High School Science Teacher Vlog #13 | First Week of School for Students

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so I've already finished one set of the stations which I put in ziplock baggies everything's coming together there are one of the stations that I've created and there are eight stations but I'm creating two sets because I want to have a set of stations in the lab area and then I want to have a set of stations up in the main class now that I actually have tables last year my in my last classroom I had you know those traditional desks that are attached to the chair now has up the metal bar with the basket at the bottom it was very I wanted to do stuff on them but you know anytime a student moved things would fall to the floor it was just a very frustrating I had a very frustrating time in that class with the desk and then with the projector so I'm happy that I have the student tables because now that they're sitting in groups I can have a set of stations up in the classroom area and students can pick and choose how they want to rotate around and so it just gives me more flexibility to meet the needs of my students and they can go at their own pace and I just it's just a great idea to help me out for the school year so that's what I'm doing right now I finally got comfortable vlogging when I'm doing it in the shopping center so I'm heading to the school now because I need to make copies and other than that it's to get ready for my day tomorrow of course Lord of wolves work would not be working so copier one was down my good fried copy or two so to stop at the school real quick to make copies and there's actually a couple other teachers here I need to go back and fix something because I found an error in one of the papers so I had to copy tomorrow when I get here in the morning kind in 654 the first day of school and I'm about to pull onto campus I'm excited you need to have some breakfast because that's some one thing I started to get very anxious as I got out of the shower I was getting ready I don't know why but I feel ok now I just need to eat something I did have my I did have a shake this morning back so I just got here trying to get this show on the road so I just arrived at campus it's 6:55 a.m. I need to go make copies cuz I made my final mistake in the photo release form photo release and video form and then there are two sheets were need to make about six copies each for the learning stations today I'm here with my friend my BFF and I finished just on time so I'm up to jump into the fume hood is cleaned down I want to recreate a photo that I did the last time I talked to mystery 7 years ago I was in a brand new classroom and I just had this like secret fantasy of jumping inside a few minute inking a picture so that's what I'm going to do right now I almost got locked in there so my copies are made at least the ones that I had forgot at home yesterday when I came went to the school other than that it's going on 750s right now so right now it's just waiting for the students we're starting off with advisory for us actually I need to go check the schedule because I'm not familiar with that yet because we're not doing the traditional normal bail schedule [Applause] [Music] so first day of school the power just went out in our building so no electricity no air nothing so no access to Wi-Fi because the internet is down as well so luckily I didn't really have or need to use technology for my lesson today except for one of the learning stations so I just have to scratch that other than that schools about to start in like three minutes so we're doing advisory first and then after advisories and I'm about scheduled so I teach first second then on it's lunch and I'm on third and then fourth grade students so it's the first day of school it is lunchtime yes sir she's probably in one having lunch with the teachers so my students did a lab equipment and lab safety student stations activities so there were eight stations and I created two versions so there was a version back in the lab area and then I had a duplicate version out in the student classroom area and so students got to pick and choose the order they wanted to go into some students write notice that they worked by themselves there were other students that went from you know group to group they hopped around from group to group but they were on task and doing their work and it's great because this is the easiest learning station of lab that I have so it's sort of period right now I don't have a class as my planning period I'm in the middle of what I did is I printed or created an excel sheet from my roster and I just made the student names big hot then I put the number a number by their name and I just did an alphabetical order so whoever the first student was is number one and that's how I'm placing students right now so I'm using my handy dandy paper cutter that I brought I'm just cutting tiny strips well a little bit there about maybe the size I think's gonna have a student name on them and then I just go around and I place them on the table also students are coming into the classroom I just say find your name and that's where you sit temporarily good I almost messed up somebody's name that's where they're gonna sit temporarily until I get to know their names and then perhaps when I implement flexible seating it's not really going to matter at that pointing at least because they could choose where they want to sit so other than that that's what I'm doing right now I have about 25 minutes left before fourth-grade starts but other than that it's been a great day so far one of the other things that I normally do and I'll show you especially if you're new teaching useful ideas is during my planning period I always prepare for the next class so I just have the syllabus out the photo release form out and then a white piece of cardstock