High Powered (1945) ACTION ADVENTURE

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] getting tired you want me to drive no thanks I want to get there you know you can't keep your mind on the wheel oh is that [Music] so Mar let's pick him up what did I tell you he looks cute anything in pants looks cute to you anyway I'm not taking any Chan ouch someday you'll go to the windshield doing there want to live I don't want to CR you throw your bag in the rumble and Tumble in thanks why don't you realax he looks okay you and your intuition he'll probably hold us up toss us out and take the car you Kidd come on let's get going [Music] you going far no just up the roadways I've got a job with going to the construction job that's where we're heading construction job no I'm going to The Vineyards I'm a grap picker Oh I thought maybe you're on your way to that new cracking plant they've just built it's quite a project they're going to make that 100 octane gas for airplane you to let me off just before you get there what's that a trailer it's lunchwagon it's the great Mar and Blair Enterprise hot meals for Hungry Bachelors you see the married men have wives who put up their lunch on this job and the single men poor fellows thousands and thousands of single men they eat us sounds like a good deal you're not joking two girls entirely surrounded by bachelors woooo they speaking of lunch would you like a bite sure where can we stop for one what do you think we're hauling this lunch wagon for fully equipped from prunes to pepp frea what do you say Maran let's pull up and put on the Feed Bag oh we ought to keep going tell you what let uh uh what's your name Tim let Tim drive while we fix lunch that way we won't be losing any time and you can rest you need it you're as crabby as a seafood salad well maybe that would be a good idea you're not going to put anything more on that sandwich are you why not it looks like a dagood special now I wonder if he likes mayonnaise or mustard or or pick aily think you a pick aily type why aren't you asking hey T you like mayonnaise or pick ail what do you like mayonnaise or pick Ail on your sandwich hey Dr clothes do [Music] something I [Music] can't oh stop [Music] [Applause] it out TR to grab onto the car look how you're going hit him [Music] come on Cassie this is the first time I ever saw an upside down KY could talk you all right oh gee I don't know I got to take inventory this maybe very funny to you young lady but do you realize you nearly killed me well what do you think we were doing having fun besides that you cred a perfectly good Fender and you're going to pay for it you could have gone around us there wasn't room and there wasn't time and you know it besides you were driving on the wrong side of the road sure I was they were in danger and I was trying to help them and whose fault was that if you hadn't been driving like a crazy maniac and watched where you were going I was looking back because you were yelling at me there you see even she admits it was your fault reckless driving that's what it was who belongs to that it's ours you got a license for it no calling a trailer without a license why you're the kind of people to make the roads unsafe for law abiding citizens now wait a minute bub if you hadn't been going around that curve at about twice the speed limit you're going to turn off in time is that so yeah and you stand around here accusing us another crack out of you and I'll call in the law is that so yeah well don't call too loud bub I happen to be the law I didn't ask you to pick me up I was just standing there oh yeah you almost threw your thumb out a joint well I certainly didn't ask you for any lunch well if you hadn't been so smart with the sheriff we wouldn't be in here try and talk yourself out of that one go on oh for the love of Hannah shut up L Hest to goodness fell my head feels like it was a time bomb ticking I've been listening to you and those girls hollering for the past half hour F down with you ever try to make a couple of Dames pipe down when they think they've got a beep men they're all cowards try arguing with them and they hide behind one another's hands yeah well but we got to figure how to get out of here $50 it would have only been 25 if you hadn't a cracked wise with the judge well I wasn't going to stand there and let them tell us we were a road hazard when it was that great picker's fault take it easy will you oh it ain't our fault You' been drinking like a storm drained hey look visitors I reckon sobered up by now sure gave us plenty of trouble last night all right Spike you can come out now Jade this is swell bailing me out huh some week you're going to draw your full pay oh no wait a minute it wasn't my fault I was standing at the Bary mining my own business when this POA steps up to me and he says boiler makers is putrid now how did I know he was talking about a drink and not me Tim Scott you McGee son of a steam fitter Rod it's great to see you I knew