"So You're Not Filming People's Stuff Over There?"

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what's going on what's going on with you so uh you're not filming people's stuff over there filing anyone's ideas or anything or you just filming the whole process filming the process that's fine I don't answer your questions no you question personal yeah okay cuz I know you're conducting an investigation right now okay can I assist you with oh sure you want to grab a camera go stand over at that end so you can get the opposite angle for me that' be a big help [Applause] hello there welcome to this installment of First Amendment rights today I'll be doing a revisit at John Wayne international airport doing a First Amendment audit let make my right to record in the publicly accessible areas of the facility here be respected hopefully it is so stay tuned and we'll see how things go did you just get us in there which is fine if you did yeah but I want you to redo it with me not on my phone what's your reason I don't answer questions huh are you traveling I'm not answering your questions do you have any business at the airport now I do what's your business are youing not answering questions right now so this is a significantly smaller airport than uh LAX there are three terminals here all lettered uh Terminal A B and C last time I was here I uh was doing my main amount of documenting inside of terminal C so today will be checking out terminals A and B seeing how everything is here at the airport and being mindful not to get any personal information behind the counters at the uh terminal or over at the TSA area all right so we have the uh TSA line here or a terminal a not extremely busy here here we do have uh like he's directing this lady where to go here he's checking IDs up ahead there then being mindful to stay on the uh opposite side of the screens is not to see any any personal information like I mentioned otherwise TSA does not have any restrictions on recording the uh checkpoints I'll be sure to uh post some information directly from their website long as you don't obstruct any workers doing their job so on and so forth and getting any Vital Information you have a YouTube channel what's that do you have a YouTube channel yeah I sure do do you yeah yeah yeah I'm on different platforms YouTube is one of them yeah what and what what what do you go by huh what what's your channel on YouTube I usually don't give it out while I'm working oh okay yeah yeah all right yeah no worries no I was just wondering cuz I watch a lot of Aviation stuff on YouTu oh cool right on nice nice you work at the airport or with cool right on all right you have a good day you too got plenty of uh staff on hand this lady's uh on our phone now if she's calling to have someone come and check the situation out who knows I'll be here for a while doing some documenting she's off her phone now now I'm back about her business no issues from her as of right now got a little line building up here it looks like so far so good the one from tsa's uh had any issue am I going to be on TV possibly yeah Allied Universal Security here it's passed by me there there we go he's going off into the background there look like he's on his phone now on the selfie mode I can't zoom in with this camera so but I got him Center screen right there on his phone and the green reflective vest we'll see if uh wants to escalate things any further or just let me be see if security is still behind me here oh yeah there he is nice hello how are you Hi how are you talking to me yeah oh okay hi how are you how are you good good thank you what's going on huh what's going on what's going on with you we see Sheriff sharef [Music] no no so we got company here I think the security might have uh called for the sheriff there got another one coming off the escalator here I'm going to continue doing what I'm doing yeah like his partner's on his phone there and his partner himself for coming back over how you doing hello hi MOA sh's party hi I just want to see uh what exactly are you filming right now oh what are you filming I'm filming you oh I'm filming you cool yeah nice that's how cameras work Hey so uh what are you filming right here right now I don't think that's any of your business is it it is if you're trying to get people ID is over there am I passport that's why I'm asking oh well I don't answer those kind of questions that's kind of personal for me oh okay yeah all right yeah perfect okay called on and what's yours right herea on my chat your camera's blocking it I see M Aus M yeah there we go look at that so hey I said it when I came up to you too which is fil too so uh you're not filming people's stuff over there filming anyone's idas or anything or you just filming the whole process you filming the process that's fine I don't answer your questions no personal yeah okay cuz I know you're conducting an investigation right now okay this isn't a cordial conversation person question because you're asking me about personal business that I'm conducting okay yeah what kind of business is that it's none of your business okay buiness I know the game I know the game you can try all the tricks you want place if you're just filling the process that's fine but if we see any ideas or anything like that we think anything suspicious we'll come back contact you right now if you want to be in public place filming this is no isue on our end okay well thank you for making yourself a YouTube oh my pleasure hey thank you for filming you do great work here thank you appreciate yeah it's good stuff yeah yeah oh well hey