Survive FROZEN, Win A FREE Tesla! - Challenge

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keep challenged what is it Barney survived in a completely frozen pool oh okay you managed to survive that burgers like three hours a little bit give you mundus and my dead room okay I'm not even gonna do like these mutts are great I think the test is pretty good too but he pest is going crazy dude the test is worth way more there's no way you can make three hours ah we'll see so although this might be one of the coldest challenges yet stepping into a completely frozen pool and all I'm feeling fairly confident that I'm gonna conquer this challenge and win myself a brand new Tesla okay so we got the pool set up here we got all the ice laying around the back here this pool is gonna be more frozen than a popsicle Barney thinks it's difficult but you can look ain't no way you're gonna do it Keith Barney you can see my sweat lines it's like a hundred degrees oh you're not gonna be sweating once that whole pool look how much ice we got that is the goal Barney this is the best challenge for a 100 degree Texas summers and not only that I get to do an easy challenge and I get to win a Tesla because neither Barney or Preston thinks that it's actually possible for me to complete this oh it's gonna be a breeze baby I think you're getting a little confident Keith what do you mean confident but I think you're in a little confident I think it's gonna be harder than you thought I was never one to be overconfident yes you are we talked about Keith that's like 50 pounds ice okay well it's a lot more than 50 pounds of ice Barney we have like a thousand bags of ice this is only a quarter of what we got we are going to freeze this pool frozen solid but this is what we got to do first is I'm gonna fill this pool up with a little layer of ice then we're gonna add some water so that water freezes with the ice and then hey you know what I think if you talk this much while you're in the pool maybe you'll keep your body warm Barney I'm gonna be talking a whole lot because I'm gonna be a nice cool room temperature with the hot Texas summer and the freezing solid ice pool although it's gonna be easy let's get the hose let's get this baby full and let's get rockin and frozen [Music] [Music] she's looking for Keith I just put my hand in it she is called that is 101 bags of ice inside this pool right now let me just give it a little test you know what we need to do now get the water in there get the hose get the hose Barney this thing is gonna be one solid block of ice so the challenge is gonna be once we get the water in I've got to switch into my swimsuit fast enough that I can get in before it all freezes around me Barney so it's running get the hose all right funny I got the hose brother fill er up this is going to take a second but as soon as this sinks full I am ready I am busting up a sweat right now Barney stand back I know I'm sweating that's a lot of time there all right looks like we got a lot to do okay keep a firm hand on the jet because this thing's about to take off down its face if we're not careful Barney keep you gonna be freezing do it how we gonna run the channel what's your frozen in a block like Walt Disney's well then probably up to wait two to three hundred years if I do get frozen then I'll freeze me and I'll see the future so it's all upside to two three hundred years Keith this is Texas you're probably gonna fall in 50 minutes yeah I know that's exactly the reason why this challenge could be so easy Barney once we get the norm we'll get a mighty cool Keith oh it's real nice in there though Barney that's a good that's flush except it's right there all we need is some strawberry flavor and in what POW got yourself an ice cold Wow Wow full-body slushy baby last bag this is it right here right oh this pool completely full of water we've got all the rest of the ice in there and we dug into our back supply and gut 200 pounds more ice 200,000 because I know I'm about to be driving home in the Tesla doubt it all I got to do Barney before the pool freezes I got to get my swimsuit on and I got to get back out here and I got to get in that frozen pool we're all set to jump in but before we jump in we're gonna give a little temperature test on this bad boy now this thermometer goes all the way down to 32 degrees Fahrenheit that is freezing so we're gonna see if we've reached that freezing point with this water right here power on and then we're gonna set her in the water she takes just about Turner towards Mickey oh my god lower than 32 that's for sure this water is cold and boy am I excited just one last thing Barney gotta get my sunscreen on because I'm not so worried about the cold but I am worried about them UV rays busting up my skin oh yeah covered up four three two get in baby oh she's a little cold oh she's little she's a little cold all right time starts it's cool Barney it's cold all right we got this so we're kicking it off check back with me in just a couple minutes we'll see how the first few minutes ago wait we're not done yet key what do you mean I got you floaties oh my gosh I got you little oh wait that's not a little key what do you mean in case you might have before I go oh my gosh we got goggles let me get these bad boys on taking this challenge off straightaway okay Keith it's been 10 minutes how you feeling bits already I'm cruising along Barney I tell you're faking it let me tell you when you first jump in the shock factor is there but a feud after you acclimate I see that you stuttered already cue my Barney I just playing with you Barney no I think I got this this is it's pretty cold I'll tell you that but it ain't cold enough to scare Buffy the invincible that's what that's not what they call me I think if you weren't in there it would actually be turned into a block of ice right now I've body temperatures heating it up Barney so in a little bit I think about the 30 minute mark we're gonna have to start adding some more ice because I got a hot body not hot body it's gonna warm this pull up into a cup of hot chocolate real fast so it's hell then Barney it's just playing in the ice no I'm saying you just got to move it around something about the water moving around definitely makes it much much much colder just remoter to breathe Keith and if you freeze to death that's not good for business I'm planning not to freeze to death I'm gonna survive this for sure so uh-oh take it down below guys hash tag Keith can do it yeah and this Tesla proce not keep can do it say Keith gets the Tesla comment down below Keith gets the desk lock because I don't want to do this