I'd run into you someplace how are you anyway fine fine say you weren't on your way up the line of the construction job I could sure use you in the crew uh I was on my way to another job and ran into a little grief there ain't any other job for you when I need men forget it R I got a new trade now oh you mean on account of what happened on an Eastern job I'm not going to send you up high you can be a chipper right on the ground no thanks Rod I can't take the job see what Scott's fine I'll pay it $50 and the cost of a new Fender if you want to pay the girls fine that's $50 too girls what girls they're in on this r with me a little auto accident they're holding me responsible well all right I'll pay theirs too if it'll get him out of here don't strain yourself mister we're not asking for charity well what's the matter with you lush well je you sound just like my ex-wife I bet you tell that to all the girls yeah and you look like her too not even jail can do that to me all right here's your 100 and an extra 20 for the fender is that okay sure sure shouldn't come to more than that wait a minute if you're going to lay out money for us I want to know where to send it you can hand it to him he's the boss rigger on the job you were heading for we're heading for is right our wagon's busted inside and out we're down to our last quarter are you the two girls who were coming up with the lunch wagon yeah that's right I and forget about it we were waiting for you I'll send a crew down to fix the wagon and you can draw dop for supplies well oh only if you'll take my note for it sure I'll take a note oh wait a minute the girls think I was at fault you'd better take my note listen you couldn't pick that many grapes what's this about picking grapes don't tell me that's the job you've been yapping about yeah I'm a gra picker now sure he can't do a real man's work all right I'll take the job but only until I pay for everything the fender the fines and the wagon does that suit you that's a deal Jim but remember I'm not staying as soon as I pay off I'm leaving is that clear don't bother we'll take the law come on don't start any more arguments I can't get over it same height same shape and everything listen brow you can't help being ugly but you could stay indoors just just like my ex-wife just like [Music] her I hope I got this Cafe in the place you want it move it a couple of more times and you'll think I'm an elephant well never mind spite when the no whistle blows we'll have an extra special lunch for you oh boy if there's one thing I like to eat more than anything else it's food just a minute a got another job for you yeah here nail these up oh our eggs are fresher than a wolf's whistle our spin spach has no sand PS we don't serve spinach always gagging just like my ex-wife must have been you who made her gag H Here Comes Your hitchhiking friend I still say they're good-looking characters which one both of them all everything all right yeah thank you want to be our first customer I got to get Tim started we even serve him have to be awfully hungry you'll like Jeff Hines he's a welder boss of the crew a great old rust eater hi Charlie how's it going terrific layout Rd yeah but will you see what we got to do to meet the deadline oh Jeff shake hands with Tim Scott your new chipper all right glad to know you Tim that's Pete Glendy and olly ball Pete Bill Madden our grinder this is uh yeah I know this L what do he want here he joining your crew and I'm through nobody's making me work with you either now wait a minute you two guys if I had any other place to put you they why don't you let bygones be bygones because my brother wouldn't like it because another accident might happen in there you always were a loudmouth it I don't know what you two guys got against each other why that good we got a job to do here this plant's going to make a 100 octane gas for those planes flying over with Japan my kids's flying one of them the more gas we make the sooner he'll get home that's more important than any Grudge you two got against each other I guess you're right Jeff Come on B you know if I didn't eat men so badly I'd fired that Madden what's he sore about oh his brother Sam was with Tim when Tim was a high man back East they took a bad spill Sam was killed petza always blamed Tim for it I see Tim had nothing to do with but as a matter of fact Sam grabbed him when he fell you say Tim was a high man yeah what he take a Chipper's job for that's not in his class well he hasn't been a same since he took that fall he's scared to go high H too bad what he needs to do is to go up again that's the only thing will cure him well you can't force him I'll keep him busy with you Jeff and don't let him tangle with Bill don't worry I can still bust up a fight I have to bust a couple of heads to do it [Music] come see I can hardly wait for lunch today I'm going to have a good hot meal plenty of soup meat potatoes pie and coffee oh boy yeah where you going to get all that ain't