Demon's Crest [SNES]

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all right let's go have you played this before yes [Music] definitely one of my top five favorite uh snes games um i'd have to think about it super metroid's up there this is up there chrono trigger was really good and i think that probably belongs in the list even though i'm not like the biggest fan of uh rpgs but i think chrono trigger was really sick and even though i'm not like a huge fan of rpgs i think that's probably in there [Music] i can't remember if you had to like [Music] you have nice [Music] um i'm not sure what else i mean i like sm rpg as well [Music] um i don't know if that'd be top five though it's right up there [Music] it's definitely nostalgic for me [Music] all right there you go [Music] foreign [Music] come on you can live [Music] doom snazz [Music] i mean the pc port if you want to consider that like a snes game sure that would probably be up there but god damn the non-ported version makes you i don't even want to do that as an incentive because it's sickening [Music] [Music] fine come on down [Music] um what else [Music] um yeah super metroid a link to the past is a decent game i'm just not like the biggest fan of it i don't know it is a good game but [Music] [Laughter] [Music] um i've never beaten final fantasy 6. [Music] i know i know yeah we can 100 this [Laughter] [Music] [Music] it's [Music] i've never played super metroid no i hear it's good though all right i'm being an [ __ ] yes i have i don't know if you're if you're a new viewer you may not have you know known that i speed around the game i've watched your progress and i'm glad that i shall be the hold on page two page two one to put an end to your petty crusade i believe you've heard of me i am arma uh i will be your executioner i was trying to think of an arma joke like i see a thieves joke yeah who i am tony hawk you've heard of me [Music] tony hawk always has the best um stories like that i met someone in public and they said are you tony hawk and i said well yeah how nice you to notice [Music] he always has those cringe stories oh so you've heard of me [Music] maeve is this a little too scary for you you do seem to possess the strength people have been talking about i look forward to our next encounter are you tony hawk yes why [Music] you have found the crest of earth way that you can morph and do g gargoyle and gain great speed and strength to break stone statue yes why what a weird thing to say um i can't remember the actual um [Music] uh the order of operations here it might be this first we'll do this first of town we need to come back here at some point but [Music] yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] off oh yeah what's in here again [ __ ] [Music] welcome to the wise man a shop a spell i've ever i never actually buy anything um because i feel like these are just useless sure why not generally [Music] well if you're gonna try to fight or beat the final boss which we might like the secret boss which we can maybe try that if you guys want uh we can you know we'll be buying potions and spells and [ __ ] [ __ ] off [Music] i'm [ __ ] up i don't even want to change i this guy sucks dude [Music] can i can i survive the water section with this guy i don't think i can i can't remember how much hp you need [Music] you can barely survive it [Music] yeah i'm not gonna try it then [Music] i know there's a door there i don't think i can do that yet or i'll do that later [Music] this is a sequel to uh ghosts and goblins as well [Music] that's what they sound like [Music] or yeah ghost and whatever [Music] that's like a motorcycle was this again probably just yeah i've never uh beaten it i've never spent a lot of time trying to beat it but um yeah i know it's uh pretty challenging [Music] i feel like if i want to try again i i want to do it with just save states because you have to keep going back and refilling your potions and spells and [ __ ] which is obnoxious [Music] we're good we're good ow [Music] dude he's whacking me out of the sky [ __ ] [Music] i'm a loser i should use my spell i never use spells maybe i should start [Music] okay [ __ ] we need to refill here i think so no we don't get a refill [ __ ] [Music] no i know i know that's why i've been using this [Music] one it just gets [ __ ] obnoxious when you're stuck in a corner how do you use the spell again does it just select [Music] or no it's not select which one is it x i'm not going to test it right now probably x [Music] [Music] wow [Music] oh okay [Music] got his ass did that even do anything to him [Music] back up a little bit [Music] easy easy damn i'm looking as red as that [ __ ] boss right there i got a little sun burnt yesterday yeah you can kind of see it all right a little a lot um what's the next one we go to uh normally i do the tower i believe [Music] i can't remember the exact order but we'll do the tower regardless [Music] oh yeah you can't do anything with that yeah this is a good game i enjoy it a lot it has a lot of nostalgia for me as well i played it quite a bit when i was a kid but the game kind of scared me a little bit but i was also intrigued there's like a lot of secrets to the game and you know there's always something to it that made it fun [Music] [ __ ] these birds hit hard hold on do we want to do this first or second i can't remember which one do we want to do probably the tornado first let's do it i think it like the uh the scythe thing [Music] oh nice hit loser [Music] okay you got me [Music] uh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] an elf face kind of does a little bit [Music] i don't think we get anything for this right yep farted and [ __ ] [Music] barely make that [Music] i think it's just over on the side [Music] thank you i'm glad you enjoy them [Music] i think you just get more gems right or whatever with this one [Music] [Music] oh yeah gold or whatever [Music] oh it's a ghost [Music] hey man it's not cool man jt wise thanks seven months i'm sure they prefer to be called like you know wispies or something nice to see you again by your brand ah there shall be no mercy for you this time yeah okay this is gonna be a snooze fest [Music] foreign [Music] great [Music] oh [Music] sign waves ah thank you for the 40 months uh can it be my whirlwind move has been defeated what are you goodbye for now by your brand dropping eggs you have found the crest of air with it you can morph into a a gargoyle and soar higher into the air all right um i think we should go not back actually we come back here later finish the actual game or finish that map once we get the uh the thing that penetrates the [ __ ] your mom um whatever it is we can maybe go here for now [Music] yeah because we need like the buster or whatever the busta [Music] oh you can't break anything with this huh i remember what's in here even [Music] just a boss is this which brings me to the other boss that actually gives me the buster i can't remember [Music] might not be able to do this [Music] papyrus says thanks for the gifts it's up to morbin [Music] yeah [ __ ] that's a heart yeah we need to come back here regardless yeah so let's get another poll going for the next game [Music] yeah this is the little boss i don't know if we can kill this thing i'm pretty low on hp [ __ ] um yeah so let's add does no one want to see our type it seems like donald's really voting on that [Music] um we can do our type contra doesn't really seem like a lot of people want to see contra [Music] i don't think there's something back there was there did i miss something either way i have to come back [Music] okay i cannot [Music] oh [Music] oh you're so close [Music] um i mean whatever you guys think i feel like the fire is best than just like kill the top one first i feel like the top one's weaker so we can do our type um we can put contra on there if you want we can put um what else no i meant i play super metroid all the time i don't wanna you know [Music] [ __ ] dude [Music] oh it's almost dead okay [Music] maybe i should just stick to this [Music] oh dude i'm getting cocked [Music] the lion king [Music] i know at some point i'm gonna have to play lion king i know that's the thing if lion king is on the list it's gonna win so let's not add that next we'll add that next next [Music] [ __ ] baiting me dude he's doing the combo respect [Music] dude nothing but respect for the combos here that's sick [Music] don't don't i knew it i knew a [ __ ] combo was coming [Music] okay we're good i i still have to come back here once i get buster um well let's just go back i actually have to all right [Music] i'm pretty sure i have to go back once i get buster right because there's a i thought there was an upgrade or like a a vial or a spell in that thing that was blocked off correct killer instinct okay so let's put [Music] um contra contra 3 r type um anything else what was on there you guys want to see zombies date my neighbor on there on the list mega man x um we'll put one of the mega man x's on there mega man x one or two what do you guys want to see i probably won't win but [Music] i have to do this stage twice so i'm gonna save this probably for later once i get the other i have to come back here at some point once i get water and buster because there's a heart uh container thing and there's that so wait can i break through that with this or no no i can't okay yoshi's island will take me like three and a half to four hours you can die and reset the stage yeah but i have to kill this first i can't die after i kill the boss oh wait can i just die to the boss and then the stage will be fixed i thought the stage wasn't good until you beat the boss oh okay then i'll just die real quick so i want to do this part again regardless though i still have to come back [Music] okay let's get the extra container for now then [Music] here [Music] is a super punch-out any good yeah [Music] i actually don't even know this boss's weakness doesn't seem to be this this is quite slow [Music] this is very slow compared to this [Music] i wasn't doing any damage to it [ __ ] i don't know if this is any good though i know we get this sine wave attack here at some point [Music] [Music] thank you chad easy make sure to vote on the next game vote on the next game you got the piece of the fire crest called tornado with it you can jump higher than before okay this ability sucks ass [Music] literal ass um okay we have to do the shop at some point [Music] what do i want to go back to um where's the hidden thing is it on this island