Singing a Song I Made in Minecraft

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Oh what up squad it's me Joel from Rome official and a series I have not done in a while is I tried to make a hit song bla bla bla and also I've been looking at a new way to finally continue the Minecraft series so today I'm gonna try to make a hit song in Minecraft and not with that stupid program ever using minecraft snow block editor thing that's not even in Minecraft no I have learned how to make actual music in Minecraft is creative mode but yo how you gonna do it you stupid I'm gonna do it by creating loops with Minecraft instruments and then taking them into my music program and we're gonna be for the whole app right to song it's gonna be epic and yeah it's get started I guess I creating a new world it's called hit songs city you get itself explained I don't have to explain that surely great we gonna do that in creative oh no I thought I was just gonna do like a flat world but I guess we can make a song here that's fine too maybe we'll be more pretty I like flying in Minecraft it's pretty dope up here on this snowy hill looks good we get rid of some of disks it's probably hacks I could do to make this faster in creative mode but I don't like hacks I want to be a legit minecraft player obviously I love that I started out with use wasting my own time like this I just don't like mid new map that was just flat but no I got a freaking doing here I don't know my editors are gonna be so happy with me when I waste so much time so let's get started with our first loop for the song shall we the funny thing is when learning to do stuff in Minecraft is that generally you have to watch tutorials made by kids I gotta see if I can find the tutorial I've been watching so I've been watching this kid the emerald shark guy at a lava Vegas it's like obviously like 12 or even younger and he doesn't have a screen capture software it's you can see this filming a screen I love him today we're gonna be showing a notebook tutorial yes anyway I learned the basics here it was really fun just wanted to show that because it's crazy back to game I need some redstone I'm gonna need a button music blocks obviously music blocks you Joel you imbecile bit of redstone dust stuff goes on here and a button no wait that's not how it works is it I'm confused I think gonna do like that and get rid of that and we need a repeater down here so yeah if you don't know in minecraft the rhythms are measured in ticks so this is one tick right here so this means that there's a pause between notes that it's very short so we will fit one note block to note blocks three notebooks let's make a drum beat first I think this is right it might be wrong we'll just have to try it out I'm try putting the button here so what happens yeah yeah that's really fast did you do that's one tick between everything that could be cool the thing about Minecraft I realized is that they don't have a good hi-hat sound I don't know if I'm just gonna settle for what people usually use which is glass obviously this doesn't sound like a hi-hat look at it okay so for snare us--and let's get that on there and yeah that's cool okay so that just went all the same rhythm now we can't have that so after this we need a longer break we add one tick yes the kitty that's what I like now we're gonna move this here and we're gonna go back maybe we'll have both high hats and a kick here let's add another hi-hat mMmmm so now tried to make it a loop we'll see how this place that grooves though okay let's stop that for a second so we don't get that freaking headache the older I get the easier I get headaches oh my god I'm in old man okay anyway so you can connect to another loop right here I think we should make a base loop yeah spider Abbey what up B the base loop would have to be a little bit longer just we get some melodic change in it we need some wood because wood is bass in this we need a repeater I guess here [Music] right okay so not block time actually might not listen to them together might be better to do that in the music program so just let this be its own thing that would be interesting to create the loops without hearing them together might be difficult but why are these mobs always in the way come on come on get out of here freaking creeper - oh I guess they're like set to mode and creative where they will not break my stuff hopefully that's right now don't do it in I think we need to did it or did dune no no I did that with the same set out okay because the beat is like tattered in tune oh and there's snow on them they don't work that's so annoying maybe should be like could be cool to just have it differently no I broke the botany yeah okay yeah I don't think I want the fast thing actually on those can all the things stop spawning around here they're in the way just a simple bass going on I think that's reasonable I get out of the way creeper I mean it's pretty basic it's just literally a root note but okay so let's see what other sounds we can add but yeah it's really annoying right now because when I'm building it keeps getting snow on here I should probably just make a ceiling for my loops let's build a little house I guess just to so that they won't be freaking snow everywhere okay so like 20 minutes later I'm finishing up the ceiling on my looping house you guys always say that I don't do proper building so that oh I'm gonna show them wrong I'm gonna build a real roof and then like three or four rows and yeah four rows and I gave up it was too much I'm just making a flat stone roof I really I had to turn out the recording because I don't want to send like the hugest file to matters can you guys tell me if there's a faster way to build a lot no there's stuff in here zombie with a hat Oh Oh No what's that sound stop it I need some light sources in here so things won't be spawning in here that's how it works I think I just wanted torch okay what it is but