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this time on Finnegan's garage we answer that age-old question does David freiburger's muscle truck actually have the best exhaust note on the planet Maybe or is this one got it because right now we're gonna Dyno it we're gonna tune it we're gonna make 200 more horsepower than we've ever made before and then we're gonna rip some donuts right here at Paradise Dragway [Music] please foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] welcome back to Finnegan's garage thank you for hanging out especially those of you that went to and bought the merch because as always your poor financial decisions with your clothing allows me to make even worse decisions with my cars and today we're working on my 1967 Chevrolet C10 pickup you guys have seen this thing on the channel before it's one of our most popular projects but it has never run right for a lot of reasons and we're going to fix all of that here today this is Ryan witty he works for Holly specifically an EFI here's uh what I would say an expert up Arrow manipulator you know and um where the truck is at is it starts it idles it cruises wide open might be okay but everywhere in between which is part throttle if you roll into it in the wrong gear this thing's gonna be unhappy it's going to shoot ducks um and I literally haven't even plugged a laptop into it so couldn't tell you why and um let's go over some history of the truck real quick so I built this truck when I was at sport Truck magazine way back in 07. yeah wow long long time ago and at the time big wheels get it as flat on the ground as you can it had an LS2 it had 22 inch wheels it had airbags and it was tube chassis body dropped and IRS okay which is going to make strapping it down a little weird here I wanted to ask you what's the IRS out of it so it's a Ford Expedition IRS which is bigger than an 8.8 um it has 300M custom axles and it has a bunch of suspension travel um when it had airbags on it this thing would lift off the ground 14 inches but it didn't handle good it didn't ride good it uh you know it was a parking lot Cruiser basically when did the Expeditions get independent rears well this is a 2003 Expedition rear end okay that's old um got it out of a junkyard low miles the diff is stock I think it's a 390 diff okay I think um but when I when I got laid off at sport Truck magazine in 0809 I sold the truck to a friend of mine right after I got it running so I drove it maybe 20 miles to a car show lost my job sold the truck and then 10 years went by and I run to this cat at a car show and I said hey whatever happened to that truck and he says it's sitting under a car cover I haven't touched it it's not moved since you sold it to me and I thought wow that's really cool I'd I'd really like to have that truck back because I put a lot of work into it like this is a full tube chassis custom suspension you know everything and he said well I'll sell it back to you you know but I want the motor and trans out of it and I thought cool because it had a five-speed in it it had an LS2 it was great but by today's standards not as cool as it could be so I bought it back and my friends and I got together and in one week we swapped an lt4 into it and we swapped a Billet sequential six-speed oh really it's fun okay it's really fun and that's another thing that we haven't fully exercised all the cool features of it has a strain gauge built into the shifter okay that we're not using it will no lift shift we're not using that yet all because the truck doesn't run right once we get the tune ironed out then there's a cool box that goes in there in between the coils and whatnot that does all that stuff you know which would be an add-on to the Holly kind of thing so yeah today's goal is make it run right and oh by the way calling out David Freiburger because everyone thinks your muscle truck is the best sounding truck on the planet where do you hear this one so what do you want to start with like uh do you wanna you wanna hear a run or do you wanna just plug into it like um I feel like you know what's wrong with it already yeah so more than likely the injector Drive current isn't high enough so on the on the first release of the direct injection controller and everything that went with it we designed it for your l83s l87s lt1s which is a smaller injector than the lt4 okay and they use what makes your VI so special is that it uses 80 volts to open the injector because it's high pressure right yeah exactly what is the pressure it's like 30 000 or something crazy yeah I think it's three thousand three thousands get up to like thirty thousand so this is like diesel light okay yeah got it it's a lot of similar technology to the Diesels actually okay still down for gas and so this is one of the first Terminator X's you ever had for this yes it got sent to me I think well before a lot of people got it so this doesn't have the right settings for the injector correct yeah what we're doing is I'm actually preparing I have almost ready for release a new update that will fix that actually make it start a lot quicker too that would take a long time to start out there that's one of the settings in the GDI box as well all right what we're going to do is well we'll start we'll start with just what you have we'll look at the tune run it a little bit make a poll see where we're at and then we'll just update everything to the newest latest and see what we get okay then we'll start tuning from there I'm so excited you don't even know like