If You Pitch Your Drone Up From Here Then You Will Be Arrested Under Section 14 Of The Public Order

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I'm going to be taking the Drone yeah no I'm taking a drone over if you pick up a drone here listen to me if you put your drone here this will be cast as an assembly and you'll be arrested under section 14 in the public order Act oh yeah [Music] you're Nottinghamshire or leicestershire facilitate the peaceful protesters here yeah okay are you going I'm just covering it is it three o'clock yes yes right yeah anytime now then yeah yeah sounds like it and any restrictions that I need to know about yeah photography wise don't go on there land you're okay sort of thing yeah but if you look at these signs that are posted to the um all right okay there's what's called a section 14 in place with public order so there's certain sort of zones where you can't go but you'll be guided as as and when by the police officers they'll say can you just go this way not that way and it's relatively straightforward isn't if you cause and social behavior within those zones it becomes a problem so you can go in there but as long as you don't cause a problem that explains it completely and there's a map attached to it is that special areas okay aside for the protest right but the ones section 14 which is um when we start going down towards the site sort of roadways we don't want you going down bits and Bobs because they're the ones that you'll be asked to avoid correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this just apply for protesters and not not to the Press in relation to Media what I do is you know if you go close to the scene um there's going to be a sergeant that will be able to speak to a gold Commander okay to obviously advise you better on that okay the red line there and you're saying no protesters are welcome past this red line so in this area here yeah because [Music] because it's one of the things that you have to have nowadays in it you have to wear it you don't have to have it on but you have to wear it read it no crazy in it our times have changed where's yours okay you've got a clip you gotta clip ready yeah oh you gotta hold it all right girls how sorry to interrogate you okay all right see you later okay bye-bye so they are placed and lots of uh spots so we don't need to talk to everyone oh we haven't got the helmet now oh yeah I noticed some people have got these guards on their boots what are they called they're just protected so for you um as well yeah so basically if people start throwing missiles areas yeah it's protecting our feet right okay I'm here to film what's going on and highlight anything unusual I've not seen it what's it actually called the technical term technical term three it just literally like um boot protectors really yeah yeah okay protect your ankles more than your boots though hey oh yeah so does it go high up all right literally elated okay the weak part so you still toe caps are protecting that but you've got nothing to protect yeah so yeah so that's that's oh still okay yeah it's just up there so if people are throwing missiles and stuff because if you skim skim them so you've had that sort of intelligence about today precautions this is our kit no matter what right so if we um we're gonna go with anything this is what a kit is gonna because of today okay wow wow so they really have pulled them in from all over there hopefully we're just gonna have it last in a joke with people and that's it enough peaceful process yeah who are you here for just another YouTuber it's almost covering it oh really so I've noticed that you've got a red line um do you want to know the easiest way there well I'm from Leicester so you know the way yeah but if you go that way you can do I'm not going to stop you your best way to go down there and then take the pathway through yeah right there yeah I've seen that way yeah but it's up to you which way you got I can only tell me which way is best yeah thank you yeah you're welcome so what do you know this um these air vents here then is that to stop it steaming up yeah so you can hear it oh so you can hear have you got radio communications in there or you just use that same earpiece so yeah we have different cons really if we um you can plug directly into the helmet at a different points [Music] so you have a different channel to talk to each other all on one channel right so different forces all come together here but you're on the same channel now all right thank you yeah so our radio is literally um but in a normal day today we're live North traffic yeah but anytime when you're in your own Force could you switch over and listen to Leicester yeah okay probably know that and that's could you listen to The Met if you wanted to I've never tried them your own channel so basically they'd want to go on to a normal to say the met up there Channel more fans are there is if we all come together and then they go on a channel that we've all had right yeah you create a channel just for the event so it would flag up in our control room if you're listening to another Channel yeah it Flex up and lets them know because obviously you'd be lighting up lots of different Masters in that lot to be able to get from anyway right I'm going to get closer I might suspect you uh got a delay tactic and keeping