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wait did I tell him how long or did I just say it's going to be a while I don't know hey man where'd you get that jacket that guy [Music] give me dirty bruh Oh I thought you wanted my weed give me some of that turbo dope reptile swag here you go man [Music] [Music] we'll have like a competent intro that all of a sudden I'm just like drooling can I get like a glass of water real quick so I feel like once that [ __ ] hits I'm gonna like [ __ ] be like okay this is the original very first Skyblock Map there were like 50 [ __ ] objectives for this and so I cut it down to 10 because that's ridiculous it was like make 20 stairs we have 10 objectives and every time we finish one we're gonna have to take or equivalent number one cobblestone generator of course number two build a house three four five six are all Farms so we need a melon farm pumpkin farm sugarcane farm and a wheat farm and then we have to grow a big red mushroom and then we have to build a mob farm and then we have to build a fishing lake and finally another portal oh boy so if I've ever done a Skyblock there's a bunch of other little Islands right like there's one other Island because this is like the first one there are some rules but the only one that's important is like you can't cheese it and just jump off to reset your health and hunger every time so you have to like really work until you can't work no longer until your hands are numb and your [ __ ] fingers are cracking you're working us to the mode what's the what's the penalty for suicide is it is it a rip no no I mean hell no hell no we died you just can't do it on purpose to like cheese your health and hunger okay so if like you're [ __ ] at two hearts or something because you fell in the lava hole then you have to deal with that kind of thing but play honorably I respect that yeah okay and if someone makes the Cobblestone generated wrong and the lava turns into obsidian they have to take like five rips I was about to say do not let me do this because I've messed it up every single time I think I know so I'll keep it I will never learn okay I guess we should make the now we gotta make a little trap for the saplings because if we lose oh true we're bummed and also the dirt's important don't dig any further than two blocks down I'm pretty sure that's the void and we'll lose the dirt I'm afraid I'm afraid to even do anything right now yeah I'm so nervous right now it's gonna be high and scared let's make it let's make it modest first and then we can make the cobblestone generator and start going ham I really don't like looking at the void all the time it's just it's so blue yeah once we have like a stable platform I'll feel a little better but this is the worst moment all we need is one oh Jesus just [ __ ] Crouch around the edges and try and grab them when they fall I'm going to try not to [ __ ] up the Cobblestone are you supposed to break them you can break them I think oh huge okay maybe we could too oh nice two two two is good two is two is incredible liquid that is great that we wait uh I'm trying to make the Cobblestone thing so we can oh so we can start um was that a void there yeah a little bit a little bit a little bit of void I just need a tiny bit more of this [ __ ] stuff I need a little more weight on silly God damn it bro what is happening right now I I just took a bomb grip give me a break oh well I made a stone there we go there we go [Music] no get in the water get in the water water I'll live wanna wait wait I got a pickaxe don't you guys because I'm strong watch out watch out Minecraft is hard dude dude we we need to re-engineer this this is yeah yeah there we go it's a little lava behind you Cooper oh oh it's just dude what we're in a [ __ ] snow biome what is that useful yeah we're in an ice melt no that just means that the water's gonna freeze all the time which is annoying as [ __ ] I gotta make a little thing for it gonna put like a torch bite right I think just covering it will help you know what they say 90 of your heat escapes through your head so putting a little hat on the water will help to keep a lot of that warmth then it's so true all right I've got the Strat now I'll just start putting stone in there and then the wood and you guys can make tools of stuff oh you're right in the [ __ ] pound Zone there's no words I'm thinking we got to get the water to go down our mob's ever gonna spawn that's one of the things is like they won't spawn if you're really close to it like they can't spawn within like 24 blocks of your guy so we're gonna have to end up just making a big box in the sky and doing it that way okay who wants to be really Brave I do okay so we need a way for the water to like go down under it so we can collect all the dirt and make like farmland and stuff so you gotta dig straight down from the water source and like swim in the thing and try and catch all the dirt if you can if you can't that's fine but it just needs to go down let's go what do I do now come back up I'll