The ONI Files: The Arbiter (Halo Lore)

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are better known as The Arbiter is a being of impressive accomplishments from birth Thell was always Bound for greatness but his life has consisted above heroic and brutal Feats today we delve further into his history as we uncover everything we know about the sanghilli warrior that is oh born on the 10th of December 2485 Thal was brought into his world under the powerful House of the dam a family keep on saying Helios well known in history as a strong and Noble Warrior family from a young age thull was trained in traditional sanghili fashion pushing the limits of his mind and body by an elder of his clan Lac vadami lack mentored the young Elite and taught him the history of the vadan bloodline as well as sharing his knowledge of his own previous military career within the prophet's Covenant like most junglings of sanghelios thel was quick in learning the ways of a soldier and once finally coming of age he followed his mentor's footsteps and keeping the vadam nem into military tradition finally ableing to add the double e that accompanied military experience upon his house's name starting at the bottom of his military career Thal slowly worked his way up the ladder obeying the prophets and those under their reign following command of whatever orders were issued at the time most minor release before wartime was usually used for the bottom end jobs patrolling low Superior areas sent as scouting parties in search for relics and used for peacekeeping operations to any kigya or unggoy that teetered along the path of unfairfulness by 2528 the human Covenant War had already begun fell had worked his way up the ranks and had participated in the destruction of the human outer Colony World Madrigal and becoming a Zella beyond the inversion between the years of 25 28 and 2535 Fell's military service had granted him enough experiences Against Humanity to once again be promoted becoming shipmaster at a remarkably young age for the average senghili his home life would also grow in Pride becoming kaidong of his keep through voting by the house elders and finally gaining a wife to his name however not everything would be so easy and simple as fell would return harm to his keep from another trying tar within the Covenant a plot against him was in motion free sanghili assassins had made an attempt on his life all failing their mission and falling to Fell's blood due to their culture it was clear that someone from within the keep had tasked these assassins with the job so in order to stay alive fell confronted the elders and after a brief interaction it became clear that the Elder known as koida vadam had been the one in charge fell cut his head clean from his body warning any and all that dare attempt such deceit the Betrayal had brought great shame to kodai's Bloodline anthel ordered his kin to be banished from the damn keep soon after his kaidon duties the Covenant had requested for their shipmaster once again to command the retribution funder a destroyer-class vessel with orders to assist in the Battle of cherubis 9. a human outer Colony governed under the ueg in orbit of the planet was the UNSC do you feel lucky a destroyer-class ship likely there to broke a retreated between the UNSC and the ueg in attempt to gain allies and resources in the human Covenant War but the prophets of regret had likely tracked and uncovered that they could be holding key navigational data which could Aid the Covenant against the UNSC and her colonies as the battle roared across the planet fell a number of senghilay and ongoi under his command boarded the ship only to be in vain as the UNSC do you feel Lucky's crew had initiated the coal protocol purging all navigational data on the ship the remaining Covenant Fleet decimated The Colony whilst fell met with the high profit of regret upon the infinite sacrifice his personal Flagship and was immediately informed of a devious plot of Covenant Weaponry being modified from an outside Source the sources of which believed to be the kigia adopting the plasma pistols into more suitable means for humans to wield replacing Covenant language with numerical armor counters more fitting for humans the transgressions of such tampering amongst the covenant could not go unpunished and sothel had his orders and was sent to the 23 Libre system the same system that contained the previously decimated Madrigal within the system his mission was to discover the source of the weapon modification and Destroy any and all products of its desecration to Aid in his Conquest the prophet of regret had sent a kigia ship to accompany him known as the psalm every day commanded by a shipmistress the ship also held a brute Chieftain called peleus with his accompanying small Clan perk as the ships ventured to the system they would fly by the gas giant hessioid and eventually uncovering a small kigya and human collaborative system known as the rubble that had been built into the orbiting asteroids around the planet as they prepared for contact The Brute Chieftain peleus ordered an attack on