High School Theatre Show: This Day in SNL History

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[ Mid-tempo jazz plays ] ♪♪ ♪♪ [ Static ] -Welcome, everyone, to Woodbridge High School's "Student Theatre Showcase." -Written and directed by us, the students. [ Applause ] -Before we begin, a warning. Tonight's performance may cause extreme bouts of progress. -Now, without further ado, please enjoy "Mirror to America: A Reflection of You." [ Up-tempo music plays ] ♪♪ -Help! I'm dying! Can someone help? -Beep, beep. I have a meeting. -Beep, beep! I have a party. -Beep, beep. I need to tweet. -Will no one stop to help? I'm [Coughs] dead. -[ Gasps ] -Oh, no, there's been a death! -Check his license. What is his name? -It says... "The Earth." ♪♪ -Hell, no. No, no. ♪♪ -And now a song about who really runs the world. -♪ Who run the world? ♪ -Whites. -♪ Who run the world? ♪ -Whites. -♪ Who run the world? ♪ -Whites. ♪♪ -Well, why would they do that scene when they're all white? Just sounded like bragging. ♪♪ -Okay, now let's lighten things up. Who wants to hear a joke? -Me! -I do. -Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. -Okay, here's the joke. They call it SeaWorld. But they don't see the world. They... -See walls. -They... -See tanks. -They... -See nothing. -So, before you go to SeaWorld, see yourself inside the tank. Ma'am, would you like to live in captivity? -[ Sighs ] Um, no. -Well, would you like to be separated from your children? -No. -Would you like to be jacked off for your sperm? -Oh, my God! -Now do you see... -World? ♪♪ -That was the worst moment of my entire life. ♪♪ -Ladies and gentlemen, this next scene is completely normal. -If you have a problem with what you're about to see, your mind is small. -Your world is small. -You are small. And action. -Hi, boyfriend. I love you. -Hi, boyfriend. I love you. -That was normal. ♪♪ -It says, "The proceeds from tonight's show go to Neil Patrick Harris." He doesn't need that. ♪♪ -♪ Mm-hmm ♪ -♪ Hmm ♪ -My mama used to brush my hair every night before bed, just to get out the tangles. -[ Humming ] -Then, one night, I went into her room, and I said, "Mom, I've got a bad tangle." [ Voice breaking ] But she was dead. [ Humming continues ] So treasure your parents, because you never know when they won't be around to help you with life's tangles. [ Humming fades ] ♪♪ -What? I'm her mom. I'm not dead. Also, she is such a bitch to me, like, every day. ♪♪ -Tell me, have you ever judged a book by its cover? -Do you assume everyone's outside matches their inside? -For example, sir, do you think I'm a girl or a boy? -Um, just based on this show so far, I'm guessing you're a boy. -Oh, uh, can you actually say "girl"? -Fine. You're a girl. -Wrong! I'm a boy. -Wow! ♪♪ -Oh, my God, look at this. They have a chair taped off for Caitlyn Jenner. -She doesn't want to come to this. ♪♪ -Thank you. That was our show. -As you exit, please leave a bottle of water in this box, and we're gonna send it to California. [ Cheers and applause ] [ Film projector whirring ] -Good afternoon. And welcome to Woodbridge High School's "Student Theatre Showcase." -Written and directed by us, the students. [ Applause ] -Now, today's show isn't just a show. It's also a seed. -A seed that will sprout change in our town and, hopefully, the whole world. -And now, without further ado, please enjoy "The Pulse of Progress: Heartbeat of Change." ♪♪ -The time -- now. The place -- any high school in America. -Who's that guy? -He's weird. -He's a nerd. -He'll never be anything. -But what happens if we fast-forward 30 years? -Who's that guy? -He's...the President. ♪♪ -You're daughter's really good. -She's my stepdaughter, and, no, she's not. -Oh. ♪♪ -Check out this new dress I got. -Like, like, like, like, like. -I had a rough day today. Feeling kind of sad. -Like, like, like, like, like. -I need some help. I think I'm depressed. -Like, like, like, like, like. -Next time, don't like. Love. ♪♪ -Oh, no. You're gonna be in the play, aren't you? -No. I'm just a regular audience guy. -No, you're not. You're sitting too far forward in your -- This gonna suck. ♪♪ -How many times a day do you judge a book by its cover? Excuse me, sir, a-are you homeless? -No, I'm just cold. I'm very rich. -Wow! -Excuse me, ma'am, are you rich? -No, I just have good posture. I'm homeless. -Wow! -Audience member, are you enjoying the play? -Here we go. -Actually, I'm not an audience member. I'm