High limit coin pusher season 3 episode 20

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to the coin pusher today we're doing a 500 buy-in we got 50 tokens 10 apiece so they got a great big old tower in there with some 500 chips on top of it a whole bunch of 20s i got those green jewels on there we got to get all 10 of those so we don't we don't win anything at all wish me luck and hopefully it all pays off for us seems like it's doing pretty good so far well that was all 50 of our quarters let's check it out so we got all right all right we got 1600 bucks so far nice we've already turned a pretty good little profit tokens we're doing amazing probably got 250 tokens i guess we haven't actually won anything yet because we gotta get all ten of those green jewels but as long as we get all those we'll be good wow this is doing really good oh my goodness nice very big old towers being stubborn that's for sure oh yeah i've cleared that off pretty good already old butterfingers oh that big old tire fell over nice i'm gonna grab some more tokens real quick we ran out of tokens wow we've made so much money holy mackerel holy mackerel still falling out well i didn't count it up but there's a quite a bit in there well we'll all add it all up the end hot diggity look at that we got probably 950 or a thousand tokens that should definitely get all that cleared off of there i think all right rudder fingers hope y'all having a fabulous day wow this is pushing real good so old butterfingers i see a green jewel down way underneath all those tokens right there yeah you should be able to see it now it's peeking out whole bunch of 20 stuck in there down inside of here they'll fall out eventually i think they will anyhow oh just made a couple hundred bucks maybe even a thousand i don't see any more of the green jewels up there there might be some hidden but looks like we might have got them all oh butterfingers looks like it's about 520 bucks or 540 bucks on there see if we can't get it oh yeah forty dollars to go all right this is a quick game right here it's real quick it'll take as long at all to make all that money [Applause] [Music] see if we can't get that last 40 bucks so so grab some more tokens real quick wow all kinds of stuff in here holy mackerel i just grabbed like five or six hundred just to keep us going see if we can't get that last 40 bucks off of there [Applause] it's getting close [Music] come on baby [Music] that's being stubborn all right i got a real quarter in there somehow must've been in that big tower or something i don't know i guess you don't see it there's a actual quarter right there follow it along for a little bit i don't plan on going after we get that 40 bucks though [Music] come on baby all right it was getting close took us i think longer to make that last 40 bucks than it did to make everything else let's grab a few more tokens oh it's getting real close come on wow it's just hanging on by a thread a couple more pushes all right we did it cleared that whole table i got 10 all 10 of the green jewels and well anyhow i'm going to tackle it all up be right back let's do how we did oh my goodness i had no idea there was 13 000 50 i just won there wow i guess i just didn't grasp how much was in there that's freaking awesome though that's some good money right there we got all 10 of the green jewels these guys are out here oh yeah so that's all profit we got there besides the 500 buy-in and we got oh yeah it's about they're about to fall over there's so many yeah they are kind of falling over so we're doing real good i'm happy not bad for a few minutes of work anyhow y'all like what you're saying do me a favor hit that like button and subscribe if you haven't subscribed and we'll see you on the next video y'all take care
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 44,944
Rating: 4.9133573 out of 5
Keywords: Coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, What the Hales
Id: mQhcHHSnP68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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