this truck sits more than it gets driven all because it just doesn't work the way it's supposed to it should be night and day different yes I'm hopeful I'm excited I also I think we're going to find out whether uh GM underrates these engines because it made really good power on the last chassis Dyno uh on our engine Dyno it made a lot of power too it was impressive nice well allegedly it makes 650 at the crank let's find out what it makes at the wheels so my memory is horrible but we went to Moe's Speed Shop in Dallas Georgia okay because this thing really didn't run good at all and the guys there in a short amount of time got it to start got it to go wide open throttle on the dyno and then we ran out of time time one of the things I remember was we were having problems with this actuator and I don't even pretend to know how that thing works but it's somehow regulating the Boost isn't it yes so it's bypass valve they open it at part throttle for better gas mileage and all that stuff but what ends up happening is uh you're supposed to this solenoid controls it and closes it at Full Throttle so you get all the Boost and what happens when they're not energized or set up wrong is it'll stay open at Full Throttle and you'd only get like three four pounds of boost instead of what you're supposed to get I think we zip tied it on the dyno if I remember correctly I've done that before and I'm noticing there's a hose missing so I have anything to do with it and I can't remember how it all goes we might have to look up a diagram but we can basically jury rig it however we need to make it work on the dyno okay yep cool I figured we'd forget something we put it together in a week and there's always something on the dyno we're not really not qualified for this so um but this is the nice part of the truck I want everybody to focus here because this is the only thing that got painted um we actually made a spray booth in my driveway and painted the inside of the cab the firewall the engine compartment and then threw the whole truck together to drive it and it's just kind of been this way ever since this truck had a carbureted LS2 in it okay originally and then I cut the top off the gas tank welded a new top on and it had an external Barry Grant fuel pump okay for a carb and then I stuck one of your Holley EFI drop in fuel cell modules yep it's 450 or don't remember which one it is probably the 450. it's probably a single 450 I'm guessing that should be borderline enough depending on how much pressure we run okay yeah it should do 60 PSI no problem but it's 75 it might start drooping a little okay we'll find out the Regulators on the firewall and the dash will show us the pressure so we can turn it on and find out let's plug in and see what the tune looks like all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign okay it sounded good until it didn't what is the curly q thing oh that's when I when I've lost RPM for a second there it kind of just did that ah all right so if the RPM drops when I came back so it's just doing at each point in time so that was our first Dino pull and it went good until it didn't it did the same thing it always does which is you whack it and that was about 23 2400 RPM and then it pulls so about right under 4 500 and then it just says Nope and it farts out the exhaust and game over yeah yeah that looks that's about what I was expecting to happen on the current production gei controller the injector driver is not high enough for the lt4 injectors and they sort of they lock closed is what they do so it just went instantly completely and totally lean it shuts the fuel off yeah okay yeah so it doesn't damage anything because you go from all the fuel to none of that in between perk of direct injection there's nothing in the port right drag in the next time so each cycle is a new cycle every time this fires the spark plug it's whatever the injector put in that time okay all right I'm so glad we came here because yeah like I'd have been chasing my tail driving around on the street with a laptop trying to just keep throwing more fuel at it yeah and it wouldn't have done anything really it would have made it worse actually yeah so what we'll do now is we'll just update to the newer firmware I have for this stuff it's not released yet but it's about to be so by the time this goes live it should be available online computer X version three is coming okay so it's part of that release let's get the pre-production secret sauce here I'm putting against garage yep so we'll load everything up here make another pole and see what we get um if it does work this time how high do you want me to rev it just a quick short safe one just to make sure everything's good okay yep cool make sure we got no fuel pressure and all that okay can I watch you yeah manipulate keys but right now Orion is updating the firmware both of the Terminator X ECU and the GDI driver which is a separate box just for the direct injection system the direct injection runs at a much higher pressure than your normal Port EFI and apparently when this system got released there wasn't enough voltage going to those direct injectors and so they finally have a fix for it that the world can have and by the time this video comes out I believe that update will be on the Holley website so my lt4 your lt4 all those things can run much better now with Terminix and we'll make another Dyno Pole now [Music] second Dino pull shark the C10 this is with the new firmware upgrade and it already started up better than it was you