Do You Work Here Or Are You Visiting Or Something? 🤔🎥🛸👮‍♂️👮‍♂️❌

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H that how doing yeah good thanks okay do do you work here or are you visiting or something visiting okay are are you booked in for a visit or something any reason why you're asking uh I just saw he's taking some photographs that's all so welcome back to the channel guys today we're here in immingham taking a look at killing home power station uni it says on the sign uni PA main entrance down there and the pipelines office to the left okay we'll have to have a look at that with the Drone when we get it up and then down in this direction we have the Gat house where I presume security are sitting watching the CCTV screens right now just down there got a plaque under the tree are we going to be able to read that this cedar tree so I'm going to let security know that we're here making an innocent video outside I'm going to fly the drone over nothing to worry about and then we'll return back to the the public foot path outside hi mate I'm just going to be outside just where the the crossing is over there just making a little video about at the power station just in case anyone reports me out there okay the Drone will go over for about 10 minutes just to get the aerial footage then I'll be gone all right have you got permission to do that or do you just just ask and there you where that you're coming no I'm just f pop my head in and let you know the airspace is clear yeah so permission is not needed good job it's not an emergency e yeah good job control room to security well this is embarrassing for you a it big time surely someone's got to be what's up you able to give us a phone call yeah hey Andy um I've got a gentleman in the gate house that wants to make a video on the entrance and get a drone up at the top is that right I can pass you over if you want is there a loud speaker uh I don't know you do that just so we can both hear it you know touch screen hello hello mate we can both hear you now ah excellent so sorry who where were you from sorry I'm not from anywhere I'm just remember of the public and I'm just going to make a video from the outside fly the drone over just for so media I find the place quite interesting um with with things like this normally um we have to go through our um our sort of legal team if there's any videoing of of our site um we've had it we had it recently so I know it's sort of Hot Topic at the minute um what involving a member of the public that's making a video from the outside um would you would you be videoing our uh site yeah just get a a shot from above with the Drone a bit like Google Maps have already done right okay can can I put your out for a sec sure right yeah sure okay cheers I just didn't want anyone reporting me outside you know what I mean and then it's we've had people come in but then they've also had people drones recording it and then sometime later breaking in so don't really want happening what's what have they seen with the Drone that they can't see from Google Maps though I I because in my eyes it's just the same in it depending on how close you go with the Drone I can I'll be above roof height I'm not going to go St going looking in Windows all right like that I'm just trying to be polite here yeah cuz it could waste your time you know somebody reports suspicious man and you have to walk all the way out or even ring the police it's just wasting people people's time yeah so I thought I'd come in and just be open and honest yeah if I don't mention it to someone I say I say you get on with it it's my job on the is it right okay yeah you got a car up there at the entrance no it's my bike can you see my bike from there I wouldn't expect him to be this long how does this place work anyway runs on gas airones gas yeah and can you see the um anything from outside or is it all inclosed all inside mainly is it got pipes coming straight in yeah underground what the gas coming in yeah right and then straight out to the grid yeah right hello hello right I'm I'm coming to the gate house just to um just to discuss if that's all right yeah sure sure I'll be there in a second well give us a few minutes yeah sure no problem I pass the phone back all right Cheers Cheers Andre yeah like say we had one not long ago we trying to do the same thing in the Bas that he wasn't alarmed so we didn't do it no I know I know it's a bit hard maybe he had a heavier drone I'll get my drone out so cuz with this type of drone heavier drones you might need permission but with mine it's so small you don't need permission it's uh there's no minimum distances to buildings or people like 240 9 G yeah I'll get it out so Andy can see it appreciate you asking you could have been up there done it w even there yeah but like I say there's a risk then of people's time being wasted and alarm Bells yeah being raised you know yeah sometimes you do it and the police get called and it's just such a waste of time everyone's time you do all over the UK that just like local area well I'm spreading out yeah I'm spreading out so this is uh couple of hours from where I I live good but started down at the um the docks just down there where they bring all the cars in all the Volvos but from above you know with the Drone it makes interesting footage which you put on on YouTube and Facebook and Tik Tok and they all pay you money yeah so that's to you that's one of the reasons Financial incentive yeah doesn't look very busy here uh it's running out of Christmas right there's also a course on today upstairs like major boss one so it's pretty quiet look at themselves to themselves do you know the figures how much it's producing I think profit last year was something like six billion six billion yeah wow I don't know what this sh is yet they hav come out with the Fig I don't think yet I can imagine it being more or less the same if not more and the more they make the more you get no unfortunately I'm the very bottom of the ladder you don't even get a box of chocolates for Christmas all right no no deare yeah yeah but yeah these places attract um protesters as well don't they does this particular site I'm not have one yet but the uh sistering company did all right and they had to get the police and dogs get them off oh they they entered site yeah oh dear yeah very well this is da all right okay oh yeah how you doing I've got the drone at the bag just so you can see it it's one of these lightweight ones so there is no minimum distances that you need