make the Hat take it off wait that was it yeah just wanted to see if you could get the dirt oh heck yeah and so now you can go down there and we can like just Place Cobblestone under the dirt and get it all I don't get it oh no can't we already get it all no no because there's a layer at the bottom of dirt that is literally just void under it so oh God damn so we just have to make like a little tray and make it easy we should make this four-sided though you're right forget how to [ __ ] do that where'd the crafting table go oh it's over there yeah I just moved it oh my God there's no [ __ ] toggle Sprint I almost just jumped right into the lava can you do upside down slabs in this version yes you can okay go in the water man it's the balls don't kill yourself bro should I just keep extending this yeah there I started building a lower platform excellent I need to get the dirt out from around this [ __ ] cobblestone generator and then make slabs out of it by the way it makes them last more true slabs I will go do dangerous construction work hell yeah that's why they pay the big bucks you're out on the oil rig they pay you guys imagine if there's no wall here just [ __ ] gone it's gonna be funny I just removed the wall I don't know why I would do that give me a second what happened I said give me a second I'm replacing the backboards carefully so we don't burn to death again oh damn there's a skeleton on that oh don't well he's going we don't have the means for that yet bro actually what are the means just being able to fight mobs but it doesn't really matter does it we can find the beans I was wondering how he makes horses but [ __ ] charcoal yeah we need a four-way Cobblestone thing ASAP so we can really get it how do we get that real [ __ ] Nation going we just have to make the lava go down four ways and then oh wait we need an infinite water source yo skeleton coming skeleton coming huh oh [ __ ] he's right behind you shoes okay no okay oh my God what a nightmare hang on hang on hang on hang on [ __ ] that guy oh [ __ ] I forgot you know what dude that was that like [ __ ] plus 25 decibels that was ear shattering finally and get back to the job I love hanging out for this lava hey dude it catches a little bit more see got that one oh you're a genius increases our Stone rate a little bit you gotta ring the diving bell when you're coming back up bro or else you're gonna do the thing where all the blood boils and you die what does that [ __ ] have dying right but there's oh you're gonna get the bins the bends yeah yeah yeah I would never want to be a deep sea dog depression sickness that's yeah yeah getting lost in an undersea cave and [ __ ] thinking you're going one way and not and then dying dude caving scares me enough as it is underwater caving scares the living [ __ ] out of me you know what sucks the videos of people getting in like crevices that are like just big enough that you can like fit in there and maybe like wiggle around but they're like wiggling around underground like hundreds of feet below the surface and just these tiny cracks I hate that [ __ ] so much I love watching videos about like caving disasters I've watched videos about disasters way too much skullington I cleared off the bridge so I could go back with the stuff and then I come back over here and there's two more skeletons and the zombie it's literally the only place in the world they have to spawn GH I'm coming up please don't suffocate me alive we don't have any food yet right I don't think so okay that's I have one heart he's just good Jesus Christ dude Joker remember when you did that Skyblock thing with Liam and he took everything and jumped off seven times I'm pretty sure it was pretty much whenever I got anything that was worth keeping he would and I put it in the chest he would just take it out of the chest and jump off you know Remy's fat brother from Ratatouille yeah he's funny okay I've reached on the sand why are you building it like this Cooper because I'm making like a whole four-way lava thing right now and I needed like a bunch of space wait Cooper dude somebody did you have all the stuff yes I had it on me okay if I could collapse itself hold on take your death like a man what does he have that we need that we can't get again obsidian melon seats he took like yeah okay how far were you because I can bring a water bucket to the bridge and try and snipe where you were I wasn't in the deep dark taking damage yet no I'm on fire where along here I think I think I was just over here over here okay how far how far I think it was just like the first block forward first block forward okay I'm gonna put the [ __ ] water bucket down did you mine the whole Sand Island no see that's the thing I I mined the first layer everything was fine I go to the second one break one block and the whole thing collabs oh did you fall through the collapse [Laughter] my [ __ ] god that's hilarious Noob dude for real okay um dude I broke the full whole top layer and it didn't do it it was just the second layer I think