South Dakota ranchers weaning calves

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oh look at that thing [Music] yeah so right there we got a brand new fertilizer spreader i'm an idiot that is a manure spreader we won't be using that today we'll be later maybe next week yesterday we were bringing home some pears splitting them and today we're gonna be doing the same we're gonna be hitting our two close pastures basically right on this home section that we live on some people don't know what a section is section is a mile by mile area of land it's about 640 acres i believe bring them up we're going to split them wean the cavs the cavs will be going into a feedlot where they'll start getting fed a little bit more corn get them grown once we do split these two groups we're also going to work the calves give them their second round of shots about 30 degrees right now not too bad no breeze and actually later this week it's going to be getting in the 60s again so it's going to be probably feeling kind of hot she acts like she knows where she's going sometimes it's really hard getting them out of this pen but it looks like they're ready to scoot we're at the north pen right now wow they're moving no there's always a couple stragglers so that first pasture is right out there and there's a gate in the corner so it's it'd be really easy to get them through there so we're moving these heifers first getting them out of the way putting them up in a pen we'll start pulling the pears out back there's gonna be one i guarantee you dad yeah she's the one right there oh you son of a gun really to the back of the lot maybe she wants to go to town oh are you kidding me why is there always gotta be one i didn't know i joined cross country when i woke up this morning are you coming towards me go that way hi two days ago we were moving some pairs and we pushed we pushed a group of 37 pairs three miles down the road down to gravel road and when we got back to the original pasture there was one pair sitting down in the trees but we're like well i guess we'll try to load them up well we tried loading them up they ran through a fence then they ran through another fence and then they ran through one more fence and they're still at that pasture it's definitely best to get them all the first try i think we need to put a jeff on this one let's have a little shrinkage going on you remember when i was little and you'd like reach over and pick me up can you do that again i'll jump i was like it was fun but when i started getting bigger i was like you know it would hurt quite a bit when you were little i could really get you up in the airways when i three up i swear it was like i don't know wait four or five feet up there i don't know what mom was thinking so we put these two gates together home farms back that way and right here if you watched that video was when we gave the cavs their first round of shots and so we pulled these ones you can see them out in the distance into the corral and then we put these two gates together like we did and we did those ones so now we're just going to bring them all the way up and bring them back to the home farm where we can split them and work them we don't have to set up a corral your english teacher mr danning would be so proud right now you said these ones and those ones said incorrect one probably looks like the cows are in that part but once again don't want to miss another pair i need to wrangle up some cattles funny how headed north it's cold turn around south sun hits you no more breeze brings to your back pretty nice yeah i was getting a little chill come on ladies oh that one's looking over i think they see the hole that's a fence you can play that like a guitar [Music] come on balls hey go go oh i'm in danger holy moses come on all right you won big guy just go come on hey it gets spooky this guy just got put to shame he's all sad he's just hoping none of the girls saw that pitiful performance by the young bowl [Music] so these calves have been weaned for a few days they're going out in that north feedlot here and then the ones that we're going to be weaning today they're going to stay up by the barn guys are going to go with my heifers out in that bean field they're probably going to go out to stocks here in a couple days right about four days four days they'll be out in the stacks [Music] um [Music] slipped on something slimy over there saw that did you get hurt no that's quite a set of calves out of first just about all first half heifers we had a couple cows in with them but just about every one of them there's a cow with a humpback we're gonna call best part about that humpback cow is she was a nasty son of a gun and now we don't have to care anymore she was also the one when we spray flies out in the pasture she'd just take off running and she'd screw it up so the calves wouldn't get sprayed on she going down she going down to all the good mamas not you 4 43 going out to some bean stubble they'll get fed for a few days and then we'll push them all out to the corn stacks where they'll be for hopefully a month at least depends on if we get i'm talking depends on if we get uh early big snow which we of course don't want and then we'll work all the calves that'll be about it for the day nothing fancier than a black angus cow out in south dakota at sunny farms am i right you know what they're saying earn my gerd wearing my privilege this is one of those fun in the middle of a fence gates not in the corner it doesn't always work good do you think we'll get a first try