you heard the lunchwagon a couple of gals running one of them sure reminds me of my ex-wife looks like her talks like her I wonder yep I'll bet she can can what cook like her come on come on with me you'll be eating like a Duke leave your lunch box here come on but I got lemon pie in there gosh who open the [Music] Corral minute got sister coming up nothing like home cooking I always say even if it ain't cooked at home Jigs and magaggie knock the hips off jigs just a minute one ticket to the great unknown everything hamburger no onions scramble Sirin hold the BR no BR no potatoes here no F please this keeps up our food won't hold out neither will we hey torch yes are you married no you yeah ain't that tough yeah on your wife mustard please you barbecue sauce coming up hey give me another hand breaker and double it wife used to cook up a mess of blackeyed peas sweet potatoes mellow oh brother Jello and whipped cream sh lives in the snow in the snow long time but it's going to be worth it I think the girls said they were going to have pork chops with applesauce and angel food cake [Music] wow 21 [Music] floors angel food cake wow W how did I know I didn't know going to be such a crowd [Music] why don't you get some sleep Rod I got to work out a couple of problems first that cat crack is a pretty difficult assignment isn't it well you'll heard what the boss said this afternoon plant's got to be making gasoline in 2 months seems to me he's riding you pretty hard sure Washington's riding him harder it's a big job Tim it's important it's got to be done what's your main difficulty men if I could get some good experienced High men Rod yeah oh nothing C don't PA no be careful falling falling [Music] falling Tim Tim fall wake up fall Tim wake [Music] up what happened you were having a nightmare what was it fall again yeah I guess so I'm all right [Music] now brother what corn but good but good hi hi stranger what can I do for you how long's that offer open a food I was referring to not now Mar I'm waiting for somebody might give me a cup of coffee okay you still munching well you made me promise I wouldn't take a drink well I suppose you've got to fill it with something boy what a cavity nothing else to do around here I'm beginning to understand why your ex-wife is your exwife up till now I haven't found any ham in this sandwich take another bite no I that you must have just gone past it huh oh um Cassie there's something I want I don't know where you're going to put it no it's it's not that you see uh would you go to the boiler maker ball with me me go to the boiler Maker's ball with you uh after all those invites I've turned down don't answer that question when is it as if I didn't know Saturday night oh Jee this is wonderful pick up oh je hey that reminds me you're going to the Boilermakers ball with me well thanks for letting me in on what's good politics all your customers will be there is a good politics to be seen with a boss anybody says it isn't I'll take care of them well what'll I wear a suit of armor we just bring a lead pipe and a rubber hose informal oh here comes a Paul Joe hi Tim sorry I kept you waiting we just finished working on that sphere finished good yeah they're going to fill it with and test it in a few minutes Jeff's doing a good job on that SP have a cup of blackjack welcome to tomain Manor how you have it without cream or without sugar without wise Craigs Jeff said you wanted to see me about something important yeah there's a job open on the main tower Hi man yeah you know better than that Rod oh wait a minute take it easy Happ your coffee say don't you gals ever get off from behind high that counter this is going to lead to something well I was going to suggest you might want to climb up to the the top of the main tower or maybe the bubble Tower bubble yeah those tall towers over there you mean they build those tall things just to blow bubble well not exactly but there's a terrific view from up there on a clear day you can see all of San Francisco Bay and today is a clear day oh gee I'd love it you mean I can climb up there sure I got a half hour to spare I'll take you how about you Cathy not me I'm a firm believer in Terra FMA and the firmer it is the less Terror I get what do you say Tim no thanks I'm not no don't be like that it'll be safer for marry and we'll put her in between us Rod hey what's the matter with you are you scared to go up there gee for a guy who talked up so brave to the sheriff at the wrong time never mind I'll go well now you're talking let's go time's a wasting well lead on to the bubble Tower and bring me a bubble won't forget this rod that's yourself there a lot of wolves around [Music] it's quite a climent but it's worth it when you get there this is one slimming treatment I've never [Music] had [Music] all [Music] hey Tim keep going how's your wind ho holding out Tim let me down let me down run let me down I got to get down you better climb down I'll get him take it easy Tim look