to keep um unfortunately we can't allow um yeah Drone footage of of of the site um yeah we'd have to put it for all a legal legal team right but even a member of the public doing it from the outside like me I believe so yeah um we have had um footage taken off site through a contract and I know there's been a lot of legal to and Thro yeah that we that we've actually organized for sight so I think I think any any footage um yeah don't could I take your name in to to get back to you on on on this matter needed well like I said to security I've traveled 2 hours to do this video and the law allows me to do it so I was only just coming in to be polite to him say I didn't want your time being wasted somebody spot somebody out there filming and flying a drone and he's like all panicking what's going on what's going on so I thought I'd just pop my head in and let you know I wasn't asking for permission I was just letting you know that I'm going to do it well all say is you know yeah why not we can't allow we'll obviously have to pass it on so if it is on social media yeah you know we we're not experts in the field um yeah I can show you the law to show you that the law allows it your policy might be that you you don't want it to happen me members of staff and contractors can't use drones maybe that's what you're saying but you can't really inflict that on the public outside can you I don't know I'm I'm not I'm not into media it's not my it's not my area I mean I wasen expecting this I was just coming to so I don't waste his time yeah yeah we could take your name and um what for though it don't change no does it well I think we're going to have to part ways here on a disagreement where you don't want me to do it but I've carried on yeah I don't know what I I don't know the law obviously if you're you probably never I know but share no no it won't make a difference I I don't know the law you you might be well within your right all I say is it's because of the weight the weight of the Drone allows it if it's heavier than 249 then you have to keep 150 M away from commercial that's what this this class has commercial building but because it's lighter there is no minimum distance this be clust as a commercial building an industrial building with HV power lines all around which could quite cause uh I think National Grid would be too too happy on the civil aviation Authority website there's a section now this is what all drone users have to abide by the Drone code when you get down this this is talking about distances and there's the keep 150 M away from all those recreational commercial industrial sites but then unless it's a small drone below 250 and if it's below 250 you can it says um you can fly small drones and model aircraft that are lighter than 250 at all these sites here um factories docks rail where none of them yes there's no power stations there industrial site basically anywhere apart from an airport or prison so that's the law they control the airspace I'm just reassuring you here that there's nothing illegal going on and then there's a there's an app called drone assist that we all use it shows you where you are at the moment it says it's yellow so it's a little bit of a a hazard a ground hazard so you just got to be careful don't get too low but you can certainly fly over it and take some imagery which it's all I want to do and you can see it there a lot yeah I'm just going to get an upto-date version of that and talk over it really they want to hear my comments on what I can see and wow you know all the the emotions that I have when I'm flying it I'm not going to say it's boring I'm I'm going to say it's a very interesting place that I found today and I'm just going to show people what I found I think all we can do is advise you not to do it yeah if you obviously if if we'll left if you because we don't know the we we don't know the policies and things We'll advise you not to do it if you do it then obviously it's if you know it's legal and there's nothing to worry about but we will have to report it and it'll be we have we will have to report so well now I know that now I know that I'll wait so once I've finished the video I won't just leave like I normally do I'll wait around and maybe if you get a reply say are you attending if you call the police is that the the police you're going to call maybe I haven't uh I'm going to inform my superiors first and then we'll we'll go what I'll do then when I finished I'll come back here and I'll ask the gentleman if he wants me to wait around for the police cuz you ask me for the details I can give that to the police obviously I can't give them to you I don't know who you are don't know who you're going to give that to you know so that's where we'll leave it then guys yeah on a a civil note we live on civil not yeah we'll we'll report this now and yeah yeah I'll be back then to see if you want me to wait around once I've finished all right did um is that your bike there my what is that your bike yes yeah the orange bike yeah I'm just going to return outside the main gates do it from out there cuz when I'm on public land I've uh got the rights did your bike here then sorry did your bike here yes yeah I'm in the area today there's a lot of interesting places around here not just you I thought I said you traveled two and a half hours 2 and 1 half hours from Leicester to here part car up down the road I started off with the docks you know killing home docks where they bring all the cars off the boats right that was amazing to see and now it's this place then you've got some more places down there to see so I'm not just targeting you I'm just making content for YouTube and it all pays money yeah we don't have the policy um it'll it'll be our legal team that you know if if if there's any breaches or anything obviously they'll they'll be in contact yeah yeah there's nothing illegal to team can do cuz we're playing within the boundaries of the law okay yeah we yeah before you we'll um yeah I'll come and see you in a bit mate thank you take yeah right then let's get back outside and get David up hi yeah and see what this place looks like from a B so as always we've checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area all we have is a ground hazard in yellow that does not restrict a flight does means you have to stay a little bit higher than you normally would which we do anyway so killing home power station let's have a look at you then shall we so there's the main entrance and they're making it look very