Hiding UNDETECTED In Preston's Office For 24 Hours!

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whoa whoa barn challenge hiding office for 24 hours home in the office so I've got to spend an entire 24 hours when the office is completely packed using advanced ninja strategies to navigate around without being seen okay it is Monday morning and I am at the office now now there is probably some people that are already inside I'm not totally sure but I've got to sneak in and this is one of the most dangerous pieces of this whole operation because I have no idea where anybody in the office is located right now but I've just got to go sneak in and then I know exactly what I'm gonna do next right here we are just gotta get inside all right first things first there's a couple things that I hid in the office last night to prepare exactly for this right now some rations in the first place is a place that nobody goes although I don't know why I'm literally the only person that does this the elevator I gotta get that opened up going side I got my chair set up close the doors now we should be totally safe now the only problem with the elevator is this if somebody does use it which nobody ever does then I'm stuck there's no way out I can't climb out through the ceiling I've tried that previously in the hide and seek even if you climb up here there's just the ceiling doesn't move it's stuck so this is a dangerous place to be but it also is an unlikely place for anybody to find me because everyone takes the stairs but me because your boys lazy hangs out in the elevator up and down I ride this up and down all day long but what I did this is the most important thing I'm getting off track rations rash and see your almonds loads of almonds because almonds are high-calorie loads of energy we're not gonna have any of those yet there's a few other things that I need the first thing is check out my other rations because I did put one thing in a location that is a little bit concerning you'll see why in just a moment but let's sneak over there and go check I don't see anybody in the hallway though let's go at the break room inside the kitchen I don't see anybody there I think the coast is clear Oh Cheetos cake but there's one place that I need to look this is where I put my rations one of them anyways and it's right inside the dishwasher because who's gonna check for food in the dishwasher let's see if it's still there it is my hot and spicy sausages smoked shorty sausages the best in the game and I'm gonna keep those there the dishwasher is empty right now I don't see anybody running it today the only thing I have to be concerned about is if somebody loads dishes in sees the spicy sausages takes them out and eats them I think that's enough rations for now I have one thing that I need to do because it's morning time everybody needs to have coffee but I better hurry up because somebody could show up at any moment in if I get seen my cover he is oh now I always keep my cup right here the pink one wake up and be awesome I love it so much let's get this up gotta put it in here and then coffee come and it Co garment yeah coffee's gonna start coming out in there soldier well the coffee's brewing I better stay down see just peeking in the kitchen if I'm up too much this is the plan get my coffee because I gotta get some caffeine in the system now if you're too young for caffeine don't drink it but if you're an old fart like me uh-huh the back's hurting the knees are weak you've been on this earth one too many years you got to have some coffee in your system we're gonna get the coffee and then Barney should be coming into work shortly once he gets here him and I are gonna have a meeting because we need to discuss the plans and how we're gonna execute the day but for now first things first coffee look how creamy it is on top - oh really hot it's always really hot right when it gets off the pot I'm gonna go wait in Barney's room until he comes in and then we'll have a meeting we just got to sneak up there the problem is Barney is on the second floor everybody's on the second floor except for half the team half the teams on the first floor half the teams on the second floor someone's coming in the downstairs door right now come on go go go go go go go go go go there's the stairs right there this is one of the most dangerous things we're gonna do all day come on cramp in my leg cramp cramp Oh stretch the leg out I'm white out in the open I've got to get out of here fast Oh coffee still way too hot just through that door right there just ignore them for that nobody seen me yet Barney's office is right there I'm just gonna make it run for it and hope that nobody sees me this video doesn't go out then you'll know I didn't make it well then you wouldn't know that I didn't make it because the video never went out here girls Barney dude what took you so long are you in the office already I'm ready for like an hour and a half wait I thought you were gonna show up after me after I got situated and then we were gonna lay out the plans for the day what do you mean situated he what Barney I'm hiding in the office all day today I thought I told you we can't do that today we got too much stuff to do what do you mean too much stuff to do I saw the entire day hiding from everyone in the heat this coffee is so hot you tell that coffee is way dude I told you we got to do that another day today we need a few shoes we need it in chutes today yeah how am I supposed to be on camera and stay hidden the entire time Barney dude you're never listening to me key that's besides the point Barney all right hold on just need Barney you don't understand how stressed I am I barely got my coffee this morning good thing all my rations are around rations what happened to the 30 minute conversation we had last night about this can't go down today we did have a conversation I forgot Barney I forgot all right I woke up this