Stephen King’s Rose Red (2002) Filming Locations - Then and NOW 4K

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for today's Grim Adventure we find ourselves in Tacoma Washington what you're looking at right now is the Thornwood Castle or as we like to call it Rose Red s are alive [Music] we say haunted but we mean the house has gone insane all right imagination of Stephen King comes a disturbing new epic tale there are rumors that you're planning a scientific investigation of rose red this summer sort of psychic field trip is that true sir Joyce Reardon my goal is modest a single twitch it's time to stop the silliness the truth is out there when I come back from rose red with proof it's sleaze it's a spit in the eye of rational thought now [Music] waking up rose red is not a good idea that was built to last rose red was built by John P rimbauer what makes rose red one of the world's most fascinating psychic artifacts is that after 1950 rose red grew on its own follow me and prepare to be amazed it's so wild like something in a fun house the important thing is not to go off wandering where's Annie if you wanted this place to wake up I'd say you've been successful some houses are bored bad Annie what is it I insisted you shouldn't be here the speeding office was created it's stuck again she means to have her proof even if someone has to die for her to get it in hell even Kings Rose Red it is almost six o'clock in the morning and Jessica and I are here in Tacoma Washington all day long in fact all night long because we rented this place out well to be more specific we rented one room the rose red room inside rose red we're gonna be spending the entire day here all night we're gonna be watching rose red inside the house might have gave that secret away a little too soon we're going to try to line up as many shots as we possibly can from whenever they filmed here they did film some of rose red Stephen King's miniseries right here on property and this place is purely magical especially whenever the Sun starts going through the stained glass windows you're gonna love this if that is safe starting this video off way back here because really the first time that you actually get to see Rose Red in all of its Beauties from right about here they actually built these decrepit Gates and they covered everything including the house with trees and shrubs and Ivy there's a whole bunch of behind the scenes photos and video actually of them putting this the structure on the house and then covering it with the only way that Hollywood knows how to uh create a garden or create Shrubbery or landscape in one day before we go any further I want to do a straight on shot of the Mansion so we can do a side-by-side comparison or an up and a down you'll see what I mean but this is the way the house looks today and quite honestly it really hasn't changed but once you see the house in the movie and the way that it looks today you're gonna be like wait a second wow so in the movie they built the rose red Tower right there that's probably the biggest change and then they put two extra windows like two extra rooms or one room with two windows over here on this side of the house and for the most part it still looks like identical to whenever they made the movie now an interesting fact the Rose Red Room is directly below where the tower once stood and that is where we are staying tonight there are a few parts of this house that we do not have access to but for the most part from top to bottom front to back addictive basement whatever you want to call it is ours for the night as well as the grounds and then right over here nestled in the woods you can kind of see it is the garden from rose red so much of the movie happened here once we get inside the house I'm going to tell you guys a little bit more in detail what their production crew did in order to get this house ready for filming because when they first got here they ran into some major issues and I'm going to point this out a lot I know I am because I'm really excited about it Jessica's already inside taking pictures there's a whole bunch of behind the scenes photos and video that we're going to be using as reference so yeah this is going to blow your mind first thing we've got to talk about is this fountain so let's tell some Hollywood Secrets here in the TV miniseries rose red it you are led to believe that rose red the Mansion sits in the middle of downtown Seattle it doesn't it's actually in Tacoma depending on traffic probably about an hour away directly behind the house is a giant beautiful Lake and the sun sets back there so if you're on the back side of the house especially like the Rose Red Room you get this beautiful view of the sunset now aside from the lake there are two bodies of water here on property that production put in the first one being this Fountain the other one is the reflecting pool in the garden of course we're going to talk about that later on but what's really cool about this in the movie the TV miniseries rose red the fountain looked different looked extra creepier but what made it even more creepy is during filming Stephen King actually showed up on set for a set visit and he you can actually see him there's a video of him sitting on the edge of this fountain when you watch the miniseries you're going to see a bunch of devils and evil looking cherubs especially around the Garden area a lot of them are gone but some of the nicer looking ones like this one this cherub right here playing the guitar or mandolin right in the center of your screen you can see just to the left of Stephen King as he sits right against this fountain the crew Parks their van just off camera off our camera to the left and throughout this scene you can see those windows right there like the double windows they kind of look a little medieval don't they and then right below it you see that the diamond Granite Stone marking in the house and it has an owl in it you can see that both of those things right above the front door in this scene what is it what can you hear Steve it knows we're here wants us here so if we walk this scene that's the front door right there between the two lions and I'm standing pretty much right where the cast parked their Vans and they're getting all their luggage out and Annie she comes right over here she's almost standing right between the two lions and she's looking at this Fountain and up until this point the fountain is not working we're going to