up keep your eyes up Tim come on K you're all right let's go Tim let's go come on you're all right we'll get down take it easy now look [Music] up [Music] h [Music] there we are PAL all safe and sound let me alone oh no Tim listen just leave me alone that's the thanks you get from a guy like that I guess I asked for it oh yeah sure you did what did you do besides save his life I nearly killed him killed him maybe there's a screw loose up here but I don't get it I made him go up I planned the whole thing so you'd shame him into it look Give It To Me Slowly will you all I know is that since I met you you've been acting like his nursaid no it goes way back Manan I broke him into the game so you should have known him then he was a top rigger himself full of fight and going places he'd have been a construction engineer in no time that far Y what happened to him he took a fall about six stories with another high man the other fellow was killed Tim was hurt badly but he lived mainly because he fell on the other guy oh after that he developed the hippophobia you know scared of height then he dropped out of sight well you know the rest gee I feel like a heel riding in the way I did yeah I figured if I could shame into going up again you saw what happened you better go after me he looked pretty sick yeah I'll see you later [Music] watch those gradings Joe say Jeff have you seen Tim yeah passed them near the Spheres they're running the pentan into them what's the matter you look worried anything wrong well I just had a message to call our neighbors my wife's taken sick they said oh it's tough let me know what you find [Music] out yes Mr Thomas how's my wife she got a telegram from the war department you better read it to me Mr Thomas my son missing an [Music] action thanks Mr Thomas I'll get in my car come right home Dam wait a minute will you I'm through well now let me explain there's nothing to explain you just used me for a chump to set yourself up with that Dame now you're talking like a sap am I I told you I didn't want any part of this job in the first place now that you've shown her what a brave guy you are and what a chicken-hearted stooge I am I'm getting out go ahead be pigheaded run away like this and you'll prove you got a yellow streak Tim you're crazy fool you the sphere's blown it's full of fente keep everybody away I'll get the squat that steroid blows up it'll set us back a month is it dangerous dangerous cigarettes sparksman engine anything Mike at it all hey that gas is murder get the H my crew Danny Joe phone the fire chief the rest of you guys get down the road to stop all C stop stop that car gas escap stop J [Applause] stop yeah [Music] stop hi you dream boo what's with you passion or Asma I got to get plenty of hot coffee quick to far as outward theage it's for one of the fellas that was hurting the explosion Tim you know was he hurt badly no shock mostly the doc says but the other fell Jeff Tim saved his life they're in the first aid Now give me the coffee will you you go on back to the job Spike I'll take the coffee over all right thanks see you after Cass why the sudden switch you want to be a Florence Bloomingdale or something they gave him something to put him to sleep I know how rocky you feel Scott Rod told me about just saving Jeff but this pl's a government project we're trying to meet a heavy schedule that spear blow upsets us back a month what are you getting at Spears don't blow like that not unless somebody was careless you ran a test on it didn't you sure we ran a test we're fight in time man we didn't get a chance x-ray every well with experienced men on the job that isn't necessary yeah I understand it I'm going to be frank with you Scott that's Spar of blue because of a weakness maybe a chip too closed oh Tim's a careful worker he wouldn't do that how do we know you told me yourself he was a high man not a chipper what's he doing on a job like this well I there's personal reasons we'd rather not go into all right but you may have to eventually the government inspectors will be investigating investigating what what do they think I did they got to find out what made that spear blow you better be around to answer questions the doctor wanted this for someone thanks I like the way they believe in a guy around [Music] here hello well come on I won't bite you how you feeling now okay my car is in the parking lot want to live [Music] Tim I'm a dope what can I say to that no really the way I talked to you before we climbed the bubble Tower was rotten why I'm the same guy as I was then just a little more roughed up that's all outside of that I'm the same guy yeah but I'm Different I know something now I didn't know then Rod told you y why can't he keep his big mouth shut because he wanted to set me straight he know it was a matter with me why did he have to insist on my going up just to make me look cheap with you oh that's what you're wrong he thought if he could get you to climb again you'd get over your