want me to warm it up is that 110. you okay foreign that is on the low pressure side beads the high pressure side up here in fourth gear for 132 degrees I'm gonna get it to 145 which is where it was before the last time will make our pool okay ready there we go [Music] much much better oh it's so much so much happier you look like a hero now dude wow that's not even that's not even the same truck I did watch the uh bypass valve it was closed during the poll so we should have some boost oh cool yeah it's so much smoother it's not shooting ducks anymore like much better horsepower yeah I mean there's also that the 200 horsepower gain it looked like it nosed over a little bit I don't know much higher we can how much higher we can rev it I assumed we'd go to six but I don't know to look at it up top maybe it wants more or less or I don't even know what it has for timing in it very cool I'm not an lt4 expert and it's been years since I looked at the website what uh what are these rev to I don't even know 6400 something like that I think it's where the red line so we got another 1500 RPM to go all right so this is the old tune but with a firmware upgrade right and the old tutor was my friend Jeff was basically working with low voltage to the direct injection yeah and so whatever he was trying at no hope of necessarily working so how far off does this mean this tune ends up at you know the main thing will be the target rail pressure is a lot lower than it should be right now which has some horsepower to it okay and some of the other stuff is things he couldn't do like we changed how the injections start angle is done okay so you have more control over it so we'll be able to change that too and find a little more power as well it fired up much better yeah much quicker and then yeah obviously we were able to rev it to five grand instead of 4500 without it shooting ducks so it's already better put that table in [Music] I still need to go to the Ali EF High School someday right I have always wanted to in fact I've made the appointment more than once and I just never seem to be able to make it happen because I know the basics of this stuff but it's so much more powerful if you understand it better than I do yeah so it's got 12 14 degrees up there right now our base Cal has eight more degrees up there our base value of 19 and 20 degrees Yeah [Music] are you just going to take and stay home I'm gonna take yours and just move over a couple of the things okay just I don't want to reinvent the wheel completely okay all right here we go [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] 6000 RPM with more timing in it and some other things let's go see what it made for power [Music] okay we just made our third pole and we picked up 560 horsepower and one of the things I want to look at now is this old fuel cell is our Reservoir for our supercharger coolant it's still cold it's not hot I'd say it's about room temperature ice water would definitely help I don't have any ice with me so we'll just keep doing this but it's not warm so I feel like we're okay we keep making pulls so this is both holes the short one is pull number two the long one is pull number three yep yeah the dotted lines will be the earlier full solid lines all be the one we just made so putting boost on it you know they do roughly the same thing and we keep that about 10 and a half pounds okay ignition timing you can see it was pretty flat on the first bolt right so it was you know 20 degrees at 3 200 3500 RPM whereas this one's 11 and a half so that's why it made more torque down though yeah when you pull up the the knock sensors you can see the the one with more timing the knock sensors were getting pretty active uh it's a little hard to see because they're so squiggly but the solid line you can see is much less much happier through that area is that tells me that especially on a stick shift car where you spend some time down there under heavy load right taking the timing out even if it shows less on the dyno sheet is probably the safer bet yeah plus this thing's going to spin the tires pretty easily anyway yeah so it gives you a little more traction too cool afrs [Music] smoothing on them so it's a little easier to see there you go it's a little Rich it's chasing itself some but the closed loop and learn are going to catch that in one or two poles here and then we'll transfer it to the fuel table yeah or even with it chasing a little bit it's zero minus seven minus ten I think it's a minus 15 at the top there but we can probably trim that up for the next poll okay and then just checking the cam position is doing what it should anyway but flat line and that squiggles around it like it should have di Target pressure and actual pressure it's a little lazy getting up there some of that is rate limiting and some of that is I'm going to adjust the offset on the DI Target pressure table okay and that'll help us get there a little quicker so that'll that might help power down low it might make zero difference to power okay so it's real pressure and Target pressure you want them to match but when they're off some are chasing itself like that it doesn't matter most the time we compensate for it in the controller okay yeah so we just adjust the pulse width when the pressure's off okay so relatively minor changes right yeah just a couple small changes basically cleaning things up not chasing power okay which asks the question then do you want to chase power are you happy where we're at or what are you feeling what I'm