the water is all the way down the water's all the way down oh you're in it you're in it am I yeah dude let's go clutch moves we can make Windows out of fences we'll be fine that is my Strat normally this guy's a noob bro glass panes all the way all right now don't fall down please okay I'm nervous or if I just like bump mine it's fine because that was literally worst case scenario so it can only be easier than that oh okay so I got from the chest pumpkin seeds one melon one obsidian wait so I'm gonna make the the melon into a melon seed yeah there we go wait how are we supposed to get flint oh never mind can't we we could light the portal with fire yeah it'll just be annoying oh look at the dirt back nice dude I got a sapling first try lit how's your thing coming along I'm doing some Theory crafting I've literally never made one of these before but I think I have an idea you want I'm trying to explain it so oh hold on all right I won't comprehend but I'd love to hear your voice so when these three around the lava get taken out it should go in all four ways and so I'll be able to make four of these and then for the water I'm thinking of moving it up a bunch of blocks and then using it as like a trough and it'll go like in a square and then come down and go to where it needs to go okay it might be way more complicated than it needs to be but it could be pretty cool looking I love to see it I think it's gonna work I think it might too it's just the [ __ ] money so all right damn it Joko I was literally about to build a furnace and when I tried to click on the Cobblestone you took it and then you built the furnace we are a cobblestone oh my Lord that scared me dude [Music] no I almost [ __ ] jumped in the void because it was blue I was like we're gonna make a tree patch over here oh [ __ ] oh what he's just out there beating things can water go through air for my farm I think so I'm pretty sure yeah like you could make like a multi-story [ __ ] I'll make like a part of the Aqua Duck that goes out and you can use it for a farm like over here maybe because I'm gonna have the water be like up in the sky and kind of go around in a circle wow just like the olden days wait how are we supposed to make an oh the nether I got something good Fellas method because one time I locked Joco in the Nether and he didn't have a flint and steel and it took a long time to get the wood Delight I started to feel so bad I was like oh dude that's what I'm saying that's gonna be such a pain in the ass can't wait till I can get it more sauce more Hearts I only got one right now I have one as well okay what was I doing just a big hole in our floor you know what someone should make some charcoal and make torches because that [ __ ] is so scary dude Alex is on like autopilot I'm eating with one hand and mine and with the other and uh excellent I'll get him oh oh my God how did he shoot me so fast don't you have to pull the bow back don't don't let him through oh God I got bonked light some of it up so we don't have to deal with that [ __ ] anymore Minecraft Olive Garden going down lava going down are you guys aware that lava is going down okay I'm I'm trying something here all right now what are you building here what is this hold on let me cook bro I got an iron bar off a zombie what wait that's kind of what it's what okay there we go now does this work yeah yes okay now since I've done that I can take that starting stream and then bring it around to all four and to a farm he cooked now I just need a lot more stuff we need the one story mob grind not even the one story the one quarter of a story mob grinder once I get this Stone thing up and running we'll have so much it'll be good we're off to a start don't know if it's good but this is a start of all time yeah when I'm done eating and I can use two hands again let me tell you you're just gonna go ahead [ __ ] I just did the same mistake twice my brain just starting to not work is this an awkward dog I forgot about water distance so we'll see if I [ __ ] it up yet dude it's kind of magical how we're having this white Christmas right now I know it's like everything I dreamed of does anybody have one stick no damn it really do be my last stick oh my [ __ ] oh wait no I'm right oh I thought I was dumb as hell for a second it was the Moment of Truth does it work no I'm one off again it's doing it almost and then so this breaks here we're getting somewhere now [ __ ] this up a little bit oh [ __ ] it oh God the tree grew on top of me holy [ __ ] dude we're gonna have a [ __ ] heart attack all right massive news everybody we have a three-way cobblestone generator now hell yeah let's go right here this block and right here this block wow yeah okay now we can start a farm we're gonna start doing that because having food would be pretty nice just for like morale reasons dude food always raises morale oh oh Apple dude and morale the Apple falls from the tree and not far from it must I say wait have we not done anything wrong with bong rip oh my God we have I was too