morning and I just knew I had to come straight to the office and get started on hiding and sneaking around but that doesn't matter anymore Barney we're on the mission right now sometimes in life it throws you a curveball you're just gonna take that curveball put it in your back pocket and run with it all right Barney okay but that's stealing whatever let's go what it's not stealing if you remember to give it back eventually dude I got a lot of work now you tell me I gotta cover for you all day no you're not gonna cover for me no one's gonna see me what don't you get about there's so much work to do today someone asked where I am just tell him I was homesick and I won't be involved in any shoots or anything like that okay whatever you want to say Barney can I say I'm fine whatever you are one stubborn horse this is the plan Barney I've got to go find out where I'm gonna be hiding I need a main hub somewhere that I can return to an age q all right well do you want me to cover for you while you go some hide somewhere cover for me cover for me Barty Amber's right there yeah that's her office yeah yeah yeah I'll be there in a minute Presley can't wait I'll be there a minute wait this is good actually eleven o'clock she'll be done you'll be gone I'll be free everyone in the office will be in a meeting and I'll be able to find my HQ alright Barney just left for the 11 o'clock meeting this should be a good opportunity for me to be able to get to my age cubes gotta get out the door copy there why is the door so creaky okay I made it into the elevator no I've thought about the entire office and the elevator is probably gonna be the best place to have my HQ because no one uses it like I said I'm the laziest in the office I hardly do anything and that's why I use the elevator because I'm too lazy for the stairs on a regular basis I made a huge mistake when I was going around and showing you all my rations I should have grabbed them there's no reason for me to have the rations around the office I need them here in the elevator with me which means we've got to go on a recon mission ready three two one go go go go go go sausages deluxe roasted nuts almond milk okay I come around sneak back to HQ open the elevator door oh my gosh okay guys meeting just got out it was a long one and in the middle of that meeting I got a text message from Keith saying come meet at the HQ obviously I don't know what that means so I asked him what that meant and he said that elevator so he made the elevators HQ he wants me to come meet him there for some sort of briefing or something like that so i'ma go to the elevator and see what's up but I really wish Keith wouldn't have done this on a day that we were so busy I hear somebody outside someone's coming in the elevator no no no no no Oh morning get in here what do you think you're doing you told me to meet you at the headquarters okay Barney House meeting go it's good dude there's stuff no they're asking where you were there was a lot important to tell them I was sick yes kita I told they're sick but I still think this dude what does one find you and then they find out we're lying what do you mean Barney no one's gonna find out we're lying what the heck you are what the head you brought down later bro so my rations Barney you got all these nuts oh man I'll keep all my milk supposed to be in the fridge okay well all right that's my man coffee tastes so off I put some on the line too far in here no Barney it's probably the almond milk outside the fridge keep on believing what else do you need from me wait a second if I drink bad almond milk oh I might actually get sick yeah and if you go I have to go to the toilet then you're for sure getting caught you're not getting out with me in the elevator burning Keith I talk we have so much work to do today and I'm covering for you so I better go do some work all right I got an idea you give me the camera and I'll spy on people to see what they're doing when they don't know anyone's watching well check on everyone in the office while you're working all right well if you get caught I'm telling everyone that you actually told me you're sick of me you I go all of us Barney I'm not getting caught there's no way I get caught get me out of here did Barney see you yeah thanks for making me do all this work all right it's time to go see what everyone's up to in the office there's oh she definitely almost saw me look at Billy is levitating a ball right now how is he that is absolutely insane how in the world did he do that let's see what's going on downstairs right now currently there's a meeting going on in the main conference room and Shane's office is closed let's go see what Barney is up to during the day when nobody's watching all right super quietly what is he doing how many candles does he have that wait a second I cannot believe this did you see that he's definitely looking at place to Seattle Seattle's were both Barney and I are from that's our hometown he's looking at flights right now and neither him nor I have talks about flying home Barney must be planning a trip back home without me Barney if you're gonna go home I'm booking a trip too I know exactly the dates that you're flying now Barney I cannot believe I caught you doing this Here I am back in my office though oh my gosh it's a complete mess I left shirts out I got more shirts there and Susie's here it might have been a bad idea to get myself in the office though now it's dangerous to get out because the door is closed never know walking out into an open area who could be standing right outside let's start with just peeking out and see if anyone's there oh my gosh I have the creepiest door in the entire office I didn't see anybody there all in a meeting right now inside the bullpen I can get back to HQ really quick reconvene and then figure out some fun stuff to do to pass some time oh I know what I need to do let's get to HQ first though okay guys it's