talk about that of course I'm getting so much ahead of myself and she's staring at this Fountain and all of a sudden we get this it's like a tornado of leaves right in front of it and then the water starts to work the fountain starts to work which is one of the first instances in Rose Red where we see the house starting to come back to life thank you [Music] thank you [Music] I know I know you guys want to go inside the house but I'm not taking you in there just yet I want to show you this Garden some really cool things happened here me now I don't know how we're gonna make this happen but at some point in our lives whenever Jessica and I eventually buy a house someday we will we have to have a garden just like this with this wall surrounding it it kind of gives it kind of like a storybook feel to it doesn't it oh my gosh welcome to the Garden of Rose Red sadly like I said a lot of the the devils and the Gargoyles and the evil cherubs that were here whenever they made the movie were just props and they were taken out but there are a ton of statues that still remain here like this one that I just passed right here with the wings foreign I feel like before we start talking about the movie and trying to line up shots we gotta walk around the gardens just so you guys can see all sides of this place now right in right in the middle of the garden you can see the fountain that's the second body of water that production built for this place and most of the filming out here took place right around that I love that this wall over here to the left of me it's got some roses and then right Beyond it are the trees and then this Cottage looking house it's very storybookish it can't get over how beautiful this place is now it should be noted that whenever they did make the movie whenever they came here they changed how everything looked they made it look extra creepy and extra spooky with these trees and Vines and bushes and statues that moved there was even a statue right over there I'm gonna point out where it was where the statue at one point in the movie rips off its face it doesn't really rip it off it just kind of moves it special effects takes off its face it was it was a pretty scary movie TV mini-series you know what I mean [Music] I don't believe what I find very interesting about this Fountain is this at one point in the history of this house there used to be a fountain here and then it fell into disarray and then the production crew came for rose red and they completely renovated this property in the house including this Fountain you can see behind the scenes pictures and video of them re-digging doing what they did like Mason work whatever lining this Pond and just building it from scratch it looked like uh but there was like old pipes here during the movie as far as I know there's there's two different statues that once stood in this Pond the first one being a a cherub and here's the photos of the Cherub there with these structures on both sides of the pond and there's really no set dressing aside from that you can see the the cottage like building to the left you can see both of those Square castle-like structures there you can see the steps if you look just beyond the fountain and then there's a white lattice work on both sides to the left and to the right of this place and then if we stand on the other side of the fountain with the mansion in the background there's some amazing photos that were taken of the statue that takes its face off you can see those structures that they've built on both sides of the fountain you can see the mansion in the background as well as that giant tree right there if we could remove that statue from the center of the fountain we would get a a pretty clear shot of one of my favorite scenes that was filmed out here and that's whenever Victor steps into the fountain from the other side there and if you look very closely you can see the tile work it's still the same as it was in the movie and he slowly walks across the fountain over here to the side that I'm at and I'm standing a little bit further back because right here to my left is where the statue would have been and Pam's body would have been right there in the water and before the caretaker left and gave us the keys for the night again we are the only people here he took us over here to the side of the ballroom and pointed out these three doors now you might be asking yourself wait a second Grim I only see two doors well technically there's a third door here you can see the the cement up there at the top for some reason they got rid of that third door they filled it in but it's not brick it's all fake the baskets are fake the cement is fake now he said that he thinks that there was a fountain there that had something to do with blood and I'm racking my brain I'm racking my brain going through rose red I don't remember a scene where there is a fountain with some bricks behind it and some blood now and then I remember that not only did they film rose red here but they also filmed Diary of Ellen rimbauer so I don't know if I saw that one I'm gonna have to go back and watch it but if you're watching this and you know this scene pointed out describe it uh at some point we'll follow up but that's that I wonder if you can hear it like if I knock on the The Brick so I don't know if you can see it that's real brick hear it real fake same thing with easier so light but yeah the fake wall the hidden third door at Rose Red right there through those arches that are behind me is where that fake door is and right now I'm walking towards the back of the building or the backyard it's right on the lake I'm not going to really show you that but I at least wanted to show you guys the the back side of the house look at that oh man I would live here in a heartbeat now one would question did they film on this side or did they film on the other side well there's those three Windows there's the rose red Tower as well as the two windows that they added on they actually removed they put a fake roof and then they built those onto the house so they did film on the front side of the house pretty breathtaking right and then our room The Rose Red Room is that window right there well those three Windows right there directly beneath where they built the rose red Tower and with that I think we are ready to go inside and get a real good look of Rose Red [Music] in real life Once you walk into the house this is the room that you walk into it is massive