Dancing 24 Hours Straight For $10,000!

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he challenged ones in for 24 hours in all that money's yours what is this like 10 grand yeah it just so turns out that dancing is one of my favorite things so on top of being entertaining this challenge is about to be a breeze ready key I'm ready Ronnie you don't have any supplies what do you need supplies I mean 24 hours is a long time dude when I got music running through my veins all I need is a pair headphones which actually if I had something that was a little more tech you also need a phone key you can't listen to music top with the headphones Barney I always keep my phone on all right bro let's get ready wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh I'm almost ready Barney I'm almost ready I'm almost hurry up hurry up hold on hold on hold on hold on this is gonna go so smoothly did you charge your phone I didn't charge my phone three no two one go dance okay all right Keith you can't stop for 24 hours can't stop for 24 hours those aren't very good dance moves do it what would it be what they're not very good dance miss wait I kind of want to stop when I talk I just gotta keep dancing yeah don't stop bro all right Barney it's all brother oh we bust it we bout to get down OH let's go hey hey what you still didn't beat me oh we're gonna stop there you want to hey dude you still need a dance because we got to work to do so you're gonna have to just dance at your dance I got a dance well working yeah wait I thought I was just dancing all day no bro okay I could probably figure that out oh it's way better when I got my headphones in Marnie all right let's go to my desk I don't even is there I don't see anything on the schedule today Barney other than the answer I guess okay ladies and gentlemen this video is sponsored by rise of kingdoms and it is sponsors like this that make bringing you content every single day possible rise of kingdoms is a completely free mobile game and the best part now your boy by II as an empire of its own I chose the Ottoman Empire and I started out as a wee little baby but because of the seamless instructions tutorial an impeccable voice acting OOP please poop us I moved along very quick now raza kingdoms does it right with millions of players from around the globe having all the action battling NPCs and players take place on one map you could try to find me but hurry up because I'm getting stronger and stronger by the day sending my scouts out to explore more of the map defeating other kingdoms so if you think you have what it takes to take down Bob free download it right now you have nothing to lose you're not spending any money and on top of that bonus it click the link in description right now come and find me try to take me down here let's get back to dancing I don't think I'm in the mood for work right now let's go see whatever what do you mean let's go see what everyone else is up to don't stop dancing [Music] Oh what are you doing in here what are you gonna win there just dance a rope you gotta get out of here Oh oh hey wait get out of here stay out Preston why are you dancing that's just creepy guys I didn't expect Keith to be having this much fun dancing all day trust me this would not be a challenge that I would enjoy but he seems to be thoroughly enjoying it and he's kind of skirting off work today why why is this always happen to me I challenge him to something then he just takes advantage of me all day long and now hey hey what's up party what are you doing bro I mean what am i doing oh-oh-oh carefully right ah what are you what am i doing Bart why are you dancing elevator cuz the other girl goes up and down well I'm going up and down the elevators going up and down wait where are you headed I'm finishing our work you have a meeting to go to you got a meeting where's meeting yet you want me to begin Oh keep your beat ah I can entertain no meeting buddy no no you this wait we don't we don't go along I'm go alone morning right no I'll take the stairs see you later that meetings done I'm working double time today you know how it is you know how boring he doesn't I take care hey hey what are you doing the kids alright what you're doing that's the last one oh yeah looks like you alright hey that's mine no Barney I gotta keep these energy levels up all day long okay I'm working the whole day long cuz you just out your plane and dancing all day long this is what we do we make videos so when I'm out of there dancing for 24 hours it's for the video I'll work it Marius speaking of work we get this all set up here I can't I've never cooked well dancing you won't eat the last night before the after everything I do tell you what Barney we'll split wait actually I'm gonna be first cuz I've been burning a lot of calories running that meeting was a long time I need you and I was in that meeting away me go to the store and get some water for me fine Keith I'm going to the store I'll get water and then when you get back we'll split the macaroni you down for that okay okay if we gonna split the macaroni that I'll do it for you okay yeah okay all right we're you're in target because Kate needs water I don't know how he's made it this far honestly without drinking even one sip I don't think I've seen him with any water but we're here I'm gonna get two huge cases of this stuff in I got a little something actually that's gonna help them with the cramps we are here at the bananas for those of you guys that don't know bananas are the key they have tons of potassium and they got sugar too which is gonna help