me away from that I'm open and honest just like you guys all right man you have a good time yeah see you later yeah go thanks 2s sorry yeah you go that way then you can okay you want to go to the process I'm just covering it without filming it all right okay so I've been given one of these yeah yeah and I understand there's a section is it 14 yes which applies just to the protesters do you want to read it with me at your rank it's PC all right should we speak to Sergeant or what I'm trying to explain is it's not just for the protesters about the road being closed okay it does mention just protesters on the section 14. should we check that right here to film the protest because it's not having this side I'll tell you yeah but I'm just using the public footpath to go it's close in a minute yeah did the section 14 which doesn't apply to me you plan it to everyone at a minute we're not allowing anyone unless you've got genuine purpose to be down there yeah to film the process but there's nothing happening down there yeah the process just to film to film The the scene that right is calm at the moment and might not be later together I would prefer to go down and I will be checking with um so yeah yeah I'm telling you we're not alone yeah that's what you've been told to do I know I get it I get it but let's just make sure that this doesn't apply to press one set foreign do you have a press pass or anything yeah can we see that I don't want to show it twice so that's a bit decision sorry before you left oh no oh no I know you put your body worn on right yeah I had mine on straight away yeah when he's put it on for a reason I'll put it on for the chat coming up behind you it was being was it capturing me was it facing okay still facing you now yeah so I'm data subject aren't I okay so if I know I'm being filmed I'll just cover up okay that's why you covered your face yeah I know but because the camera was turned on you're then capturing my data okay it would have been polite of you just to say so I'm just about to put my camera on okay that's not that's not a problem well it doesn't make a difference because he's put his on for a reason and I'm here he's had a chance to tell me you didn't have a chance to tell me did you he had a chance to tell me you'll be in film regardless I'm not being funnier that I'm just saying okay all right anyway no no I'm not finished reading okay that's fine well if you want it if you want to discuss it right if you want to discuss it I will tell the sergeant this but but look this section 14 yes conditioned to be imposed on Persons organizing or taking part in yeah okay okay so I'm not organizing it and I'm not taking part in it okay you just tell me you're filming it the journalist citizen journalists your sergeant Ken I told you that well it's moment of time I don't know if you're a press yeah okay can I just show things once and not not look at yourself who else have you showed it can I show it once to Sergeant and then just carry on my local business is that okay okay so which one is Sergeant this is the acting Sergeant at the minute hi sergeant and the reasons why I would like the opportunity to express my concerns before you do anything unlawful and restrict my movement okay so this section 14 yeah only applies to people or persons organizing or taking part in okay now I haven't got nothing to do with the protest I'm a journalist I'm here I wish to take some before and after shots just go to the other side into the permitted South entrance of the designated protest so please let me finish the sentencing Sergeant this public footpath you can restrict movement to protesters under this section you can't restrict me I've got my nuj card there I will be continuing down this footpath I will not the road is closed there's a road closure in place which is done by the council well there's a section 14 in place allowing no access to anybody the road May restrict vehicles but it cannot restrict the public on the footpath you cannot come through Sergeant unfortunately you're wrong on this occasion and I really wish you wouldn't have done this I've tried to explain this section 14 does not apply to me why doesn't it apply to you then no sure I'd rather keep holding it we're going to the protest site aren't you I'm here you've already admitted sorry to film right before and after can I see that during sergeants to see that what just excellent I'd rather just give it to the sergeant if that's okay because it has got some personal details on and I don't know whether we can't trust all Police I'd just rather trust one that's fine let's just Union card that's not a pass that's a new J card I'm a member of the Union of journalists yeah it's not a it's not a it's not a dedicated press pass is it that one this is my national Union of Journalism photo ID yeah I've got that as well no photo ID which says press press pass on it no I've never seen a press pass like that do you want to check I've never seen a press person would you like to check go ahead yeah well I've got years claims is a member of the press has only got a national Union of journalist cards I'm assuming press up to go through the same way as everybody else yeah received that was my inspector you won't get any further than here anyway because there's barriers physical metal barriers there is to say you've got to go the other