high to remember we did the the lava thing oh cobblestone generator Cobblestone yeah so it's bong rippo clock it is bong rip o'clock and I am I'll be back shortly dude you're eating Apple and in Montana starve [ __ ] dude weirdest weed I've ever smoked at least for a while this [ __ ] goofy well a little bit but I usually take a bong rip and then cough like a [ __ ] this one I don't cough at all and then I'm like oh that was easy and then I cough like [ __ ] stuns on me that's weird that's what I'm saying the last weirdest weed was [ __ ] high Alec weed stores were literally like [ __ ] Kmart like they just have specials and [ __ ] and one of them was like this raffle that you entered in if you spend like over 100 bucks or something we did these twice and we won them twice somehow what the [ __ ] and so they just give us a box of all the [ __ ] that didn't sell and this one time we got like LeBron James weed it had like his 24 Lakers logo and everything that [ __ ] we all agreed that it was like the shittiest High you could possibly have like it it legitimately like made you anxious and that like doesn't happen really unless like you're already anxious and it would give horrible nightmares like it was just Jesus Christ dude it was seriously like cursed wheat we just put that [ __ ] away I got two more strings let's go we can make a fishing rod one of the things is to make a [ __ ] an aquarium not an aquarium but that would be a good idea of fishing lake dude I've always wanted to fish in an aquarium in real life arm time Farm time dude we should build a house we we yeah we need a house we need a mob farm we no no we need to get to the nether that's the big thing right now we gotta get to the nether so if you want to embark on that [ __ ] nightmare feel free we have enough obsidian for it we just build the portal and you just have to do like the bridge of wood over to it to see if it'll light over the way onto the portal because you have to like light it up every time you press this button somebody dies [Music] stop stop eating it we're gonna make the portal pretty close to all this stuff well it's gonna have to be next to the lava that's true [ __ ] and now we wait kind of a winter wonderland out here that my bit rate looks like we have a fire oh this one uh place a piece of wood like on wood burned up I'm thinking maybe oh you got more fire wait wait and now if you put this here what if oh oh wait wait wait it's on fire dude it's totally on fire we're getting ripped off we got ripped off dude we're getting trolled dude actually what is happening here game Brokey how I [ __ ] up the portal guys I'm sorry I guess I built it wrong [ __ ] wait is that it's not tall enough is it I mean there's no extras are there no no yeah it's literally right I don't know what's wrong I wonder if it literally like can't really this small can't be lit like on a block on the thing or something well like it has to be off next to it yeah maybe take two don't worry every time we fail we are literally wasting resources in a map very renewable it's renewable we're fine think of the potential profits though in the nether there will be like another bucket of water I'm pretty sure and some other [ __ ] so everything will be much easier blow in the fire oh can things burn like underneath or will they only run on the sides I don't know if obsidian well let's wait for fires brutal yeah that's what I'm saying well I don't get why we don't have it yeah that was stupid as [ __ ] cursed moment was looking at the fire on the obsidian not working oh we have a fire we have a fire fire go come on let's hear that noise no they're keeping the dream alive I can't what the [ __ ] no I'm starving oh I was like what the [ __ ] I'm so scared straight trolled yes it's the only way to do it as far as I know yes I did it let's go let's go oh God it's just a little glowstone platform uh it's got mushrooms one block of ice sugar canes Birch sapling I'm just coming right back okay so a few of those we need to start making stuff for first thing we gotta do is get an infinite water source oh this is just a shitty Little Island too yeah I thought we were about to get the full nether man oh no but we can make infinite water now you think it's that easy it is no yeah the infinite water is gonna be [ __ ] fire oh it's cool I can abandon my absolute nightmare of a mob farm it's it's not a mob farm and please don't look at it please don't look at it okay this next mission build a house uh we got a few missions water source mission was that a bong wrap is this the house that you're building right here is this one this is a farm okay [ __ ] another bong rip I'm gonna die people dude I [ __ ] still have to go take that bong rip we're progressing too fast where are you I'm up here making it so that we can get the infinite loss of souls oh oh just make it there yeah I made like a little thingy I was gonna make it down here well we can make another one down here I don't want to get rid of the the flowy water yeah so I think I need to just put it