the retribution's funder betraying fell and his Singh Healy crew the Gerald hanai's plan was to take credit for the rebels Discovery and by surprise attack he'd managed to disable fell ship leaving it defenseless peleus and the kigia mistress jumped out of the system the retributions funder was stranded quickly attacked and boarded by kigas scavengers from the rubble most of the crew had been killed and only a few survived the ordeal fell had woken up in a cell within the rubble after the battle and discovered that the kigya on the rubble planned to Ransom the sanghili although it wouldn't take long before the remaining crew of the retributions funder escaped their cells and hijacked a kigya shuttle evacuating the rubble and landing on hessioid's orbiting Moon metaset a methane-riched moon where a band of kigia pirates planned to breed their own Army of ongoi amongst the heavy atmosphere as fell landed with his surviving Elites he managed to find and interrogate the kigya in charge of the operation known as geff during the interrogation geff revealed that he had been sent here by the Prophet of Truth and that he was the one behind the modificated weapons using them by placing trackers inside to hopefully uncover deep Colony human planets including earth once fell had heard enough Geth escaped their grasp and with no other choice they boarded geth's personal kid girl readership infinite spoils a ship with a usable slipspace Engine That Could return them to the covenant-controlled space as they boarded the zhangili came across humans who had also boarded the ship some of which were rdsts and a notable Lieutenant by the name of Lieutenant keys but fell would only come in contact with his first ever demon a Spartan 2 by the name of gi-006 the two clashed as Jai began slowly overpowering him it wasn't until Fels accompanying sanghili managed to fire some shots at the Spartan and overwhelm the lawn demon spartanji006 retreated and escaped the ship after the conflict they would leave and be recovered by the prophets as the free hierarchy stood in front of them Fell's Klaus comrade who had been with him during the ordeal attempted to kill the Prophet of Truth due to his confusion in discovering his plans to work with the kigya inadmissibly working for the humans fell striked his comrade down without Mercy serving the prophet's life and being awarded a ship in the fleet of particular Justice and being promoted to Supreme Commander as the war between the UNSC and Covenant rod on Fell commanded his fleets of particular Justice throughout the years wiping out numerous UNSC and ueg Colony planets strategically devastating any human operating Neville units in spectacular decisiveness once Naval conflicts had been destroyed it would then lead to Relic search and Recovery Ops on most human worlds in which before glossing would begin fell would personally land to the surface and even come into close contact with UNSC forces often giving them the chance of a fair fight if found unarmed but in the end he would always win and the numbers would stack in the covenant's favor by the millions as Supreme Commander Fel Vladimir was responsible for the glassing of seven planets including reach as well as the decimation of 123 UNSC ships and the deaths of over an estimated 1 billion human lives from the unsc's initial discovery of vadamik his Target profile gained an infamy fast becoming the highest priority Target behind the profits within the UNSC and Oni multiple attempts on his life had been orchestrated by only Section 3 all failing at the end of his career as Supreme Commander as fell last reach he personally pursued a fleeing UNSC ship the pillar of autumn with only a small number of ships following through its slipspace trajectory and landing at the newly discovered Alpha hair law before the pillar of autumn due to a superior slip space engines whilst the remainder of his Fleet dealt with reach fell was tasked with preventing the humans from landing on the Halo but to his Avail the destroyed pillar of autumn forcefully crash-landed to the Ring's surface along with a Spartan 117 and His companion AI Cortana the bar of installation zero four began a profit of stewardship aboard one of the ships in the fleet ascendance Justice immediately tried claiming authority of the operation excusing fell by proclaiming that this had now become a religious matter but the test grew sour and Fell's mandibles and the power struggle grew between them with nowhere to contact high charity fell unhappy with the prophet's inexperienced and dangerous orders of his ground troops decided to launch a single boarding party onto the profit ship to relieve him of his duties but the unit was swiftly shut down before physical contact with the ship could be made with a now clear distinction of heresy fell began creating a strike force to breach the prophet's ship he was about to Embark with his comrades towards the ascendant's Justice when he was stopped by the arrival of spec ops Commander atas vadumi revealing to him the flood amongst the hair log ring with the flood now taking over the ring and the UNSC