phobia wish I could believe that I stop here every night for a few minutes lovely view isn't it why does everyone keep on worrying about me I didn't want to come here in the first place Tim Rod's right you too valuable for picking grapes look at that tremendous project they tell me they make enough gas every day for 5,000 bomber missions pretty important isn't it you making incentive speeches too if anyone needs them all right Miss America you get the gold medal I'm not checking out if you want to know I don't think you're to blame for that sphere blowing him you what do you know about that radar Maran you're terrific you think so then why are you taking me for dinner huh you're also a pretty fast worker one of us has to be fast meaning I'm a little slow on the update well and when they brought the roast beef Al like kelor and it turned out to be H they both laugh so hard Maran got the hiccups and where'd you go out to the hola h on Bay Drive the band there is hot on a rivet seems to me for a sick man you did a lot of stepping uh there was nothing wrong with me that a cozy evening with a bouncy babe wouldn't cure and then after that you dropped through at the doorstep of course no I went up to her apartment you're dead yeah Cassie was there oh nice girl Cassie you know I don't see how I could have been so wrong about Marion I guess we just got up on the wrong foot but now you're right in the groove yeah she's even been going to break a date with some dope just to go to the boiler Maker's ball with me Saturday night she's going with you yeah hey when you get in there don't use my toothbrush too Cassie I want to get a little bite before the Stampede my face clean enough to eat yeah but who want to eat it what do you want Boston cream pie see I don't think that's a nice way to talk don't bother cutting it I'll take it just as it is you want a fork or should I give you a shovel a [ __ ] I'll be all right oh we pay for those dishes ourselves remember yeah I'm sorry what's the matter with you you're as nervous as a jumping Beam with a py well I I made a date for the ball tonight well what's wrong with that so did I yeah but I made it with two men oh fine who are the two lucky fellows rod and Kim well gets better and better which one you going to break the date with right shall we start walking back to Los Angeles now or wait till after lunch I never did anything like this before in my life get me out of it Cassie oh no it's like wearing a girdle you have to get out of it by yourself all right oh gee I'm glad you dropped by I I got to break that date tonight not telling me anything Tim said you were going to break a date with some dope to go with him oh but I didn't tell him it was you well thanks very much he what's the idea anyway well well you said yourself he needed help and he was feeling so low and oh when he asked me I just couldn't turn him down worried about his morale huh yeah that's morale well what about my morale oh I feel awful but there there'll be other days and places to go that a promise sure well save me some dances tonight anyway every other one well okay then as long as you're sure it's nothing serious between you and Tim oh no nothing serious honest don't you take time out to breathe not when I'm eating how'd you happen to open a lunch Wagon on account of my win your win yeah I was losing it being chased around counters by Cafe owners hey what's the idea with all these people around he looks so beautiful I couldn't help it oh that's just because I'm not surrounded with hamburgers and Pig's Knuckles now wash behind the ears too see for a boiler Maker's ball that's overdoing [Music] it [Music] naughty naughty sure for the first time in history there ain't going to be any bra what are you trying to be ref I'm sorry sheriff we do won't have any use for this oh no well what's all that that's a scrap for the scrap drive for the scrap drive for the scrap [Music] Drive boy that's a lot of Mama with Bill mad he's got the large economy [Music] size oh holy jumping car oh the floor's too slippery well it ain't the floor it's just that my shoes have been shined well I used to dance with my wife all the time well that explains everything she didn't divorce you she's just hiding oh Cassie don't be like [Music] that you know I must be on my ear about you why I never felt much like dancing before Oh I feel like I'm Clos even to that music it's getting kind of warm in here isn't it did you notice that too would you mind getting me a drink that bar looks like a managerie but I'll be back in a Gip with a beer now you wait right over here how about my beer hi B all right ter give me a couple of beers Jack take your time there's plenty ahead of you it's about time you are going to save me every other dance I I just couldn't quit on him the dances were so close together okay but I'm going to wait right here for the next [Music] one it's about [Music] time I got a feeling this is going to be a big evening little room little room oh you