right put it down and break it and we should be good yep that's another goddamn so I have to take two bong rips holy [ __ ] I'm sorry [Music] I didn't mean to push you off I just meant to push you forward into the creep oh oh I'm starving okay starving jump scare is the worst jump scare yeah I starved for one tick and then stopped I don't know why I think we're on not hard mode did we not get regular oh bone meal oh brother yeah we should make like a [ __ ] mob platform out there yeah I think now is time we start on the mob the actual mob farm I want to make like an actual good one so that it looks crazy when all the mobs are dying I gotta go take bar naps I'll be back I have no idea how to do that [ __ ] I I remember I remember he has remembered yeah I'm really not sure what to do with this Birch oh I'm gonna build a bridge ooh okay oh no I'm gonna build a gazebo bro did you get the brown mushroom that popped out of there I did not oh no all right bladder empty weed smoked game time game time oh my God [ __ ] zip Zapped out of the [ __ ] nether over the void in the back I think we may have lost a brown mushroom no really yeah cause I I broke it oh no like the map in general or yeah okay yeah it went through the portal uh I broke it and I'm assuming that it just went through and went into the lava somehow I figure out how to grow that later oh I just realized I made caulk I'm fixing that no more caulk maybe what's Coke no it's like a Habsburg chin looks like water hot dog and a big bun a lot of hot dog a dog with the water on him you ever heard the song it's like wiener dog getting high and buying things off the internet no have you heard the I love cats song I don't think this will be like the perfect spot for a mob spawner whoa the weird Underside thing under the base looks kind of sick but with the water flowing off of it it almost looks like a bonsai tree somehow you know what I'm saying yeah upside down oh we got tons almost start the mob farm I'm falling we need like four more Stacks we're gonna need a lot smallest version I can make that I probably should because you can just keep adding layers when you get more loaded so what is this area gonna be this is gonna be the Gazebo let's see is that where the fishing Pond's gonna be because we can make that right now true we could oh yeah we could we could in the middle of this the Gazebo looks nice so far oh and then we need the whole [ __ ] stock too how far do mobs have to fall again 30 no actually do not listen to me on that I was gonna say like 32 31 or something but I I can't remember oh [ __ ] dude I should know this I want to say 24. I've made so many of these [ __ ] skeleton traps in my life and I always knew it what the [ __ ] is it this doesn't really matter does it unless we want to make it an XP farm for what should I build a platform should I just like extend out this platform this way so we can make our house on it somewhere yeah yeah and then maybe a little more on the farm over here too as well Mob form passageway I'll make this safe as well eventually too many burgers man going on purple oh my god I've been more careful in my life so true king [ __ ] tripping out there's no way gonna take 4 800 7 222 years to climb up this waterfall as well Society before swimming was invented I figured we might as well start growing the sugar cane That's how I come back the Cobblestone is gone what's it getting used on look up I will never actually looked around forever whoa look over here at the mob farm that's being created we're about to have resources too many to know what to do with how much more do you need a lot a lot more Cobble yeah okay I will keep at it let's go okay I shouldn't be doing this at night but whatever okay we ball [ __ ] are we ball that was a [ __ ] creeper stalking me down there oh he killed himself lit not my hungry ass starving to death no no I'm gonna fight the zombie down below me foreign running out of cobblestone again unfortunately they're gonna be spawning pads and then I'm gonna encase them in the darkness [ __ ] bucket before I lose it I'm God zuked right now I will not lie how's it going Alex the children yearn for the mines it sounds I have to show you this song it sounds exactly like it would be in the beginning of this song Oh no yeah no way that's five bong rips Alex oh what did you do our cobblestone generator is gone oh he made obsidian yeah yeah oh you knuckle our resources are fine right now not our wool are we not just do we do another one what restart no no no no oh spawn in a [ __ ] lava we could there's no way to get another one damn it dude we had that first super clutch save and now we [ __ ] I can't finish the mob thing without it definitely not all right my bed I kinda like it started spilling water and it made a cobblestone where it usually does and then I broke it and I ran back and made obsidian you I guess the five bomb rips is like how you pay yeah that's what I'm saying you're getting the lava back uh oh Lordy okay wait get out of the way Fallsington all right I'm just