so that they can put their name in create a name tag so that way I can learn the names put a name to a face so one of the things that I think I am going to do is create a cumulative quiz over the learning stations with my first period there were some students that just were copying the answers and so I just thought the class that I let them know like hey um I don't mind if you all work together but it's gonna be very apparent if you're cheating because you're gonna take an assessment over this because they went to the evaluation station and first of all on the evaluation station is says it's highly recommended that you do the other stations before you do that one but some students who had done previous stations went to that and they weren't able to answer questions and I said you know if you paid attention you did the reading or you watched the videos or you participated in the activities then you would have easily been able to answer the questions because the questions were created from the other stations themselves so I let them know that and then also just reading instructions because I told students like hey it says I don't know if you can see that but it has you know the materials before you begin the directions so once you get there you need to look for this photo frame with the directions the station directions if you overview in theirs that's going to be the first thing that you do when you get there second period one a lot first period wasn't horrible and there was a one or two kids that were on their phones to redirect them and let them know hey do I already need to call home do I already need to call home and have that conversation and in the second period I didn't have much issue I just noticed kids there were some of the kids that worked individually some students that worked together throughout all the stations some students that hop from group to group and so it just was a mix but overall it's gone pretty well today so right now what I'm also working on is just things for the upcoming lesson because they're gonna get through a long email so right now I'm working on because this Friday's going to be a bday and so my bday classes will not be ahead versus my 88 classes and I want to hopefully they'll have all their safety contracts back because I want to be able to do what they're pouring things in and I can't really do that if I know that sounds silly but it's district policy that I can't engage in a lab if they don't have their safety contracts and I don't want to have like half the class doing in the other half of class not doing it so I might get into significant figures accuracy precision scientific notation by the end of this week what else um the tech people came in to fix my Bluetooth microphone or at least the audio so I had actually before the last day well the last day of school last year when I came in here to scope out the room and get ideas for how I wanted to set it up that was the innovation station and I showed that in my beginning of the year and in a year tour video it was like that black heart and there was a Bluetooth microphone in there so that was the thing I check to make sure that their technology was fine and I noticed that this wasn't working so I put in a support ticket we call it here a heat ticket to make sure that any issues were taking care of for the summer but I came back when we came back last week for the first week back it still wasn't working so I contacted the because I opened up the inquiry notice that someone came in shortly after in the summer a couple days after I put in the support ticket and they had made a note in there but that was two months ago so the people showed up today and they fixed it so can you hear me I love using this and remember change your email settings do not reply all if the entire campus doesn't need it so fix that because just reply all reply all or plyo reply all so third periods about to start in like two minutes so get all my stuff ready for my class kind of my innovation station and get to show on the road so that was the first day at school the kids are leaving my feet hurt I'm tired but it was a success so round two tomorrow same thing because we're on block schedule so everything we did today we're doing tomorrow today is day two of the first week back to school today's Abbey day so that means well let me explain if I never explained this before so here at in my district the high schools run an ad block schedule vodka schedules can vary just depending on the district that you're at so we do an a/b rotating block schedule so on every Monday and Wednesdays are a day so that's 1st through 4th period and then every Tuesdays and Thursdays or BJ's 5th through 8th period and then Fridays alternate between a and B so this first Friday is going to be a B day and I believe the next Friday is an ADA because usually that's how it works unless for some reason there's a holiday or there's some schedule where students might be missing time so they adjusted we're usually it's you know B day then it's a day then B day than a day for those particular Fridays everything that I did yesterday with my students because it was an 8 a I'm doing again today I love having the AV block schedule because it allows that so I don't have to worry too much there are certain times of the year where we have a C day and that means we have all the classes for 45 minutes and I don't know how I ever taught on a traditional schedule because I did when I first started teaching and the district the first year after the first year being in this particular district we switched to block schedule and I don't know how I ever taught on a traditional schedule because I absolutely hate when we have C days last year we only had two and they were like right before the final and it's just if I have a deal laughs I couldn't do what I wanted to do and I schedule so I love