side it's been decided by the management the supervisors that all the Press go that side there's no access this way for anybody well it's a shame you've took that stance obviously I can't take the matter any further now but at a later date yeah and you're okay for me to stand on this grass bit here no well this is weird yeah so I'll be listening to let me just say something the section 14 in places from the island at the top so we could restrict movement from that island but we're allowing people access so they can go that way to the legitimate protest site you can't restrict the Press you can restrict the protesters the organizers anybody taking part but for me just covering the event it's it's unlawful so we're taking that decision yeah your decision your two seven three one what was the inspector's number uh two eight six six okay so what I'm going to be doing now I'm going to be taking the Drone yeah no I'm taking a drone over if you pick up a drone here listen to me if you put your drone here the super cast is an assembly and you'll be arrested under section 14 in the public order Act that's my stance okay section 14 for the public order act what so I'm making an assembly by taking it to your drone from here I will class that as an assembly and you'll be arrested under section 14 in the public order interfering with a policing operation I was interfering me standing out the way taking my drone up and over you're not you won't take your drones how is it interfering you'll be arrested right I think we need to put this to the test because it's um you're being unreasonable I'm just trying to cover the event a lot of people are interested I can't cover the event but from the other side from the south you're right you're wrong so because you're wrong then I've got to do other methods I've got to use zoom cameras and drones to get the shot that I need to get you won't be launching a drone from here well I've noticed you I've got um your drugs Authority from the aviation Authority yeah I'm going to speak to the guys that are operating the Drone because they're obviously more clued up with the law than yourself yeah you cannot do anybody for public order you are currently stood in an area designated okay I was under section 14 of the public order act if you launch your drove from this location then you'll be liable to arrest you know this map here that that shows the red line on the exclusion Zone I really don't there look there were no access to Meridian East from Meridian Way by foot or vehicle yeah so you can't go down here before you walk away that's conditions to be imposed on Persons organizing or taking place no I'm not taking part you are actively involved you've shown me a union pass from what else do you want you tell me what you want to see and I'll show you an authorized press pass that is enough it's not it's a union are you trying to um mock the nuj membership card you should have a trespass your membership card shows a member of the Union it cannot be used as a press accreditation would you like me to show you that I've got um some sort of media channel this is what you need no that's not good enough if you could produce this this shows you remember a press this here which is what you have that pink one there yeah is that all right yeah that's what I've got yeah you are a member of the YouTube read it properly it shows that you are a member of the Union you cannot cannot be used as press accreditation okay but carry on reading on this is a permanent card that you will receive with your welcome letter welcome to the union yeah so that's that's what I'm gonna press all right let's show you my Refrigeration card but it doesn't mean it's a warrant card UK press conference police officer would you expect to be a criminal defense okay there we go nuj press card you've made your decision I'm willing to show you more okay I could show you the the Channel that I put all my media on whatever you whatever press you from you are not coming through here and you're not launching a drink from here okay okay all right you've made your stance carry on the same subject I want to speak to somebody who may have a different stance on it okay okay cheers thank you thank you know where your police drone was launched from was it in that case that information to you I would have don't worry see you having a bad day I won't make it any worse yeah I'm having a bad day you are you are really good day and just for clarity um from me standing up on that roundabout over there if I take my drone up then I'm not in any of your zones then you're fine it's then interfering with the police drone yeah we'll probably end up getting seized when it's up my advice mate don't go launching no drone the the Drone I'll talk to your drone guys because they'll know more about it but there is legislation in place and we will follow that extremely legislation you want is that being sarcastic possibly I've told you my position and that my position ain't gonna change so there's a restriction Zone in four days which covers I presume the coronation yeah but your position isn't final do you know that's just your opinion on it if you then go and make a wrong positions back by a law no it's not yeah I've just showed you that it's not well you're currently in a section 14 now I've just told you this this section 14 is for persons organizing