in the play. -Wow! ♪♪ -Who is this play for? -The program says that it's dedicated to John Lennon and Shonda Rhimes. ♪♪ -Whisper, whisper... -Whisper, whisper, whisper, whisper, whisper, whisper, shout! ♪♪ -How long have they been rehearsing this? -Every single day for a year. ♪♪ -Did you hand in that paperwork? -Yes. -Rush, rush, stress, stress. -Did you finish those files? -Yes. -Rush, rush, stress, stress. -Did you see your daughter's first steps? -No. -[ Slowly ] Rush, rush, stress, stress. ♪♪ -I mean, was no one supervising this? I mean, where is their teacher? -Trust me, I made cuts. ♪♪ -Bang! -Bang! -Bang! -Bang! -Bang! -Bang! [ Groans ] -And guess what. -We were black. -Yeah, I'm not okay with that. Uh... ♪♪ -Thank you. It is now time for a brief intermission, during which we will all be laying onstage asleep, like our Congress. -Feel free to come up here and look at us up close. -[ Imitates snoring ] -Man, screw this. I'm going home to watch "Judge Judy." -Welcome, everyone, to Woodbridge High School's Student Theater Showcase. -Written and directed by us, the students. [ Applause ] -And, yes, it's very hard for us to be up here, doing theater in this current political climate. -But, now, more than ever, we artists cannot, and will not, be silenced. -So, without further ado, please enjoy our show. Now, more than ever, we artists cannot, and will not, be silenced. [ Up-tempo music plays ] -We open on a very dark day for the world. -Okay, Jews, let's go! -Mommy, do we have to? -Yes, honey. That's the rules of the Holocaust. [Sighs] -Okay, Mommy. And, Mommy, one more question. What year is it, again? -Honey, you know what year it is. It's 2017. -Surprise! ♪♪ -Oh, my God! -I always forget how bad these are. -Ugh. That one kind of made a good point, though. -They can never know you said that. ♪♪ -Look! Look! It's Kylie Jenner! -Can I get a selfie? Can I get a selfie? -Look, look! It's Chris Hemsworth! -Can I get a selfie? Can I get a selfie? -Look, look, it's a... [Dully] scientist. -Anh, no, thanks! Wow! ♪♪ -Uh, the program says "Tonight's proceeds go to Standing Rock. Let's get those Native Americans the pipeline they want"? -Yeah, I don't think they know what's happenin' there. ♪♪ -Ni hao. Mai wei perro ni shu. -Nai sa wa non perro, mai. -Gan bai perro mi? Hau shi. -Perro. Hau shi, hau shi. -And...scene. Excuse me, ma'am. Could you understand that? -Uh, no. -Is it because we were speaking Mandarin? -Yes. -And you only know English? -Yes. -Sad! ♪♪ -That was not Mandarin. I heard them say "dog" in Spanish a few times. ♪♪ -[ Coughing ] -[ Humming poignant tune ] -Yep, you guessed it. I have AIDS. [ Sighs ] I used to be sad about my AIDS. I didn't want AIDS. My AIDS made me feel less-than. But, now? I don't let AIDS define me. -This one's actually nice. -I'm okay with AIDS. I love my AIDS. I'm glad I have AIDS and I wish everyone in the world had AIDS because, frankly, AIDS -Rocks! ♪♪ -That sort of became pro-getting AIDS? -Yeah, she overshot the runway at the end there. ♪♪ -Hey, guys. For this next part, we're gonna do something really fun. We've been studying improv all semester, so all we need is a word and we'll use it to inform this next scene. -Basketball. -Okay, basketball. Here we go. -[ Crying ] -Honey, why are you crying? -A kid at school called me a fairy. -[ Scoffs ] Don't listen to him! It's great to be gay. I love you, no matter who you are. -Thanks, Mom. That's important for me to hear. -Of course. Now, go wash up for dinner. -What are we havin'? -Basketball. ♪♪ -That's it? -I paid $1,000 for that improv class. ♪♪ How about, from now on, less shooting, more kissing? -Black Lives Matter! ♪♪ -That was their Black Lives Matter scene? -I-I'm pretty sure they all just wanted to kiss each other and then made it about something. ♪♪ -Thank you. That's our show. -And, remember, guys: Don't throw away your tickets 'cause, if you save them, you can frame them. Yes! [ Cheers and applause ]
Channel: Saturday Night Live
Views: 1,189,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, elizabeth banks, high school theatre showcase, woodbridge highschool, snl history, classic snl, throwback snl, Elizabeth Banks snl, high school, theater, new york, live, comedy, sketch, sketches, hilarious, funny, bet of snl, saturday night live, snl, charlie's angels
Id: URZtXPJy7d0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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