shoving Bo Mickey well it ain't C Williams how you feeling still taking your vitamins pipe fitter ah all you Bo make us think you're the strongest guys in the world and I suppose you think you're a regular Amazon huh could be yeah how about uh putting up or shutting up on a little contest of strength for instance yeah see that little fell down there give me that little CU ball what about it that's your 50 bucks you can't lift them look nuts you ain't kid why don't the heat gone to your head these Pipe Fitters are all muscles no brains I suppose you're no musles and no brain yeah no leave me alone will you Cassie look the boys are all in on us we're going to make suckers out of these guys gentlemen I assure you he's only had one drink and that was buttermilk Cassie please well how about it I got 200 bucks here that says none of you pipe FS can lift the little guy it's a crime but I'll take 50 of it and enough I'll take 20 of it I get a guy and what happens the first time he takes me out on a date he goes completely Bly entirely not the little lady will hold the B all we got to do is lift them yeah come on one side boys one side how you feeling pudy meet the fell hi one of the pipe hitters thinks he can lift you care if he tries you don't mind if he puts his finger on your neck while you're trying to lift him do you I don't care if he hugs me what's he trying to do tickle me I'm laughing already go ahead [Applause] [Music] William hold me [Music] cold what's the matter Cal can't you lift them you lift them I can't let me try it okay you 20 more 20's a best what's with this finger business anyways glands glands his or mine yours and if you Pipe Fitters had announced a brains you'd know what I'm talking about you're looking for your babe [Music] yeah better drink your beer you don't mind if I wait do you it's been a pretty long dance don't you think we better get back to Tim I let you go back to him how do I know you'll get back to me he was swell to let me break the date don't you think Tim seems like a new man I think I like the other one better not so much competition oh W well I knew you were sorry for him but I didn't think you were going to fall for him well he's been having so much trouble and I thought he needed cheering up that's why I came with him in the first place there's something the matter Bud oh no everything's fine fine what do you think you're a kangaroo quit crabing come on let's let get another drink if you take one more drink I'm going to leave you flat go ahead I'm tired of hauling you around [Music] anyway you ain't got no ah shut up I can lift him with one hand come on SP pick him up come on now what a bunch of sissies what a bunch of suckers you mean oh like this is wonderful and maybe I underestimated your brain sure you know what you're going to get out of this honey a fur coat hey watch out for a do hey wait a minute it ain't all your dough I got 50 bucks in this and that's enough for a fur coat ain't it honey let me go [Music] ahead more more for your G paly give me a b straight get my palet drink too what's the matter can I be nice to you paly everybody else is I got to hunt you trying to make a dirty crack and don't know how yeah you always want one of those Smart Guys smart enough not to listen to you well maybe you ought to listen to me and wise up oh boy I need some more help okay tip off to a pal the G's making a chump out of you I had to tell Rod the only reason she came with you was because she was sorry for him shut up go ahead and ask her here they come ask her she said she was sorry for it everybody's sorry for you you poor sap bet you thought she came with you cuz she liked you huh shut your big trap will you no I won't shut up the guy that got away with killing my brother i' just like you to know what people think about you you poor unfortunate jump the rotten chis hey look at this and he went into them screws on the floor you chiseling crook give me back my hey let me good I never did like that makers maker pipe fitter pip bber makers hey bber [Music] makers hey where are you going fight yeah well I'll fight you [Music] Rod you'd better stop and they'll murder each other yeah I'll stop it who started it chipper Tim Scott and Bill Madden something about Tim's girl Tim started it I better get in there I won't have a man left to work come on you stay out of it you stay out here and I'll see what I can do [Music] what's the matter one of those boil makers he's got a wooden leg and I got a prank wooden leg so what so what why [Music] te the boiler maker po what a party fist it's got to kick like a mu this bottle ain't no soft drink either wait I got an idea you stand right here and hit him on a head as I pass him by [Music] Beau now hold the [Music] to me come on boys break this up FAS grab that for a spike and that stop the boiler maker start [Music] this keep at the [Applause] [Music] car police how's your head Sheriff no good your friends sure play rough they sure do you poor man hello Cassie