nice aren't they very well landscaped across this Frontage the security gate house just down there security was absolutely fine wasn't he the two staff were okay but they're say look we still don't want you to do it well sorry guys but I haven't traveled 2 hours showed you all the law to not fly the Drone so very very empty car park 2 4 6 8 10 maybe 15 Vehicles Max there but the main guts of the place is down here isn't it so let's get right over and have a look bit of a a balancing Pond down there couple of silos and then we have the main switch down here here where they're pumping the electricity onto the National Grid and you heard how much money they make gas comes in electric comes out let's do a bit of a perimeter fly around so down in this bit we've got some chimneys I presume the turbine is in that bit at the back and the electric is transported over in this direction into here and onto the grid so they do have another entrance and that road takes you down there across here to a new section at the back look at all that and then we have all this spare land below us which is all part of the same site and then we get a view from the other side awesome is it but we're staying well away from the pylons staying well away from all the electrical main bits down here and just doing the perimeter stay nice and safe we'll just have a quick look at this balancing Pond does it have a ramp into it as well how unusual is that a ramp going straight into the water we got any fish something seems to be moving no no fish today and then this road leads up to the tan Styles where we went in to Security in the gate house just here so that was killing home power station something that you don't get to see every day turns gas into electricity let's get the whole sight in one shot do a 360° photo for Google Maps and nip back to security to tell him that we're finished so there we have it the whole site in one shot that was just about to nip into security and the police are already here how we doing yeah good thanks okay do you work here or are you visiting or something visiting okay are are you booked in for a visit or something any reason why you asking uh I just saw he's taking some photographs that's all obviously we're out here on a patrol of all the various facilities around here so right okay um I've already been in spoke to security okay I've then been out and done my activity okay now I'm coming in as agreed to security to tell them that I'm leaving does that explain when when you say you've been in have have you like been beyond beyond the sort of barries and Gates as a visitor as like a registered visitor or something no I've been where security are happy me happy for me to go okay all right there's no complaints um in terms of where I've been but there is some sort of dispute on whether I'm allowed to do what I'm here to do they have called well I was just have you called the police yet mate no they haven't they've not called you anyway so you're not needed they are on the way down what the police or your staff our staff okay I'm just telling the um the officers that I've been to speak to you yeah I've returned to the public foot path done what I've needed to do and I've agreed that I'm going to come back and tell you when I'm leaving is that right so so you've just you've just done that off your own back out of courtesy just like these guys know that you're going to go now do you want a vouch for me he did say that yeah he's been I'm far as I'm where he's been filming outside our gate yeah so but but not not within the ground yeah he's been over with the Drone can we ask what you filming for is is it is it for for a particular reason sir or it's I put it on social media and get it monetized okay so you make some money from filming interesting places from the ground and from above okay can I I pay to sign or I mean this is not something a site that weing what what is the site it's a power station okay so this a power station yeah I are you are you some kind of I don't know what the fuel is or what are you some kind of like environmentalist or activist in any way shape or form something that's opposed to these guys or I don't know if I'm opposed or supportive it's irrelevant I'm just outside filming yeah well it's just just my piece of mind that's all just just one of me normally you see these activist in group ask your name you can ask yeah if I'm if I'm obliged to give it to you of course if you suspect me of doing anything wrong let's get to the nitty-gritty and let's let's give you my details what nitty grit yeah why well it hasci conation but anyway racial yeah apparently would you do um public order on that oh no absolutely not no I'm I'm just saying what I've heard apparently so I I try where best to not use it personally but is a is a nearby company that I filmed earlier today called you uh not well I don't know not that I know I've not the only reason I've beenen you now is cuz we've physically seen seen you with our own eyes with the camcorder yeah we we um we haven't personally heard any calls on our radios or or being deployed to an incident of any time it's a good one this is 90 time zoom I didn't realiz people you come in more only because of the zoom really yeah but yeah people about smart kind of thing well yeah yeah this is great when I'm flying the Drone this is capturing the audio and when any are you guys um from the security team I understand we're from the we work here with the operational staff here that's King on station I understand this chap made you guys aware his pres PR doing whatever he was doing out on the public in the public domain he did and then from what it says he now come back to say um yeah we we advised against recording um obviously we're not part of the elite we don't know the rules and regulations it would be our legal team that that you'd have to speak to as L well as long as he's not doing that within grounds of you guys doing out on the street likeone withart yeah he did yeah so obviously this is critical infrastructure for National Grid and um we advise them not to them more use the Drone we' got overhead lines and yeah yeah that that that that would probably commit offensive endangering people safety and stuff if you start flying stuff over power stations that kind of stuff that that absolutely would and that's what we're saying you've done oh you flown have you flown it over our land you'll see when the video goes out where I flew but I know what I'm doing just just confirm to the officers did I show you the um