you got a huge fireplace across the room two doors that go into the ballroom and it's quite different from what you see in the movie staircase that goes up to the second and third floor in the bedrooms which is where we're going to be spending the night tonight we're actually staying in the Rose Red Room but just look at this it's breathtaking right now that you see this there's the front door and this is what you see whenever you watch the movie when they come through that front door when it comes to the movie rose red they actually did film inside this house and we're going to do our best to try to line up what shots we can but all of the big special effects scenes with monsters and the ghosts and the goblins and what have you were actually filmed on a set that they built in an old airplane hangar but they did use this house we're going to point out things like I said as well as the garden there's an amazing documentary about the making of Rose Red that is actually for free on YouTube and that's what we're using as a a guide to our walkthrough and in that documentary they talk about how they found this house and the state they found this house in when they got here to make this movie it didn't look like this you see at one point the family that built this place was in some Financial hardships so what they did was they they took this bottom floor and they divvied it up into these apartments they built these apartments like these Square Apartments at a I wouldn't say cardboard what do you call it plywood and they rented them out and whenever production got here part of the deal was they can film here but what they did was they tore all this stuff down and they restored all of this all of the original wood was here they put down new floor they they made it the way that this place was supposed to be and it's gorgeous this is the ballroom daughter of chesterthorne um evidently had her finances had gone bad and she had to cut up these large rooms on particularly on the main floor of Thornwood and rent them out as Apartments and the main ballroom and the main entry room huge rooms were cut up into three and four apartments with quarter inch plywood between the rooms and it was just and lowered ceilings fortunately whoever did it didn't touch the original Construction but it was just a an Abomination to walk in there and see what a horrible thing had been done to This Magnificent estate now that we have everybody inside the house this is where we start learning about the lore the ghosts what happened here both historical as well as hauntings kind of like what we're doing now with the filming locations now this is a great time to point this out while they're doing this all the parts of the house that you see while they're telling the story is All sets that they built it wasn't here on property so if you're expecting to see these elaborate staircases in the kitchen and the greenhouse ain't gonna happen here it was just a set but you ready for it you ready for it here on site they have photo albums filled with pictures from behind the scenes whenever they made the movie we're going to show you guys that a little bit later on but we got more to say oh my God God Is Right more camouflage door Stevie great grand was never above using a good trick twice this was her little joke on her husband's business life did he get it right after we see the upside down room scene is whenever we start to see how production started to meld the real location with the sets that they built and it starts with the staircase it looks almost identical but there are a few different things but pay attention to the wood Joyce this way oh at this point in our video we have to leave the castle but I promise you we will be back in just a moment because you see in Rose Red it's at this point where we are introduced to a room that's not part of the plan of the original house and it's got a mirror floor that the main character was afraid to go into whenever he was a young kid because he thought he was going to fall through and that room is the mirror Library oh this room demands a particular form of exercise what how what it's the mirror Library [Music] it's not in the plans but I remember seeing as a little boy I was afraid to go in because I thought I'd fall uh this room actually exists and in order for us to visit it we have to head back up to Seattle to a place known as the Arctic club which is this building right here we're standing in the back parking lot because you see that little Dome structure right there that is where the mirror library is in about 10 minutes we're going inside the Arctic club and into that room to see what it looks like today now if you remember in Rose Red whenever everybody walks into the mirror Library the lights go off and then right in the center this ghostly Apparition this blue light appears that manifests itself and Annie she reaches out to it and everybody tells him not to touch it and she does and then the lights come back on it's a very beautiful room [Music] now this is interesting right here in the lobby this isn't the movie rose red but it kind of looks like it fits doesn't it no wonder they filmed the mirror library scene here we're waiting for our contact to get here just look at this place they even have pool table and there's a bar here there's polar bears everywhere it makes sense because this isn't this is known as the Arctic Club it's been around for quite some time but it is a hotel right in the downtown Seattle area would you look at that it exists the mirror library but there's no mirror on the ground that's all Hollywood special effects it's actually carpet but it's real and right there in the center is where the the ghost presents itself to the group and Annie difficulty [Music] [Applause] man and they actually hold weddings here so if you want to if you're getting married and you want to get married in a rose red setting you have Thornwood Castle as well as this place there are new mirrors on the ground but there definitely are mirrors a few mirrors on the wall oh [Music] wait all right enough of this it's back to the castle we go we find ourselves once again in the ballroom and that's because right after the staircase scene everybody's sitting in this room having a bite to eat too much mail in the crab meat they put too much Mayo in the crab meat and oh yeah one more thing if you watch this scene again look at the windows the far side of the room you see that little tiny piece of stained