gonna let you fix this okay this is a lot more dangerous than it needs to be there needs to be like a safeguard I mean I guess you could just do it here and then [ __ ] this way it won't die perfect perfect where do I break same place all right let me get back to my original post I'm just using the obsidian is a backstop now nope nope you're destroying my Creative Vision what's happening over there I'm building a gazebo oh I'm excited it looks good so far it's gonna be the highlight of this world not to Pat myself on the dick or anything make the roof out of slabs and just go crazy this is a stick up Cobblestone Cobblestone there's just uh there's none more there's more over here 14. thank you kindly I'm going for it you want to hear a joke sure it's a it's a visual joke so you gotta you gotta gather up under the I just left to work on the thing all right come to the gazebos remember my performance okay I'm coming back I'm coming back I've been rocking no hunger for so long dude I'm used to walking slowly gee I feel like the Dragon Warrior I don't have to subside on anything but a single drop would do and the energy of the universe let's see it all right guys let's go well then I'm just gonna starve all over again all right all right guys this is a stick up [Laughter] I had two I had two four degrees it was self-defense too funny I thought there was gonna be a whole like dance number and everything I don't know why but that's what I thought no way I just filled everything in the floor [ __ ] small dude I was [ __ ] Cooks man you did break the lava and uh you haven't even done that punishment I'm like mentally gearing up we're just sitting here like trying to trying to forget and uh I I have it and you should be able to give yourself some time between them but your tab is so good too it's kind of far away yeah I swear I'm just to like stage two-ish how many stages are there in this operation okay I'm at roof right now and then I have walls and then I have finished the tunnel so far probably like three more stacks and then if I do slabs I don't have to worry about the [ __ ] spawns on the roof so hard to place things when you can't see the screen and I could absolutely Massacre some food right now but I shall hold out wait what the [ __ ] doing dude I'm too high forgot everything I needed we should build a church not like last time what do you mean I live wow the pumpkin grew a little bit I took so goddamn long it took like four Minecraft days at least way more than four it's been like a Minecraft fortnite I didn't mean to spawn in the beef just eat it roll no put it onto the cactus man no cheats we've already cheated enough okay wish me luck I'm going to a side mission look thank you my life be like [Music] dude I am fighting for my life I can just Zeus no I'm good I have a glitch I have infinite money glitch GTA right now I'll be fine you lost like everything by the way Joko no yeah dude surely not I got 34 slaps [ __ ] yeah I purposely only brought a [ __ ] sword over here though I lost all my [ __ ] that that was the real traffic can you bring some torches actually no the Torches the two torches that you had are still here are they okay could you bring them yeah I'm bringing them up that's the last thing before we [ __ ] almost done with this [ __ ] I'm not ready oh my goodness I think retroactive rule adjustment all Farms should start one because that's [ __ ] I've been hitting the pigeon a little bit I'm not gonna lie this stupid bastard said he wanted him I'm just mad I'm like really mad and pissed off Logan how stoned are you right now let's go time to get high we are like three years Alex is [ __ ] Alex [ __ ] broke the lava bucket into obsidian so he got the ultimate punishment I'm gonna have to smoke a lot here in a sec Joko okay say ah no say ah okay dude grippers away God damn it you are really a sick and deranged ninja do what your mom is she like enunciates and everything is good what the [ __ ] is that yeah no dude on me for the second time this man 45 feet away in the other room man may I Alex yeah I'm here for my allowance thank you foreign I broke the bottom really yep yep oh [ __ ] I'm debating whether or not I want to make a tree house on here that could be the house then you have to take another one another one that's true that's true I'm already five deep next time Benjamin Franklin shall we cheers my friends how many objectives have we beat that I need to add on top of my five foot penalty okay so we did one for one for nether portal so what have we built so far we built a mouse farm and a pumpkin farm and a sugarcane farm so far so that's like one rip I'd say and then then a hoe yeah just one instead of taking six rips I just fill the ball and rip the whole thing as much as I could so yeah that's okay called that even I'm so close to done then I'm gonna go take like a [ __ ] Whole Bowl as well Alex bullsington may I have some more cobblestone I only have a little at the moment but that's all right what are we gonna do with all this wood uh we gotta build