I can film whever I want my friend no no no no no no no you don't work that why are you so angry yeah go back in Big Man calm down man relax yourself relax yourself just wind your neck in man behave yourself what you saying mate what are you filming just filming whatever I can see my friend it's what I do oh okay yeah it's my thing it's what I do all right brother have a nice day bye-bye jeez a big man came out 100 m hour all guns blazing blood CLW jeez oh he call have to pull on back in guy's putting his jacket over his head it's one way to deal with [Music] it yeah I don't know what he's filming for come hey excuse me I don't want to be on camera can you delete that please I'm not going to delete it mate now I don't want to be on camera what are you doing that's what I do in my friend I go about filming places what you say I go about filming places if you just ignore me and what ped you probably have made the Final Cut shut the [ __ ] up man I don't need to swear at me man I'm trying to be several with you hey bro bro stop talking no you stop talking yeah I'm yeah remember you work for the council mate okay you're accountable so behave yourself all right not going to come out with a big man thing and trying to intimidate me it's not going to not going to happen pal not today yeah exactly carry on man what's going on oh I've got a YouTube channel on YouTube well I don't know do you want to be on it what's the channel oh I can't tell you that my friend but you'll find it l Council today it won't be it won't be up today maybe what day on Friday maybe Saturday or Sunday probably all right bro respect have a good day man comes out a big man talk earlier try to give it do you know what I mean who's the things he's talking to his gamy leg I just kick his other leg and he's screwed didn't he l [Music] have a nice day bro yeah you went quiet all of a sudden funny that a it carboard C melt not m not got car fil his car as well ladies and gentlemen jeez L some ccel get it such a good source of content today jeez I didn't know it was such a rich vein of uh interactions ladies and gentlemen who do you know are you filming I am yes are you waiting for someone not particularly no just doing my nosy huh just being nosy oh you all right yeah don't let me stop you you're all right what a lovely smile thank you so much have a lovely day thank you bye-bye bye I prefer reactions like that than uh that fake mil with the crutches that came out guys he's going to be livid when he sees this and he sees how much of a sausage he is he thought he was about to boss that situation that was a funny thing when he went be quiet whatever he said until he was finally put right in his I watch my language please he gone in his car I got his r as well cardboard cut it I knew that was going to the last day what you recording sir just wherever I can see my love oh what's the interest in leip C Department I'm just really really nosy that's all it is nothing more to than that why you don't go to the F Oh you mean in nosy in a particular Department no not in a particular Department no not just it's it's Lam Council you know it's an interesting place so why not come and film it for a little bit have a lovely weekend take care bye-bye what a nice lady she SE on that a big smile in her face completely beused but I'll take I you got to take the small victories guys like get too much animosity when you're out here doing this when you're on the road you can stand on there ah it's open to the public my friend it's publicly accessible this is not Public Access is publicly accessible on there that's but not in there it's publicly accessible but you can't keeping SE 33 of the criminal justice act 1972 you you can't tells you what a public place is you can't you can't go to the window of an office I of course I can you can you can stand there that's fine my friend I've been doing it for a long time now so I know I can right I I know I know you know what you're doing but going in if you know from there that's not that's not good yeah but that's why they need to close the blinds that's why I told her close the blinds you can stand up there no I'll Stand wherever I want my friend you don't get to tell me what to do I can tell you no you can't you can tell me I don't need to listen there we go small victory easy as that that's how you close a b he was a guy from the other one he's taking his jacket off and that that dreadlock guy had a cheat to tell me that um that that wasn't C what a load of nonsense and dils coming out with lying all over the place but yeah I think I'm going to do this in two videos guys I think I am going to do this in two because I just saw much to get in I've got over about an hour and a half worth of footage over an hour and a half worth of valuable internet for you lovely people to watch and and react to and tell us what you think of leam council and an employees telling people to shut up coming out with their crutches thinking they big some sort of hard man and then get put in their little box and told they jog back on it's uh you can let me know what you think of that and the police where have they gone still no police here as I suspected It's usually the way but definitely back with a bang guys as I thought it would be the video that went up prior to this the one um in was it Fleetwood that was actually um a video that was recorded months ago that was um that was done last year actually I believe if I can remember correctly and um I had posted it to the members and I decided to take down the payor and let everyone see it because there is a few rumors going about saying that I was banned from posting content and all this absolute Dil it's nonsense um uh people saying that I've been on a on a ban or it's just Absolut Preposterous so yeah it's just as I say I was away for a few weeks I had other things going on I w't elaborate too much as to what they were and but I was a very busy man I still am um but my calendar and diary is opening up a bit more which is given me one day this week it's Friday um so I've liter had one day this week to get out and do a little bit of filming but by the time I got out it was back of one uh so I've literally come to this one location because it is a massive one I knew there was like three three buildings that I could come and have a right good Snoop about and uh and get a pretty decent video um and yeah so that was that so I am going to walk back around to the front I am going to see what's what around there and uh and then I might wrap this one up she moving out she waving up got all jumped up one of be jeez get this wind hopefully oh that was that okay [Music] you thought we' been clever thought you been very clever not today all right folks I'm leaving it now call it quits that has been uh Lauren's house lambi counil guys unbelievable shocky SE SE from U members of Staff here don't need to learn to behave themselves and wind the next um yeah I'm leaving it there guys that has been as I say say lamb of council um L council at Lauren's house not good not good at all if you've enjoyed this video guys please like it feel free to share it don't forget to PO down H that subscribe button I would really appreciate it and uh and yeah I'll see you all very soon take care bye-bye
Channel: The Laughing Auditor
Views: 35,904
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Id: onG5FwyATr0
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Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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