have a great day what's your YouTube channel to huh what's your YouTube channel oh I'm not dumb enough to tell you you have to look for it all right yeah all right hey well have a great day you too kick rocks boys always trying to fish for information didn't get what he wanted thank you for serving the communi fellas appreciate your hard work was that appreciate your hard work and serving the community appreciate you yeah of course day God bless America God bless uh Freedom yeah got to love that freedom and that is purposefully why I'm standing where I am so I don't see any monitors that would capture any vital information as you all saw the information from the TSA website but of course our Sheriff uh deputies had to try and fish for information there but it didn't work with me today not going to happen fellas deputies are uh standing down there by the baggage uh climb area downstairs and there goes Allied Universal once again all righty so we're down here over at the uh American Airlines terminal here are you [Music] filing what's that are you filming us I'm not filming you there's no film in my camera I'm not filming there's no film in my camera there's no film in my camera you got my attention so she might uh complain and call somebody here if she's on a phone of course the person that yells to get my attention uh CLS I'm recording her when you yell at someone and get their attention yeah you're going to end up being on camera all right coming back down here we got a couple more Sheriff deputies this guy looks familiar looks like the one I uh encountered at the uh farmer Merchants Bank a while ago do you have any ID or anything like that I do cool man man see yours um yeah you your driver's license I mean I don't necessarily need to but I was going to see if you wanted to see my department ID no if you want to show me your driver's license got my address on it so does mine yeah mine has that mine has my address as well look like he's got airport duty today some familiar faces there they go two more taking the escalator of Shame there all right moving down a little further to uh Terminal B here all areas within the terminal building are designated asree thank you for your [Music] cooperation the first time I uh did a video here about a year and a half two years ago was Terminal C which is further down won't be going down there today I'll just be hanging out and uh andd getting some video and some footage and pictures the uh United uh terminal over here hello this is airport director Charlene airport invites current military service members to visit the USL at the airport the Bob us Center is located on the arrival level of terminal B next to B 74 thank you for your service can I assist you with anything what's up can I assist you with anything oh sure you want to grab a camera go stand over at that end so you can get the opposite angle for me that' be a big help sure oh is there what am I filming what am I looking oh just the opposite angle from what I'm doing that would be a great assist for me is there something I'm looking for in specific I just need a general shot of the area yeah okay is there any anything I can help you with is there something oh yeah I I just told you if you wanted to assist me you can grab your yeah but why what what am I doing by filming why am I oh that's a different question no so what do I what would I be doing by filming oh just getting that opposite angle from what I'm getting okay but why why not you wanted to assist me right yeah okay is there is there anything why are you filming is there anything that you're filming on what's that are you is there anything you're filming in specific oh yeah yeah definitely okay just help you with this but aside from getting a camera and there you're willing to tell me huh is there anything you're willing to to tell me that you're filming it's pretty obvious I think yeah but why why are you filming United that's a different question okay why are you filming United oh that's none your concern okay so nothing I can help you with though if you don't want to record from that angle then no I mean I can but it would be on my device oh okay okay thank you if's anything you can help me but yeah no you're good have a good one can I help you obviously secured area past the do not enter sign obviously won't be going back that way couple of uh TSA agents uh hanging in the boobes here the signage here going up the stairs from the uh baggage cling area also tells people do not enter no entry stop all right guys we're going to head on out now I think I'm going to wrap things up as you saw there we had some interaction from the Orange County Sheriff deputies ready to conduct their investigation question my intentions what I was doing but I wasn't going to help them with that today that's for sure so I had a interaction there at the Delta terminal he was wondering if he could help and then turned into what am I doing so there you go folks chime in in the comments what you think pass or fail I'm going to lean definitely towards a fail for whoever called that's for sure so thanks for watching guys be sure to subscribe to First M rights on YouTube like and share the videos greatly appreciate that as always you can also follow first in rights on Facebook and Instagram again thanks for watching hope you all have a great rest of your day evening wherever you're at till then far out
Channel: First Amendment Rights
Views: 60,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: up83fX4oZlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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