Rod send you yeah well open up Sheriff we're bailed out ain't we nope Rod's sick of the routine you mean he's going to leave us here he's too busy to be fooling around with you guys this morning he said you can bail yourselves out sent you some clothes Tim we ain't got any do look this means 5 days Rod needs us he's got a big lifting job today well if he needs you he can get you out well I've got to go to work see you in 5 days brain Chie as soon as I get out of here I'm through for good I see what you mean women 5 days five days 5 days in a pig's eye we're getting out of here we're going down and collect our dough from the job and then I'm scramming with you getting out of here yeah that's just what we're doing you always carry that tool BT with you oh you never can tell when you're going to need it last night I needed it to rig pudgy [Music] everything kicked and tested yeah good that's our last heavy operation I'll be glad when that Cap's in place all already Rod okay clear away underneath and give blot the go signal yeah all set BL you can start lifting [Music] okay [Music] back in a second hello Jeff what are you doing here I thought you going to take a week off oh I know you were short-handed I'll say I'm short-handed half the crews in jail what a party they themselves there's one guy can stay in jail cuz if he comes out he's going back again who's that bill Madden the government inspector had me look at a section of the sphere that blew and you know what that no good Booz lapper did what he put his grinder on my weld till the shell was thin as paper no wonder it blew sure it was a grinder not a chipper sure as I'm standing here good that clears Tim I'll drop down to jail tonight and tell [Music] him 40 ton that c ways you bought the biggest lifting job they'll have gosh kind of makes me wish I was up there what's the matter you got cold feet no made up my mind I'm going with you we better hurry or they'll have Sheriff's all what are you two doing here waiting for our closing checks yeah I'll um I'll go see what's holding them up when I got you to go to work here Tim I thought it was going to do you some good but no you got to get in a beefs and why don't you stop your preaching and let me alone [Music] ja and the boom snake so if you're going to keep on being stubborn about it look you've got Marion now why don't you just leave it go at that why you stupid lung why don't one of the cables holding the Boom is snapped the lifting gear is stuck somebody's got to cut it [Music] Loose did you hear what he said yeah one of the cables has gone the others might go any [Music] minute boom Breaks Loose that cap will hit the ground Like An Earthquake we won't be able to get another one finished for 6 weeks this would happen when my high men are in a jug well there's only one thing to do what that go up there and cut that cable loose then we can let the cap Down Easy put new cables on a boom and finish a job give me a tool belt somebody here Joel get me a cut and [Music] torch that going up it's Rod hey that's a dangerous jum he ain't no high man he's the best he taught me all I know about it you high man yeah me jeez I never knew [Music] [Music] that [Music] watch those cables they sh any sign a give yell wish we could do [Music] something [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh Cable cable stagged him that boom's going to crash any second all right this time you won't get away Rob's up there can somebody do something hey hey stop come back here get the trackers on those other cables hang on them so they don't pull out too right hey where do you think you're going I'm going up there he can't go up there he can't [Music] can't [Music] oh [Music] l [Music] you's got to do it this [Music] time [Applause] [Music] the minute he gets Rod off of the boom and cuts it free tell bodet to let the cap [Music] down [Music] pleas [Music] [Music] it's time be lose [Music] come on F you're doing [Music] fine that rig will hold just a couple of [Music] minutes [Music] plet weather up the Boom he made it oh he made [Music] it [Music] hey how do you feel R yeah you came up and got me who else the best I man in the business that come this you Sheriff okay they can go I don't forget Tim after the honeymoon you got to come back and work that off you can't keep me away Rod goodbye Roden thanks for everything bye Mar goodbye goodbye goodbye good luck goodbye bye good luck goodbye good luck goodbye [Music] goodbye what a sense of humor just like my [Music] ex
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 134,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MOVIES, FILM, CLASSIC, DRAMA, FREE, #classicmovies, classic movies, Mary Treen, Action, classic movie, Movie, Phyllis Brooks, filmstruck, Robert Lowery, High Powered (1945), PUBLIC DOMAIN
Id: 8CpszXOqAKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 25sec (3685 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2013
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