already landing on the Halo fell decided that the best course of action for survival was immediate evacuation ordering everyone on the ring to be scanned before boarding any larger vessels in hope to stop spread of the parasite fell continued his Strike Force onto the ascendant's Justice they found that the prophets had fled towards the surface in hopes to reach the Truth and Reconciliation the crew aboard ascendants Justice followed Fell's orders without hesitation and evacuated to safety as the prophet of stewardship landed he was quickly captured by remaining UNSC forces and pleaded through comms for rescue butthel refused and ignored the plea leaving him to eventually be consumed by the growing parasite with nothing left to gain from the Expedition Phil evacuated the system as Spartan 117 activated the pillar of Autumn's crashed engines overloading them and causing an explosion large enough to tear the installation into pieces with the sacred ring in ruins the hierarchs of the Covenant was bound to give the Supreme Commander more than a rough time through their cultures and traditions fellvatimi most likely knew that his action to safeguard Halo unsuccessfully would cause him a fair worse than death and from what he uncovered to us that Oni gave us Vital Information to his father's Supreme Commander and Rise of the Arbiter as well as the beginning of the great schism returning to high charity the prophets had already called the trial and in the eyes of all fell was stripped of his titles and branded with the mark of sheer his keep most likely taken over by a new kaidon his wife removed forcefully along with any kin he may have in most cases a situation of heresies such as this would have been led by example through the streets of high charity and his corpse would have been paraded through the grounds but the merciful Prophet of Truth had far more deceitful ideas in mind making him Arbiter would create a dead Elite once again useful and saw thel became the Arbiter a title recently taken away from a previous song healer known as Ripa morami from there Phil was forced to go on suicidal missions by killing another so-called heretic Cesar rafumi and recovering the previously destroyed Halo's Oracle a highly religious artifact from there he would be sent on another task of recovering the activation key for the second newly discovered Halo ring called an index as he did however the prophet of truth's full pluns for the Arbiter were finally revealed and instead of being killed on a mission he would be killed by the mission as a brute Chieftain by the name of Tartarus was ordered to personally kill and rid a fell casting him aside like a worn out toy before death could take hold it was the flood that had other ideas for him as the grave mind found and captured him along with a recently acquired Spartan 117. the two were spoken to in riddles by the higher intelligent life form before eventually being jumped from their current location to a much more effective area with the master chief being teleported to high charity to stop the remaining prophets and the Arbiter transported to the activation sites of Halo tasked with stop in The Brute Chieftain Tartarus from causing galaxy-wide suicide as he journeyed to the site he eventually bumped into a sergeant major Avery Johnson who was also on the side of not wanting to die by mass suicide the two worked together and eventually stopped Tartarus and his plans as well as rescuing a commander Miranda keys in the process for the first time in his life saved billions of human lives after a few days the remaining forces on Delta Hill are retreated and the Arbiter willingly followed the UNSC forces along with all loyal Elise that remained under his name the great schism had started and the elites were cast aside for the brutes but the blessing in disguise opened the sanghili's eyes and now the Arbiter along with his remaining sanghili ships regrouped to Earth in order to fight The Foreigner Dreadnought piloted by the maniacal Prophet of Truth and recovered the recently Fallen Spartan 117. sticking close with Sergeant Johnson the Arbiter joined on a search and rescue mission for the currently inoperative Master Chief a risky move on his behalf due to the fact that the master chief was still unsure if the elites would be trustworthy for Humanity even after the Schism but with the sergeant by his side that uneasiness was quickly set aside and fell had proven he was the most valuable Ally and as they progressed through the jungles of Africa they worked together stunningly the Battle of voy would follow suit not long after the recovery of Spartan 117 and fell would assist the UNSC on Earth fighting through truth's Covenant forces and pushing towards surrounding the encircled Dreadnought at voy the prophet however had in fact landed at Earth not to invade the human home world but uncovered the buried portal to the ark beneath the earth's crust with his objectives achieved the portal was activated and truth's Covenant fled through the portal after dealing with a surprise slip space jump from a flood-infected covenant Cruiser Chief and the