something house yeah house we just don't have enough space to build a house we can build a floating one how much further do you guys have to go fulcrum come in make a fishing pond dude that's so easy just finish the mod form and then make a giant red mushroom make a wheat farm and build a house dude like 20 minutes all of that yeah we did before you should have logged on and played with us you could rush it but what's the point do you guys think AI images are art no no all right mob Farmers up and running okay the mob Farm's working crazy good I'm gonna go take like a fat [ __ ] Bowl I've earned it I'll be right back I've made the fishing pond and now that's all that's left is to fill it up with water which is gonna suck I mine Cobblestone all right well that's what you did last time that's what I understand oh we got another watermelon look at what I have made what have you made a man I made a man tree farm I did the tree farm whoa yo Jeffrey Jeffrey is a good man he's doing good he's doing well I did it I made a fishing pond now the Gazebo is useful I properly used every [ __ ] square millimeter of my lungs just then did you cough I cough so hard every time that it felt like I was gagging between vomits oh dude I've been there but like I survived it was just felt like to vomit and I didn't so we good the liquid Edibles they are uncalled for man I don't know why people make that [ __ ] I love the liquid Edibles yeah you do you're high for like four days see that's what I want to avoid well would I drink the whole thing I thought it was because we were just about to be hanging out around the Airbnb all day that we immediately got up and left I'm farting demons right now oh my god dude teleporting to your shirts in that [ __ ] shop that's so [ __ ] funny no I didn't lose that much oh my god did you say you're teleporting through shirts dude like we were in the thrift shop and I was just like scrolling through shirts and like not even really registering them like what are you gonna do in San Diego and so tell him oh I'm going to twitchcon I'm like you know I'm hanging out with my friends were you excited I'm really excited to go to the railroad museum I'm gonna get blasted out of my mind and go see model trains and it didn't happen did you go to the Air and Space Museums oh that sucks I was gonna Uber there and go by myself and everybody's like oh no don't do that dude and Logan and just wanted to go thrift shopping like there's not a thrift shop in every city in the [ __ ] country Jesus Christ you can thrift shop at home but there's not a lunar module that was actually on the talk to us about how people [ __ ] in zero gravity for like oh my God I remember dude you would not leave us alone so he was a reservoir of knowledge Hooper I finished the fishing pond oh God damn it man it keeps freezing over you gotta make a cover for it oh what is on top of this is it a crown is it White Castle it's like a lighthouse I just saw a White Castle and now I can't unsee it oh dude yeah it can be a White Castle I haven't done anything other than mine in so long you have no idea how instrumental you've been to the progress here where's all this cobblego going dude you need to you can you can be relieved of your duties come look at the mob farm uh glorious this is dangerous though I'm almost done making it not dangerous all right now we expand damn this thing is choking it is chugging I probably should have done spiders no we need spiders oh my kitten so do we need more Cobble I mean we're pretty much good I can finish off mining myself Kabul for what I need for like the railings but I mean there's like three stacks in the oh swag okay I'm gonna go make some dinner good later good luck oh [ __ ] dude there's mob spawning on your thing there's mob spawning on your thing all right P be careful Alex there's a creeper under you oh what what there's a creeper under you stay up there whatever you do I think he went in the nether actually oh no that's crazy either we win the nether or he's downstairs where did they spun they spun on top of the Gazebo oh yeah I don't have any torches though so I got something I'm getting it on top of the White Castle for real and they fell right through like in a shoot you made your own mob farm up here I think we have enough farm that we can start eating the food that's huge and we have hella loot now what we gotta do is get a wheat farm going and then we're done with the Farms it's got a bone meal dirt we just eat rotten flesh for food too oh do you need grass for that how the [ __ ] are we gonna get grass we should have kept some grass when did we have grass at the very beginning no no no way damn holy [ __ ] that's scared the [ __ ] out of me okay kind of hurt I think punishment for that for sneezing no dude we're breaking all the grass because I'm pretty sure that was my bad I should have known that [ __ ] I was just gonna go take a barn rip again [ __ ] dude why not on dirt oh it's so hard I just watched him [ __ ] take a spill off the side for no reason I was holding