time to check on Keith so busy all day what's he doing nothing close the door close the door buddy I came in here for a real specific reason and then as soon as I got in here I forgot with every tweet I know what it is Barney I need to have pillows and blankets at some point I'm gonna need to go to sleep I don't know what I'm gonna get an opportunity to go out and grab stuff again okay cool oh I'll let you keep doing your stuff wait no Bernie Bernie Bernie buddy buddy buddy buddy no Barney's staying here what do you need close the door I need you to go get the pillows and blankets Barney oh ho busy Bernie the more I walk around the more chances it is that people can find me come on I'm doing your work and I'm helping you smarty I am doing our work this is literally what we do fine fine fine I'll get your pillows and blankets okay okay guys Keith as clearly doesn't get the message I'm busy today and he wants me to go around and get himself a pillow and blankets and stuff like that we're gonna quickly take care of this so that I can get on to the work I'm so busy today then I gotta be doing got in one of these pillows you know a priority it's a buddy if he's gonna be staying in there all night so let's get him teddy we got a pillow we got Teddy and now we need blankets oh look we're getting one of these pills too oh gosh I can't barely hold all this stuff okay guys drop this stuff off and then you know what oh I found a TNT block that'll be good too but I think what we're gonna do is I'm gonna actually get keep the peace style stuff for blankets cuz I don't think we have any blankets in person Murch works just as good done they're done guys welcome to the Murch room look at all the merch we got so I think what we want to do is we want to start off with one of these red and hoodies perfect and then I'm gonna keep going with the hoodie theme guys look at that guys peace tiles pizza hoodie there one more hoodie should do it we got the tie-dye flame right here pom pom alright guys I got the hoodies right here I got all this stuff let's go give this up the key hey what are you doing dude you're right in the middle of the hallway anybody could see you right now that's Teddy be careful dude what a party you seem kind of stressed out right now I know party gettin gettin gettin gonna get in good movie movie that's the most stressed I've ever been using the bathroom before my life what do we got Barney okay so pillow TNT Boxford pillow and defense defense good idea I like where your minds at Barney and then I got you peace tiles pizza hoodie okay few styles tie-dye fire hoodie what and a few Styles red hoodie that's the best part of the whole thing and then sorry Teddy I didn't mean to say that right in from your face then I got you Teddy his backs a little broke but he's so good wait wait wait wait Barney what about a blanket that's my stuff right there's blanket for you hoodies geekdad no blankets in the office what do you want me I'm not the miracle maker my gosh okay that's all right Barney thank you so much for doing this for me Barney I really really appreciate it running out for a bit though Barney no key this stinks in here okay see you later hey dude keep up the good work let me get that alright here's a GoPro where's Keith what price Keith did it I told you in the meeting earlier that he's out sick today no that can't be I swear I hope somebody in the bathroom singing and I swear Barney impressed are talking right outside the elevator door right now bryceton oh let me see in the bathroom they're right out there dude he's not here today flori he better show up Preston needs me to shoot that's what's going on he's you were singing in the bathroom what do you mean Preston's out you're interrogating me about you saying I know Barney I always sing in the bathroom keep just supposed to be incognito they're supposed to be hiding around dude can't let anyone find what did they say you needed before a 4:00 p.m. shoot I told you we're so busy what are they filming is there gonna be candy okay I don't know if there's gonna be candy look there's handy Barney we should cancel the 24 hours hiding in the office so I can go eat some candy no no no no you ain't canceling this thing end of day after I've done all your work you're doing this thing all night long baby all right well what did you tell him did you tell him I use the bathroom you ain't here throat mouth you're singing in the office kid you're gonna get us caught if I get Carmen I've been covered for you all day okay right I get in trouble okay all right just got to wait a little bit until people leave the office then I'll be able to spend some time outside the elevator oh my gosh Wow I just took the biggest nap apparently no one found me yet I don't know how long I was napping for let's go see oh just be real real careful what if so dark out I think everyone's gone there's nobody here did no one go in the elevator how long did I sleep for what time is it oh my word it's almost 10 o'clock wait did Barney leave without me you didn't even bother to say goodbye you just left at the end of the day that's a bummer Barney how could you leave without me that's all right you're not leaving without me on that ticket to Seattle I mean I guess just go to sleep back inside my bed I guess ah guess I'll just go back to sleep until morning time plan is wake up early get out of the office before anyone gets here and then go home and get a quick showering because I'm gonna be smelling pretty bad I can already tell thank you so much for watching and I hope you have a blessed day [Music]
Channel: Bahri Mobile
Views: 288,981
Rating: 4.8897638 out of 5
Keywords: hiding, office, preston, prestons office, hiding in prestons office, undetected, sneaking, sneak, 24 hours, hiding for 24 hours, 24, prestonplayz, tbnrfrags, bahri, bahri mobile
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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