curious about is what the water for the intercooler is doing right now because there's no ice in it because I know that'll have a big effect on power it makes lots of power and this truck doesn't hook well so it uh it's already gonna struggle down low with the power it has um and so I'm curious like how warm was that water and do we need to put ice in it yeah it looks like it was 100 degrees at the end of the pole I want it heat soaked after it only got up to 107. that's actually not bad no geez it's a nice cool day too yeah it's only 56 degrees here icing it down will do something that all right so I'm not we don't have to chase big Power I'm curious what happens when we ice down the water okay let's try that cool let's do it so do you want to do one more pull or two more pulls one more is fine okay unless you wanted to split them up but the changes I'm making will have no effect on power it's more just making it more consistent okay so then we'll just ice it down make your changes and go one more cool sounds good Brad all right so totally stoked truck runs amazing we just made 567 horsepower Ryan's going to make some small changes to the tune that probably won't affect power very much but one thing we are going to do is we're going to try to lower the temperature of the water in our intercooler Reservoir which is nothing more than aluminum fuel cell mounted in the bed of this truck it's full of distilled water after several pulls that water is about 80 degrees right now lowering the temp should lower our charge temperatures it should make more power but you don't know until you try you know it's a cold day here in Kentucky it's only 40 degrees out so this might not do anything but let's find out for science foreign if we can fit any in there it's kind of full [Applause] this is not ideal there are Reservoir caps that are smaller and better suited for filling ice but this is what I had when I built this truck which is why I'm putting it in there and again we might not be able to get enough ice in here to actually do anything but we'll try it anyway or science I got my whiskey ice it was don't worry it won't all fit it will not all fit so we'll be drinking this afternoon it's frozen all right foreign 's Frozen okay I think that's all we're gonna get in there and I don't know if that's enough to do anything but we'll try it all right let's make a dino pool Dino pool we just stuck some ice in our intercooler [Music] foreign [Music] interesting I didn't put enough ice in it to do that I don't think the ice did anything huh look at all the stuff here see what we see okay cool all right no idea what just happened but it could be anything could be warm at this point but we just lost 10 horsepower and Ryan's going to look at the data log try to see why I mean 10 is nothing let's be real it makes 560 to the tires this thing is going to be a monster trying to go around a racetrack and uh at some point we'll do some Auto Crossing maybe some road racing still needs door bars and harnesses and some other things but the end goal will be have a truck that lays flat on the ground when you park it and lifts up and goes around corners really fast [Music] we are here in Calhoun Georgia home of paradise drag strip one of my favorite tracks there is this is an original track from 1961 that the NHRA used to run at back then it was a quarter mile then the cars got way too fast now it is in the Eighth Mile and it's uphill which is interesting um if you guys have ever seen me dry blast me here you'll probably notice my friend Brett is holding onto the quarter panel of my car to keep it rolling backwards out of the beams um that's right I'm incapable of staging blasphemy here uh but uh I love coming to this place and today the track is closed but they let us in just to rip burnouts for you guys let's go gonna do I believe he's going to burn out are you going to burn out for this that's what are you gonna do all the above which one you're gonna start with I'll grab some donuts I've always done burnouts in this world here Donuts are good yeah Donuts are right yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna move over here you're gonna go for distance go down there yeah I'll start down there for distance I think we're at the top end of the racetrack here you have permission no one's getting banned for life for this yeah oh yeah all right yeah right tell you do I like the new license plate too wait everybody perfect to a safe place I came out here to Paradise Dragway did you burnouts on my C10 and I invited Newburn and oddly enough he had free time so he's gonna be pronouncing his 57 for us that's twice the Firestone thing sounds so good that is the motor out of my Ram truck that is that is the 454 out of the road kill Ram truck and now it has a stick shift foreign [Applause] that guy does not care [Music] ful big block Chevy Chevies ladies and gentlemen again that is the 454 out of the road kill Ram truck I believe he's going for distance now what gear do you think you'll do it in a second let me go second oh I believe he tried to go to third [Music] all right let me get a judge's ruling it was interesting there was still smoke coming out of the car I can still see tire tracks right here this is this is him yeah starting to fade right here this is him oh he's on a crack though so where does it really end you can see it right there still up here right it's still there right [Music] that's a good one right now not in here okay so maybe to whatever that is the Dirt Pile let's interview the