box scheduling this is great because you don't have to lick your fingers while passing up papers and you see your teacher like yeah I would be disgusted right now its 5th period I am this is usually PLC time but the only pre AP chemistry teachers so I'm planning by myself however I did till the chemistry teacher one of the little one across from me that if they wanna ideas or they needed some resources to let me know and I would definitely share with them so right now I'm just planning for the end of the week actually Friday because Friday is will be a new topic leading into next week which this Friday's a B day and then Mondays and a day so a day will be repeating what I do on Friday with my BA classes so it's just planning for the rest of the week next week and really I have my next unit already planned out because it was a unit plan that I wrote while I was a science specialist six years ago actually when I first started that position but I didn't publish it and I didn't make it available because I wasn't happy there were some things that I need you to work out with and I wasn't happy but I had macwhirr plan that unit so it's gonna be a big pretty much you're gonna be doing a lot of every single day because it's a qualitative analysis lab that they'll be doing so I have about thirty five more minutes before sixth period starts and it's lunch the seventh period and then eighth period is a dual credit chemistry classes so that concludes day to a school my feet hurt I've been switching in and out I have my nice shoes and then I have my Skechers like switch out it's my feet hurt Jim this morning and I'm just tired because normally have it period well have tooth period often that I teach sixth seventh lunch and an eighth period and so it's just straight all the way through and so I'm a little bit tired right now I'm having just a little snack well I don't know this is a little heavy duty with the lime so I'm gonna eat this and then I'm actually gonna hit home and then just go to bed early again because I don't know if I'm gonna work out tomorrow morning cuz I did lakes all most likely not and I'm just tired so I'm gonna finished up some stuff here chick some email and then i'ma head out okay never mind I misspoke I am NOT going home I decided to take a look and start on my grading but I'm highlighting sections of the learning stations that students did not complete for the most part they completed majority of the stations many students just have two or three but they did not complete so I want to let them know that I did take a look at their work some of them I'm putting a lot of little question marks or little comments and then even it's like it look like they completed this section they may have skipped one so I highlighted that area as well but I'm going to let them know that tomorrow because a day I see them again tomorrow that that they will have a an assessment already over this material because I told them that anyways that they would so I I would also find out whether or not they just straight up copied from somebody the other thing that's just difficult right now is my sections are large like today I had two new students they weren't necessarily added today I think they were maybe added yesterday um so actually I think they were at it today actually we're at it today because when I had made I created a report from our attendance program and when I made it I used that to create the little strips and that's the little strips I went around on that placed on the tables and that's directed were and that's what soonish used to find where they were gonna sit so I had to seem to show up today and they're like I can't find my name I'm like are you sure so like I'm looking around with them and then I pulled up the gradebook and that they are they they were added today so which I can still understanding so it wasn't like upset or frustrated it's just because of my large number of classes it's a large number of items that I have to look through and then also manage you know throughout the day so that can be very tiring [Music] oops wrong things I guess I shouldn't be trying to highlight and vlog at the same time my second period meaning my students are like they have one more station to complete so I'm going to have to flex between first and second and perhaps maybe even fourth period can I have one person who has finished yep I have some students who have finished I just submitted a request to have the living materials delivered to my classroom again this year's so right now what I am doing is fine I can't show you this but I am taking the pictures from our gradebook slash attendant attendance system and they take pictures of the students when they do their yearbook photo and they upload that to the system so most of my students have a picture next to their names and I'm going to practice over the weekend putting a name to a face so that way next week at least I will have a majority of their names memorized that's always great so that way I can build rapport with the students very quickly and I'm gonna psych you know not calling them another name by accident also I have over 150 students anywhere between 150 and 170 I need to go back and double-check but most of my sections have anywhere from 28 to 30 students so I just want to make sure that I learn it as quickly as possible so that way it's not an issue in case I have to first one reason deal with the student call home and then I know back-to-school night is approaching so I don't want to be caught off guard when a student shows up with their parent or guardian and unlike trying to remember what their name is I want to get that done and out of the way if also coming in handy because now I know I could put a name to a face because there was some students on the first day that we're making let's just say some of my male students were making some inappropriate