or no is it the other one [Music] is it this one that's the tough one or the other one [Music] chad do you know [Music] i don't think it's this one i don't know why i don't think it's the island is it it's it's one of these maybe [Music] might just be like in the forest i can't remember [Music] i i thought it was that come on [Music] maybe it's not like there yet rare [Music] okay clearly i'm wrong i i i'll try the island mini game [Music] it opens up later oh so this is nothing then all right [ __ ] it [Music] all right yeah it's a cool game for sure um i can't do that yet let's do the oh this is maybe it no this is it yeah [Music] all right [Music] this is a bad start [Music] [ __ ] [Music] not a chance we're getting this [Music] no all right i'm i'm warmed up easy let's go [Music] it's [ __ ] lower than you think [Music] i'm that good baby second try [Music] all right [Music] no not yet the [ __ ] off i want to get out of here how do i get out of here again just die [Music] i could already beat the game like forever ago but no well every game on the list no [Music] come on you got to be doing more damage to me right my god you're weak [Music] i was just pushing overtime it's been four hours dude shut up [Music] all right um so we can't okay we're not gonna do that garbage what do we go back to i could maybe go back to um the town i think right we could do the uh yeah i think we could do this [Music] i remember what's up here i'm just curious to see what shop items or whatever [Music] um this is just potions yeah okay sulfur what do we need uh elixir what's ginseng do again make my dick hard like you know ginseng in real life fellas am i right [Music] what's elixir [Music] we're talking about men's health okay [Music] if men's health is a joke to you all then um sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] all right i don't know if i can do this yet the underground or the water section but we're gonna do this no just men's health what's i mean [ __ ] [Music] just start chugging l-arginine the l-citrulline some ginseng you're good to go man [ __ ] i'm not supposed to be here [Music] but i mean maybe i am supposed to be here i know you have to like double back a bunch you know [Music] it's a pain in the ass dude [Music] oh i just have to come back then okay right right so this gives me the attack [Music] now [Music] i had the best cookies i've ever had the other day chat they were lucky charms cookies this is not really a speed right now i might need to come back here anyways so i don't know if i need to do this like entirely okay will you [ __ ] off [Music] yeah so it was like the yummy marshmallow taste of pure sugar and then like a delicious cookie [Music] it was so good um i can't go there yet [Music] okay that's cool i like mmx too um i'm trying to remember the weakness here i have a pretty bad sweet dude like i will binge sweets pretty bad i try to stay like somewhat healthy but yeah when it comes to sugary [ __ ] that's kind of a weakness it's not good [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah this is definitely you got the piece of the fire crest called buster with it you can break through stone all right so we can just come well no let's not go back here yet because i still want water first uh stone stones still want water for that um [Music] where is the the first stage again which one is that [Music] what is the first stage [Music] which is this probably yeah let me do this again [Music] i don't think i missed anything here right i don't think there's anything [Music] it's all just [Music] [Music] i'm gonna want that so if i'm trying to go for like well at the end you use a password does that reset all your money probably or the like super hard secret boss [Music] okay we have everything here we got the potion or whatever that was at the bottom left it does reset okay damn yeah that's right because you could do it anytime if you have the password [Music] [Laughter] [Music] doing this game [Music] you doing anything but 100 in this game you're just losing you're losing good content i feel like [Music] all right [Music] yeah you have to do this game 100 if you play it [Music] all right um so we did that let's go back to the tower wow [Music] those cookies are pillsbury probably yeah [Music] they're really really good they're magically dangerously delicious [Music] wow that's a tough one [Music] all right so then we have to go kill the main boss [Music] so [Music] damn i thought i had the clearance [Music] all right you just stand on this thing's back and just spam like i don't think it's weak to this though i can't remember [Music] and then what does this you get off [Music] does it always spin when you jump it's back i can't remember that seems kind of weak to it i mean we're not done with it yet okay you got the piece of the fire crest called claw with it you can climb up walls oh wow okay i think we're done here entirely this opens up now yeah it's the most worthless [ __ ] ever um [Music] [Music] the speedrun has some interesting tech for this game where uh you use potions the frame that you grab the item and then that warps you back to the start of the stage and you get the item [Music] then you can just like redo the stage with the power-up that you got because generally