Arbiter jumped to the ark where an operation to stop the activation of the Halo array would commence the battle of the Ark was bloody and brutal and only few were survived after stopping the profit and impaling the sunshume on his blood the Arbiter and master chief recover the human AI known as Cortana from a very recently crashed High charity with a super intelligence now on their side and that index key from the previously destroyed installation zero four the duo as well as sergeant Johnson reached a recently discovered replacement ring above the arc the Halo itself was still incomplete but activating the weapon would destroy the ring and all forces that remained around the arc surface preventing the flood from further spreading and destroying another Mass genocidal killing machine as they did so the Oracle of the old installation known as 343 Guilty Spark attacked the free in attempt to prevent premature firing of the Halo in its failure however the monitor was defeated but taking the life of Sergeant Johnson with him as they activated the installation Arbiter and the master chief raced for their lives to the nearest docked frigate to travel back through the portal above the ark to Earth after a death-defying warfog ride the two made it to the Forward Unto Dawn and managed to escape the explosion of The Replacements Halo ring however as the ship jumped through the portal only half of its carapace made it through the back half containing the master chief being jumped into unknown space the front half containing fell would crash land in the Indian Ocean where it was quickly intercepted and contacted by the UNSC rescuing forces and freeing the Arbiter from the broken vessel the human Covenant war was over and after attending a hero's ceremony avoi Bell left taking charge of the loyal sanghile under his command including atas vadum and returning home to sang Helios with the arbiter's return to sanghelios he began traveling amongst the states of his Homeworld giving speeches to each keep around the planet and trying to broker a piece between humans and sanghili one of the states he would visit would be umdarma keep he explained that he no longer felt as an Arbiter rather just a simple kaidon of the damn keep he told the Elders of andama that if they disagreed they had the opportunity to an assassination attempt to stop his form of his newly found government known as the swords of sanghelios In traditional fashion of course like all civilizations the elites would be divided with some states such as umdama forming a new age of Covenant under the rule of Jewel undama and following the old prophet's beliefs this eventually started a civil war on the planet with the sorts of Singh Helios and julum dharma's Covenant clashing relentlessly another song healing known as AVU Med Telecom started another religious faction known as Servants of the abiding truth and also disagreed heavily with thal's swords of sanghelios in casual spook fashion the Office of Naval intelligence took this growing conflict to their advantage arming the Servants of abiding truth to keep the sanghilli busy amongst themselves and giving the UNSC more time to build a defense against whatever future conflict could arise as Wars began to break out further across sanghelios Admiral Lord Hood contacted the outnumbered valve Dam offering assistance in fighting off the recently armed Rebellion Servants of abiding truth with few options left thull agreed and the UNSC Infinity along with an Oni Prowler known as UNSC Port Stanley paused as a kigia pirate ship covertly destroyed a small number of felder's ships this would in turn win the appreciation of the swords of sanghelios as well as discreetly destroy Mass Weaponry to further quell any attempts to creating another Fleet in the future it was clear that the UNSC and Oni were extremely cautious of the sanghilli due to the Past war and took no chances by keeping the war minimal and far from Earth and her colonies led to that year of 2553 fell would send his closest Ally atas for Doom on missions to the frontier colonies where he would discover a surviving prelate when Vadim contacted fell from his mission he explained the severity of the situation that transpired with the prelate and that he had help from a female sanghile atas expressed his desire to include such females into the swords of sang Helios as their skills were extremely effective during combat this led to Phil announcing female Elites for the first time insanghila history to be allowed into military service provided correct training as the sanghilli Civil War rod on more major problems would occur and in early 2555 the UNSC would contact Dell for his assistance to reactivate the portal back to the Ark in an attempt to stop whoever had activated the Halo array sequence once again the Galaxy was once again on the edge of Extinction and Spartan 117 was still MIA at the time the UNSC needed the next best thing but due to the climate of battle fell was preoccupied with keeping his keep safe to solve the potentially disastrous problem fell dispatched the swords of sanghillios Corvette named Mayhem