them with all that activity that he's gonna be doing dancing but this is really gonna help because potassium helps with cramps and keep the you really build out on the last $10,000 challenge so I'm gonna try and give them an extra boost I need to make it all the way guys down below hashtag kid can do it [Music] [Music] where the heck's keep that got them all this water they just goes disappears on me you better not to eat that macaroni what I'll do it for now well I'm gonna check the elevator cuz that's where he was last time I'm telling you guys I'm getting tucked pull all this weight around your keys just having fun and ah it's empty you know what guys I might be going off on him a little bit cuz he might be in his office actually doing some work darn it okay his office not the elevator my office maybe he's just chillin in the orange champ cake where'd you go yo Keef really knows how to work my nerves I'm trying one more spot and if I can't find him I'm not bringing him this water you can't cramp up for all I care okay call prints from he's gotta be in here yep knew it Bakey hey what's corny here's your water grove Keith you're making me through so much oh the toss was there Marnie you're making me just so much work right now bro this is crazy Oh Maggie gonna make me watches wrinkle oh you're really drinking that bottle of water dude you have a big dance in hard huh I thought of a great idea you're gonna go and work we're gonna go a quarter music video what what better time to make a music video and while I'm dancing all day let's head out to the parking lot open space with the car we'll go out there we'll ghost ride the whip it'll be epic Barney you ready ready alright guys I got the car here I'm at the music video spot I'm actually super stoked about this this is the funnest part of this day for sure issuances I think Keith might actually be dancing all the way out here look guys I was right oh my gosh I've been waiting minutes Ted 20 minutes at least key you can't even hear me he's just headphones in having the time of his life I did not think this was gonna be the easiest challenge for him [Music] Kate hey you almost matched the car let's just lost the car party you must practice hard oh look how close it is to the pool oh my gosh we only have like 5 feet Barney that's like less than 3 damn over music video dear no more music video yeah I really need I need some water alright let's go back to the office get some water dude over here I'm so sweaty bye you take the car Barney I'll catch you there oh my gosh guys he's still dancing how is he doing this I can't believe he's not burnt out by now you might actually do this guys I'm just gonna let him go all the way back dancing I can't believe he's making it this far I'll meet him at the office funny there you are oh you're working up a sweat Keith where did you put the water Barney water's down in the kitchen keep being Preston and me need to go check out something that happened at his house or something like that so I'm gonna be gone for a little bit okay do they have okay I can't even think straight Barney I need water yeah water's downstairs in the kitchen alright okay guys Preston said that I gotta go over to his house pronto he sent me something like a mergency message I got no clue what's going on but I gotta tell you I'm a little bit excited to be hanging out with Preston instead of hanging around Keith these dances so much it's making me embarrassed I told him he has to record everything so that I can check back in make sure he didn't take a break Barney left but he said I had to keep the GoPro running in order to prove that I was dancing the whole time I honestly I didn't want to mention anything to Barney but I've been getting some cramps but this is so Barney knows that I've been dancing the whole time so thirsty water water here we go device wow it's really hard to drink water and keep dancing Oh cramp cramp oh okay stretch out the leg huh I'm so tired I know what I need coffee I need coffee I gotta get a coffee mug cake look at the coffee mug is dancin open that up coffee right here straight down oh you could see me dancing back there caffeine let's go oh my gosh she's giving Oh back another cramp back cramp ah yes she's all done how am I gonna drink this oh I do I'll do the stanky leg move in leg move in sipping way too hot all right I got the coffee down oh my gosh my calories burned must be like over 9000 I've been sweating all day long cramp cramp cramp great great great all right guys press teachers showed me the best enemy ever we watched a few episodes and now I gotta go back and check on Keith because there's a lot of money on the line and if Keith is breaking the rules then he's not getting that $10,000 so let's go back there and check on Keith but a day with President anime yes party key Bernie you stopped dancing no no Barney dude I got such a bad grip $10,000.00 gone no party I'm still dancing look at this arm buddy pull my leg dude oh sorry sir oh you stopped dancing right there you stop dancing kilos dude I totally forgot to Keith you know what what I bought you a ton of bananas that I forgot to give you I thought you're gonna be dancing all day you're gonna get cramps all over Marina potassium would have saved me [Music]
Channel: Bahri Mobile
Views: 46,016
Rating: 4.940166 out of 5
Keywords: 24 hours, dancing, challenge, 24 hours straight, dance, dancing 24 hours, 24 hour challenge, day, $10000, money, money challenge, Bahri, Bahri Mobile
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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