like you get a power up from the stage and then you need to just do it again you know a little bit annoying [Music] uh maybe i i wanted to learn the speedrunner for this at one point but i i do like the game it's kind of just a classic for me and i don't want to ruin the game for myself [Music] [Music] oh i can just stand on that okay [Music] um i don't know what this is weak to maybe claw [Music] i think you can get two heads in right [Music] [Music] looks like some melted cheese yeah [Music] the pizza boss yum [Music] pizza pizza [Music] this looks like the appetizer from that one episode of spongebob when they try to act like a five-star restaurant [Music] [Music] oh [Music] better be a little careful it's almost got to be dead right this is probably not the weakness since it's taking this long to kill [Music] there we go yes uh symphony tonight is my favorite game uh a castlevania game uh crust of water what does this do again oh yeah all right oh you can fight that with the upgraded gargoyle nice let's just go right back i'm pretty sure and then we do this [Music] don't [Music] remember when emmett was playing this i can't remember if he didn't know you could swim straight or there's something about this mechanic that i don't think he got or something might have not been that but [Music] [Music] nice dude [Music] i think there's just the one item right [Music] god damn it dude [Music] i don't know if i can survive this [Music] why do i have ginseng actually i should use that i don't have to redo this [Music] hey vaude uh [Music] thank you very much for the raid how's it going how's the stream [Music] ow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] this snail's got some serious stuff what's up caffeine thank you [Music] [Music] all right brutal death um so i got the water thing all right let's go back here i think i'm good to finish this up and then i can go to the main stage [Music] well i 100 mega man x2 yes [Music] unless you mean zero parts i can get the zero parts if you want i've never actually gotten them you do 100 for the speed run you just don't get the zero parts um i need to go back actually don't i [ __ ] we can do that [Music] well though the speed run is like 100 it's any percent you get everything except just that because it's faster to get the uh sure you can alright you know can i go back here probably not it's not gonna let me go backwards i doubt [Music] oh it does no you [ __ ] okay nevermind [Music] yeah this is definitely right up there for me for favorite games sure [Music] is there anything over here i cannot remember we just leave nothing down here i can't remember i think that's something i need so i should go back we've already killed this thing [Music] i'm sure a lot of us had to do a lot of convincing when it came to our parents letting us um play video games for me it was me my brother had to try to convince we rented doom 3 and my mom didn't really see like i'm pretty sure we convinced her to let us get it she's like okay we needed to rent it for another um another week to beat it but right at the end [Music] right at the end she had to watch us play a little bit of it and there was like pentagrams and [ __ ] like before you finished like the last box so i never even got to beat the game when i was a kid like mom we're fighting demons [Music] for jesus mom [Music] yeah we're we're soldiers of christ [Music] i cannot believe she let me play diablo 2. i was obsessed with that game growing up i'm very surprised i also played the [ __ ] out of worms god damn i played that game so much i was like such a good roper that sounds you know weird in today's context since everything's gross as [ __ ] but yes i was i was the roper of the team [Music] jump [ __ ] dude [Music] yeah okay i have to i have to do this again now you still owe me a burr albert i'll just give you my runes well yeah i don't know if i'm gonna play until another ladder so i think i'm done [Music] i want to like get back to business with you know normal [ __ ] for a while because i know i'll probably play the ladder once um once it's announced or whatever and um i hope that they have some sort of balances or they change the meta a little bit or something [Music] and i might just do a hardcore character until then i might just be done so i can like focus on life [Music] all right [Music] oh um i'm not sure i mean necromancer is awesome you know always awesome i could maybe do that necromancer is one of my favorite classes in d2 so maybe it'll be cool in db4 i don't know [Music] so i'll probably play necromancer if i you know play the beta which hopefully is soon all right what is this one again a skull um yeah and d2 or d3 wasn't that good i agree [Music] i really like the way it looks in d4 though i i'm i'm worried that in d4 it's going to be not niche but i think like i i think the blood or the dark stuff is going to be a little bit like super build dependent hopefully not i don't know does it seem like from what i was looking at super slow from like they were showing some animations from like the dark uh whatever ability from the necromancer and it looked slow as [ __ ] with like zero area of effect [Music] [Laughter] well because that was like the least used emotes and um i added you know oatsgamer so [Music] i also added golden corn or whatever whatever works [Music] just just gaming that's it all right um i can't remember what else is here um i don't think there's anything here i think it's the next area so we'll do this first oh yeah we also added um whatever that is yeah a few new emotes [Music] i was gonna try to change that one because it looks like i'm i don't know like too friendly or something [Music] i need i need more aggression all right i am not [Music] any last words [Music] [ __ ] whatever fine i'll do this [Music] [Music] hmm that sounds kind of good really um yeah i mean to each their own i was i was pretty happy with the way it looked i think the game i wouldn't change anything about how the game looks i i honestly love the aesthetics of the game [Music] um when it comes to the abilities i i like the like blood the the dark the bone the summon the only thing i don't like is the summon like the book of summons page however as long as the game plays good i don't necessarily care about the aesthetics not being exactly the way i want them you know hey great fox yeah i mean i'll play i don't know how long it's gonna be out but feels like yeah i mean i don't know i i say yes and no i think there are definitely aspects from v3 that are creeping their way into d4 which isn't a bad thing i really do like and i don't know if this is an unpopular opinion uh with what i've seen from d4 i like the paragon board idea it's they're taking a lot of ideas from path of exile as well which is good and dumbing them down which is arguably good arguably not good it's really not going to be as daunting as you think albert [Music] it's i think it'll be fairly easy to navigate [Music] i think if anything it's it's one of those things that like might look daunting but it's actually in all reality easy as [ __ ] and not as like cool as it looks but hopefully it's good jump the ball wait a minute wait a minute i'm missing something here [Music] [Laughter] i'm pretty sure right yeah it's gotta be up here [Music] [Music] okay i think we got everything here now [Laughter] [Music] this is our final meeting you shall go no further i will destroy you or die trying uh library thanks for the tier three for 27 thank you appreciate that very generous [Music] this dude's a little cringe [Music] [Music] [Music] okay this guy is not weak okay well you do possess incredible power fire brand my power is now yours let me seal it within this crest [Music] the crest of time i think you can morph into l wow the loser gargoyle in your skin she'll become like iron and decrease the damage done to you by half [Music] we need to go back here now [Music] lame yeah i don't think there's anything else here i got the thing on the top left i think on the next portion of uh [Music] map or whatever there is something in the sky [Music] uh zarath zarathustra thanks for the 19. sorry if i missed anything chad [Music] now i don't think there's anything here until the end someone correct me if i'm wrong but i don't think i need to break any of this yeah we're going for 100 the um you talking the super secret boss or like the the bonus boss um before that before you beat the game probably that [Music] okay i think that's it [Music] [Music] okay so there's a crazy hard boss you got the piece of fire uh crest called demon fire this is the most powerful fire in the realm bet it's not as a high beat he uses my grill that wolf that wolf was hot get out um do we go back there no i think i think we're good i do have to go back to the start though [Music] no not the start [ __ ] can i like leave the stage no we've already done all this i guess i'll just die oh probably faster [Music] taste the meat taste the heat now taste taste the meat not the heat [Music] you're gonna do the gargalon level what's the gargalon level [Music] let him have it have a chat no i have been defeated um yeah i have to go here [Music] no one cares [Music] um i'm gonna go buy some potions [Music] [Music] no i don't think it is [Music] [Music] [Music] um i think i tried but i wasn't really enjoying it i don't know [Music] uh thanks for the 14 done [Music] i believe that's everything i was there anything here i couldn't get i don't think so i know i got everything to the right oh there was something here i couldn't get uh i had to do with this um this was nothing i don't think [Music] what the heck is that casper all right this might be it i don't think there's anything else there is this bottom right i can't remember [Music] or bottom left if it is no [Music] i mean there might be something else later on though [Music] this might be it yeah what is the pittsburgh pirates oh who cares you know what i'm saying like [Music] um i don't think i need to go that way i think it's this way [Music] i'm sorry all right so we got one left uh good to go um this might be all the items uh what's the one that gives me more power what does hand do again i think i think we're like almost 100 percent we can go to the final stage now jerks you up no it doesn't uh [Music] i need to go this way [Music] no there's nothing there [Music] yeah so we're good nickleton's getting us up to bazool all right i think we're done we got everything do we go here now [Music] um i think that's it now instead of fighting the final