female noises if you know what I mean and and I just I had to keep trying to figure out what the student where it was coming from first of all and then when I realized what was coming from I didn't know the students name right off the bat so now I'm looking at the picture the name and now it's ingrained in my head so I will be watching out for the student so it's third period and I'm my feet hurt I'm gonna have to soak them in some hot water some epsom salts and hot water tonight because they're just killing me it's just again being back hitting used to being back on my feet for a long stretch of time multiple days back-to-back so however first and today's in a first in the second period went well an actually second period so what I had them do in the beginning was we did this thing called find someone who with lab equipment and so that was the warmup it was just the way hey you know welcome usually when class starts I just like you know hey good morning how are you doing did anybody have a you know how was your day yesterday your first week of school things like that and then I get into the warmup so the warm-up this time today was just let's get up and move around the room get our bodies active which promotes part of the day anyways they were up moving around because we finished I haven't finished the lab stations the lab equipment and lab safety learning stations activity most students for complete but I had one student who within the first five minutes just had to do one thing and was complete however I was ready for that so they had to select one of four choices and they had to do a writing which was great because there's a very first week of school I had them do a reading they did activities where they had to collaborate with one another I gave them choice and today they are writing something and I have their samples a whole bunch of papers right here so it was also collecting the science safety contract and the photograph and video release forms and I talked to them about that and what I was doing with it and some of them were like you know as long as you take my picture make sure you filter me I don't take pictures like that I make sure that I take authentic pictures when you all are engaged in the work and not trying to pose for a picture so my second period so first period went well you know again I can tell an each period first and second period and on my other periods because I love choice and so students partnered up with people who they were friends with right away who I need to keep my eye out for as the year progresses some of the the more some of the groups that were chatting a little bit they chatted but they were still on task and then I had maybe one or two groups from each period of that they chatted and they were at a station longer than it should have taken them to be so I had to come over there and say you have five minutes to finish and when I come back in five minutes you should be done so especially that's going to come into play when I do the whole flexible seating and allowing them choice so I want to just make sure I keep out keep my eye out for that the other great thing is I memorized all the first period I memorized all of their names and so this morning before class started I was creating a an official seating chart with their pictures from our grade book slash attendance system and before class started I was just practicing going back and forth with their name so as soon as they were walking in class I was like good morning so-and-so and they're like already so it was great sometimes it's a little bit difficult because their picture is perhaps maybe a year old or two years old and so but a lot since center their face has changed or certain characteristics about them have changed so sometimes like you sort of look like so-and-so so are you second period I didn't get to memorize her name so I just tell them right off the bat okay I didn't get to study your names yet in your faces so but I will get that done the next Monday so because I won't see them this Friday this Friday is a bday with second period I had a couple students who finished quicker so they finished their they finished the stations or they finished the writing and so luckily I had an activity by one of my TPT science colleagues of science duo and I had I've used that last year that was one of the first section he said I had used when I came back into the classroom to review safety so I pulled those out luckily I had all my TD stored in what area so that's a great thing about just being prepared ahead of time I knew that just in case hey they finished these things early I'm gonna go pull this thing and I didn't want to get out I debated because I want to start measurement but our interactive notebooks won't be set up yet and I didn't want to get into some of that and also the science safety contract so some of the stuff that I want them to go back and do in the lab and involves the use of glassware and I can't really do that activity until I have their contracts back so I extended the safety and equipment learning stations again one more day plus just doing a riding so this is a great why already have a writing sample so this weekend I'm going to take some time to go through make comments and let them another and I'm taking some time to read through their stuff which I think they already know because when I gave them their learning stations answer sheet back I think as I said earlier like I highlighted you know information that they were missing we went through there were numbers are even wrote some comments there so they know that I know and I also told them that it would be very difficult for them if they're cheating in this class I would find out because I do sometimes one on one and I think I'm gonna do it back there with that that Bat mobile lab desk where I'm gonna pull it back and I'm gonna call a couple