crude by a number of sanghilli as well as a hiragog engineer to Aid the humans with work of both sanghili and Spartan teams the threat of the galaxy-wide extinction was once again neutralized in early 2558 fell attempted peace negotiations with the Gerald honai the UNSC intrigued by the prospect escorted the Arbiter with the UNSC Infinity and on March 5th the delegations met on Elon IV a previous old Covenant outer Colony Planet mainly used for the production of Plasma on an industrial level as the negotiations commenced including Lord Admiral Hood Captain last year of the UNSC Infinity Commander Palmer Gerald hanai Chieftain lydas and a small number of Spartan fours All Began talks about a potential truce and future Coalition between the species but before the meeting could truly take place they were ambushed by mercenaries of julum dharma's Covenant led by a shipmaster gajat as the battle commenced Chieftain lydas accused fell of betraying him but the notion was quickly dismissed as the Arbiter saved his life by striking a kigas sniper that had scoped the chieftain the small conflict would continue and eventually cease leaving the Arbiter unchievedon with a newfound respect for one another and the Covenant being a common enemy to Rally against the general hanai Clans under the chieftain lidas would follow command in truce with the swords whilst other Rogue Clans including the banished would not be so sympathetic to the cause after a few months of small excursions against the swords of Singh Helios julum Dharma ordered his Fleet to attack their Homeworld in order to remove fell from power and reform the New Covenant on sanghillios by October the attack began and with the fall of Jewel by only agent Jamison lock the faction quickly began to Splinter falling not only on the UNSC in sorts of Singh Helios forces but the rise of cortana's created had also become an overwhelming threat the Arbiter was eventually contacted once again by the UNSC This Time by the guise of Oni the Spartan fire team Osiris led by Spartan Jameson Locke was in need of assistance in hunting down the now potentially airwall Spartan 117. and saw an audience with the Arbiter was granted their team was escorted from the infinity to the planet and fought through remaining Covenant forces to the arbiter's position as the small victory was accomplished fell agreed to help the owner agent reluctantly but in fair trade his fire team would help the Arbiter with tackling the remaining Covenant amongst tsunion small City located above the Seas crushing the dang forces and giving fireteam Osiris an opportunity to once again pursue the now Rogue blue team fell and his men killed what remained of any Covenant forces and returned back to his military outpost on nusra with an injured Commander Palmer and a civilian human Catherine Halsey after a few days of a now disabled sanghili Force thanks to cortana's created he would once again make contact with the UNSC forces of both Osiris and blue team and reuniting with his old friend spartan117 the two reminisced and celebrated as they feasted for the death of the Covenant fell assured John they would once again fight along his side if needed against the created once the night was over the UNSC forces retreated from sanghillios being picked up by the infinity by the moon of subang as reports became hard to come by during the creatives rise Fell's history Beyond 2558 is very minute the only remaining documents include a sanghilli Spartan operation led by a Spartan 4 Olympia Vale in 2559 where they traveled to a hostile world of nephrop in an attempt to locating what could have been a key artifact in stopping the created but from there the file ends it's no surprise that the sanghelle had accomplished great things from his early life of military service to his rise as the swords of sanghillios leader he was on both the wrong and right side of history and whether you can agree with him or not he's the more good for the Galaxy than most hey everyone thanks for watching if you liked the video hit the thumbs up and boost this video on the YouTube algorithm for more Halo fans like yourself to get it recommended to them if you want to see more videos like this then subscribe to stay up to date with all the latest hello and what ifs that I write and if you just want to chat then the comment section is a great place to do so and if you want to become my personal stalker then go ahead and follow me on all my social medias linked below including a Discord server where Halo law enthusiasts just like you are discussing topics around the universe right now shout out to my loyal Patron that is corporal Hot Pockets and of course if you want to be a member go ahead and click in the link in the description it costs five dollars a month and you get to hear me say your name in the video which isn't a bad deal if you ask me all right that's it for this one peace
Channel: Reclaimer Gaming
Views: 35,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Halo, #Lore
Id: vjk0V8XiZ_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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