or taking parties it's a line of drone which is going to interfere with the police in operation I'm going to speak to you Joan guys before I launch the Drone to make sure that doesn't happen don't worry about it Sergeant Jesus man you're right making a lot of assumptions aren't yeah absolutely not well do you know if he was getting some some advice you're willing to make an arrest if I launch a drone from a section 14 when I'm not even involved it's ridiculous you're in a section 14 area from the other side where everybody else is quite simple the business that's affected can't be seen the other side no no I don't know where it is I'm from Leicester okay I've been here plus this road many times before yeah all right I'm just speaking to the Drone guys don't worry are you in mid-flight guys are you flying at the moment is it in the air you're not the pilot are you you are I shouldn't be interrupting you then really should I okay I shouldn't be interrupting you then really should I okay um when your drone's down it's not going to go down it's important managers okay in that case it's all right you want to get some footage yeah with your mavic mini yeah I know who you are yeah so the issue that we've got is as long as you're not interfering with the art what I'm doing yeah I've not got an issue at the moment okay okay so you will be well aware of the powers as I'm well aware of the powers that we have to prevent flight particularly when we're managing something like this it's an assembly of people so don't go anywhere near it that includes with a mavic mini but if you launch from here so I can monitor you so you can see me and I can see you I've got a massive issue thank you okay thank you so I probably say if you're down there and you're above it will that get you what you want I'm happy to if we got permission to launch here all I have yeah okay but obviously that's your issue isn't it yeah yeah well it's not open so so if you're somewhere that I can see you because yeah you can understand what we're doing currently yeah okay so I'd like to I'd rather be a bit further because we're gonna be longer than taking off here yeah okay so if you're literally down in that bit no issue with you going up okay now Sergeant is not fully aware of the Drone legislation that's okay I've already briefed them thank you so I will be aware of that okay don't worry about that I'm going to move away from the cones you know where this tree is here we've got a gap and you're just going up vertically yes I'm not going to travel in that's fine okay thank you [Music] so Sergeant was adamant wasn't he that the Drone wasn't going up from that spot just there he said no way and we are literally 10 20 meters behind it now flying the Drone Sergeant was wrong even though he checked with the inspector luckily the Drone guys are just over there in the car park chilling a nice ConEd off area so it's nice and safe from any passes by members of the public dogs protesters Etc they will launch and land in a lovely area there this road here leads up to the building in question the Factory that produces weapons or drones and sells them to the wrong people the wrong people apparently that's what the protest is all about selling arms to Israel or something like that the protesters are based up here on this road I presume I keep direct trying to direct me up there and you can see the blockade of police vehicles down there police vehicles in the car park as well and a much smaller blockade just down here with one vehicle and four considers but they do have the right gear I think we have some police in the bushes there as well covering the perimeter of the building and of course as we saw on the cycling they're dotted all around on the approach it's located right next to a big housing estate an entertainment venue Cinema bowling over there the motorway Junction the M1 in the distance over there and it's located on the Meridian industrial estate here in Leicester so it's not the first time this building has had protesters outside they've been on the roof before so they're well prepared I've Seen It All Before so let's get David back let's relocate ourselves and see where this video takes us next see just with communication with the right people oh would you wearing it sorry I don't want to talk I think you were involved weren't you yeah you don't want to be involved even if he was so I mean just by communicating oh come on and I bet sergeants disappeared now winner he's gone yeah so that's all I like to do communicate with the right people just to facilitate lawful activities we don't want to we don't want to break the law and I turn into one incriminate myself on my own video so thank you okay so let's make our way around to the other side and see how it goes around there [Music]
Channel: DJ AUDITS
Views: 549,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live free, auditing britain, pj audits, uk audit, pinac, citizen journalist, 1st amendment audit, cyclingmikey, photography is not a crime, english auditor, citizen journalism, Audit the Audit, uk audits, british audits, filming in public, auditing, Photography Audit, dji mini 3, drone audit, industrial estate auditor, industrial estate youtuber, djimini3pro, djaudits
Id: zmDZ5_QacDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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