three hours in this frozen bath below freezing right now this is gonna be the easiest Tesla I ever won Barney how many pencils e1g how's it going it's going so good Barney so far what is it like 45 minutes down almost an hour down dude I said seem like it's a melt and it got a lot cooler three I'm rice I think we need to add some more ice let's add some more ice Barney bring it in there you go keep Ripper wide open let that ice fall into that pool oh yeah got it open it a little more Barney hold on look at that with the charity look at this huge block of ice right here it's a chunker watch the splash watch the splash you're like swimming in the Antarctic right now this is colder than the Arctic Barney the Arctic don't have ice floating in it come on I've seen it it's like springtime palm trees and sunshine in the Arctic this is worse this is colder than Mars space no one survives in space except for the undefeated to two-time okay keep your feets is looking a little purple ah no it's just a side effect at the cold water Barney nothing to be worried about hey Bo for all three hours all right all right dude don't push it I'd rather have two legs on my brother than one Tesla well I'd rather have a test so that a body well keep I tell you what bro I've been looking through that window and you move you're shaking no all right Barney I can't move my legs I'm doing it right though but you know what I need Barney did you make me a hot drink hot drink spill what like an hour and a half yeah my legs hey dude you need me careful bro all right I know I know Barney but I'll tell you what if I just get like a hot tea I know Bri impressed and hold on to a lot of T's if I get like a warm tea I think I'm gonna be set for the next hour and a half Barney I'm half way there I got just half way to go Barney we need to add another piece Hoss to this pool Barney let's get another chunk ice in here real fast make sure that this thing stays below freezing the entire time so I can officially follow it all regulations complete the challenge but Barney this is me trying to move my toes the best that I can that's the best Keith that's not a good sign I know Barney but it's gonna be alright I just need some hot tea a little more ice and a free Tesla all right keep be careful bro I know Barney this one the last one went on that side so let's put this one I'm starting to regret this challenge a little bit yeah I think you're gonna get hurt no I'll be fine Barney I'll be totally fine you can't even move your toes I just need some tea a nice warm cup of tea I'll be all right I'm gonna make your tea I'll be right back okay Barney I'll see you in a moment don't be gone too long I'm happy a frozen iceberg at that point guys I'm sweating cuz it's still hot out there but kids in this freezing ice for a little too long I hope he doesn't try and push it too far and end up hurting himself but in the meantime I'm gonna throw some tea on get him a hot drink and maybe that'll warm up his insides and get him through the rest of this challenge okay guys I got the water going it's gonna be boiling pretty soon and then I'm gonna throw one of these tea bags in it and then we're gonna get this the case because he needs it I know keeps in trouble all right guys I got Keith's hot tea right here just gonna dunk it a few times whoo she's hot she is hot all right I know he's gonna love this oh my gosh keep your shivering I know I know it here well it's hot how hot is it it's hot here dude you put more ice in Quinto I've had it the extra bags dude I think the extra bags are doing something keep I don't know if this is good free bro I got you what do I have luck 45 minutes it's way too hot I can't hold it by I can't hold the cup of tea Keith I don't like his man I can't even sit the team give me 15 minutes Barney I think once I get the tea down that'll be good okay you got this bro 15 more minutes and you got this Barney I got all the tea down did it out it's not healthy I don't know forget you 45 more minutes Barney I need some motivation heating you should use decides the worst part is the Sun is setting I used to have some sunlight my feet I keep it's not worth it bro it's not worth that you should just get out man but I want the tests are so bad party come on focus you gotta take it one minute at a time Marnie I could do the woman any time you got it bro 45 more minutes left somewhere around there I'm so frozen Keith your hands are purple or pull knuckles but the Tesla Barney the Tesla it's not worth it Oh rather buy your sirness five more bits 45 more minutes 40 45 minutes buddy I'm sorry I failed us apart I can't do it it's okay just get out get out okay get your wet shirt off Keith take your white shirt off I'm gonna go get you a blanket hold on hold on hold I can't straight to my leg south party I told you went too long bro warty do not do this at home I don't think it really possible I heard it three hours I thought it was gonna be easy hot Texas summer day warm Sun up a bump I was pretty confident that I was gonna be able to do all three hours okay okay Keith you just keep breathing keep breathing good get your blanket okay towels blankets you know any blankets we need warm you up I just gotta wait for my legs to thaw out I feel like you've seen in the movies like in Rocky when he's like in the freezer Barney forget it let's do this Barney I can't believe I kissed shave my back my back is completely frozen you like The Hunchback of Notre Dame look how cold I am let me at least Drive Ruston's Tesla back to him so he thinks I boy although I don't know if I could drive right now I'm gonna have to warm up for maybe an hour or two and then I'll be able to drive how you feel Keith so cold now I'm having this weird reaction where all of my body from like here down has a massive tingling sensation and my feet feel like a furnace right now something about blood circulating back through your body might have to get these toes check too but it's gonna be hilarious if we trick Preston some again in the and drive honestly I pretty much did it - like 30 minutes alright Barney hop in thank you for everyone that watched the video I hope you had a good time I'm gonna go thaw out like a frozen pig from the freezer and I hope you have a blessed day [Music]
Channel: Bahri Mobile
Views: 466,737
Rating: 4.8730755 out of 5
Keywords: frozen, tesla, challenge, ice bath challenge, ice bath, free tesla, freezing, win, cold, ice, ice pool, survive, survive frozen, survive frozen win a free tesla, bahri, bahri mobile
Id: Bln5K6RnAQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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