students back one on one and I'm gonna quiz them sometimes it's just one on one me one one student but sometimes I might be me and multiple students so that's where I'm at right now I'm gonna finish planning next period doesn't start for another 40 getting to double-check that goes my life last year in my old classroom it was really difficult sometimes I'd be sitting behind my teacher desk analytes ago and I just don't have to like reach across the thing and I'd be waving my arms and one time someone a teacher the teacher next door to me last year please no longer here she walked in on the class because the light side went out and I had been sitting there for a while I'm like okay let me put on the lights and as soon as I got up to try to and I was like leaning over the lab table like we felt like flailing my arms she opens a drawer she walks in and I'm just like a surprise anyways class ends today at 255 so I have I have 55 minutes left so I want to get some stuff done I want to go through some of these sheets I've already set out let me show you some of the other sheets for the warm up already and I think that is already where the sheets are already at their tables so when they walk in warm-up is there and what I actually do and say this what I actually do is I have them place everything on top of their bins so all the forms that they're gonna give back to me so the sign safety contract the video and photo release form and then their composition notebooks because they had a purchase a composition notebook for the class they have to put everything right here and so when they're gonna go sorry right here so when I send them back to do the learning stations that's when I just walk around and I pick everything up and I've right now I need to because my room is gonna change I don't really have an official like last year where I had that shelving unit and I was placing things there I'm using that to sort as part of my room decor now I put my plants up there so I need to have I need to set up a better place to place things right now because I don't have that and that I'm also using the bins for the learning stations so the ones that are at least at the tables during the class period so I'm using those temporarily right now so I'm either gonna keep you ski pose bins for the learning stations and then purchase some new ones for the comp books because I did till the case I'm probably most likely I'm gonna keep the comp books in the room unless for some reason that fell out of my class or they you know they want to take it themselves so other than that I'm gonna get set up and get ready for next period so it is the fourth day back to school today is Thursday it's a bday and so I will see not only the classes that I had Tuesday but I will see them tomorrow on Friday because this Friday is a bday my 88 classes I will see them Monday so my b-day classes will be ahead now because they will have had an extra day with me compared to a day right now what I am doing is like yesterday before class starts so I have fifth period off because that's usually planning PLC time and then I teach sixth period then it's lunch then seventh period and then eighth period as a dual credit chemistry course so that's my schedule today and usually I'm not particularly a fan of having in the first period off when I first started teaching and I had that schedule at the high school like I did but I wasn't at least when I first started out wasn't very productive at that time whereas now like a gauge of school early in the past couple years on even when I was in the classroom the last time I would get to school early because I like to get stuff done and it's just my time to focus on getting things on grading papers doing what I'm about to do right now in terms of studying student names putting a name to a face and so you know history comes and you know I get to use that time to prepare but then it's just straight teaching through the day even with lunch I feel like that's my time to kind of recharge and get refueled back up but that's not enough time leading into the last period of the day the seventh and eighth period and so usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm a little bit more tired than I am on Monday one is my a days just because of that simple fact that my a days I have third period off and that's right after lunch and so I have this huge stretch of time where it's you know I get to you know recharge and just relax and I get stuff done but it's just again I'm I'm an introvert I don't know maybe if he can't tell her now but I am like this is my personal like a very quiet person and introvert and so sometimes having to do with people even if there's their children I need that time to get away and just have my own little bubble and I have my own quiet time the other thing that I'm excited about this morning is first I want to say thank you if you subscribe to me because I just saw this morning I don't know if you can see is I hit a thousand followers on YouTube though if you follow me thank you so much I started my channel back in 2014 and I there was like one instance where I put my face on camera I shot it from my laptop and then I hid the videos there in private mode they were I think like teacher interview tips and then I repurposed those videos into one of the videos that I have on my page now and then really starting maybe back in December of 2016 and then I shot a couple more videos early in 2017 like just general tips I uploaded and then really was this summer where I started doing the vlogging where I noticed that my channel started to really pick up so if you subscribe or if you seen any of my videos and you commented to our life I just want to say thank you I'm excited about that but now I need to get back to work so I'm going to stop this so I can focus you guys we have 30 30 minutes and I'm gonna take five