Day In The Life Of A High School Science Teacher

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welcome to the day in the life of a high school earth science teacher i usually start off my mornings pretty much the same every morning i drop off my stuff i put anything in the fridge that needs to go in the fridge and then i take out my computer make sure it's plugged in so i don't forget during the day and check any important emails that i have and i'll respond to those ones first but anything after that i'll respond to later after my chores which you'll see now [Music] do [Music] all right how's everyone doing today let me get you the slideshow oh and you know what let me put my headphones in all right so i just finished up with my fifth block class today's a b day so we have blocks five through eight and we have them for about an hour and a half each in the mornings we have advisory for about like 15 maybe 20 minutes um and during advisory we cover um really what's going on at the school so it could be today we talked about homecoming but it could really be about anything advisory is nice because um the kids are kind of more aware of different features at the school and different things going on then i have study hall next i do go into a different classroom because i have a teacher on a cart that comes in here and will teach for my classroom so i will go into someone else's to do study hall and then um what do i have going on next and then i have planning for seventh and what do i do seventh um to i don't okay i was supposed to go into a meeting but i think the meeting got cancelled i don't know where's my calendar i'm very tired today okay so no okay so that that meeting is still happening so during my planning i usually head to the library because again someone's in my classroom um so i usually head to the library um i also sometimes go into my prep room because if i'm meeting with a student i try not to be in the library for that in case they have something going on or if someone wants to read i'm just going to try to wake up a little bit before study hall all right see you guys later all right so i'm sitting in the um prep space right now i was supposed to have a meeting at 12 40 and went into the google meet there's no one there i check and apparently now it's 1 40. i don't know i'm just gonna switch when i'm eating lunch so i'll eat lunch now and do the meeting at 1 40. um i finished my i finished grading the formal formatives um let me show you what i had wrote down because i also need a reminder what day is it oh my gosh i have a paper clip here and i still take like 50 hours to get there anyways um i wrote that i needed to grade the formal formatives did that i added comments to my peers discussion did that i read the article for my test did that i did not sign up for my next class and i feel weird about paying for it at school because with the wi-fi i don't know who can hack that anyway and there's some smart kids here so um i think now i might create this is my planning before that was study hall so i got a whole bunch done but now this is my planning so i might go through and create the oceanography lesson now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so i basically finished up the oceanography lesson lesson for um next week um i still have to do like exit tickets um bell ringers things like that um i actually don't know if we have an exit ticket but anyways i'll make those later my meeting is about to start in seven minutes so i thought i would take a break um i was debating eating i don't know when my meeting is gonna end but i'll just eat lunch after and it'll be good so anyways um all right so in case anyone was concerned i did put my hair back up so i do look a little bit more professional but we're having some difficulties right now which will happen especially if you're doing something in an online setting which i i will admit i do like this much more i feel like it gives parents students and teachers a little bit more ease i would say especially parents because they might be working and they they can take um they can do a meeting during their lunch break or something so i do like this there's just a lot of issues technology issues we can't figure out who's the host people aren't joining um we need the special education person i don't really know what his role is um so what we did was we all exited out and resent a new link because the link was not allowing certain people to get in because the host wasn't in but we don't know who the host is so we're gonna try this link hopefully it works it's already been 10 minutes so okay so that was really quick um it was just a parental i actually don't even know i i've never really done any documents with special ed but um it's just a general general meeting so it didn't take too long which was good i think they have to have them every year i'm not quite sure um oh wanted to show you outfit of the day starting with the earrings i got these from target they um i think we're on clearance for like three dollars it's crazy um shirt is from j crew i think that was like ten dollars i got this necklace off of etsy i highly recommend the shop they come in these cute little um pink boxes with like a magnetic flip up thing so cute this is i think 40 or 45 dollars um and then i put the shirt over my um old navy dress and the dress comes all the way up to here and it has like two spaghetti straps and sometimes i'll wear the dress just as is with a jean jacket but i've kind of worn it a lot recently so i wanted to make it a little bit different i just twisted oh i gotta hide that part the tags i just twisted up the shirt and clipped it and then put it over that and then you can't forget the perkins dogs don't mind my nails they're gross um i love my birkenstocks oh and then a jean jacket from j crew which you saw me wore earlier so yeah oh it's already going uh i don't know if you can tell how tired i am i've been like just so exhausted in my videos all day today they're probably gonna put you asleep so if you're having trouble sleeping i highly suggest you watch this i'm gonna wait until