i got a good feeling we'll get a first [Music] try [Music] i want out she says because you had a bad day do you need a shot probably i don't think they got a cure for what ails me stupidity time that spouts off can't fix it [Music] come on there you go man does un stand for a unit because that's a big boy meaty sucker hey [Music] [Music] this guy right here is why you contact brian early because it's first come first serve you look at him while he runs out like the auctioneers say he's got an extra rib i don't know how they can have an extra rib but [Music] he got an extra rib hey he's tame he won't chase oh man there's some people saying dang it i'd like me some sunny [Music] meat a couple years ago i was watching a sale on dv auction and the auctioneer was it was full and he uh said this a sunday afternoon kind of heifer and i thought what does that mean and uh the only thing i can think of is when you're out in your fancy clothes and driving around you can admire it but to me it's like uh if you can't figure out something better to say about it critter than that got a sunday afternoon type of cricket you're just making stuff [Music] when you walk into the local meat market to meet a man are you kind of do you kind of learn lean towards them big beefy guys because 331 here would be your fancy one oh yeah he's straight across the back he's quiet he stands for the camera he's a sunday afternoon kind of bull circumference comes to mind looking at him well he's a circumference king okay so these calves are gonna be kicked out right behind the barn there's a couple bale feeders out there we're also gonna put humpback in with them just because she's she's going to town at some point so she'll be up close plus that might calm down the cavs and if you saw the dink in this group humpback is the one who raised who raced dinky so she's kind of a poor cow she's nasty she stanks she looks a little ugly and she raises a bad calf i bet she has a wonderful personality though well don't look at oh my goodness now you can go back get your exercise for the day see that half slappy's back from vacation yeah you'll be with me all winter folks zero to 60 in one second right here ready for it let's go [Music] that was kind of slow we got three loads to do those calves we chased to the north lot those bread heifers that we had to move out of the way they're now in the middle pen all those cows we threw out in the bean stubble there ain't much feed out there ellie you're pooping on the kern look at you oh my atlanta and then you you keep you're still pooping that's unbelievable i don't even remember what i was saying [Music] so dad's going out to grab another one of those bottomless bunks there's only one bunk out with those cops so they're gonna need a little bit more bunk space these silly guys are just circling me [Music] it looks like i got a little bit of welding to do oh my gosh that's just gonna yeah you can see how it it wouldn't want to bend that way but we made it with force tomorrow we're planning on moving some more pairs hey doggie and so in a little bit we're gonna set this up at one of our pastures and i'm gonna pull it out of the way right now and bring the four-wheel drive a little bit closer to the hydrant because i think i'm going to try to pressure wash this off it's about 46 degrees which ain't too bad later this week on friday the high is 77 which is gonna be it's november that's that's pretty warm i want to get this thing cleaned up ready to sit in the shed the rest of winter this thing could probably use a bath too oh what's that subscribe [Music] it's a sign one could say it was a wee bit moist down in there aren't you gonna say bless you [Music] i did get some soap on the tillage machine in the back but like i don't know if it's gonna do much for these giant clods of mud everywhere this is gonna take a while [Applause] ran in the gas earlier i was thinking to myself self you should probably put some gas in there to listen to that guy more often he's pretty smart looks a little better so at some point here we can unhook that put it in the shed for the winter looks like dad's roaring he's in a bad mood i think the packers lost a little bit ago well we're gonna take this down he can use that anger and we can spread this out real quick get ready for tomorrow get that outrigger out what do you call me the truth that's good a neighbor called said they tried to wean calves and they busted out that we could there's a couple charolais maybe a couple black calves out with our cows and they're really wild so we'll have to deal with that tomorrow yay there she is it works i was like man he's inching a little too close to the camera there's your close-up paw that's gonna about do it for today's video tomorrow as you know we'll be moving some more critters and also stay tuned for that beast coming out getting dirty getting some poo all over it we're excited to hook on to that and start running at some we traded in our old manure spreader and we decided to go with this h s it's a little bit bigger pretty fancy so if you're interested in seeing that thing run hit that subscribe button we'll see you next time have a good one [Music] hey you all need a ride they said they're good
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 99,276
Rating: 4.9862657 out of 5
Keywords: cows, calves, cattle, weaning, four wheeler, atv, farming, ranching, beef, mad cow, sonne farms, south dakota
Id: 7cppE0UtfbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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