minutes Russell clean also much never prompt you choose do me a favor and place that card number at the top of your papers okay chaise-cart Erma to write like heart to you or number two at the very top finding so that way I know which one to look for what I'm going to your papers [Music] it's five o'clock and I'm gonna get ready to leave campus Friday cannot come quick enough but just everybody that I've spoken to seems to think that this week or it feels like this week has gone on forever it's the longest week ever I've had a great week so far my students did the learning stations so I allowed student choice so they can either and I think I said this earlier they could work by themselves or they can pick it choose I only actually had one class that had difficulty doing that compared to the other classes because it just took a majority of the students longer and I'm like what is taking you all so long this is like the easiest one that you'll be doing all year long so I'm probably going to have to put some procedures in place for that particular class unfortunately not and I told them that already because just of the the way that they were going through the stations and so but I did the stations on the first day of school because I wanted to see like which students would get pair of together and can work well together with students were the ones that would work individually which ones would take a long time and so that kind of gave me a good gauge on some of the behaviors already and so especially when I do flexible seating and that's the reason why I gave them choice early on because I wanted to see like how they would react and how they could work in in certain situations and so that's going to inform how I set up my groups and the flexible seating as we move forward other than that I've been grading some papers and because my class sizes are so large today like during my dual credit class while they were getting the introduction from the professor good they were watching a bunch of videos so I was grading papers and helping them in between at the same time like I felt like it was taking me forever just to grade one class period maybe that's because I was getting up and I was hoping thus the dual credit students but then when they when they were like said and they were watching their videos and they didn't need my help I'm sitting there grading one section you know class of the papers and I'm like am I done yet and I'm not I still have I still have five of their classes no three other classes ago cuz I grew it in one set yesterday and then I also have to read all of their writing assignments so that's another thing you know incorporating writing I definitely want to do that and that's a goal of mine is to incorporate more reading and more writing but then the downside of that is back to devote time to sit there and read all of the writing samples and when majority of my classes are you know 30 30 plus students that's all and I've ela teachers my hat's off to you because I don't know how you do it it's a lot of work plus having to do labs and set things up for that and we're actually going to get ready to do a lab thing so I need to I'm gonna be coming this weekend because I need to set that up I wanted to do it this I didn't really want to start off with lab equipment and safety because that's just something I know my students do and I thought that I can usually I can build it as I go through however just because of the schedule changes and it's been a while since I've taught chemistry I wanted to use this as a leeway and then also because I'm gonna do flexible seating I wanted to see how they would respond and then also the station's activity for lab equipment is safety it was an easy one so I figured let me get introduce them to this whole stations concept so we start doing them throughout the year I won't have to explain myself over and over again though don't have the gist of being able to do that so I lost my train of thought I don't know what I was talking about I need to go home and I need to go to bed well I can't remember what I was talking about but most of my students have brought their composition notebooks so I'm gonna start their notebooks tomorrow building their interactive notebooks and oh that's what I was talking about I'm gonna come do a lab I funny how that comes back in my head so this weekend I'm gonna come into setup and I'm gonna finish setting up the rest of my classroom because it just was never finished before the first day of school however I need to come in and run through that lab and set things up for next week because most of the students again I I wasn't sure whether or not when I would give them their safety contracts if they would bring them all back and most of my students are about their safety contracts back so I can go ahead and start beginning to start setting up labs and we can get back and get our hands and I see in a safe way um the other great thing was that I had some students yesterday and they actually came today but towards the end of lunch they came and they had a luncheon here because I told my classes that my door is always open and so either before school after school during lunch feel free to come by if you just want to hang out you name you don't even have to talk to me it's not gonna hurt my feelings if you just wanted a place to stay here on campus you can come to my room and I heard them I was I was sitting here eating lunch they I heard them come in and like he said you know my doors always open and stuff like my door was open so they came in and they had lunch and they talked to me for a little bit but then you know I let them you know have a conversation amongst themselves and then they showed up again today and it was great because a couple of the students I only had by that point yesterday I only had them for one time and I thought I saw them today