driver which gear were you in second dude that was Stout it went all the way probably about another six feet behind you it went back it went back there dude I know I said the first time I tried to go second to third like mid burnout and I didn't like it so then I thought about well I'll just dump in third but then I just stuck to Second so oh so we should try third is what you're saying oh [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] that added some speed to it I believe I almost had a big clutch I believe that was third gear and there's tire track I think it went further it's still going right here this is still going [Applause] foreign the wheel speed was definitely a factor in the Smoke because yeah this immediately filled up I couldn't see nothing that was third right oh yeah dude that was wild that is so fun yeah that that motor yeah incredible yeah it's been in what how many cars three or four cars now and it's had nitrous in it yeah does it still have the plate no I took all that off but let's make on the dyno when you guys dine out it in California with the Ram truck 330 to the tire for torque and I don't remember what the horsepower was probably 300. it does good it does well in here dude it sounds killer it's sound is this the same Cam that was in it when it was in the Nova yeah change the thing dude that's awesome I love it how much is my I got any Tire lift I mean the dust off him babies yeah I'm not even gonna look I'm just gonna say go again if you want so more Donuts what you're saying Donuts are good all right glazed sprinkles I'm gonna back up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] that was awesome a little worried that you were gonna blast us when you came into the grass it had so much body roll look at your rear bumper dude you went farming no way yes there's grass hanging out of the rear bumper oh you whipped donut look that is so fun I do this all day I swear I mean we have time a lot of gas came out you're just even her house well I forgot I filled it up and this doesn't have a seal on it so I usually keep duct tape on this but uh for safety yeah you know there's no seal is just you know whatever it's fine oh that was awesome other times like there's still some life left somebody could do some burnouts there's a lot of Firsts happening this is the first uh rocker panel burnout in this truck for those of you at home I have my truck sitting sideways on the drag strip on the top end of it not on the racing surface but this is where you would slow down at the end of a pass and then go back down the return Road and the brakes which are a combination of factory Ford Expedition rear discs and Wilwood fronts are not operating like they should and it's probably because we have a mismatch between our Master cylinders for the discs and the Pistons and calipers we have so I don't think the brakes will hold this thing for a standing burnout so what I've done is um lowered it all the way on the ground basically the Rockers are touching the pavement right now I'm hoping they act as my uh braking system and then um I'm gonna see what happens with a sequential gearbox how many gears can I get through while doing a burnout with hope hopefully not running into the woods I don't know let's find out except the batteries off let me go turn the battery on okay batteries on yeah like can I get to third gear fourth gear I don't know I mean it makes this thing makes 567 horsepower to the tires it has a really good Mantic twin disc clutch how many gears can I get through I don't know foreign ups and we're gonna find out there's your gear indicator and mine wish me luck we know it'll do first let's start with second let's see [Music] oh all right so I tried to go to the next gear and it said no I'm gonna have to clutch it all right well that was that was second gear let's try third gear s [Music] [Music] I can't see nothing but that was a sixth gear burnout with my sequential gearbox oh my God that one I feel like I'm on fire that was six gear I forgot to look that's a lot of rubber dude look at that wow dude that works good I still had to use the brakes a little bit but in general I feel like laying rocker is the way to do standing burnouts foreign foreign [Music] well that's it for this episode of Finnegan's garage as you probably noticed from that last attempt at doing burnouts for distance a lot of Sparks coming out of the wrong end of the truck and that's because I just smoked my Mantic twin disc clutch um they look cool though you did it did and uh look newborn's here he's not back but I wanted to tell you guys he has his own YouTube channel now which is called David Newburn I kept it simple just go search my name you'll find me you know thank you yeah he's kicking ass man so give him a follow you guys are gonna love his content I'll see you next time does PS uh we're gonna have to do the burnouts for distance again because yeah he did he did rematch hurts a little bit foreign [Music]
Channel: Finnegan's Garage
Views: 896,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike finnegan, roadkilll, faster with finnegan, 1967 chevy c10, chevy, c10, lt, ls, ls2, ls1, ls3, ls6, lt4, blown, supercharged, irs, body dropped, 20s, big wheels, loud exhaust, pro touring truck, pro touring, street truck, daily driver, street outlaws, cletus mcfarland, david freiburger
Id: ytqKayzNYQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 22sec (2422 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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