yeah maybe redstone torch is fine oh my god it's still dark in the middle what you had these guys let's get the best sword available but someone said that axis will better right Bryan oh maybe I just used two diamond sword anyway and some diamond chestplate or whatever shield let's see I gotta get rid of this guy got him got him big time see this guy got him as well my place is finally free clear let's get back to what we were doing hopefully no more snow will get on my frickin loops I love me a music making program that makes it harder to do things okay wait wait why did it skip this guy oh come on things should still be going what's going on here oh it's just a freaking torches the torches our redstone torches that's not good I should have used just normal torches dang it okay so no freakin redstone torches on my loops let's put some normal torches here let's try that again let's listen to the drum beats please that grooves I love that okay so got that turn off come on by and the bass that sounds good let's look up what other note blocks they're ours to see what else we can do sound wise because I think that's a solid base we can pitch shift that in Pro Tools too if you want to do a lot of other nodes so I'm here on the Minecraft Wiki just looking with different types of notes we can get piece we got wood mix bass glass make clicks and clicks and sticks why is there not a hi-hat I don't get it it's stupid anyway I think we could start with a flute flute is but hip-hop like you can probably do something pretty cool with it not sure how many of these I'll actually use but it's good to just get them out so let's place some note blacks would be so much smarter than me to place the repeaters first I just realized okay let's have listen to this so I think we will peel these two dude yep something like that the sense of the rhythm is right yeah it's good [Music] something like that [Music] okay so I did it a little bit off-camera had some trouble technical issues with the sound stopping to work but now I'm back and I finished up the part for the bits or it's it's a square wave if it's called bits in Minecraft I don't know why it sounds like this super epics we got our four different loops and record them right now but we have this one and we got this one okay get this one and we got this one I've tried to imagine in my head how everything's gonna work I think it's gonna work but you never really know so yeah now I'm gonna go ahead and record everything and then we're gonna take it into the epic music program Pro Tools only for pros okay so I did some work off-camera because I didn't want to waste you guys this time I didn't want to waste my editors time so yeah I'm just gonna show you what I did basically I imported all of the Minecraft stuff into Pro Tools my very Pro recording program only pros get to use it and for example I start with the bass right here I know if you guys saw but when I was filming it in Minecraft and that was you know how I got it from minecraft to my recording program you know things were moving from left to right in the program meaning that the audio file also had that so what I did was that I did it down mix so it's only mono so it's only the middle cuz usually he want bass in the middle right so after I did that it sounded like this that's burger yeah and as I said in Minecraft I wanted to have that sidechain sounds added a sidechain thing called LFO tool which basically makes the volume go up lowly so it sounds like this and then I thought oh it would be cool to have a little bit more in this sound so i duplicated the track I just kind of added a bunch of distortion and stuff so this one actually let goes side to side just like it did in Minecraft so that's the original panning kinda just made it a little bit less brought together those two bases sound like this really dope I allowed that that's that's so good and then I just pitched it so it's a few different notes but I did that just in the program and then we have the drums and I basically just imported them but it sounds like this and I added an extra sample that's not from Minecraft that is this open hi-hat at the very end one thing is difficult with Minecraft and that's that the base clock of Minecraft isn't really stable maybe it's due to my computer being bad or something but it just wasn't exactly on the beat so I kind of have to cut things up a lot too just to make it exactly just added some reverb on that apart from that it's only the minecraft sound and what we programmed and then we have the bits and the bit was the thing that I changed to the most because it just didn't sound good together with the rest of the instruments to change it to this which is pretty different I just pitched it around but all together right now before we added anything else or any vocals it sounds like this [Music] so time for me to write some lyrics and record some vocals am I gonna hit the mic now when that's done it is finally time for me to show you the finished song keep it all inside kiss mom I know she tried so long can't even cry yeah this Gardenhire breathe she don't know how to leave stop getting in between she a promise she's all [Music] all those little moon [Music] every single even though there are [Music] they can really hurt [Music] Schneider
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 571,575
Rating: 4.9637766 out of 5
Keywords: I tried to make a hit song in minecraft, songwriting, songwriter, music, songs, lyrics, challenge, pop, lyric, song, producing, pop music, hooks, singing, funny, hilarious, singer, voice, voices, comedy, roomie, roomieofficial, sing, pop songs, experiment, experiments, vocals, musician, minecraft, note block music, note block song, note block, note blocks, joel, music video, hit song, minecraft song, pop hits 2020, top song 2020, minecraft music
Id: DO9nqILxhj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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