because I had them in class today but it was great that they felt comfortable enough to come to my classroom and have some lunch so I am going to get ready to go home because I need to have dinner and maybe do some more grading and then after that I am going to call it a night so I just got to school to go put my lunch away in a refrigerator which I think I'm going to I need it the reason I hadn't brought my entire week lunches because that freaked out sorry son this in here you can see this area needs to get cleaned up there's some stuff from previous teachers this wasn't cleaned out at the end of last year and so I wasn't gonna add that on to my list of things to do before the first day of school hanging out that this wasn't something that I wanted to add I was already tired of cleaning up my own room and I think that's why I really wasn't anxious like I just said I think I was just over cleaning my room I'm packing packing stuff back fixing everything up that I was just mentally drained I was physically drained but then I was also mentally drained and it started off the score I mean I had a great first day of school first week of school but it just I was not nervous you know starting day one and normally I am nervous and it's like an excitement nervous but I just wasn't even in that okay okay I'm just let's just go to another day another day of school so that's just gonna have to wait to get cleaned out because I just don't have time to do that right now sorry to hear that noise that's just my momma I'm living machine and the reason I brought that here is because my students are also going to do another learning stations activity next week over measurement numbers in science so measuring accuracy precision significant figures scientific notation so I had already completed one set and so I need to laminate and I work well I don't know if I said the first set but to say I had already put them into pouches but that was the first set which I completed so I wanted to make sure that I'm not doing this over the weekend because I actually have to read all the readings that they've completed so I want to keep my myself some time to do that also need to make sure that I edit this and upload that so that way I mean my weekly deadlines although I'm not gonna kill myself this year trying to meet that because at the end of the day it's ensuring the high and I have everything ready for my students and then I'm not falling behind with what I need to do here at school so I'm just gonna say here like I can't promise that I will be able to stick to my weekly schedule or it just might just mean that I may not film I just might have to do like Eataly recaps especially if it starts getting hectic during the school year but other than that I'm trying to get these ready also at the same time I can't compare this is what you can get like to buy these at Office Depot and their 50 count the five milliliters thick no leader millimeter thick milliliter five millimeter thick but getting pouches the laminating pouches these ones are the cheaper ones so this is kind of what we're doing or they're gonna read graduated cylinders there's another writing thing I'm probably I hope I'm not gonna try to kill myself with having them do it with what you're writing but you know if that keeps me with up with my goal on reading and writing in class then so be I think it's just important to eat him right and I am gonna do the talk we talk like video I've been meaning that I'm supposed to be like my third vlog video after the curriculum design one and I just kept pushing it back because all the other like I teach to videos came off and then I went to Vancouver and I just kept pushing it back however I think now that school has started and majority of my students have returned their photo and video release forms I think I'm going to perhaps film implementing that in class so that way if you're interested to see what that looks like I can demonstrate camp on myself is gonna be perfect because I went to a training last year he'd be here that we had on campus and it was a very short one it was like four pages out of the book and we briefly discussed it and I after reading the book this summer right after school ended I realized that I wasn't implementing the process as was described in the book however what I did notice was that the work when I was implementing parts of it I noticed that my students were able to retain things more compared to other strategies that I had tried before and so that's why I'm really interested about in trying the strategy the process is not a strategy it's a process try implementing the process excuse me this school year and then hopefully I can share what that look like with you all so as I view this I'm also because it runs you the laminating machine slowly so as I'm putting it through the laminator I'm also going to I memorized already first period second period sixth period so I just need to memorize for period their names and seven period and it does make a difference because when I memorize the other classes it was in terms of like passing things out or I needed to take attendance real quick it was looking up and finding students or I was interacting with them I could see no say by name or as they were walking to class whereas my other classes of the two classes fourth and seventh period I didn't know their names and so instructional time was lost because I had to sit there and like hey you know James Johnny and hand out papers and or have them come up and grab the papers I was losing instructional time doing that and then also as they were coming in the classroom I was just okay good morning how are you it was very generic and I was losing not that I have to rush to build you know we have plenty of time but I think the sooner that you can build rapport with students so easier it is it's not easy easy but it helps