you leave [Music] oh wait seriously all right yes i am sitting in my bathroom i am editing this video now um i live with my sister so i'm trying not to wake her up because it's basically midnight i really want to get this out on time um but i realized that i don't explain what's going on or i don't fill in the gaps this is probably just because i'm a new youtuber sounds weird even saying that but after the meeting i just finished up with planning i ate a little bit but my co-teacher co-teacher my co-worker there we go came in the room and he said while he was in my classroom teaching his kids came over to the tank and saw my hermit crab attack one of my fish and eat it so i have been losing fish left and right and my they're not terribly expensive but still i mean 11 each basically like that's kind of expensive after a while when it adds up um anyways i've been losing fish left and right and i had no idea what was happening to them not gonna lie i kind of thought someone was like taking them out of the tank because i couldn't find any dead fish anywhere now i know why the hermit crabs were eating it i don't know why they didn't come into my mind earlier but yeah that's what happened so he he came in the room to tell me that so i kind of got a little frazzled and forgot to update you all but 8th box started and here's the next video of me explaining that poorly okay so i don't know if you guys can hear me um work was okay not too bad had a great eighth block kind of felt like i hit my flow there um probably because it was the fifth time i was teaching it but um yeah so i'm gonna figure out what to do for dinner tonight probably pizza because fridays are pizza night um i'm gonna see if below deck is on um i already have my tuesday or tuesday wednesday lesson created which is nice um and just have to go from there so not too much planning a review on friday which is probably just going to be um some sol based questions that i can get from jlab if you're a high school student you're trying to study for sol do j labs if you're a teacher trying to make your kids study for the sol do jlabs they're really great you can choose what science subject you want i think actually you can do math as well and english so if you're a math or english teacher and you're just watching this video because you like me thank you um no g labs are great though again you can choose the sol questions you want like earth science you can choose how many questions you want to do so what i've been doing is i will make my kids do five j labs in the morning this was a couple weeks ago i'd make them do five j labs in the morning and then um we'd increase it when we got closer to the sol and ours is in just a few days may 3rd um so yeah i would increase it so now in the morning they're doing 10 or um um if we don't do them in the morning i'll make them do them at night and or not at night um at the end of class and maybe i'll make them do 20. so um yeah it's a really great tool i actually have a competition going um at the end of a jlab you can there's a number that you record um and i make them copy and paste that number into a google form and um i make them put the block that they have me so it creates a pie chart with each submission so all they have to do is tell me their name tell me the block that they have me and um copy and paste their um their number that they get at the end of the jlab and that's their submission so it creates a pie chart of all the submissions and um i look at the blocks that do it because the block that wins i i told them that the block that wins gets to watch a movie whether it's like ice age or jurassic park or moana something that's kind of earth science related but a little bit more relaxed and then the classes that don't oh my i keep going over bumps in my cameras like shaking one second i'm at a red light i can fix it um the camera the teams that lose um or don't get as many submissions will have to um [Music] come on there we go the teams that lose will have to do a minor summative so something like like a homework basically so that was a really good drive i also told the kids that are in person that all bring snacks and drinks and whatnot and they like that as well what they don't know is that every class is going to watch the movie but the the team that does not the team that wins doesn't have to write up something and i think i'm going to make the write-up um uh describe one part of the movie that's related to earth science i'm gonna make it super simple um yeah because it's their sol they did it congratulations um so everyone's gonna get to watch the movie but the winning team just doesn't have to write anything up um so yeah jlabs are awesome and it creates a fun competition um everyone wins in the end oh and you can choose the type of question so not just oh i want to do an earth science test if you want to focus on specific um what do you call those oh specific standards or specific sections of your learning like earth and space systems or materials or astronomy that's earth and space um human interactions you can do all that you can click each one you can even click which year sol you want the questions to come from i just choose them all but yeah so kinda cool and i highly recommend doing it i'm on my way home now and hopefully we're gonna eat some pizza we might just do roasted vegetables though because we have a lot of those but i hope that everyone has a great day i'm approaching a red light so i can look at y'all um i hope that everyone has a great day if you're a teacher i hope that your lessons went smoothly or that you're able to learn from them um yeah i don't know so thanks for stopping by thanks for watching i really do appreciate it if you liked today's video give it a like subscribe all that good stuff put a comment below whatever you want anyways bye
Channel: Teaching Them Green
Views: 2,547
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: DITL, Earth Science Teacher, Science Teacher, High School Teacher
Id: aEL3Qr_aaq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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