Highgate Cemetery - Filming Locations and Famous Graves 4K

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if that is always for today's Grim Adventure we're doing something a little extra special you see here at the Grim life Collective we love cemeteries and since we're in London we had to come check out Highgate Cemetery movies were filmed here the architecture here is beyond amazing and it just has a reputation for being like the granddaddy of cemeteries and just look at this one of my all-time favorite Vincent Price movies was filmed here the Abominable Dr fives Fantastic Beasts the crimes of Grindelwald filmed here as well in fact where we're walking right now at the end of this tunnel it's called the circle of Lebanon this is our first step it's like which way do we go you're gonna go to the right all right we've seen some pretty amazing cemeteries in our time baby cool but nothing nothing ever compares to this not even New Orleans when it comes to Highgate Cemetery there are two sides the west side and the east side and both of them are equally beautiful both of them if you want to visit the west side is the oldest and today we're just going to be spending pretty much the entire day just walking around we have tickets for both we have a tour guide well we're the tour guide we have a tour guide book we're going to show it to you just taking our time through everything the first thing that I want to do is track down the filming locations to Dr fibes line everything up in fact fun fact really they filmed on both sides of the cemetery [Music] or three or nine who's this ladies and gentlemen I want you to meet a dear friend [Music] it's like he said and I'll take his feet let's unscrew it [Music] will kill but you can't doctor I am already dead I ready for Dr five hmm probably the most terrifying Motion Picture you'll ever see [Music] usually whenever we do these film and location videos we try to do shot for shot but this one in particular at Highgate Cemetery we're trying to track down Dr fives Crypt because the detectives want to see if his body's there now after the caretaker gives the worms scene he leads the detectives right down this path the same one Jessica's walking you can see those giant tombstones behind her and even more so this part of the wall s foes they'll have the worms soon enough what happened to the money the fives the state oh that's an immensely complicated Manchester he seems he had money invested all over Europe but we're still investigating where did he get all those degrees now what they're trying to do and they don't show it in the movie they should because it's a beautiful staircase they walk right over here to the staircase down into the circle of Lebanon to fives the script and it's a little tricky to find because they actually put a fake Crypt wall up you'll see what I mean but I think we we know exactly where it's at and now tracking down Dr five's Crypt and it's kind of tricky because they all look alike and some people have actually got it wrong but being here we're able to tell which two were used in the movie and they are on both sides of Jessica right now so if I back up here I want you to take a look at all this on Jessica's right on your left when you're watching it it says John and Emily Eliza swing you can see this portion of the crypt right there see how it kind of like hangs over you see this Stone up there in fact pay attention to all the stones they've been repaired but they still look the same but this one right here that doesn't have a nameplate on it this was five script in fact right there right in the center it looks like there was a name plate there that's where the fives name was pop it up please so in theory in the world of Vincent Price this was Dr fives's grave but if you know the movie spoiler alert he's not in there he didn't burn in the car crashes asses aren't in the coffin and neither are his wife we've seen a couple different posts of people coming out here and trying to track down fives as Crypt and the one that they always choose the one they only show is a little further down in the circle this one here matches up perfectly and it's right next to the steps now baby ghoul before we go and explore the cemetery there's one more film that we want to showcase and that was Fantastic Beasts the crimes of Grindelwald and in the movie they filmed here at Highgate Cemetery which is in London but in the movie the cemetery they say is in Paris now this is where Grindelwald is calling a meeting right and basically the big big scene at the very end and uh there's one shot that we could line up almost perfectly that lets you know that we're in the right area entryway into a sort of Coliseum like bowl that they go into to hold their meeting but as you can see you cannot enter this section right and once everything happens and you got like that blue flame coming up all over the place there's this establishing shot at the very end of the scene that's taken from up above so for this we got to go back up the five stairs and look for certain tombstones to match everything up [Music] all right we spend a lot of time walking around the cemetery looking at the staircases there are two of them to see if anything matches spot on like identical to the movie and not really so that kind of tells me that they kind of doctor the image they built the staircase they did in fact put mausoleums in a statue right there in the center of your screen you can see where there's like the grass in the tree but if we look down here down the steps you can kind of see it so they definitely filmed here and they definitely use this for inspiration you can see at the bottom of the steps the stonework and that's pretty much it for the filming locations here at Highgate Cemetery at least for now I'm sure at some point we'll come back a lot of things were filmed here but there's a few different Graves that we want to check out we also want to explore and just kind of take things in so enjoy they do have a free map that you can get but for five dollars they have this really nice book it says Highgate Cemetery saved by its friends and it is filled with all kinds of interesting stories about the people