the shift key that's fine I'm scared I may die if I have another bong rip I may vomit oh dude turn on your cam if you're gonna vomit okay I want to see you I got you he's got a broad button Joko of course what yes what is it it's like the baby car for the boat like that image everybody said hi to Jeffrey it's shaped like his head what are you talking about if you said hi to Jeffrey oh I'm gonna kill his ass Cooper you won't no don't kill Jeffrey's done nothing wrong dude I wanna I wanna put him in a [ __ ] dishwasher and turn it on I want to put him in a washing machine wood chipper okay okay okay I'll be back oh Lord is it snack time okay timing there was nothing I could have done I know what you don't know you have the Run button [ __ ] you I posted the clip tell me you wouldn't have done the same thing snack time tell me where I went wrong dude you got owned I can't believe the creeper windows how [ __ ] funny I was muted because I was snacking but I was laughing so hard at that [ __ ] dude I saw the creeper and heard this I said nope it went to the other side with the leftover sand we should make one TNT and then do the thing where you like put it in water and then have someone stand right next to it and jump so they just fly into the screen once we finish it but if we blew up the church with it dude we already did that we did it again okay I've suffered another bar grip or one grass block there's speed to the grass block guns it's all right we're about to have a wheat farm okay we have a reform that's another one done you said fishing pond is done yeah I mean I haven't caught a fish in it so it's not officially done let's do that right now I'm coming to help it's off the back of the Gazebo Oh I thought I was in the roof there's just a little pond in the void I'm telling you I mean I've been fresh did you respond in Grass yeah I did a good extra bong rip because I'm pretty sure it's my fault we broke all the grass because I was super eager to get all the dirt oh yeah this is the street we can build our house at the end of the street it's got like reverse gutters [Laughter] holy [ __ ] just off the front dude look at my Abomination when I was trying to start building a mob farm without any like extra water blocks oh that's what that is that's what that thing is what are we building our house out of wood probably we just have to make that way oh thank you Alex he really did this is a beautiful world in all honesty it's not bad him together we have a platform for a house now what do you think is the vibe I was thinking like maybe Bungalow dude I was about to say that exactly no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way you're thinking Bungalow Vibes I'm loving Funko Vibes right now man holy [ __ ] Cooper no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] why you just uttered bungalow on the mic okay what what the [ __ ] man Is that real I think I went insane in the mines it's gonna be a small house oh what the [ __ ] was that blue okay do I have permission to get rid of the watermelon actually no I'll leave him alone I love the watermelon I understand I I think it keeps it down to earth if anything I think we add more watermelon the last time I tried to do something long I [ __ ] immediately ate a bad burrito and got food poisoning and I have not done a long stream since then this is excellent booth dude you have the b in the name I need more beds we need a bed for everyone and then I think that's it no we have to Big a bigger we have to build a big mushroom oh man oh Jesus I think we just have to put uh-oh do we lose mushroom oh no it's here so we put Mushroom in dark cave oh got it we're almost done it popped off [ __ ] dude how do you make a big goddamn oh my god do I have to make a whole encasement now will this work do I have the space of course not God damn it I said what now uh I just have to get this big mushroom to grow and we're done where are you growing it in this it has to be in the dark that's the problem and I'm trying to make like a case for it and it's too small thank you and now for what you've all been waiting for big mushroom big mushroom let's go big mushroom big mushroom [ __ ] mushroom we are done mushrooms what if I blow up the big mushroom room no don't blow it up yet I want to shoot someone into the [ __ ] Stratosphere right get out of the way okay that's pathetic okay three two one oh okay it didn't really work okay well we finished it let's go real [ __ ] we did it we did it pretty without a single Kink without a single kink [Music] [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: cscoopVEVO
Views: 4,065,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cscoop, cscoop gaming, cscoop minecraft, minecraft funny, minecraft highlights, survival island, beta minecraft, old minecraft, minecraft survival island, super hostile, nostalgic minecraft
Id: BdQe_lGI-hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 28sec (3208 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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