the civil aviation drone code about the law surrounding drones to reassure you there's obviously separate legislation about avation about being a did I show you that you did yes you flick through a document on your phone but obviously it didn't reflect any power stations in particular did it and did I show you drone assist which shows you the ground hazards and restrictions including airports and prisons did I show you that one you didn't no I did I've got it all on yeah you've got it now you didn't show I've got it all on film mate when I showed you oh so you been recording us then in there of course yeah everything's been recorded that's our land so so you've been recording on our land yes yes been recording as I approach Gat house and on the exit what what's her name of his company uniper uniper and it's killing on Power Station killing on Power Station I mean the Big R SC that you know you're flying over live power lines there that comes down could cause I went over did I went over the line we don't know you're not telling this a sir just trust me how could we trust we don't know you I'm the I'm the Drone pilot yeah we don't know what you've done we' no idea what you've done well I've tried to reassure you as much as I can if you're still paranoid then there's nothing I can we just don't know you do we it's Crystal infastructure for National Grid and the Drone of my size can fly over critical cni sites the law allows it we're all playing within the boundaries of the Law's been recording on our land then she been recording in the gate house has been recording our conversations is that is that legal time don't answer to that question um probably if you have a site policy of no filming on site then to to enforce that policy your only power is to remove the trespasser so you can ask me to leave and I'll leave recording can never be stopped if you try and touch my recording or touch me then it's unwanted contact can't be done filming for evidence I come in there you might have says oh it was abusive it was violent I'm filming for my protection just like these guys are right now Everyone's entitled to film anywhere publicly accept accessible our policy from s any field MERS have to go through our legal department yeah any policies that are are being broken any of your rules that are being broken what are you going to ask the person to do get off aren't you if you can't follow our policy off you go you're not going to physically stop them from chewing their chewing gun or smoking you're not going to grab the out their hand or get the chewing g at the end you're just going to say right if you're not going to follow our rules off you go get them off site if yeah if you guys don't want there and uh can we get can we get your information no you certainly cannot if if if you want leave that's what you want to do then you can and leave done yeah if they else if they refuse to leave you get got aggravated trespass you can actually use reasonable Force to get them off and if you don't want to do that these guys will do it for you yeah well I'm going I'm volunteering to leave anyway I don't I don't need to be here any longer yeah you're obviously not going to give you details but obviously the fact that you've been here and and you've been caught on camera I've recorded you on camera um a record of that will be kept at the Play Station and I'll be um I'll be submitting information just just for our pce of Mind these guys pce of mind um normal Poli practice we got your details needed just for our um let me spin around I'll DET before you leave Constable can I just get your shoulder number turn 1273 thank you I'm just going to get my bike you just saying what was the reason for the uh I just post my videos on social media I find interesting places around the UK and just film them them and get some Drone footage I put it on um YouTube Facebook Tik Tok and they're all monetized nowadays so you earn quite a lot of money by doing it right that's all nothing nefarious we've been fine you know there's no problem here no just it's just very interesting to hear people's view on drones and filming because making videos nowadays creating content is very popular and a lot a lot of people yeah it's increasing yeah yeah which is obviously we're we're just concerned with RIS and and that Association still want to to for you to harm yourself or anything like that and I wouldn't want to affect any cni sight so I certainly didn't fly over any if this drone fell yeah you know the weight of it 249 G but if it fell and there was a slight risk of it damaging any infrastructure I would want to do that anyway so I didn't fly over I just went around the perimeter got what I needed to do and now I'm volunteering to leave so I'll leave you to have your conversation in private and have a nice day guys all right all right take Take Care thank you thank you so we'll leave them to have their conversation exchange details and we'll get on to the next site they was even suspecting that filming whilst on private property is against the law wow they're really not used to it are they but of course you should be filming everybody should be walking around from body cam nowadays to avoid those false accusations but we're outside now let's just get a quick shot of the police leaving and then we'll move on ourselves it's keying let's see if we can zoom into it from here oh yes E's there there it is look poking at the edge of that fine there if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want a key ring good luck with that I think they're an armed unit as well patrolling the area they say they've had no calls so far about our filming in this area but I'm getting cold so I'm going to carry on down that direction and move on to the next site that was uniper killing home power [Music] station
Channel: DJ AUDITS
Views: 187,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auditing britain, uk audit, citizen journalist, photography is not a crime, english auditor, citizen journalism, filming in public, auditing, Photography Audit, drone audit, industrial estate auditor, industrial estate youtuber, djaudits, outside the factory, industrial areas uk, business park videos, industrial estate videos, dji mini 4, Killingholme Power Station, natural gas power plant, uniper killingholme, uniper gas plant, uniper power station immingham
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 46sec (2086 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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