that are buried here highly recommend getting it souvenir guide a lot of times whenever we're on the road things can get pretty stressful trying to make sure you get the shot so this is a nice little walk for sure Place we've always wanted to be Highgate cemetery is one of the most well-known cemeteries in the world and believe it or not they are still burying people here they are still having funerals and I've heard that in order to be buried here one of two things need to happen you can't just buy a plot and someday you're going to die you need to one either be above 80 years old or two be terminally ill those are the only two ways that you can be buried here so the moment you die in the ground you go respectfully and here's the final resting place of Sir Ian Holm and you know his face and I love that they have this giant bust of him from Lord of the Rings The Hobbit I mean that's what I mostly remember I'm from but what an actor and what a career man talk about a nice little spot in the last few minutes the death has been announced of the actor sir Ian home perhaps best known for roles in Chariots of Fire and the Lord of the Rings he was 88. Sarah Campbell looks back at his long career he was one of Britain's most familiar and most reliable character actors were nominated for this performance in Chariots of Fire [Music] Harold Pinter said he was his favorite actor if I could see the big prize hang in there believe me I won't waste any time he was terrifying as the treacherous Android Ash in Alien in foot five he was often cast in diminutive parts in the borrowers he played one of a family of tiny people opposite his then wife Penelope Wilton you do me wrong to take me at the National Theater he was an acclaimed King Lear the soul in Bliss but I found I'm on the wheel of Fire that mine on tears just scored for 17 years he refused to appear alive because of stage fright I'm old Gandalf as Bilbo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings he captured the character's good sense and selflessness I feel thin sort of stretched like but scraped over too much bread I need a holiday a very long holiday and I don't expect I should return rarely the star but schools of Productions were lit up by Sir Ian Holmes wit warmth and intensity and not that far from Sir Ian Holm is the final resting place of actor Bob Hoskins who played Eddie and one of Jessica's favorite movies Who Framed Roger Rabbit now this is all in a private area you need permission back here and we actually have permission to be here which is why we're filming and here it is gonna move the plan a little bit just so you can see his name Bob Hoskins 1942-2014. wow you know it's crazy baby girl you know growing up with Who Framed Roger Rabbit it's amazing being here at Highgate Cemetery but visiting his grave hits home more than anything because that's childhood right there [Music] he was perhaps the unlikely film star but the star who appealed to all Bob Hoskins grew up in London a background that would shape many of his characters but confessed to getting into acting after mistakenly being called for a theater audition his first big breakthrough came in Dennis Potter's Pennies from Heaven it's impossible to explain it's just not the sort of thing that you can put into words because it was his role as London gangster Harold Shand in The Long Good Friday that transformed him to film star hero that was Victorious the big roles followed as did the accolades including an Oscar nomination for best actor in the crime drama Mona Lisa why am I doing this because I asked you I'd never seen anybody cry in front or get so emotional you could read his face you know his read read his actions and he encouraged me to do that too it was only in the last few years that the 71 year old stepped back from the limelights announcing his retirement from acting in 2012 having been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease posting a picture online daughter Rosa added the loss of my dad has broken my heart tonight his agent confirmed that the star died peacefully in hospital surrounded by his family after a bouts of pneumonia adding quite simply we are devastated by the loss of our beloved Bob the entrance to the private cemetery is hidden very well here and you blink you miss it but if you want to visit Bob Hoskins and you do not have permission from the family then you can still see his grave all you got to do it's just nowhere to look can't get back there but there he is right there now baby goal when it comes to Highgate Cemetery of course there's ghost stories but as with anything real life is often scarier now supposedly the cemetery used to have a problem with exploding coffins yeah well natural gases from the body so I mean back in the Victorian area they were still trying to figure out all these different things I'm guessing so they kind of came up with this great idea they would drill a hole in the coffin put a pipe and then after a while I'm guessing they would light a match and kind of throw it in there to just kind of get the the gases to uh so they didn't go kaboom now there's one grave that's on this little path that we're on right now that wasn't an exploding coffin but it has something to do with radioactivity that's a very unique story now believe it or not the grave that we're walking up to right now is not an old grave It's the final resting place of somebody by the name of Alexander lit veneko who died in 2006. now sadly he was murdered by radioactive poisoning in London's Millennium Hotel and his body well his final resting place is listed on the tours and it's right here off the main path and he's actually buried 12 feet down not six feet in a lead-lined coffin to protect anybody who comes to say hello and that's right here crazy story right let's get a closer look at him and almost directly behind him is the grave of George Michael the singer pretty wild let me back up a little bit there we go hopefully I didn't make you dizzy foreign the singer George Michael is here as well and actually it was a little hard finding his final resting place even with the map because his Tombstone doesn't say George Michael instead it has his real name on it