glass right there in the center you can see that in the scene it's still here nothing I guess too much mail in the crab meat and then if you look on the other side of this table you see this fireplace it can be seen as well in 1946 she showed up in what had a hopper called the cocktail dress it was what she was wearing when she disappeared and here's where we have a little bit of movie Magic a little bit of trickery so in this scene we're still in the ballroom we've got the billiard table over there everybody's sitting here having food and then Annie goes to a staircase in this room now before we show you where the staircase was pay close attention to the wood paneling that's right here now in the ballroom there's no wood paneling like that but you see those windows right there it's going to get dark for a second I'm going to back up over in that corner is where they had stairs I don't know if they built stairs inside this room or at this point they switched to a set but she goes up the stairs and then she finds something behind the wood paneling it looks like they almost created a little false stage ahead of set of stairs because Ashley get stairs a little bit you see this crown molding behind her up near her head this is the only room that has that and it is Dead on [Music] when she looks through the hole in the wall we see that basically she's looking into the house that they are in it's like a miniature like a dollhouse and then at this point we get a very ominous cameo by the man himself Stephen King it's kind of comical I love whenever he's in his movies got three unloaded for Reardon large with 2 packs of soda yep thank you this next scene starts right here in this doorway as Annie's sister comes running into the room right there and there's a fake wall behind her and we know this because of some behind the scenes photos she runs into this room right past this fireplace to find Annie passed out on a couch pretty much right where Jessica is baby ghoul are you okay the spirit's got me is she awake no but her breathing strong and regular get Joyce go they've spent such a majority of their time and their budget completely restoring the section of the house it would make sense that they would reuse a lot of the rooms and just sometimes direct scenes and just little Snippets that you won't catch when it comes to filming here at Rose Red they pretty much filmed entirely here on the first floor you got Ellen rimbauer's bedroom right behind this door right there this main room that I'm in as well as the billiard room which is also the ballroom now as far as we know they didn't film upstairs they renovated all of this and they utilized it but we can still give you a tour of the rest of the house right and then as an added bonus tonight before we go to bed we're going to be watching rose red Stephen King's rose red right here inside Rose Red it's gonna be a long night what is it like three hours three hours we should get started now right now it's eight o'clock I'm not gonna make it well are you ready for this place is actually haunted so maybe you need to go back and watch this video again because this entire time has just been Jessica and I there's music playing over the speaker but if anybody else shows up in this house or you hear any kind of voices well you ready let's do it because we are the Grim life Collective of course we had to rent out the rose red room here at Rose Red the only room in this entire house that is dedicated or themed after Stephen King's miniseries rose red and it is gorgeous and would you look at that they even have a poster of Stephen King's rose red right here in the room man I can't I can't stop looking at this house it has been a very long day but we had a lot of fun and now we're gonna sit down and we're gonna watch a movie a three-hour long movie but you know what it's Rose Red in Rose Red you know what baby goal once in a lifetime opportunity once in a lifetime opportunity a little nervous I feel like we're gonna make it all the way through it one of us is gonna pass out me now the last time that we did something like this we actually watched scream in Stu mocker's house so I feel like we're two for two now you ready for it we didn't show this before but they also have Rose pillows they don't smell like roses they smell like pillows the pillows even have a smell but this one's for you they can depending on what you spray on to them but did you know that my favorite scent is roses I did not know that it is yeah learn something new and what we've been married for what six years and I just learned that I don't own a lot of things with a real smell to it if anything it's like a secondary smell but every time I go through like hand soap aisles and things like that I immediately go to the Rose stuff first and I smell it we got rose red cued up you guys ready for it here we go now we actually decided to watch Rose Red in our room instead of in the media room it only makes sense right so here's the DVD Disc One Seattle 19. 91 all right see you guys tomorrow all right baby ghoul we survived a night at Rose Red what'd you think of this place I thought it was great it's very lovely and they take care of you very well I can't wait to come back definitely come back and spend another night here absolutely and with that being said thank you for joining us on another Grim Adventure this time to Stephen King's Rose Red in Tacoma Washington not too far from Seattle which means if you're here in the Pacific Northwest you too can stay here at this famous castle just be careful not to get lost especially at night there's birds flying around especially at night whenever the house starts to come to life and change right before your very eyes until next time happy Halloween
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 270,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rose Red, Stephen Kings Rose Red, Stephen King, Thornewood Castle, Rose Red Full Movie, Stephen King Movie, Stephen King Audiobook, Stephen King Interveiw, Stephen King Audiobooks Full Length, Stephen King Short Stories, Stephen King Boogeyman, Stephen King VS Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King Books Ranked, Stephen King Fairy Tale, Then and Now, Filming Location, Filming Locations, Stephen King Movies, Seattle Washington, Things To Do In Seattle, Visit Seattle, Filmed Seattle
Id: via31MCTXKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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