boss it'll bring us to like the castle [ __ ] [Music] also what does the hand do i didn't see i know someone said it jacks you off but i know for a fact this is not [Music] that's right or a fact [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello child mickey [Music] [Music] hey charles what's up uh danath with the five gifted subs thank you so much [Music] uh charles i got to uh we gotta get on call at some point and uh discuss uh the run and everything so uh someday this week [Music] was it this one or the next one i can't remember [Music] okay perfect done with that no no no no no no no no [Applause] [Music] [Music] did we pass it we might have passed it no no it's coming up right here [Applause] okay this makes me stronger i'm pretty sure fang [Music] i don't know what the hand does i cannot remember [Music] [Applause] yeah okay we're good yeah charles ah emmet [Music] kaku i think this is just health [Music] all right afraid of fire okay [Music] yeah i guess an extra hand always does increase my rate of fire [Music] [Music] easy [Music] ow that one hurt [Music] [ __ ] [Music] holy all right sounds good charles i've given up on trivia i've gotten so many bad questions and i've just been a dumbass to be fair i just i'm retiring from trivia i think [Music] [Music] okay there's been like two times puma yeah that's the only reason umo did give me a couple you know faulty suggestions but that's okay that's my fault for listening to him all right that's gg yes you have the power i seek the crest of heaven so this is how the game ends if you don't do 100 you fight this guy and it's done you fight a you fight this guy and you might get the second phase i can't remember how it works now this is the second phase so i don't think you get this i don't know and then this is the final boss there's nothing after this is this all the skill you possess fight harder [Music] lies i'm joking just go with it [Music] yeah so this is the final boss [Music] oh god i'm gonna die there's a lot of damage [Music] um this definitely is i don't think this is the best uh thing to be using here but should have been dead by now for sure all right that's it that's gg you think you have destroyed me but it was merely a shadow [Music] oh man chad he got me again finally the ultimate power behold the crest of infinity [Music] so you only get this if you um you 100 the game so you may as well not even 100 the game or you may as well not even play the game if you're not going 100 it was lame as [ __ ] [Music] now the world stands helpless against my power i need you no longer firebrand you're now merely a nuisance died [Music] [Music] now you can cheese your way on this you can like just uh take some face shots [Music] maybe a little bit careful here i'm kind of being careless [Music] you guys want me to beat this without ginseng so it looks fair [Music] you just have to play a little bit safer yeah you basically just kind of stay back and then you just stay in the line of fire it's not too bad [Music] there's also another stretch where you can literally just face tank um you take damage and you just go into its face i guess [Music] so [Music] [Music] she [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] didn't hit that [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] 134 not too bad [Music] yeah it's a really cool game i mean it's it's just a classic you know so there is another boss [Music] however i don't know if we want to uh if we try that i'm going to set up save states on a different controller and we can try it for like 30 minutes because i'm gonna make a save state because here's what you have to do you need potions and in order to get those potions you have to sit there and farm and it's obnoxious um you need to farm for an annoying amount of time and then you go there with your potions and you go okay well [ __ ] i'll try a little bit i've never i've never beaten this final boss so i kind of want to try it a little bit i don't know if we need to let the credits roll or not [Music] i can't remember how this works i think it's always the same password and then we're gonna do mega man x2 afterwards [Music] yeah now we have the infinity crest yeah race me [ __ ] here here's here's what you can do you can just fire up mega man x2 when i do never beat him and you call yourself a gamer well i've never tried for more than like 20 minutes because the the constant farming is obnoxious so i will set up save states on my st2 snes on a different controller um yeah i never tried that one i hear it's cool though um all right i'm gonna let the credits roll i'm gonna go use the bathroom and we're gonna try that for a little bit you
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 5,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, metroid dread, dread, snes, demon's crest, demon's, crest, demon crest, snes demon's crest, demon, boss, bosses, ghosts n goblins, firebrand, arma, trio, black lotus, wise man, malwous, phalanx, somulo, hippogriff, belth, ovnunu, flame lord, flier, scula, holothurion, crawler, grewon, dark demon, crests, talismans
Id: ALmJGx_R-ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 23sec (5843 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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