but it's right here about the center of your screen so let's just say Georgios pan I tell you died December 25th 2016. beloved Son brother and friend okay we've got some breaking news coming to us here via Thames Valley police who have confirmed the death of the singer George Michael at the age of 53. his publicist has said he passed away peacefully at home the singer who was 53 launched his career with Wham in the 1980s and continued his success as a solo performer so just reminding you here that South Central Ambulance Service attended his home in Goring in South Oxfordshire police say that there were no suspicious circumstances he was at 53 and as many people all know had launched his career with Wham along with Andrew Ridgely in the 1980s and then went on to even greater success as a solo performer he's often spoken well this is something unique something we haven't seen in any of our Cemetery Safaris before until now it's a Sleeping Angel oh my word of course you'd have to Boop her toes [Music] foreign [Music] it really is like walking through a garden of the Dead look at that full circle back to the entrance where we started this video that was something else right I've seen pictures of this online and they've all been absolutely beautiful but I I as with a lot of things it doesn't come close to seeing this in person having to go stand in the hall one more time yeah I just got a rest right here and this is just the west side of the cemetery and with that I think we can safely say we're done with the west side for now let's head over across the street to the east side of Highgate Cemetery [Music] here I am [Music] [Music] some of these gravestones and monuments on the hill were pretty freaking elaborate and look at that you kind of have to walk really slow just so you can take it all in I point all this out because right over here right at the end of it there's a little pathway that goes up and you see the tombstone with a cup of pens see if I can get close enough to read that Douglas Adams writer 1952-2001. I guess it's customary to come here and just leave a pen there you go I'm sure you know this by now but in case you don't Douglas Adams he's the guy who's responsible for bringing us Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy let's take a look at somebody left to a picture here about dolphins let's see here more of the Dolphins knowledge is power so long and thanks for all your story that's nice also right down here by the road beneath Douglas Adams is Tombstone there's another Bowl filled with pen so that's got to be the thing to do Karl Marx is another grave that I never thought that I'd ever get to visit not a political person in any way shape or form and definitely really don't know much about him and his political beliefs except for it was very very controversial communism right but just look at the size of that head it's massive I've always seen pictures of it never thought that I'd be here standing looking at it now if I look at it straight on can you tell that it's leaning now supposedly years ago people were so mad because of his political beliefs and they tried blowing it up and this massive Stone this massive tombstone has been leaning ever since I have a thing for busts on tombstones like heads the more realistic the better they are and just this just blows my mind that it's that massive the last Stone I was looking for in this cemetery on this trip is this one right here for Patrick Caufield who's an artist and I just love that the tombstone itself says dead and if I'm not mistaken he was a pop artist who pretty much designed his own tombstone much respect than that I want to do something like that pretty wild right never seen a tombstone that said dead before here's another death mask this time for Malcolm Robert Andrew McLaren Like the quote better a spectacular failure than a benign success walking through the cemetery I see this off in the distance I was wondering what it was it's a piano a little quote what does it say sweet Thou Art sleeping cradles on my heart safe in God's keeping while I must weep apart that's nice I didn't expect to see that here now this is the final resting place the grave of a man by the name of Carl Mayer m-a-y-e-r it was a little hard to find mainly because it's not a very popular spot but if you're a fan of horror movies and horror Cinema like we are then Carl Mayer might be of interest to you you see he was a co-author of the screenplay of the cabinet of Dr Caligari pretty wild right another reason why it was so hard to find is because the the writing the the letters kind of blend in with the stone but it says Carl Mayer 1894 to 1944 the nine and four missing Pioneer in the art of the cinema erected by his friends and fellow workers now here's the fun thing about the Highgate Cemetery both the East and the West Side you can come here pay the admission and tour both sides of the cemetery at your own leisure just walking around spending all day here taking pictures reading tombstones I even saw somebody drawing the Karl Marx headstone you can also book a tour on the west side that takes you to some of the more intricate tombstones as well as into the catacombs sadly when we got here it was already too late the last two already left so next time we come back we're going to take you guys into the catacombs but with that being said thank you for joining us another Grim Adventure this time to Highgate cemetery and until next time happy Halloween
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 93,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Highgate Cemetery, Highgate Cemetery Documentary, Highgate Cemetery London, Highgate Cemetery Tour, Highgate Cemetery Famous Graves, Highgate Cemetery at Night, Highgate Cemetery England, Highgate Cemetery Catacombs, Highgate Cemetery Walk, Fantastic Beasts, Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, Fantastic Beasts the Secrets of Dumbledore, London Filming Locations, London Then and Now, Johnny Depp, Vincent Price, Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts The Crimes of Grindelwald
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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