definitely with classroom management because when the students know that you care and they know that you've taken an interest in them in class and outside of class that you know a lot of times they will bend over backwards for you sometimes you know during an evaluation like oh not that I ever have never asked students so hey you know change it the way that you act if someone's coming into my room to observe me because kids have sometimes when I was an instructional specialist in administrator they act the same way in class and out of class so but I've had the last few that I was in a classroom I had one of my more difficult classes observed and after the principal had left one of the students was like we were on her best behavior I'm like I didn't ask you to do that but and I had run into that student when I became an instructional specialist take mr. lieth but that again just goes to show you that you know obviously they cared about me and they saw that the principal was in my room they they wanted me to do well so I think it is important to establish those relationships early on scenario like I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing and talk to talk to you all at the same time but just establish establishing those relationships that I think many of the other YouTube the teacher tubers some like start calling them to teacher tubers have mentioned that as well it's especially if you're a new teacher it's something that can go a long way in helping you build and it helps help your classroom management succeed okay with that said I'm gonna stop doing this because I'm losing focus of what I'm doing and I need to get this done and I also need to do what I was about to do on my laptop this is just another time-saving tip if you use duct tape to tape the spine of your composition notebooks I just go ahead and do it before class begins so that way they can come in grab a piece of tape versus just passing tape around now of course you can always buy multiple rolls of duct tape however that's like five bucks apiece and then if you're buying different colors for different periods it will tend to add up and this is my roll from last year so you can still see I have some left over and I have to go to the store and buy a new roll of duct tape so to come to Hobby Lobby because I need to pick up more tape for my interactive notebooks so I have the ribbon I just need to get some duct tape for last year only had five classes I didn't have six so I need get extra color for one of my class periods and I can't figure out which color I want because that just depends on the color paper that I can find and purchase I will match their Hall Ticket passes because really the color code on their notebook matches the hall ticket pass the set I give the students and I'm rushing because I came during my lunch [Music] so today was a bday so I saw the classes I had yesterday today and my pre AP chemistry class is what we did was we did musical the very beginning because I didn't do it like I get to know you activity the very first day of school so I decided you know we've had some time to move around in the last year some three things that about you two things that you did this summer and one goal that you have for the class and then we played musical share I'll make a video about that later after that I had them take a 16 question survey so it was like email address you know do you have any allergies do you work also there the last question was about flexible seating so I had three pictures of flexible flexible seating classrooms and there was a new segment that was shot in Sacramento where the news went out to an elementary campus fifth grade but it was really because I couldn't find any videos the high school level but just to give them my idea what flexible seating was and flexible learning and the question asks you know is this something that you'd be interested in you know explain why or why not and so I got a lot of the seniors like yes I'm actually need to go through all of them but the responses that I saw so far seem very positive like they really wanted to do something like that so now that I have at least half of my classes their opinions I'm excited about implementing it this school year so other than that something is beeping out there the alarm pad is beeping I'm going to grab my stuff and I'm going to head home soak my feet in some Epsom salt and hot water and call it a day I have a whole bunch of essays to grade so yeah there goes my weekend well that's it if you're interested in checking out some of my other videos you can check them out by clicking on any of the links right here if there was anything about this video that you liked make sure to hit that like button comment down below and or share the video and if you haven't already done so make sure to subscribe by clicking on the link right here I don't know why I'm laughing so that way you can bond with James as always thanks for watching I don't know what's so funny right I think I'm losing my mind first aid like Looney Tunes this is what happens on the first issue the first week of school I'm losing my mind
Channel: Bond with James
Views: 48,529
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: first day of school for teachers, first week of school for teachers, first week of school for students, first day of school for students, first day of science class, first week of science class, high school teacher vlog, high school science teacher vlog, first day of school activities in a science classroom, science teacher first day of school, first day back to school for students, first day back to school for high school students, A Week in the Life of a Teacher
Id: 2vk2_HyB1f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 27sec (2967 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2017
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